11 research outputs found

    Serological survey of Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii in shelter-housed cats infected with feline immunodeficiency virus, Brazil

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    Felines play a leading role in the epidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii infection, but there is scarce information about the epidemiology of Neospora caninum, particularly in feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)-infected cats. Cats seropositive to T. gondii do not usually show symptoms unless they are immunosuppressed, such as FIV-infected cats. The same relationship remains poorly known for N. caninum, although it has been associated with neurological disorders in HIV-infected people. Since FIV-infected cats are prone to develop encephalitis of unknown etiology, this study aimed to evaluate the presence of specific antibodies to T. gondii and N. caninum in a shelter for stray cats naturally infected with FIV. A total of 104 serum samples from cats living in a shelter, located in São Paulo city (Brazil), was assessed for T. gondii and N. caninum specific antibody by indirect fluorescent-antibody test (IFAT). Of the 104 cats, 25 (24%) were infected with FIV and, aside from these, 8 (32%) had antibodies against T. gondii (titers from 16 to 128). Only 1 (4%) of the FIV infected cats had antibodies against N. caninum, which was the first record of coinfection. Among the FIV-naïve cats, 11 (14%) were positive for T. gondii (titers from 16 to 256) and only 1 (1.2%) had antibodies against N. caninum. Serologically positive reactions to T. gondii and N. caninum were not correlated with age or sex (p>0.05), and there was no correlation between FIV and the occurrence of anti-T. gondii or anti-N. caninum antibodies (p>0.05). Further studies encompassing larger cat populations from different origins and locations are essential to clarify the prevalence of T. gondii and N. caninum antibodies in FIV-positive cats.Os felinos têm um papel importante na epidemiologia da infecção por Toxoplasma gondii, mas pouco se sabe sobre a epidemiologia da infecção por Neospora caninum em gatos, particularmente em gatos infectados com o vírus da imunodeficiência felina (FIV). Gatos soropositivos para Toxoplasma gondii geralmente não apresentam sintomas a não ser que estejam imunossuprimidos, como gatos infectados com FIV. A mesma relação ainda é pouco conhecida para N. caninum, embora tenha sido associada a distúrbios neurológicos em pessoas infectadas pelo HIV. Considerando que gatos infectados com FIV são propensos a desenvolver encefalite de etiologia desconhecida, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a presença de anticorpos específicos para T. gondii e N. caninum em gatos infectados com FIV. Um total de 104 amostras de soro de gatos residentes em um abrigo na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil, foram avaliadas para a presença de anticorpos contra T. gondii e N. caninum pelo teste de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI). Dos 104 gatos, 25 (24%) estavam infectados com FIV e destes 8, (32%) tinham anticorpos contra T. gondii (titulação entre 16 e 128). Apenas 1 (4%) dos gatos infectados com FIV apresentava anticorpos contra N. caninum, sendo este o primeiro registro dessa coinfecção. Entre os gatos não infectados com FIV, 11 (14%) foram positivos para T. gondii (titulação entre 16 e 256) e apenas 1 (1,2%) tinha anticorpos contra N. caninum. A reação sorologicamente positiva para T. gondii e N. caninum não foi correlacionada com a idade ou sexo (p> 0,05), nem houve correlação entre FIV e ocorrência de anticorpos para T. gondii ou N. caninum (p> 0,05). Estudos subsequentes abrangendo populações maiores de gatos de diferentes origens e locais são essenciais para esclarecer a prevalência de anticorpos contra T. gondii e N. caninum em animais acometidos por FIV.

    Estudo retrospectivo das afecções locomotoras em ruminantes atendidos na Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo entre 2000 e 2012

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    This study aimed to perform a retrospective study of ruminants attended at the Clinic for Cattle and Small Ruminants (CBPR) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FMVZ), University of São Paulo (USP) with locomotor diseases from 2000 to 2012. During this period 209 cases were treated. It was found that cases located in the distal limb and in the proximal region were 62.7% and 33.7%, respectively. In bovines, 121 (57.9%) cases were treated, with 86 (71.07%) cases presented in the distal limb and 35 (28.93%) cases in the proximal region. The most common disease was interdigital hyperplasia with 23 (26.74%) cases treated. Fractures were the most frequent disease related to the proximal region corresponding to 17 (48.6%) occurrences. In small ruminants, 88 animals (42.1%) were treated with 45 (51.1%) cases in the distal region and the other 43 (48.9%) in the proximal region. In these species, the foot-rot (60%) and fractures (77.4%) was the most common diseases found in the distal and the proximal region, respectively. The disorders of the locomotor system of ruminants were uncommon in the CBPR. While the affected animals with claw diseases have a good prognosis, disorders affecting the upper limb in cattle, mainly fracture, have a poor prognosis.Foi realizado o estudo retrospectivo das afecções do sistema locomotor de ruminantes atendidos no Serviço de Clínica de Bovinos e Pequenos Ruminantes da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo (FMVZ-USP), no período de 2000 a 2012. Nesse período, foram atendidos 209 casos de animais com problemas locomotores, dos quais 62,7% localizados na região distal dos membros e 37,3% na região proximal. Na espécie bovina, com 121 (57,9%) casos atendidos, o comprometimento da região distal dos membros foi observado em 86 (71,07%) e da região proximal em 35 (28,93%) dos casos, respectivamente. A afecção mais frequente observada em bovinos foi a hiperplasia interdigital com 26,74% (23) dos casos atendidos. Entre as afecções na região proximal, houve maior ocorrência de fraturas, com 48,6% (17) dos casos. Foram atendidos 88 (42,1%) pequenos ruminantes, apresentando lesões na região distal em 51,1% (45) dos casos e 48,9% (43) com lesões na região proximal. Nessas espécies, as lesões de maior ocorrência nas regiões distais e proximais foram, respectivamente, o foot-rot (60%) e as fraturas (77,4%). As afecções do sistema locomotor dos ruminantes foram pouco frequentes entre os animais atendidos no período estudado. Quanto ao prognóstico, foi bom nos animais acometidos com doenças podais, diferentemente das afecções proximais dos bovinos, principalmente fraturas, que apresentaram prognóstico mau


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    Background: Photodynamic therapy has been investigated in different areas of health through experimental conditions. Its action can alter fundamental structures for the survival of microorganisms without any development of microbial resistance. Materials and Methods: Young sheep presenting with abscess in the left forelimb caused by Streptococcus spp. was previously treated with antibiotics. There was no clinical improvement with the treatments, and the bacteria presented sensitivity in vitro. Therefore, Photodynamic therapy associating methylene blue and red laser (660 nm) was used to treat the abscess. Results: After a day of treatment, complete healing was witnessed with no recurrence was observed during the 3-month follow-up period. Conclusion: The scientific results of the antimicrobial effect of PDT proved to be a therapeutic option with great potential for clinical application

    Evaluation of the Dutch claw trimming method for Nellore cattle and factors influencing digit morphometry

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    A apara do casco é a principal forma de prevenir as doenças podais dos bovinos, ela pode ser realizada por diferentes métodos, sendo o holandês o mais utilizado. Recentemente, estudos evidenciaram que a métrica tradicional é inapropriada, podendo causar a diminuição excessiva da espessura da sola, e expor o córium dos dígitos. O presente estudo teve três objetivos: 1 - determinar o perfil dos casqueadores que atuam na área da podologia no Brasil; 2 - verificar se há associação entre a apara e o surgimento de sola fina; 3 - determinar se peso e idade dos bovinos da raça Nelore influenciam nas dimensões do casco e do córium. No primeiro estudo, confeccionou- se questionário on-line que foi enviado para casqueadores por meio de mídias sociais e e-mail. Para o segundo objetivo, parâmetros morfométricos de 12 bovinos foram avaliados, antes e após a apara pelo método holandês. Adicionalmente, avaliação da espessura da sola foi realizada por meio de imagens tomográficas nestes mesmos momentos. Para o terceiro objetivo, os dígitos de 46 bovinos foram separados em dois grupos, de acordo com a idade e com o peso dos animais, e mensurou a morfometria dos dígitos. As dimensões do córium, comprimento linear na muralha e a sua espessura na pinça e no talão, foram avaliados por imagens tomográficas. Os resultados mostram que os casqueadores são adultos jovens, graduados, que atuam no eixo sudeste-sul do país, trabalhando principalmente com gado leiteiro. Apenas metade dos entrevistados utilizam algum método padronizado para o desbaste do casco, sendo o holandês o mais utilizado. Um terço dos questionados notam alterações na sola durante a apara, como sangramentos e/ou sola fina, porém não houve associação significativa entre métodos de apara e ausência de lesões na sola (p = 0,2). A má infraestrutura das propriedades foi apontada como o maior entrave para a prevenção das doenças podais. Em relação aos dados morfométricos obtidos neste estudo, antes da apara do casco, houve diferença significativa entre os comprimentos da muralha (p < 0,0001), e observou-se que o dígito medial pélvico é o de menor morfometria (p<0,05). Após a apara, o comprimento da muralha dos dígitos foi semelhante (p > 0,05), e o dígito medial manteve-se como o menor. As imagens tomográficas revelaram que antes da apara apenas seis dígitos apresentaram sola fina, enquanto após o desbaste 22 exibiram desgaste excessivo. Houve associação significativa entre realização da apara pelo método holandês e sola fina (p = 0,017). Por fim, algumas variáveis morfométricas do casco e córium revelaram correlação significante com a idade e o peso e as comparações morfométricas e tomográficas entre os grupos comprovaram o observado, sendo possível confeccionar modelo matemático para predizer o comprimento mínimo da muralha dado por: 63,8 + 0,051 (idade) + 0,019 (peso). O estudo revelou que o método holandês pode ocasionar sola fina nos bovinos Nelore e, portanto, para evitar estas intercorrências, características como idade e peso dos bovinos deverão ser verificadas para realizar a apara segura e evitar lesões.Claw trimming is the main approach to prevent claw diseases in cattle. It can be performed by different techniques; however, the Dutch method is the most common used. Recently, some studies have shown that the metric determined by this method is inappropriate and can cause the sole thickness and expose the digital corium. The aims of the present study were: 1 - determine the profile of Brazilian trimmers; 2 - verify if there is an association between claw trimming and thin sole; 3 - determine whether the weight and age of Nellore cattle influence the dimensions of the claw horn and corium. For the first study, an online questionnaire was sent to trimmers through social media and e-mail. For the second, morphometric data from 12 bovines were evaluated, before and after claw trimming according to the Dutch method. The sole thickness was assessed by tomographic images at the same moments. In the third study, digits from 46 cows were separated in to two groups, according to the age and weight. Morphometric analysis of the digits and linear length of the corium on the wall horn, as well as the thickness of the corium in apex and below flexor tuberosity were evaluated by tomographic images. The results show that, in general, the trimmers are young adults, undergraduate, and work mostly with dairy cattle, in South and Southeast Brazil. Only half of the interviewees use a standardized method for claw trimming, being the Dutch method the most used. One-third of interviewed notice changes in the sole during hoof trimming, such as bleeding and / or thin sole, but there was no significant association between trimming methods and absence of lesions on the sole (p = 0.2). Poor infrastructure of the farms was identified as the major problem for the prevention of claw diseases. Regarding to the morphometric data, there was a significant difference between the lengths of the wall horn (p<0.0001) before claw trimming, and it was observed that medial hind digit presented lower claw dimension (p<0.05). After trimming, the length of the wall horn of digits was similar (p>0.05), and medial hind digits were the smallest. Tomographic images revealed that six digits showed thin soles before trimming, while 22 digits presented sole thickness after claw trimming. There was a significant association between trimming using the Dutch method and thin soles (p = 0.017). In the last study, some morphometric variables of the claw horn and corium revealed a significant correlation with age and weight, supported by the morphometric and tomographic comparisons between the groups. Then, a significant model (p<0.0001) was developed to predict the minimum length of the horn wall: 63.8 + 0.051 (age) + 0.019 (weight). This study revealed that Dutch method can cause thin soles in Nellore cattle. Therefore, in order to avoid these negative complications, characteristics such as age and weight should be verified and considered to perform safe claw trimming and avoid lameness

    Doppler ultrasonography of digital blood flow associated with changes in bovine digital cushion

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    O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar, por meio da ultrassonografia bidimensional e da ultrassonografia Doppler, as inter-relações entre a alteração de espessura do coxim digital com os índices vasculares da artéria digital dorsal comum dos membros pélvicos dos bovinos. A avaliação ultrassonográfica Doppler é uma técnica não invasiva de avaliação de índices vasculares, assim como, indiretamente, do volume de sangue do leito vascular. Para isso, foram realizados exames ultrassonográficos da espessura do coxim digital e também avaliação ultrassonográfica Doppler da referida artéria de 13 vacas primíparas da raça Holandesa, em intervalos de 14 dias, durante 126 dias após o parto. Ao longo do experimento o coxim digital apresentou diminuição não significativa de espessura (p=0,1715) e apresentou forte correlação positiva com a média do escore de condição corporal (p=0,03, r=0,71). Ao longo do período avaliado, o fluxo de sangue aumentou significativamente (p<0,0001) e apresentou correlação negativa com os índices que denotam impedância ao deslocamento de sangue, isto é, índice de resistividade (p<0,0001, r=-0,34911) e pulsatilidade (p<0,0001, r=-0,5035). Além disso, realizou-se correlação entre a diferença diária do fluxo de sangue e a diferença da espessura do coxim digital para cada animal e constatou-se uma forte tendência à correlação entre as diferenças das variáveis (p=0,0515, r=-0,5729). Por meio dos resultados encontrados foi possível concluir que o escore de condição corporal teve forte correlação com a espessura do coxim digital, ao longo do estudo. Além disso, o fluxo de sangue, os índices referentes à velocidade de deslocamento das hemácias e o diâmetro da artéria aumentaram ao longo do trabalho. E, também, que a discreta diminuição do coxim digital não foi um fator que influenciou no aumento do fluxo de sangue e nos índices vascularesThe aim of this study was to evaluate, by bidimensional and pused Doppler ultrasound, the interrelationship between the changes of the thickness of digital cushion with vascular indices of the common dorsal digital artery of the hind limbs of cattle. Pused Doppler sonography is a non-invasive tool to assessment the vascular indices, as well as, the blood flow volume in vascular bed. So, were performed ultrasound exams of soft tissue thickness and also the Doppler ultrasonographic evaluation of that artery in thirteen first lactation Holstein cows and followed them up during 126 days in milk. Throughout the experiment the digital cushion showed a slight decrease without significance (p=0,1715), this also was strongly correlated with body condition score (p=0,03, r=0,71). The blood flow volume had significance increase (p<0,0001) and was negatively correlated with both impedance indices, resistance index (P<0,0001 r =-0,34911) and pulsatility index (p <0,0001 r =-0,5035). In addition, a correlation was performed with both daily differences of the blood flow and the thickness of the digital cushion for each animal and it was observed a strong tendency of correlation between the different variables (p=0,0515 r =-0,5729). Therefore, we can conclude that body condition score was strong correlated with the thickness of digital cushion, throughout the study. In addition, the blood flow volume, the velocity indices and the artery diameter increase throughout the days in milk. And, so, the slight decrease in the thickness of digital cushion was not a factor that influenced the increase of blood flow and vascular indice

    Prevalence, clinical and epidemiological features of feline hyperthyroidism at a veterinary teaching hospital in Brazil: a retrospective study

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    The hyperthyroidism is the most frequently endocrinopathy in cats. The increasing number of diagnoses over time is due to the greater familiarity with the disease and the development of increasingly sensitive diagnostic tools available. This study aimed to retrospectively evaluate the prevalence, clinical characteristics and risk factors of hyperthyroidism in cats admitted at one of the largest veterinary teaching hospital in Brazil. Between 2002 and 2007, 234 cats were admitted to the veterinary teaching hospital of the University of São Paulo, Brazil. Total thyroxine (T4t) serum concentration was measured from all cats. Also analyzed the medical charts of cats. Of the 234 cats, 26 (11.1%) were considered hyperthyroid (T4t =3.8 µg/dL). Of hese 26 cats, only two (7.7%) were initially diagnosed as hyperthyroid. The age of cats ranged from 6 to 27 years old (13.1 ± 4.5 years). Twelve patients (46.2%) were female and 14 (53.8%) were male. Eight (30.8%) cats were Siamese, while the others were mixed breed (69.2%). Dry food was the most common food type consumed by cats. There was a high prevalence of hyperthyroid cats with concomitant chronic kidney disease (CKD). This study sheds light on the importance of routinely monitoring feline hyperthyroidism and brings epidemiological and clinical data of this endocrinopathy in cats from one of the largest veterinary teaching hospitals in the country

    CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocyte counts and ratio in cats with chronic gingivostomatitis and naturally infected with feline immunodeficiency virus: a preliminary study

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    This study aimed to evaluate the CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes counts and CD4+: CD8+ ratio in a colony of cats with chronic gingivostomatitis (CGS). We used forty domestic short-haired cats inhabiting the same colony. Ten cats with CGS were immunodeficiency virus-positive (group IV), and ten with CGS were immunodeficiency virus-negative (group III). As a control, twenty cats without CGS were used: ten cats were immunodeficiency virus-positive (group II) and ten cats were immunodeficiency virus-negative (group I). We employed flow cytometry to count CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes. In cats infected with the immunodeficiency virus, the presence of CD4+ lymphocytes were lower both for animals with and without CGS. Conversely, not immunodeficiency virus-infected cats with CGS had a higher amount of CD4+ when compared to seronegative animals without CGS. The counts of CD8+ T lymphocytes showed no significant difference among cats with CGS, whether infected with immunodeficiency virus or not. The CD4+: CD8+ ratio was only different for group III, which was higher than any other group. No difference was observed for total lymphocyte number and CD8+ among groups. By contrast, mean CD4+ levels were different, with cats from groups III and IV showing higher levels than those from groups I and II. The flow cytometry could be a useful tool for the diagnosis and prognosis of cats with CGS infected by the immunodeficiency virus