117 research outputs found

    El rol de la inteligencia emocional en el rendimiento en escalada

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    Purpose: To investigate the association between emotional intelligence (EI) and self-reported climbing ability. Methods: Redpoint climbing ability was used as an indicator of rock climbing performance and EI were assessed as ability and a trait using two different questionnaires MSCEIT and SSEIT in forty-three climbers (15 females and 28 males). ANOVA was used to analyse differences between male and female and advanced and elite climbers in EI parameters in both questionnaires. The analyses were also adjusted by age using ANCOVA. Results: Linear regression analysis revealed that there are no differences between trait EI and climbing performance, but we found the component `Facilitation Thought’ of EI measured as ability was inversely associated with the highest red-point ability. Conclusion: Our results suggest that elite climbers do not use their emotions to facilitate thinking as much as expert climbers, which is positively related to performance. Future researches should direct to investigate how elite climbers manage their emotions.Objetivo: Investigar la asociación entre la inteligencia emocional (IE) y el nivel de escalada autoinformada. Método: Se usó el nivel de escalada ensayado como un indicador del rendimiento de la escalada en roca y se evaluó en cuarenta y tres escaladores (15 mujeres y 28 hombres) la IE como habilidad tanto como rasgo, utilizando dos cuestionarios diferentes MSCEIT y SSEIT. Se utilizó un ANOVA para analizar las diferencias entre los escaladores masculinos y femeninos y avanzados y élite en los parámetros de IE en ambos cuestionarios. Los análisis también se ajustaron por edad utilizando un ANCOVA. Resultados: El análisis de regresión lineal reveló que no hay diferencias entre el rasgo IE y el rendimiento en escalada, pero encontramos que el componente´facilitación del pensamiento´ de IE como habilidad estaba inversamente asociado con un mayor nivel de escalada ensayada. Conclusión: Nuestros resultados sugieren que los escaladores de élite no usan sus emociones para facilitar el pensamiento, en relación con los escaladores expertos, lo que se relaciona positivamente con el rendimiento. Las investigaciones futuras deben dirigirse a investigar cómo los escaladores de élite manejan sus emocione

    EEG markers and subjective memory complaints in young and older people

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    Subjective memory complaints (SMCs) have been related to subtle cognitive deficits and neural changes. In this study, we investigated whether EEG rhythms, usually altered in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease, are also affected in SMCs compared to people without SMCs. Seventy-one older adults (55–74 years old) and 75 young people (18–34 years old) underwent 3 min of EEG recording in a resting-state condition with their eyes open (EO) and eyes closed (EC) and a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation. The EEG measures included were power spectral delta (0.5–4 Hz), theta (4–8 Hz), alpha (8–12 Hz), beta (13–30 Hz), and EEG reactivity to EO. Compared to controls, older people with SMCs showed increased theta power and a loss of alpha reactivity to EO. Additionally, in older participants with SMCs, the theta power spectral was related to deficits in verbal memory. In contrast, we failed to find differences in the young people with SMCs, compared to the control group, in the power spectral or the EEG reactivity to EO. Our findings suggest that neurophysiological markers of brain dysfunction may identify cognitive changes even before they are observed on objective neuropsychological tests, at least in older people

    Deficits in facial emotional valence processing in older people with subjective memory complaints: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence

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    Subjective memory complaints (SMCs), which occur in the absence of clinical memory deficits, may precede mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or Alzheimer''s disease (AD). Some studies have reported a deficit in facial emotion processing in people with MCI or AD. However, it is unclear whether this deficit is also present in older people with SMCs. The present study used behavioral measurements and event-related potentials (ERPs) to investigate the facial emotion processing of 41 older people with SMCs and 38 without SMCs. The task contained 204 images displaying facial emotions (positive, negative, and neutral). In terms of behavior, our results showed that participants with SMCs were slower and less accurate than controls. In terms of ERPs, the N170 latency was longer in men with SMCs than in controls, whereas no differences were observed between groups in the P300 and late positive potential (LPP) latencies or amplitudes. Moreover, in participants with SMCs, higher P300 and LPP amplitudes were related to better performance on working memory, psychomotor speed, and attention. Additionally, women were faster and more accurate than men on the facial emotion-processing task. In sum, these results suggest that older people with SMCs may have deficits in the processing of facial expressions of emotion. However, this deficit seems to affect the structural encoding of faces, rather than the late stages of processing

    Aprender sobre la clorofila y las antocianinas como posibles indicadores del estado fisiológico de las plantas

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    Ali Ahmad – Universidad de Granada - 0000-0001-5530-7374María Belén García del Moral Garrido – Universidad de Granada - 0000-0001-9803-9939Vanessa Martos Núñez – Universidad de Granada - 0000-0001-6442-7968Recepción: 14.03.2022 | Aceptado: 18.03.2022Correspondencia a través de ORCID: Vanessa Martos - 0000-0001-6442-79683Área o categoría del conocimiento: Fisiología Vegetal – DocenciaAbstract: Currently, increased crop yield is direly needed considering the ever-increasing world population and climate change. Crops growth and production is mainly dependent upon their physiological state and vigor. Several forms of plant pigments exist naturally. They are categorized into four major groups: namely betalains (betacyanins, betaxanthins), carotenoids (carotenes, xanthophylls), chlorophylls (Chl a and b), and flavonoids (anthocyanins, aurones, chalcones, flavonols, proanthocyanidins). Out of all these, Chlorophylls (Chl) and Anthocyanins (Anth) are the two most important plant pigments that provide valuable insight into the plant physiological state. Primary function of Chl is the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy that is further utilized in the photosynthetic process, whereas Anth are multifunctional molecules that apart from coloration of plant organs also play an important role in stress mitigation. This study might serve as a guide for students interested to learn about plant physiology.Resumen: En la actualidad, el aumento de la producción de los cultivos es una necesidad imperiosa, teniendo en cuenta el incremento de la población mundial y el cambio climático. La producción y el desarrollo de los cultivos dependen principalmente de su estado fisiológico y su vigor. Existen varias formas de pigmentos vegetales en la naturaleza. Normalmente, se clasifican en cuatro grandes grupos: betalaínas (betacianinas, betaxantinas), carotenoides (carotenos, xantofilas), clorofilas (Chl a y b) y flavonoides (antocianinas, auronas, chalconas, flavonoles, proantocianidinas). De todos ellos, las clorofilas (Chl) y las antocianinas (Anth) son los dos pigmentos vegetales más importantes que proporcionan una valiosa información sobre el estado fisiológico de la planta. La función principal de las Chl es la conversión de la energía solar en energía química que se utiliza posteriormente en el proceso fotosintético, mientras que las Anth son moléculas multifuncionales que, además de la coloración de los órganos de la planta, desempeñan un importante papel en la mitigación del estrés. Este estudio podría servir de guía para los estudiantes interesados en aprender sobre fisiología vegetal.VIRTUOUS” funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019. Ref. 872181“SUSTAINABLE” funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020. Ref. 101007702“Project of Excellence” from FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional) - Junta de Andalucía 2018. Ref. P18-H0-470

    Cariogenicidad de las bebidas carbonatadas comerciales en un modelo experimental de caries con biofilms

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    58 p.Objetivo: Pese a que el consumo de bebidas carbonatadas se asocia con mayor prevalencia de caries, su efecto sobre la cariogenicidad del biofilm oral no ha sido suficientemente estudiado. Por tanto, el propósito de este estudio es evaluar la desmineralización y el efecto microbiológico de algunas bebidas carbonatadas comerciales en un modelo artificial de caries con biofilms de Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans). Métodos: Se formaran biofilms de S. mutans UA159 sobre bloques de esmalte bovino por 4 días y 3 días para bloques de dentina bovinos. Fueron sometidos a la acción de una bebida tipo cola (Coca-cola) o naranja (Fanta). Se usó soda y NaCl al 0,9% como controles negativos y sacarosa al 10% como control positivo de desmineralización. Los bloques con biofilms fueron expuestos a los tratamientos 3 veces al día, por 5 minutos. Se midió el pH de los cultivos 2 veces al día. Al cuarto día (al tercero para dentina) se extrajo el biofilm de los bloques para determinar: biomasa, recuento de microorganismos viables y acidogenicidad de los medios. La desmineralización se estimó midiendo la dureza superficial al inicio y al final del experimento para establecer el porcentaje de pérdida de dureza superficial (%PDS). Resultados: Coca-Cola y Fanta presentaron la misma biomasa, recuento de microorganismos viables proteínas totales y polisacáridos que sacarosa, y por tanto, mayor en comparación a los demás tratamientos (p < 0,005). Fanta tuvo un mayor %PDS que sacarosa (p < 0,0001), pero todas las bebidas presentaron una alto potencial de desmineralización del esmalte y dentina (p < 0,005). Conclusión: Las bebidas carbonatadas presentan un potencial cariogénico similar a la sacarosa, ya que generaron cambios en el biofilm, y en los bloques de esmalte y dentina, que fueron equivalentes a los que produce este azúcar. Debido a la acidez inherente en estas bebidas, se pudo constatar el alto potencial de desmineralización que produjeron todas las bebidas carbonatadas, incluidas las bebidas “zero”

    Subjective Memory Complaints and Decision Making in Young and Older Adults: An Event-Related Potential Study

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    Subjective memory complaints (SMCs) may affect decision-making processes. This study aimed to investigate the neuronal correlates of feedback processing during a decision-making task in young and older adults with and without SMCs. Event-related potentials and behavioral performance during the Iowa gambling task were recorded in a total of 136 participants (65 young adults, 71 older adults). The participants were divided into two groups according to their SMCs (with SMCs: n = 60, without SMCs: n = 76). Feedback-related negativity (FRN) and P3 were analyzed in the feedback stage of the decision-making process. Older adults with SMCs scored worse in the ambiguity phase than older adults without SMCs. The FRN latency was longer for losses in older people with SMCs than in older people without SMCs in the first block. No significant differences between young and older adults with and without SMCs were observed in the other ERP measures. Compared to young adults, older adults showed delayed latency in the FRN component and reduced amplitudes and delayed latency in the P3 component. In conclusion, older people with SMCs present deficits in the decision-making process. These deficits are observed at the behavioral level, but also in neural mechanisms of early feedback processing of negative outcomes. Copyright © 2021 Garrido-Chaves, Perez, Perez-Alarcón, Crespo-Sanmiguel, Paiva, Hidalgo, Pulopulos and Salvador

    Hemodynamic and cardiorespiratory predictors of sport rock climbing performance

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    Rock-climbing performance is largely dependent on the endurance of the forearm flexors. Recently, it was reported that forearm flexor endurance in elite climbers is independent of the ability to regulate conduit artery (brachial) blood flow, suggesting that endurance is not primarily dependent on the ability of the brachial artery to deliver oxygen, but rather the ability of the muscle to perfuse and use oxygen, i.e. skeletal muscle oxidative capacity. Purpose: The aim of the study was to determine whether an index of oxidative capacity in the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) predicts the best sport climbing red-point grade within the last 6 months. Participants consisted of 46 sport climbers with a range of abilities. Methods: Using near infrared spectroscopy, the oxidative capacity index of the FDP was assessed by calculating the half-time for tissue oxygen re-saturation (O2HTR) following 3-5 min of ischemia. Results: Linear regression, adjusted for age, sex, BMI and training experience, revealed a 1s decrease in O2HTR was associated with an increase in red-point grade by 0.65 (95% CI: 0.35-0.94, AdjR2 = 0.53). Conclusions: Considering a grade of 0.4 separated the top 4 competitors in the 2015 International Federation Sport Climbing World Cup, these findings suggest that forearm flexor oxidative capacity index is an important determinant of rock climbing performance.N/

    ¿Qué comparten bisabuelos y bisnietos en contextos familiares? Análisis de una nueva relación intergeneracional.

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    The main aim of this study was to find out more about the role of great-grandparenthood. A group of participants with great-grandchildren (n=78) was interviewed using a questionnaire containing questions that had been put through a previous pilot study, covering participants’ sociodemographics, the activities that participants shared with their great-grandchildren, and their view of the role of great-grandparent and their related degree of satisfaction. The data were recorded and analyzed both with frequency tables and descriptive statistics and with the Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test. The results showed several significant relationships between the shared activities and the sociodemographic variables, such as great-grandparents’ age (p ≤ .05), education (p ≤ .01), health status (p ≤ .05), the distance at which they live from their great-grandchildren (p&nbsp;≤&nbsp;.05). Also, it was found that participants generally consider the role of great-grandparent to be a continuation of their prior role as grandparent, albeit from the perspective of a formal intergenerational typology, distinct from the informal typology and, above all, opposed to the role of substitute/surrogate. Greater perceived satisfaction was associated with this typical interaction of the formal role (p ≤ .01). Great-grandparents may already be fulfilling a notable function in today’s four-generation families.El objetivo general de este trabajo es conocer mejor el rol de bisabuelidad. Se entrevistó a un grupo de voluntarios con bisnietos (n=78) mediante un cuestionario, cuyo contenido fue pilotado previamente, con preguntas sobre sus características sociodemográficas, las actividades que solían compartir con sus bisnietos y su opinión del rol de bisabuelidad, con la satisfacción asociada. Los datos fueron registrados y analizados tanto con tablas de frecuencia y estadísticos descriptivos, como con la prueba no-paramétrica de Kruskal-Wallis. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron numerosas relaciones significativas entre las actividades compartidas y aspectos socio-demográficos de los bisabuelos como la edad (p≤ .05), el nivel educativo (p≤ .01), la salud (p≤ .05), la distancia a la que viven de sus bisnietos (p≤ .05). Además, de mostrar que perciben su rol de bisabuelidad en general como una continuidad del rol anterior de abuelidad, aunque desde una tipología intergeneracional formal, distinta a la tipología informal y, sobre todo, opuesta a la del rol sustituto/subrogado. La mayor satisfacción percibida estaba asociada a esa interacción típica del rol formal (p ≤ .01). Los bisabuelos podrían estar cumpliendo ya alguna función destacable en las familias actuales de cuatro generaciones

    Differences in oxygenation kinetics between the dominant and non-dominant flexor digitorum profundus in rock climbers

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    Purpose. This study examined differences in oxygenation kinetics in the non-dominant and dominant flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) of rock climbers. Methods. Participants consisted of 28 sport climbers with a range of on-sight abilities (6a+ to 8a French Sport). Using near infrared spectroscopy, oxygenation kinetics of the FDP was assessed by calculating the time to half recovery (t½ recovery) of the tissue saturation index (TSI) following 3-5 min of ischemia. Results. A 2-way mixed model ANOVA found a non-significant interaction (p =0.112) for TSI x sex. However, there was a significant the main effect (p =0.027) handedness (dominant vs. non-dominant FDP). The dominant forearm recovered 13.6% quicker (t½ recovery mean difference = 1.12 sec, 95% CI 0.13 to 2.10 sec) compared to the non-dominant FDP. This was not affected by 6-month on-sight climbing ability or sex (p =0.839, p =0.683). Conclusions. Significant intra-individual differences in oxygenation kinetics of the FDP were found. Improvements in oxygenation kinetics within the FDP are likely due to the abilities of the muscle to deliver, perfuse and consume oxygen. These enhancements may be due to structural adaptations in the microvasculature such as an increase in capillary density and an enhanced improvement in capillary filtration