1,432 research outputs found

    What do Italian Researchers think about Open Research Data?

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    From August to December 2012, the OpenAIRE Italian National Open Access Desk conducted a survey to find out what researchers and all the people involved with research in universities and research centres were doing with reference to research data archiving, management and access policies. The aim was to produce an overview of the state of the art of research data production, management and sharing in Italy, and to investigate researchers opinions and attitudes towards a potential National infrastructure for data storage, curation and preservation. The survey addressed more than 1240 directors of research departments in universities and research institutions, who where then requested to disseminate the survey among their researchers

    Open Access in Italy (infrastructure, tools, services)

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    OpenAIRE - Open Access infrastructure for research in Europe

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    Disturbi respiratori del sonno, innervazione cardiaca e prognosi in pazienti affetti da insufficienza cardiaca

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    I disturbi respiratori del sonno (SDB) agiscono negativamente sulla funzione cardiaca nei pazienti affetti da insufficienza cardiaca (IC) principalmente attraverso la degenerazione del sistema nervoso simpatico. Tuttavia, pochi dati sono disponibili in letteratura sulla relazione tra SDB e degenerazione adrenergica cardiaca a livello miocardico. Scopo di questo studio è valutare la relazione tra SDB, innervazione cardiaca adrenergica valutata mediante scintigrafia con 123 I-MIBG e l'effetto sulla prognosi in pazienti affetti da IC. Metodi: Lo studio ha arruolato pazienti affetti da IC con severa riduzione della funzione sistolica del ventricolo sinistro, sottoposti a monitoraggio cardiorespiratorio notturno per valutare la presenza di SDB, attraverso la misura dell'indice Apnea/Ipopnea (AHI), e a scintigrafia con 123 I-MIBG per studiare l'innervazione cardiaca mediante misura dell'indice cuore/mediastino (H/M) e del washout rate del tracciante. I pazienti sono stati seguiti prospetticamente per 29±18 mesi per l'endpoint combinato di morte cardiovascolare e ospedalizzazione per scompenso cardiaco. Risultati: Sono stati arruolati 94 pazienti(66.1±9.8 anni; frazione di eiezione 32% (IQR 7)). Di questi, 72 (77%) presentavano SDB; tali soggetti avevano, rispetto ai pazienti senza SDB, rapporto H/M precoce e tardivo significativamente più ridotto(H/M precoce: 1.67±0.22 vs. 1.77±0.13, p=0.019; H/M tardivo: 1.50±0.22 vs. 1.61±0.23, p=0.038). I pazienti con AHI sotto la mediana mostravano tasso di eventi più elevato e prognosi peggiore rispetto ai pazienti con valore di AHI sotto la mediana(35% vs. 9%; p=0.003). Aggiungendo la presenza o meno di SDB ai risultati della scintigrafia con MIBG, abbiamo osservato un' ulteriore riclassificazione prognostica dei pazienti con IC, osservando la peggior prognosi nei pazienti con SDB e riduzione del rapporto H/M(Log-Rank<0.001). Confrontando 4 diversi modelli di rischio, abbiamo inoltre, dimostrato il valore prognostico incrementale dell'AHI rispetto alla combinazione di variabili cliniche e diagnostiche tradizionali. Conclusioni: I pazienti affetti da IC e SDB mostrano maggior grado di denervazione adrenergica cardiaca, valutata mediante scintigrafia con MIBG, e peggiore prognosi, rispetto ai pazienti senza SDB

    Electronic journals and users: the CIBER experience in Italy

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    Epistemic integration and social segregation of AI in neuroscience

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    In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) shows a spectacular ability of insertion inside a variety of disciplines which use it for scientific advancements and which sometimes improve it for their conceptual and methodological needs. According to the transverse science framework originally conceived by Shinn and Joerges, AI can be seen as an instrument which is progressively acquiring a universal character through its diffusion across science. In this paper we address empirically one aspect of this diffusion, namely the penetration of AI into a specific field of research. Taking neuroscience as a case study, we conduct a scientometric analysis of the development of AI in this field. We especially study the temporal egocentric citation network around the articles included in this literature, their represented journals and their authors linked together by a temporal collaboration network. We find that AI is driving the constitution of a particular disciplinary ecosystem in neuroscience which is distinct from other subfields, and which is gathering atypical scientific profiles who are coming from neuroscience or outside it. Moreover we observe that this AI community in neuroscience is socially confined in a specific subspace of the neuroscience collaboration network, which also publishes in a small set of dedicated journals that are mostly active in AI research. According to these results, the diffusion of AI in a discipline such as neuroscience didn't really challenge its disciplinary orientations but rather induced the constitution of a dedicated socio-cognitive environment inside this field

    Save the time of the reader and of the librarian. L'integrazione tra ACNP e SFX in 3 atenei

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    Digital libraries and users : an Italian experience. Changes in academic users' attitudes, perceptions and usage of study and research tools in a hybrid context

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    The goal of this study is to measure the changes in scholarly journals usage in the Italian academic context. In order to meet our goals a survey was conducted based on a on-line questionnaire (1,305 respondents). The final results of this study clearly show the existence of four different categories of users (midway innovators, midway traditionalists, full innovators and full traditionalists), each category represents a different approach to digital library service