23 research outputs found

    «Amor encendido» La caridad en las principales obras de Fray Luis de León

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    Es por todos conocida la calidad literaria de fray Luis, tanto en verso como en prosa, pero no lo es tanto su faceta de teólogo y de exégeta. Además de un claro exponente del esplendor teológico de la Escuela de Salamanca, su empeño en hacer accesible a todos la recta doctrina cristiana le convierte en un gran maestro espiritual. Su intención era trascender los límites escolásticos y dirigirse, con excelente pluma, a un amplio público para moverlo y encenderlo en amor a Dios. Este trabajo se centra en lo que el agustino salmantino expresó sobre la caridad en las obras por él publicadas, o preparadas para su publicación, y aunque es cierto que es un tema que él apenas trata de forma explícita y directa, en un sentido trasversal es parte esencial en casi todo su pensamiento. Especialmente nuestro estudio se centra en In Cantica Canticorum triplex explanatio y De los nombres de Cristo, obras en las que más profusamente aparece el tema de la caridad, en torno al amor de Dios y al amor de Cristo por el hombre, respectivamente. La originalidad de fray Luis al presentar el concepto de la caridad y su importancia en la vida cristiana se deriva de su profunda fundamentación bíblica. En efecto, el punto de partida de su pensamiento está en el estudio de la Sagrada Escritura, en su versión más original posible, y en los comentarios hechos a ella por los Padres de la Iglesia y los santos. Así, la gracia, que realiza la unión del hombre con Dios, actúa en las obras mediante la caridad, la cual será descrita como el fuego del amor de Dios que prende en el hombre. Por último, adentrarse en la Escritura, la Palabra divina, supone para fray Luis encontrarse con Cristo, quien da sentido a todo su esquema de pensamiento. En Cristo la caridad, al igual que todos los dones, tiene su origen, su fin y su ejemplo perfecto, tanto en amar a Dios como en amar a los hombres por Dios.Fray Luis’s literary quality, both in verse and in prose, is known to all, but not so much his facet of theologian and exegete. In addition to being a clear exponent of the theological splendor of the School of Salamanca, his commitment to make right Christian doctrine accessible to all makes him a great spiritual master. His intention was to transcend the scholastic limits and to reach, with excellent writing, a wide public; to move it and ignite it in love of God. This work focuses on what the Augustinian of Salamanca expressed about charity in his published works, or works he prepared for publication, and although it is a subject that he barely discusses explicitly and directly, in a transversal sense it is essential in almost all his thinking. Our study focuses especially on In Cantica Canticorum triplex explanatio and De los nombres de Cristo, works in which the theme of charity appears most profusely, concerning the love of God and the love of Christ for man, respectively. The originality of fray Luis’ presentation of the concept of charity and its importance in Christian life derives from its profound biblical foundation. In fact, the starting point of his thought is the study of Sacred Scripture, in the most original version possible, and in the comments made by the Fathers of the Church and the saints. Thus grace, which accomplishes the union of man with God, acts in works through charity, which understood as the fire of God’s love that is enkindled in man. Finally, going into the Scripture, the divine Word, means for fray Luis meeting Christ, who gives meaning to his whole scheme of thought. In Christ, charity, like all gifts, has its origin, its aim and its perfect example, both in loving God and in loving men for God

    Preliminary Results from the Experimental Study of CO2-Brine-Rock Interactions at Elevated T & P: Implications for the Pilot Plant for CO2 Storage in Spain

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    AbstractA new experimental program has been carried out in order to study CO2-brine-rock interactions susceptible to take place in conditions close to those expected in the pilot plant that is being developed in Spain (a carbonate reservoir located at more than 800 m depth, with 15% porosity, and a salinity of the native brine between 20 – 90g/L). The combination of preliminary experimental and numerical modeling (PHREEQC) results suggests that the main geochemical processes are calcite dissolution and anhydrite precipitation

    Stable isotopes applied to the study of the concrete/bentonite interaction in the FEBEX in situ test

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    Stable isotope analysis was carried out on a set of samples from the concrete-bentonite interface from the FEBEX real-scale in-situ experiment. The concrete and bentonite that simulated the engineering barriers system of a deep geological repository have interacted for 13 years in saturated conditions up to dismantling. The monitoring of the experiment during the years of operation has made possible to know not only the baseline status but also the evolution of the system and the mass transfer processes. Thus, the FEBEX experiment has been a unique opportunity to study concrete degradation within a broader multi-proxy approach under real-scale repository conditions. Analysis of carbon and oxygen isotopes of carbonates in groundwater, concrete and clay have provided evidence of how dissolution and mass transfer processes occur in the Engineered Barrier System (EBS). Spatial distribution of δ13C values points to the existence of a dominant process of diffusion of carbon species from bentonite towards the concrete/bentonite interface. Variations in δ18O values suggest a non-homogeneous geochemical and hydraulic behavior of the EBS in the vicinity of both, the granite-concrete interface and the concrete-bentonite interface. These differences might be related to different degrees of exposure of each sample to bentonite porewater, groundwater and concrete/bentonite leachates. This seem to be in agreement with the existence of different chemical environments depending on the location of the samples in the experiment.The work was financially supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 grant agreement n° 662147 (www.cebama.eu) and the Annex XLII of the ENRESA-CIEMAT framework agreement. The FEBEX project was financed by ENRESA and the EC Contracts FI4W-CT95-006 and FIKWCT-2000-00016. The FEBEX-DP Consortium (NAGRA, SKB, POSIVA, CIEMAT, KAERI) financed the dismantling operation and onsite determinations in 2015

    Factors that control the geochemical evolution of hydrothermal systems of alkaline water in granites in Central Pyrenees (Spain)

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    La evolución geoquímica de las soluciones de los sistemas hidrotermales de Caldas de Boí, Artiés, Tredós y Les, situados en el Pirineo Central (Spain), muestra diferencias reflejadas en la concentración de sólidos disueltos y en la presencia de una situación de equilibrio o desequilibrio en profundidad de las soluciones respecto a la albita. La datación (14C) de las aguas pertenecientes a los distintos sistemas hidrotermales ha puesto de manifiesto que el tiempo de residencia no es el factor de control determinante de las diferencias existentes en el grado de evolución geoquímica alcanzado por las mismas, teniendo que contemplarse otro tipo de factores relacionados con la cinética de disolución de los minerales, como responsables de estas diferencias. El análisis de la influencia de los principales factores que controlan la tasa de disolución de los minerales y, más en concreto, de los feldespatos, muestra como las diferencias de temperatura de las soluciones en profundidad son capaces de justificar el distinto grado de evolución geoquímica, incluso en soluciones con tiempos de residencia muy similares

    Pore water chemistry of a Paleogene continental mudrock in Spain and a Jurassic marine mudrock in Switzerland: Sampling methods and geochemical interpretation

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    Este trabajo resume una serie de metodologías y aproximaciones desarrolladas en CIEMAT durante los últimos 10 años con el objetivo de obtener información del agua intersticial de dos formaciones arcillosas: la Opalinus Clay procedente de Suiza y una formación de edad Oligoceno Mioceno española. Ambas tienen características bastante diferentes tanto desde el punto de vista de la metodología aplicada para su estudio como del origen sedimentario en sí mismo de las dos formaciones. La arcilla Suiza se estudió a través de la participación en el experimento DI-B en el laboratorio subterráneo de Mont Terri, en Suiza, uno de cuyos objetivos fue el muestreo y análisis in situ del agua intersticial de la arcilla. Las muestras de agua se recogieron después de desarrollar equipos y metodologías para conseguir una alteración mínima de los parámetros críticos del agua de la arcilla: pH, Eh, pCO2, Fe(II) y alcalinidad. La modelización geoquímica se utilizó como herramienta para interpretar y entender los principales procesos geoquímicos que controlan la química del agua y el estado actual del sistema. En relación con la arcilla española, el artículo muestra el desarrollo de una metodología integrada para caracterizar el agua intersticial de la formación arcillosa a partir de muestras de testigos correspondientes a un sondeo, denominados S1. El estudio trata de integrar todos los datos disponibles sobre la composición del agua intersticial obtenida mediante la técnica de compresión bajo presión (squeezing) y mediante extractos acuosos, con la caracterización mineralógica y geoquímica de los testigos. La modelización geoquímica se utilizó con dos objetivos principales: para valorar la consistencia de los datos analíticos del agua intersticial y para determinar la importancia relativa de los principales procesos que gobiernan la química del agua intersticial. Específicamente, la modelización se utilizó para simular los procesos que controlan la evolución redox del sistema. Se consideró equilibrio para los minerales reactivos como la calcita, dolomita, yeso y ferrihidrita. Además, se trató la degradación de la materia orgánica y la disolución oxidativa de la pirita desde un punto de vista cinético

    Long-term hydrological changes in northern Iberia (4.9–0.9 ky BP) from speleothem Mg/Ca ratios and cave monitoring (Ojo Guareña Karst Complex, Spain)

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    An absolute-dated stalagmite from Kaite Cave (Ojo Guareña Karst Complex, N Spain) provides a nearly continuous, high-resolution record of a proxy of regional precipitation patterns through the 4.9–0.9 ka BP interval. This record is based on the Mg/Ca ratio of the calcite and its variation through the stalagmite stratigraphy, which is interpreted to be primarily driven by changes in precipitation amount. The calibration of the proxy is supported by the present-day monitoring carried out in the cave for the last 10 years, which reveals a robust inverse relationship between the inter-annual/inter-decadal variability of rainfall and the Mg concentration of dripwaters and precipitating speleothems. The record of paleoprecipitation, based on 2400 Mg/Ca measurements, shows strong variability at inter-annual to inter-decadal scales, and more subtle but significant changes at secular to millennial scales. This long-term paleohydrological evolution outlines five successive intervals with consistent trends, which are bounded by abrupt shifts in the regional precipitation. These shifts took place at 4.65, 4.2, 2.6, and 1.3 ka BP. Significantly, the intervals of maximum precipitation of the whole record (around 4.9–4.65, 2.6–2.45, and 1.3–1.1 ka BP) can be related with episodes of minimum solar activity and correlated with cold climatic events elsewhere.Contribution to research projects 28 CGL2010-21499-BTE and CGL2013-43257-R of the Spanish R+D National Program 29 (MINECO) and research groups ‘‘Paleoclimatology and Global Change’’ and ‘‘Laser Induced 30 Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)’’ from the UCM (Spain).Peer reviewe

    Peakompactons: Peaked compact nonlinear waves

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    This paper is meant as an accessible introduction to/tutorial on the analytical construction and numerical simulation of a class of nonstandard solitary waves termed peakompactons. These peaked compactly supported waves arise as solutions to nonlinear evolution equations from a hierarchy of nonlinearly dispersive Korteweg–de Vries-type models. Peakompactons, like the now-well-known compactons and unlike the soliton solutions of the Korteweg–de Vries equation, have finite support, i.e., they are of finite wavelength. However, unlike compactons, peakompactons are also peaked, i.e., a higher spatial derivative suffers a jump discontinuity at the wave’s crest. Here, we construct such solutions exactly by reducing the governing partial differential equation to a nonlinear ordinary differential equation and employing a phase-plane analysis. A simple, but reliable, finite-difference scheme is also designed and tested for the simulation of collisions of peakompactons. In addition to the peakompacton class of solu..

    «Amor encendido» La caridad en las principales obras de Fray Luis de León

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    Es por todos conocida la calidad literaria de fray Luis, tanto en verso como en prosa, pero no lo es tanto su faceta de teólogo y de exégeta. Además de un claro exponente del esplendor teológico de la Escuela de Salamanca, su empeño en hacer accesible a todos la recta doctrina cristiana le convierte en un gran maestro espiritual. Su intención era trascender los límites escolásticos y dirigirse, con excelente pluma, a un amplio público para moverlo y encenderlo en amor a Dios. Este trabajo se centra en lo que el agustino salmantino expresó sobre la caridad en las obras por él publicadas, o preparadas para su publicación, y aunque es cierto que es un tema que él apenas trata de forma explícita y directa, en un sentido trasversal es parte esencial en casi todo su pensamiento. Especialmente nuestro estudio se centra en In Cantica Canticorum triplex explanatio y De los nombres de Cristo, obras en las que más profusamente aparece el tema de la caridad, en torno al amor de Dios y al amor de Cristo por el hombre, respectivamente. La originalidad de fray Luis al presentar el concepto de la caridad y su importancia en la vida cristiana se deriva de su profunda fundamentación bíblica. En efecto, el punto de partida de su pensamiento está en el estudio de la Sagrada Escritura, en su versión más original posible, y en los comentarios hechos a ella por los Padres de la Iglesia y los santos. Así, la gracia, que realiza la unión del hombre con Dios, actúa en las obras mediante la caridad, la cual será descrita como el fuego del amor de Dios que prende en el hombre. Por último, adentrarse en la Escritura, la Palabra divina, supone para fray Luis encontrarse con Cristo, quien da sentido a todo su esquema de pensamiento. En Cristo la caridad, al igual que todos los dones, tiene su origen, su fin y su ejemplo perfecto, tanto en amar a Dios como en amar a los hombres por Dios.Fray Luis’s literary quality, both in verse and in prose, is known to all, but not so much his facet of theologian and exegete. In addition to being a clear exponent of the theological splendor of the School of Salamanca, his commitment to make right Christian doctrine accessible to all makes him a great spiritual master. His intention was to transcend the scholastic limits and to reach, with excellent writing, a wide public; to move it and ignite it in love of God. This work focuses on what the Augustinian of Salamanca expressed about charity in his published works, or works he prepared for publication, and although it is a subject that he barely discusses explicitly and directly, in a transversal sense it is essential in almost all his thinking. Our study focuses especially on In Cantica Canticorum triplex explanatio and De los nombres de Cristo, works in which the theme of charity appears most profusely, concerning the love of God and the love of Christ for man, respectively. The originality of fray Luis’ presentation of the concept of charity and its importance in Christian life derives from its profound biblical foundation. In fact, the starting point of his thought is the study of Sacred Scripture, in the most original version possible, and in the comments made by the Fathers of the Church and the saints. Thus grace, which accomplishes the union of man with God, acts in works through charity, which understood as the fire of God’s love that is enkindled in man. Finally, going into the Scripture, the divine Word, means for fray Luis meeting Christ, who gives meaning to his whole scheme of thought. In Christ, charity, like all gifts, has its origin, its aim and its perfect example, both in loving God and in loving men for God

    Characterization of the natural thermoluminescence emission of lava flows

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    We herein report on the natural thermoluminescence (TL) emission of eight lava flows from different volcanic regions that could potentialIy be useful for dating purposes. AH the samples were characterized by means of: (i) x-ray diffraction to determine the components that act as main contributors of the TL response and (ii) gamma-ray spectrometry to identify the natural radionuclides that induce the TL glow curve. In this sense, plagioclases (Na-Ca feldspars) are the most cornmon mineral detected in lava flows (up to 45%) just with augite (silicate with composition (Ca, Mg,Fe)2(Si,AI)2ü6) that is a part of an important so lid solution series of the pyroxene group (up to 35%). Different amounts of cristobalite, montmorillonite, forsterite, actinolite and hematite have been also identified. The level of the activity (in Bq/kg) differs from one sample to another. Thus, 238U values are in a range of 6.33 and 30.4; 232Th estimations are between 3.06 and 51.2 and 40K values between 191 and 564. The observed changes in the natural TL emission of the samples depend, essentialIy, on (i) the mineralogical composition, (ii) the elapsed time from the last eruption, i.e. when the last zeroing took place and (iii) the radioactive content. The activation energy (Ea) values have been estimated by the applicability of the initial rise method to the TL glow curve.Peer Reviewe