67 research outputs found

    Accelerated relaxation and suppressed dynamic heterogeneity in a kinetically constrained (East) model with swaps

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    We introduce a kinetically constrained spin model with a local softness parameter, such that spin flips can violate the kinetic constraint with an (annealed) site-dependent rate. We show that adding MC swap moves to this model can dramatically accelerate structural relaxation. We discuss the connection of this observation with the fact that swap moves are also able to accelerate relaxation in structural glasses. We analyse the rates of relaxation in the model. We also show that the extent of dynamical heterogeneity is strongly suppressed by the swap moves.EPSRC funding (to co-author JP Garrahan), see acknowledgement

    Topological Quantum Glassiness

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    Quantum tunneling often allows pathways to relaxation past energy barriers which are otherwise hard to overcome classically at low temperatures. However, this is not always the case. In this paper we provide simple exactly solvable examples where the barriers each system encounters on its approach to lower and lower energy states become increasingly large and eventually scale with the system size. If the environment couples locally to the physical degrees of freedom in the system, tunnelling under large barriers requires processes whose order in perturbation theory is proportional to the width of the barrier. This results in quantum relaxation rates that are exponentially suppressed in system size: For these quantum systems, no physical bath can provide a mechanism for relaxation that is not dynamically arrested at low temperatures. The examples discussed here are drawn from three dimensional generalizations of Kitaev's toric code, originally devised in the context of topological quantum computing. They are devoid of any local order parameters or symmetry breaking and are thus examples of topological quantum glasses. We construct systems that have slow dynamics similar to either strong or fragile glasses. The example with fragile-like relaxation is interesting in that the topological defects are neither open strings or regular open membranes, but fractal objects with dimension d∗=ln3/ln2d^* = ln 3/ ln 2.Comment: (18 pages, 4 figures, v2: typos and updated figure); Philosophical Magazine (2011

    Reinforcement learning of rare diffusive dynamics

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    We present a method to probe rare molecular dynamics trajectories directly using reinforcement learning. We consider trajectories that are conditioned to transition between regions of configuration space in finite time, such as those relevant in the study of reactive events, and trajectories exhibiting rare fluctuations of time-integrated quantities in the long time limit, such as those relevant in the calculation of large deviation functions. In both cases, reinforcement learning techniques are used to optimize an added force that minimizes the Kullback–Leibler divergence between the conditioned trajectory ensemble and a driven one. Under the optimized added force, the system evolves the rare fluctuation as a typical one, affording a variational estimate of its likelihood in the original trajectory ensemble. Low variance gradients employing value functions are proposed to increase the convergence of the optimal force. The method we develop employing these gradients leads to efficient and accurate estimates of both the optimal force and the likelihood of the rare event for a variety of model systems

    Phases of quantum dimers from ensembles of classical stochastic trajectories

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    We study the connection between the phase behavior of quantum dimers and the dynamics of classical stochastic dimers. At the so-called Rokhsar-Kivelson (RK) point a quantum dimer Hamiltonian is equivalent to the Markov generator of the dynamics of classical dimers. A less well understood fact is that away from the RK point the quantum-classical connection persists: in this case the Hamiltonian corresponds to a nonstochastic "tilted" operator that encodes the statistics of time-integrated observables of the classical stochastic problem. This implies a direct relation between the phase behavior of quantum dimers and properties of ensembles of stochastic trajectories of classical dimers. We make these ideas concrete by studying fully packed dimers on the square lattice. Using transition path sampling - supplemented by trajectory umbrella sampling - we obtain the large deviation statistics of dynamical activity in the classical problem, and show the correspondence between the phase behavior of the classical and quantum systems. The transition at the RK point between quantum phases of distinct order corresponds, in the classical case, to a trajectory phase transition between active and inactive dynamical phases. Furthermore, from the structure of stochastic trajectories in the active dynamical phase we infer that the ground state of quantum dimers has columnar order to one side of the RK point. We discuss how these results relate to those from quantum Monte Carlo, and how our approach may generalize to other problems.This work was supported by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Grants No. EP/M019691/1 (S.P.), No. EP/P034616/1 (C.C. and A.L.), No. EP/K028960/1 (C.C.), and No. EP/M014266/1 (J.P.G.)

    Unraveling the Large Deviation Statistics of Markovian Open Quantum Systems

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    We analyze dynamical large deviations of quantum trajectories in Markovian open quantum systems in their full generality. We derive a quantum level-2.5 large deviation principle for these systems, which describes the joint fluctuations of time-averaged quantum jump rates and of the time-averaged quantum state for long times. Like its level-2.5 counterpart for classical continuous-time Markov chains (which it contains as a special case), this description is both explicit and complete, as the statistics of arbitrary time-extensive dynamical observables can be obtained by contraction from the explicit level-2.5 rate functional we derive. Our approach uses an unraveled representation of the quantum dynamics which allows these statistics to be obtained by analyzing a classical stochastic process in the space of pure states. For quantum reset processes we show that the unraveled dynamics is semi-Markovian and derive bounds on the asymptotic variance of the number of quantum jumps which generalize classical thermodynamic uncertainty relations. We finish by discussing how our level-2.5 approach can be used to study large deviations of nonlinear functions of the state, such as measures of entanglement.This work was supported by EPSRC Grants No. EP/ M014266/1 (J. P. G.) and No. EP/N03404X/1 (F. C. and J. P. G.), and by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement No. 335266 (ESCQUMA) (F. C.)

    Dynamics on the Way to Forming Glass: Bubbles in Space-time

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    We review a theoretical perspective of the dynamics of glass forming liquids and the glass transition. It is a perspective we have developed with our collaborators during this decade. It is based upon the structure of trajectory space. This structure emerges from spatial correlations of dynamics that appear in disordered systems as they approach non-ergodic or jammed states. It is characterized in terms of dynamical heterogeneity, facilitation and excitation lines. These features are associated with a newly discovered class of non-equilibrium phase transitions. Equilibrium properties have little if anything to do with it. The broken symmetries of these transitions are obscure or absent in spatial structures, but they are vivid in space-time (i.e., trajectory space). In our view, the glass transition is an example of this class of transitions. The basic ideas and principles we review were originally developed through the analysis of idealized and abstract models. Nevertheless, the central ideas are easily illustrated with reference to molecular dynamics of more realistic atomistic models, and we use that illustrative approach here.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to Annu. Rev. Phys. Che

    Broken symmetry and the variation of critical properties in the phase behaviour of supramolecular rhombus tilings

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    The degree of randomness, or partial order, present in two-dimensional supramolecular arrays of isophthalate tetracarboxylic acids is shown to vary due to subtle chemical changes such as the choice of solvent or small differences in molecular dimensions. This variation may be quantified using an order parameter and reveals a novel phase behaviour including random tiling with varying critical properties as well as ordered phases dominated by either parallel or non-parallel alignment of neighbouring molecules, consistent with long-standing theoretical studies. The balance between order and randomness is driven by small differences in the intermolecular interaction energies, which we show, using numerical simulations, can be related to the measured order parameter. Significant variations occur even when the energy difference is much less than the thermal energy highlighting the delicate balance between entropic and energetic effects in complex self-assembly processes

    A possible method for non-Hermitian and non-PTPT-symmetric Hamiltonian systems

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    A possible method to investigate non-Hermitian Hamiltonians is suggested through finding a Hermitian operator η+\eta_+ and defining the annihilation and creation operators to be η+\eta_+-pseudo-Hermitian adjoint to each other. The operator η+\eta_+ represents the η+\eta_+-pseudo-Hermiticity of Hamiltonians. As an example, a non-Hermitian and non-PTPT-symmetric Hamiltonian with imaginary linear coordinate and linear momentum terms is constructed and analyzed in detail. The operator η+\eta_+ is found, based on which, a real spectrum and a positive-definite inner product, together with the probability explanation of wave functions, the orthogonality of eigenstates, and the unitarity of time evolution, are obtained for the non-Hermitian and non-PTPT-symmetric Hamiltonian. Moreover, this Hamiltonian turns out to be coupled when it is extended to the canonical noncommutative space with noncommutative spatial coordinate operators and noncommutative momentum operators as well. Our method is applicable to the coupled Hamiltonian. Then the first and second order noncommutative corrections of energy levels are calculated, and in particular the reality of energy spectra, the positive-definiteness of inner products, and the related properties (the probability explanation of wave functions, the orthogonality of eigenstates, and the unitarity of time evolution) are found not to be altered by the noncommutativity.Comment: 15 pages, no figures; v2: clarifications added; v3: 16 pages, 1 figure, clarifications made clearer; v4: 19 pages, the main context is completely rewritten; v5: 25 pages, title slightly changed, clarifications added, the final version to appear in PLOS ON

    Detection of hidden structures for arbitrary scales in complex physical systems

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    Recent decades have experienced the discovery of numerous complex materials. At the root of the complexity underlying many of these materials lies a large number of contending atomic- and largerscale configurations. In order to obtain a more detailed understanding of such systems, we need tools that enable the detection of pertinent structures on all spatial and temporal scales. Towards this end, we suggest a new method that applies to both static and dynamic systems which invokes ideas from network analysis and information theory. Our approach efficiently identifies basic unit cells, topological defects, and candidate natural structures. The method is particularly useful where a clear definition of order is lacking, and the identified features may constitute a natural point of departure for further analysis

    Thermodynamic signature of growing amorphous order in glass-forming liquids

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    Although several theories relate the steep slowdown of glass formers to increasing spatial correlations of some sort, standard static correlation functions show no evidence for this. We present results that reveal for the first time a qualitative thermodynamic difference between the high temperature and deeply supercooled equilibrium glass-forming liquid: the influence of boundary conditions propagates into the bulk over larger and larger lengthscales upon cooling, and, as this static correlation length grows, the influence decays nonexponentially. Increasingly long-range susceptibility to boundary conditions is expected within the random firt-order theory (RFOT) of the glass transition, but a quantitative account of our numerical results requires a generalization of RFOT where the surface tension between states fluctuates
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