400 research outputs found

    Topological superconductivity with deformable magnetic skyrmions

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    Magnetic skyrmions are nanoscale spin configurations that can be efficiently created and manipulated. They hold great promises for next-generation spintronics applications. In parallel to these developments, the interplay of magnetism, superconductivity and spin-orbit coupling has proved to be a versatile platform for engineering topological superconductivity predicted to host non-abelian excitations, Majorana zero modes. We show that topological superconductivity can be induced by proximitizing magnetic skyrmions and conventional superconductors, without need for additional ingredients. Apart from a previously reported Majorana zero mode in the core of the skyrmion, we find a more universal chiral band of Majorana modes on the edge of the skyrmion. We show that the chiral Majorana band is effectively flat in the physically relevant regime of parameters, leading to interesting robustness and scaling properties. In particular, the number of Majorana modes in the (nearly-)flat band scales with the perimeter length of a deformed skyrmion configuration, while being robust to local disorder.Comment: 16 + 3 pages, 3 figures + Supplementary Material

    Genetic variations in genes involved in heparan sulphate biosynthesis are associated with Plasmodium falciparum parasitaemia: a familial study in Burkina Faso

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is accumulating evidence that host heparan sulphate proteoglycans play an important role in the life cycle of <it>Plasmodium </it>through their heparan sulphate chains, suggesting that genetic variations in genes involved in heparan sulphate biosynthesis may influence parasitaemia. Interestingly, <it>Hs3st3a1 </it>and <it>Hs3st3b1 </it>encoding enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of heparan sulphate are located within a chromosomal region linked to <it>Plasmodium chabaudi </it>parasitaemia in mice. This suggests that <it>HS3ST3A1 </it>and <it>HS3ST3B1 </it>may influence <it>P. falciparum </it>parasitaemia in humans.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Polymorphisms within <it>HS3ST3A1 </it>and <it>HS3ST3B1 </it>were identified in 270 individuals belonging to 44 pedigrees and living in Burkina Faso. Linkage and association between parasitaemia and the polymorphisms were assessed with MERLIN and FBAT. A genetic interaction analysis was also conducted based on the PGMDR approach.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Linkage between <it>P. falciparum </it>parasitaemia and the chromosomal region containing <it>HS3ST3A1 </it>and <it>HS3ST3B1 </it>was detected on the basis of the 20 SNPs identified. In addition, rs28470223 located within the promoter of HS3ST3A1 was associated with <it>P. falciparum </it>parasitaemia, whereas the PGMDR analysis revealed a genetic interaction between <it>HS3ST3A1 </it>and <it>HS3ST3B1</it>. Seventy-three significant multi-locus models were identified after correcting for multiple tests; 37 significant multi-locus models included rs28470223, whereas 38 multi-locus models contained at least one mis-sense mutation within HS3ST3B1.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Genetic variants of <it>HS3ST3A1 </it>and <it>HS3ST3B1 </it>are associated with <it>P. falciparum </it>parasitaemia. This suggests that those variants alter both the function of heparan sulphate proteoglycans and <it>P. falciparum </it>parasitaemia.</p

    Méthodologie pour prédire l'influence des paramètres procédés et matériaux lors de la réponse à l'impact de structures composites = Methodology to predict process and materials parameters on the impact response of composites structures

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    Même si les performances des matériaux composites donnent de nouvelles perspectives pour la conception aéronautique et spatiale, la variabilité de leur comportement, liée à la présence de micro-défauts initiaux ou provoqués en service constitue néanmoins un frein important à leur développement. En s'intéressant plus particulièrement à la réponse de ces matériaux sous sollicitations de fatigue ou face au vieillissement, leur comportement est modifié par de nombreuses sources d'incertitude, notamment sur la nature des mécanismes physiques de dégradation, qui sont amplifiés par une forte dispersion durant leur cycle de vie. Dans l'industrie aéronautique, le phénomène d'impact n'est encore que peu connu concernant les matériaux et les structures composites. Le but de ce travail est de développer un modèle capable de prédire l'évolution, en termes de propagation d'un défaut présent dans une structure, en vieillissement mécanique, thermique, temporel, .... Nous devons déterminer quels paramètres sont prédominants lors du phénomène d'impact et comment ils agissent sur la structure. Pour ce faire, nous nous appuierons sur des travaux existants [1-5]. Ceux-ci déterminent un nombre important de paramètres (séquence d'empilement, vitesse ou énergie d'impact, forme de l'impacteur, angle d'incidence de l'impact, propriétés mécaniques de la résine, ...) et leur effet. Nous nous intéresserons aussi à l'influence du procédé de fabrication dans le comportement à l'impact. En s'appuyant sur un plan d'expériences, nous choisirons les paramètres les plus prépondérants ou les interactions les plus significatives. Il en résultera un nombre réduit de paramètres à prendre en compte lors de l'impact

    A Decade of Antifungal Leads from Natural Products:2010-2019

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    In this review, we discuss novel natural products discovered within the last decade that are reported to have antifungal activity against pathogenic species. Nearly a hundred natural products were identified that originate from bacteria, algae, fungi, sponges, and plants. Fungi were the most prolific source of antifungal compounds discovered during the period of review. The structural diversity of these antifungal leads encompasses all the major classes of natural products including polyketides, shikimate metabolites, terpenoids, alkaloids, and peptides

    Is neuroblastoma screening evaluation needed and feasible?

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    Despite the five million children who have been screened for neuroblastoma in Japan through detection of catecholamine metabolites, it is still uncertain whether screening for this disease is beneficial. The Japanese study has clearly indicated that screening at 6 months or earlier leads to heavy overdiagnosis. It is shown in this paper that screening at a later age may give the same reduction in mortality with possibly less overdiagnosis. However, it is estimated that, even with two screens at 12 and 18 months, the reduction in mortality would not greatly exceed 25%, under realistic hypotheses on the length of the preclinical phase of the disease. The evaluation of the efficacy of this screening strategy would need the recruitment of half a million children per year over 5-7 years and the follow-up of an equal number of controls. Such a trial would improve our knowledge of the natural history of the disease and might help to answer some questions raised recently regarding its biological heterogeneity

    Filière « Histoire sociale et démographie »

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    Stéphane Baciocchi, Pascal Cristofoli, Jean-Daniel Gronoff, ingénieurs d’études et Matthieu Loitron, doctorant avec Arnaud Bringé et Bénédicte Garnier, ingénieurs à l’INED Atelier informatique. Analyse des données relationnelles Initié par des ingénieurs en sciences sociales soucieux de partager leur savoir-faire et leurs différentes expériences de recherche à l’EHESS et à l’INED, l’atelier a pris cette année un tour plus pédagogique que proprement technique. Face au nombre croissant des util..

    Filière « Histoire sociale et démographie »

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    Stéphane Baciocchi, Pascal Cristofoli, Jean-Daniel Gronoff, ingénieurs d’études et Matthieu Loitron, doctorant avec Arnaud Bringé et Bénédicte Garnier, ingénieurs à l’INED Atelier informatique. Analyse des données relationnelles Initié par des ingénieurs en sciences sociales soucieux de partager leur savoir-faire et leurs différentes expériences de recherche à l’EHESS et à l’INED, l’atelier a pris cette année un tour plus pédagogique que proprement technique. Face au nombre croissant des util..

    3D advanced integration technology for heterogeneous systems

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    International audience3D integration technology is nowadays mature enough, offering today further system integration using heterogeneous technologies, with already many different industrial successes (Imagers, 2.5D Interposers, 3D Memory Cube, etc.). CEA-LETI has been developing for a decade 3D integration, and have pursued research in both directions: developing advanced 3D technology bricks (TSVs, µ-bumps, Hybrid Bonding, etc), and designing advanced 3D circuits as pioneer prototypes. In this paper, a short overview of some recent advanced 3D technology results is presented, including some latest 3D circuit's description
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