14,119 research outputs found

    Optimal cooperative control synthesis of active displays

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    A technique is developed that is intended to provide a systematic approach to synthesizing display augmentation for optimal manual control in complex, closed-loop tasks. A cooperative control synthesis technique, previously developed to design pilot-optimal control augmentation for the plant, is extended to incorporate the simultaneous design of performance enhancing displays. The technique utilizes an optimal control model of the man in the loop. It is applied to the design of a quickening control law for a display and a simple K/s(2) plant, and then to an F-15 type aircraft in a multi-channel task. Utilizing the closed loop modeling and analysis procedures, the results from the display design algorithm are evaluated and an analytical validation is performed. Experimental validation is recommended for future efforts

    NMSGUT emergence and Trans-Unification RG flows

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    Consistency of trans-unification RG evolution is used to discuss the domain of definition of the New Minimal Supersymmetric SO(10) GUT (NMSGUT). We compute the 1-loop RGE β\beta functions, simplifying generic formulae using constraints of gauge invariance and superpotential structure. We also calculate the 2 loop contributions to the gauge coupling and gaugino mass and indicate how to get full 2 loop results for all couplings. Our method overcomes combinatorial barriers that frustrate computer algebra based attempts to calculate SO(10) β\beta functions involving large irreps. Use of the RGEs identifies a perturbative domain Q<MEQ < M_E, where ME<MPlanckM_E <M_{Planck} is the \emph{scale of emergence} where the NMSGUT, with GUT compatible soft supersymmetry breaking terms emerges from the strong UV dynamics associated with the Landau poles in gauge and Yukawa couplings. Due to the strength of the RG flows the Landau poles for gauge and Yukawa couplings lie near a cutoff scale ΛE\Lambda_E for the perturbative dynamics of the NMSGUT which just above MEM_E. SO(10) RG flows into the IR are shown to facilitate small gaugino masses and generation of negative Non Universal Higgs masses squared needed by realistic NMSGUT fits of low energy data. Running the simple canonical theory emergent at MEM_E through MXM_X down to the electroweak scale enables tests of candidate scenarios such as supergravity based NMSGUT with canonical kinetic terms and NMSGUT based dynamical Yukawa unification.Comment: 36 pages, 1 Figure, 4 Tables, 77 equations, 42 references, RevTeX4 PDFLateX. Version published in Phys. Rev.

    Baryon Stability on the Higgs Dissolution Edge : Threshold corrections and suppression of Baryon violation in the NMSGUT

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    Superheavy threshold corrections to the matching condition between matter Yukawa couplings of the effective Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) and the New Minimal Supersymmetric (SO(10)) GUT(NMSGUT) provide a novel and generic mechanism for reducing the long standing and generically problematic operator dimension 5 Baryon decay rates. In suitable regions of the parameter space strong wave function renormalization of the effective MSSM Higgs doublets due to the large number of heavy fields can take the wave function renormalization of the MSSM Higgs field close to the dissolution value (ZH,H=0Z_{H,\overline{H}}=0). Rescaling to canonical kinetic terms lowers the SO(10) Yukawas required to match the MSSM fermion data. Since the same Yukawas determine the dimension 5 B violation operator coefficients, the associated rates can be suppressed to levels compatible with current limits. Including these threshold effects also relaxes the constraint ybyτysyμ y_b-y_\tau\simeq y_s-y_\mu operative between 10120\textbf{10} -\textbf{120} plet generated tree level MSSM matter fermion Yukawas yfy_f. We exhibit accurate fits of the MSSM fermion mass-mixing data in terms of NMSGUT superpotential couplings and 5 independent soft Susy breaking parameters specified at 1016.2510^{16.25}\, GeV with the claimed suppression of Baryon decay rates. As before, our s-spectra are of the mini split supersymmetry type with large A0,μ,mH,H>100|A_0|,\mu,m_{H,\overline H} > 100\,\, TeV, light gauginos and normal s-hierarchy. Large A0,μA_0,\mu and soft masses allow significant deviation from the canonical GUT gaugino mass ratios and ensure vacuum safety. Even without optimization, prominent candidates for BSM discovery such as the muon magnetic anomaly, bsγb\rightarrow s\gamma and Lepto-genesis CP violation emerge in the preferred ball park.Comment: PdfLatex. 50 pages. Version accepted for publication in Nuclear Phys.B(2014). Available online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2014.03.003. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1107.296

    Effect of volcanic debris on stratospheric ion conductivity

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    The reduction is reported of stratospheric ion conductivities in the altitude range of 20 to 27 km attributable to the aerosols injected into the stratosphere by the eruption of volcano Nevado Del Ruiz on November 13, 1985. Three balloon experiments were conducted from Hyderabad, India (17.5 N, 78.6 E) carrying a Langmuir probe payload for measuring stratospheric ion conductivities. The first flight took place about 9 months before the volcanic eruption, the second 3 weeks after the eruption and the third about a year later. Lidar observations from Japan, Hawaii and Europe reported detection of aerosol layers in the 18 to 25 km altitude range attributable to the Nevado Del Ruiz volcanic eruption. A comparison of the conductivity profiles shows that the reduction of ion conductivities is: 57.3 percent at 20 km and 31 percent at 25 km. A year after the eruption, conductivities at all heights tended to recover

    Top Yukawa coupling measurement with indefinite CP Higgs in e+ettˉΦe^+e^-\to t\bar{t}\Phi

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    We consider the issue of the top quark Yukawa coupling measurement in a model in dependent and general case with the inclusion of CP-violation in the coupling. Arguably the best process to study this coupling is the associa ted production of Higgs boson along with a ttˉt\bar t pair in a machine like the International Linear Collider (ILC). While detailed analyses of the sensitivity of the measurement assuming a Standard Model (SM) - like coupling are available in the context of ILC, conclude that th e coupling could be pinned down at about 10\% level with modest luminosity, our investigations show that the scenario could be different in case of a more general coupling. The modified Lorentz structure resulting in a changed functional dependence of the cross section on the couplin g, along with the difference in the cross section itself leads to considerable deviation in the sensitivity. Our studies with an ILC of center of mass energies of 500 GeV, 800 GeV and 1000 GeV show that moderate CP-mixing in the Higgs sector could change the sensitivity to about 20\ %, while it could be worsened to 75\% in cases which could accommodate more dramatic changes in the coupling. While detailed considerations of the decay distributions point to a need for a relook at the analysis strategy followed for the case of SM such as for a model independent analysis of the top quark Yukawa coupling measurement. This study strongly suggests that, a joint analysis of the CP properties and the Yukawa coupling measurement would be the way forward at the ILC and that caution must be excercised in the measurem ent of the Yukawa couplings and the conclusions drawn from it.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, uses revte

    The Axisymmetric Indentation of Semi-Infinite Transversely Isotropic Space by Heated Annular Punch

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    The problem of determining the distribution of stress in a semi – infinite elastic solid when a rigid body of prescribed shape is pressed against its free surface is associated with the name of Boussinesq, since it was first discussed in classical Treatise [1]. A detailed account of punch problem may be formed in Sneddon [2] and Green and Zerna [3]. Recently, Shibuya et.al. [4] devised a novel technique for determining stress distribution in elastic half space indented by flat annular punch. Shibuya et.al. [5] also extended this technique  to determine stress distribution in an elastic slab indented by  a pair of flat rigid annular punches. George and Sneddon [6] were first to study the axially symmetric problem of elastic half space indented by heated punch. Keer and Fu [7] also studied the thermo – elastic stress distribution problem due to combined loading of rigid, non– symmetrical, circular punches indenting thick elastic plate.  The axisymmetric Boussinesq problem for heated annular punch was discussed by Kumar and Hiremath [8]. The problem of determining axisymmetric distribution in a thick elastic plate indented by a pair of heated annular punches was also studied by Kumar and Hiremath [9]. The present paper extends the method of Kumar and Hiremath [8, 9] to study the problem of determining stress distribution in a transversely isotropic  half space indented by a heated annular rigid punch. The mixed boundary value problem is reduced to the solution of triple integral equations, which in turn are reduced to the solution of linear simultaneous algebraic equations. These are solved numerically

    Spin Tunneling in Magnetic Molecules: Quasisingular Perturbations and Discontinuous SU(2) Instantons

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    Spin coherent state path integrals with discontinuous semiclassical paths are investigated with special reference to a realistic model for the magnetic degrees of freedom in the Fe8 molecular solid. It is shown that such paths are essential to a proper understanding of the phenomenon of quenched spin tunneling in these molecules. In the Fe8 problem, such paths are shown to arise as soon as a fourth order anisotropy term in the energy is turned on, making this term a singular perturbation from the semiclassical point of view. The instanton approximation is shown to quantitatively explain the magnetic field dependence of the tunnel splitting, as well as agree with general rules for the number of quenching points allowed for a given value of spin. An accurate approximate formula for the spacing between quenching points is derived

    Role of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in Healing of Diabetic Foot Ulcers

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    Introduction: Foot disorders such as ulceration, infection and gangrene are the most common, complex and costly sequelae of diabetes mellitus.[1-3] Even for the most superficial wounds, treatment is often difficult with poor healing responses and high rates of complications. The purpose of this study is to compare the rate of ulcer healing with the negative pressure dressing technique to conventional moist dressings in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on 30 patients, which were divided into two groups. One group received negative pressure dressing while other group received conventional saline moistened gauze dressing. Results were compared for rate of wound healing. Results: There was a statistically significant difference in the rate of appearance of granulation tissue between the two groups; with granulation tissue appearing earlier in the study group. The study group promised a better outcome (80% complete responders) as compared to the control group (60% complete responders). Conclusions: Negative pressure wound therapy has a definitive role in healing of diabetic foot ulcers

    Humoral and cytokine response elicited during immunisation with recombinant Immune Mapped protein-1 (EtIMP-1) and oocysts of Eimeria tenella

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    Eimeria tenella, the causative agent of caecal coccidiosis, is a pathogenic gut dwelling protozoan which can cause severe morbidity and mortality in farmed chickens. Immune mapped protein-1 (IMP-1) has been identified as an anticoccidial vaccine candidate; in the present study allelic polymorphism was assessed across the IMP-1 coding sequence in E. tenella isolates from four countries and compared with the UK reference Houghton strain. Nucleotide diversity was low, limited to expansion/contraction of a CAG triplet repeat and five substitutions, three of which were non-synonymous. The EtIMP-1 coding sequence from a cloned Indian E. tenella isolate was expressed in E. coli and purified as a His-tagged thioredoxin fusion protein. An in-vivo vaccination and challenge trial was conducted to test the vaccine potential of recombinant EtIMP-1 (rEtIMP-1) and to compare post-vaccination immune responses of chickens to those stimulated by live oocyst infection. Following challenge, parasite replication measured using quantitative PCR was significantly reduced in chickens that had been vaccinated with rEtIMP-1 (rIC group; 67% reduction compared to UC or unimmunised controls; 79% reduction compared to rTC group or recombinant thioredoxin mock-immunised controls, p < 0.05), or the birds vaccinated by infection with oocysts (OC group, 90% compared to unimmunised controls). Chickens vaccinated with oocysts (OC) had significantly higher levels of interferon gamma in their serum post-challenge, compared to rEtIMP-1 vaccinated birds (rIC). Conversely rEtIMP-1 (rIC) vaccinated birds had significantly higher antigen specific serum IgY responses, correlating with higher serum IL-4 (both p < 0.05)