84 research outputs found

    A role of diffusion tensor imaging in movement disorder surgery

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    The safe and reversible nature of deep brain stimulation (DBS) has allowed movement disorder neurosurgery to become commonplace throughout the world. Fundamental understanding of individual patient’s anatomy is critical for optimizing the effects and side effects of DBS surgery. Three patients undergoing stereotactic surgery for movement disorders, at the institution’s intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging operating suite, were studied with fiber tractography. Stereotactic targets and fiber tractography were determined on preoperative magnetic resonance imagings using the Schaltenbrand–Wahren atlas for definition in the BrainLab iPlan software (BrainLAB Inc., Feldkirchen, Germany). Subthalamic nucleus, globus pallidus interna, and ventral intermediate nucleus targets were studied. Diffusion tensor imaging parameters used ranged from 2 to 8 mm for volume of interest in the x/y/z planes, fiber length was kept constant at 30 mm, and fractional anisotropy threshold varied from 0.20 to 0.45. Diffusion tensor imaging tractography allowed reliable and reproducible visualization and correlation between frontal eye field, premotor, primary motor, and primary sensory cortices via corticospinal tracts and corticopontocerebellar tracts. There is an apparent increase in the number of cortical regions targeted by the fiber tracts as the region of interest is enlarged. This represents a possible mechanism of the increased effects and side effects observed with higher stimulation voltages. Currently available diffusion tensor imaging techniques allow potential methods to characterize the effects and side effects of DBS. This technology has the potential of being a powerful tool to optimize DBS neurosurgery

    Prevalence of Pituitary Hormone Dysfunction, Metabolic Syndrome, and Impaired Quality of Life in Retired Professional Football Players: A Prospective Study

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    Hypopituitarism is common after moderate and severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Herein, we address the association between mild TBI (mTBI) and pituitary and metabolic function in retired football players. Retirees 30–65 years of age, with one or more years of National Football League (NFL) play and poor quality of life (QoL) based on Short Form 36 (SF-36) Mental Component Score (MCS) were prospectively enrolled. Pituitary hormonal and metabolic syndrome (MetS) testing was performed. Using a glucagon stimulation test, growth hormone deficiency (GHD) was defined with a standard cut point of 3 ng/mL and with a more stringent body mass index (BMI)-adjusted cut point. Subjects with and without hormonal deficiency (HD) were compared in terms of QoL, International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) scores, metabolic parameters, and football career data. Of 74 subjects, 6 were excluded because of significant non-football-related TBIs. Of the remaining 68 subjects (mean age, 47.3±10.2 years; median NFL years, 5; median NFL concussions, 3; mean BMI, 33.8±6.0), 28 (41.2%) were GHD using a peak GH cutoff of <3 ng/mL. However, with a BMI-adjusted definition of GHD, 13 of 68 (19.1%) were GHD. Using this BMI-adjusted definition, overall HD was found in 16 (23.5%) subjects: 10 (14.7%) with isolated GHD; 3 (4.4%) with isolated hypogonadism; and 3 (4.4%) with both GHD and hypogonadism. Subjects with HD had lower mean scores on the IIEF survey (p=0.016) and trended toward lower scores on the SF-36 MCS (p=0.113). MetS was present in 50% of subjects, including 5 of 6 (83%) with hypogonadism, and 29 of 62 (46.8%) without hypogonadism (p=0.087). Age, BMI, median years in NFL, games played, number of concussions, and acknowledged use of performance-enhancing steroids were similar between HD and non-HD groups. In summary, in this cohort of retired NFL players with poor QoL, 23.5% had HD, including 19% with GHD (using a BMI-adjusted definition), 9% with hypogonadism, and 50% had MetS. Although the cause of HD is unclear, these results suggest that GHD and hypogonadism may contribute to poor QoL, erectile dysfunction, and MetS in this population. Further study of pituitary function is warranted in athletes sustaining repetitive mTBI


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    Kolom merupakam elemen vertikal suatu struktur yang berfungsi menahan beban aksial dan momen sebagai akibat beban gravitasi dan beban lateral yang bekerja pada struktur. Oleh karena itu, kolom memegan penampang penting pada keutuhan struktur, apabila kolom mengalami kegagalan akan berakibat pada keruntuhan struktur bangunan atas gedung. perbedaan kolom bulat dan kolom persegi sangkat mendasar. Jika ditinjau dari tulangan sengkang, kolom bulat perpenampang spiral memiliki jarak sengkang yang berdekatan diabnding dengan kolom dengan kolom persegi yang mempunya bentuk sengkang tunggal dan jarak antara yang relatif besaar. Kolom bulat yang menghasilkan kapsitas penampang, gaya – gaya dalam seperti gaya aksial; gaya geser; gaya momen, dan simpangan (maximum displacement) sehingga dalam skripsi ini untuk mengetahui desain kolom bulat yang efisien dan efikas didalam perencanaan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari perenanaan struktur gedung dengan kolom bulat pada gedung kantor pusat stikes kepanjen malang dengan program bantu STAAD PRO V 8, yang ditinjau dari kapasitas penampang dengan luas mutu beton kolom bulat menghasilkan ØPn (aksial nominal) = 3988,690 kN, ØMn ( Momen nominal ) = 478,812 kNm, Vn (Geser nominal) = 681629,848 N. Sehingga kolom bulat memiliki kapasitas penampang yang lebih besar dan efektif. Ditinjau dari rasio dan gaya-gaya dalam struktur, kolom bulat memiliki gaya aksial = 0,021, kekakuan struktur pada kolom bulat memiliki simpangan (maximum displacements) yang lebih besar dari kolom persegi. Sehingga kekakuan pada kolom bulat lebih tinggi dengan kolom persegi

    Multidisciplinary management of acromegaly: A consensus.

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    The 13th Acromegaly Consensus Conference was held in November 2019 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and comprised acromegaly experts including endocrinologists and neurosurgeons who considered optimal approaches for multidisciplinary acromegaly management. Focused discussions reviewed techniques, results, and side effects of surgery, radiotherapy, and medical therapy, and how advances in technology and novel techniques have changed the way these modalities are used alone or in combination. Effects of treatment on patient outcomes were considered, along with strategies for optimizing and personalizing therapeutic approaches. Expert consensus recommendations emphasize how best to implement available treatment options as part of a multidisciplinary approach at Pituitary Tumor Centers of Excellence

    Commentary: Essential Neurosurgery for Medical Students.

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    Pituitary Apoplexy.

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    Pituitary apoplexy is a clinical condition with acute-onset headaches, vision loss, and/or pituitary dysfunction associated with a hemorrhagic or infarcted pituitary tumor or cyst. Treatment varies based on clinical presentation, although often urgent or emergent surgical resection is indicated. Conservative treatment strategies tend to be applied for more mild conditions of apoplexy. Overall outcomes may be similar in this less severe cohort. Acute-onset vision loss with apoplexy should be treated with urgent or emergent surgical evacuation of hematoma and resection of tumor when possible
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