3,300 research outputs found

    A New Family of Cavernicolous Millipedes with the Description of a New Genus and Species from Idaho (Diplopoda: Chordeumida: Chordeumidea)

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    The Chordeumidea is accumulating species names faster than any other group of North American Diplopoda. About one-half its species, 47, have been described since 1950. This recent growth has occurred because the small size, localized populations, and, frequently, cave habitus of these millipeds have obstructed thorough collection in the past. These factors have only recently been overcome by comprehensive collecting. As a result of this rapidgrowth and the many artificial groupings which result from it, much organization of the higher classification remains to be done. Hoffman (1961) emphasizes that co- operation between workers, more thorough descriptions, more accurate illustrations, and revisions are necessary if a proper classification is to be attained. Described herein is a new cave form unique among the known North American Chordeumidea. Related to Cleidogonidae, Conotylidae, and Bactropidae, it is distinguished from these families by having the ninth legs reduced and unsegmented. This species represents the type of a new family, which we name after the state in which it was collected

    Maximum Penetration of Atmospheric Gravity Waves Observed During ALOHA-93

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    Atmospheric Gravity Waves (AGWs) are subject to altitude propagation limits which are governed by the diffusion processes. Diffusion times and scales which exceed the wave period and wavelength define the limiting domain for AGWs. An expression is presented which defines the upper altitude limit to which AGWs can propagate given vertical diffusion constraints of the atmosphere. Airglow, lidar, and radar measurements are combined to characterize the intrinsic AGW parameters in the 80–105 km altitude region. A subset of AGWs (17) observed by airglow imagers during the ALOHA‐93 were made when simultaneous wind measurements were available and intrinsic wave parameters were calculated. The limiting altitude of propagation for these measured monochromatic waves is calculated to range from 110–150 km (with a mean limiting altitude of 130 km). The altitude limit is necessarily lower for waves with short vertical wavelengths and longer intrinsic periods. This observation is important for a large number of issues including energetic considerations regarding thermospheric heating in models which consider upward propagating AGWs (and energy flux) of tropospheric origin. This limited data base should be expanded for statistical significance in future work

    Full-wave Modeling of Small-scale Gravity Waves using Airborne Lidar and Observations of the Hawaiian Airglow (ALOHA-93) O(¹S) Images and Coincident Na Wind/temperature Lidar Measurements

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    Measurements were made of mesospheric gravity waves in the OI (5577 Å) nightglow observed from Maui, Hawaii, during the Airborne Lidar and Observations of Hawaiian Airglow (ALOHA-93) campaign. Clear, monochromatic gravity waves were observed on several nights. By using a full-wave model that realistically includes the major physical processes in this region, we have simulated the propagation of four waves through the mesopause region and calculated the O(¹S) nightglow response to the waves. Mean winds derived from Na wind/temperature lidar observations were employed in the computations. Wave amplitudes were calculated based on the requirement that the observed and simulated relative airglow fluctuation amplitudes be equal. Although the extrinsic (i.e., observed) characteristics of all four waves studied were quite similar (horizontal wavelengths ∼20 to 30 km; periods ∼9 min; horizontal phase speeds ∼35 to 50 m s¯¹), the propagation characteristics of the waves are all quite different due to the different background mean winds through which the waves propagate. Three of the waves encounter critical levels in the mesopause region. For two of these waves the upward propagation beyond the 97 km level is severely impeded by their critical levels because the local value of the Richardson number exceeds unity there. The third wave is not severely attenuated at its critical level because the Richardson number there is about 0.25. The fourth wave does not encounter a critical level although it is strongly Doppler shifted to low frequencies over a limited height range by the mean winds. It appears to be able to propagate at least to the 110 km level essentially unimpeded. This study demonstrates that an accurate description of the mean winds is an essential requirement for a complete interpretation of observed wave-driven airglow fluctuations. The study also emphasizes that although the measured extrinsic properties of waves may be similar, their propagation to higher altitudes depends very sensitively on the mean winds through which the waves propagate

    Does effective population size affect rates of molecular evolution : mitochondrial data for host/parasite species pairs in bees suggests not

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    Adaptive evolutionary theory argues that organisms with larger effective population size (Ne) should have higher rates of adaptive evolution and therefore greater capacity to win evolutionary arm races. However, in some certain cases, species with much smaller Ne may be able to survive besides their opponents for an extensive evolutionary time. Neutral theory predicts that accelerated rates of molecular evolution in organisms with exceedingly small Ne are due to the effects of genetic drift and fixation of slightly deleterious mutations. We test this prediction in two obligate social parasite species and their respective host species from the bee tribe Allodapini. The parasites (genus Inquilina) have been locked into tight coevolutionary arm races with their exclusive hosts (genus Exoneura) for ~15 million years, even though Inquilina exhibit Ne that are an order of magnitude smaller than their host. In this study, we compared rates of molecular evolution between host and parasite using nonsynonymous to synonymous substitution rate ratios (dN/dS) of eleven mitochondrial protein-coding genes sequenced from transcriptomes. Tests of selection on mitochondrial genes indicated no significant differences between host and parasite dN/dS, with evidence for purifying selection acting on all mitochondrial genes of host and parasite species. Several potential factors which could weaken the inverse relationship between Ne and rate of molecular evolution are discussed

    Spectrum of the Nuclear Environment for GaAs Spin Qubits

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    Using a singlet-triplet spin qubit as a sensitive spectrometer of the GaAs nuclear spin bath, we demonstrate that the spectrum of Overhauser noise agrees with a classical spin diffusion model over six orders of magnitude in frequency, from 1 mHz to 1 kHz, is flat below 10 mHz, and falls as 1/f21/f^2 for frequency f ⁣ ⁣1f \! \gtrsim \! 1 Hz. Increasing the applied magnetic field from 0.1 T to 0.75 T suppresses electron-mediated spin diffusion, which decreases spectral content in the 1/f21/f^2 region and lowers the saturation frequency, each by an order of magnitude, consistent with a numerical model. Spectral content at megahertz frequencies is accessed using dynamical decoupling, which shows a crossover from the few-pulse regime ( ⁣16\lesssim \! 16 π\pi-pulses), where transverse Overhauser fluctuations dominate dephasing, to the many-pulse regime ( ⁣32\gtrsim \! 32 π\pi-pulses), where longitudinal Overhauser fluctuations with a 1/f1/f spectrum dominate.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 8 pages of supplementary material, 5 supplementary figure

    ALOHA-93 Measurements of Intrinsic AGW Characteristics Using the Airborne Airglow Imager and Groundbased Na Wind/Temperature Lidar

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    Monochromatic Acoustic Gravity Waves (AGWs) with periods \u3c 1 hour are a prevalent feature in the mesospheric airglow layers. These waves are important dynamically and energetically to the region where their temporal and spatial morphology are not well established. The purpose of this study is establish the intrinsic AGW characteristics over an extended region (as flown by the NCAR Electra aircraft) and to present the data in terms of the predicted spectral domain defined by the Brunt‐Vaisala frequency and the diffusive filtering limit proposed by Gardner [1994]. On October 21, 1993, observations were made from the NCAR Electra aircraft during a 6 hour flight in a large triangle N and W of Maui, for a integral distance of ∼3000 km. The entire area observed [∼1 M km²] had a monochromatic AGW propagating toward the NW and the western half had a SW propagating wave superimposed. These waves were also observed with the Michelson interferometer on the aircraft and an airglow imager at the Haleakala location during this time. Intrinsic phase velocities were computed where the Na Wind/Temperature (W/T) lidar at Haleakala provided a measure of the mean wind to compensate phase velocities observed with the imager. The data were tabulated and plotted in an AGW spectral reference frame and compared to cutoff conditions predicted by diffusive filtering theory

    An Investigation of Intrinsic Gravity Wave Signatures Using Coordinated Lidar and Nightglow Image Measurements

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    Simultaneous observations of gravity waves using an Na wind/temperature lidar and a multi‐wavelength all‐sky nightglow imager were obtained, for the first time, during the ALOHA‐93 campaign. A novel investigation of intrinsic wave parameters has been made by combining measurements of the horizontal wave components imaged in four nightglow emissions (height range ∼80–100 km) with Na lidar soundings of the horizontal wind field and temperature profiles over the same height interval. On October 19 both instruments registered marked monochromatic wave motions. The intrinsic periods of several of these waves have been determined and were found to vary considerably with altitude, often resulting in a significant increase over their observed wave periods. It is shown that these two instrumental techniques generally sampled different regions of the gravity wave spectrum: the lidar exhibiting most sensitivity to short vertical wavelength waves (less than about 10 km) while the imager was most responsive to larger vertical wavelength waves. This study illustrates the significant advantages of combining wind/temperature lidar and multi‐wavelength image observations for intrinsic gravity wave measurements

    Observational Limits for Lidar, Radar and Airglow Imager Measurements of Gravity Wave Parameters

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    By examining the observational limits and biases for lidar, radar, and airglow imager measurements of middle atmosphere gravity waves, we provide plausible explanations for the characteristics of the monochromatic wave parameters that have been reported during the past decade. The systematic dependencies of vertical and horizontal wavelength on wave period, reported in many lidar and some radar studies, are associated with diffusive damping. The prominent waves with the largest amplitudes, most often observed by lidars and radars, are those with vertical phase speeds near the diffusive damping limit. The narrow range of horizontal phase velocities of the waves seen by OH imagers is a consequence of the combined effects of the gravity wave spectrum and the OH layer response to wave perturbations. The strongest airglow fluctuations are associated with waves having vertical wavelengths comparable to the width of the OH layer. These waves have fast horizontal phase speeds near 70 m/s. Simple formulas which describe the regions of the wave spectrum observed by each instrument are derived and compared with published data. Lidars, radars, and imagers are often most sensitive to waves in largely different regions of the spectrum so that their measurements are truly complementary. However, these ground-based techniques are often incapable of observing the large-scale waves with periods longer than about 5 hours and both long vertical (\u3e15 km) and horizontal (\u3e1000 km) wavelengths. Spaceborne instruments, such as the high-resolution Doppler imager (HRDI) and wind imaging interferometer (WINDII) on UARS, are the techniques most likely to provide the key observations of the low wavenumber, low-frequency region of the gravity wave spectrum

    Quantitative Chemically-Specific Coherent Diffractive Imaging of Buried Interfaces using a Tabletop EUV Nanoscope

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    Characterizing buried layers and interfaces is critical for a host of applications in nanoscience and nano-manufacturing. Here we demonstrate non-invasive, non-destructive imaging of buried interfaces using a tabletop, extreme ultraviolet (EUV), coherent diffractive imaging (CDI) nanoscope. Copper nanostructures inlaid in SiO2 are coated with 100 nm of aluminum, which is opaque to visible light and thick enough that neither optical microscopy nor atomic force microscopy can image the buried interfaces. Short wavelength (29 nm) high harmonic light can penetrate the aluminum layer, yielding high-contrast images of the buried structures. Moreover, differences in the absolute reflectivity of the interfaces before and after coating reveal the formation of interstitial diffusion and oxidation layers at the Al-Cu and Al-SiO2 boundaries. Finally, we show that EUV CDI provides a unique capability for quantitative, chemically-specific imaging of buried structures, and the material evolution that occurs at these buried interfaces, compared with all other approaches.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure