315 research outputs found

    Asset Price and Wealth Dynamics in a Financial Market with Heterogeneous Agents

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    This paper considers a discrete-time model of a financial market with one risky asset and one risk-free asset, where the asset price and wealth dynamics are determined by the interaction of two groups of agents, fundamentalits and chartists. In each period each group allocates its wealth between the risky asset and the safe asset according to myopic expected utility maximization, but the two groups have heterogeneous beliefs about the price change over the next period: the chartists are trend extrapolators, while the fundamentalists expect that the price will return to the fundamental. We assume that investors have CRRA utility, so that their optimal demand for the risky asset depends on wealth. A market maker is assumed to adjust the price at the end of each trading period, on the basis of the excess demand and according to particular stabilization policies. The model results in a three-dimensional nonlinear discrete-time dynamical system, with growing price and wealth processes, but it is reduced to a stationary system in terms of asset returns and wealth shares of the two groups. It is shown that the long-run market dynamics are highly dependent on the parameters which characterize agents' behavior (in particular the risk aversion coefficient and the chartist extrapolation parameter) as well as on the initial condition (in particular the initial wealth shares of fundamentalists and chartists). It is also shown that the for wide ranges of the parameters a (locally) stable fundamental steady state may coexist with a stable "nonfundamental" steady state, where price grows faster than the fundamental and only chartists survive in the long-run. In such cases, the role played by the initial condition is analysed by means of numerical investigations and graphical representation of the basins of attraction. Other dynamic scenarios include limit cycles, periodic orbits or more complex attractors, where in general both types of agents survive in the long run, with time varying wealth fractions.heterogeneous agents; financial market dynamics; wealth dynamics; coexisting attractors

    A simple financial market model with chartists and fundamentalists: market entry levels and discontinuities

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    We present a simple financial market model with interacting chartists and fundamentalists. Since some of these speculators only become active when a certain misalignment level has been crossed, the dynamics are driven by a discontinuous piecewise linear map. The model endogenously generates bubbles and crashes and excess volatility for a broad range of parameter values - and thus explains some key phenomena of financial markets. Moreover, we provide a complete analytical study of the model's dynamical system. One of its surprising features is that model simulations may appear to be chaotic, although only regular dynamics can emerge.financial market crisis; bull and bear market dynamics; discontinuous piecewise linear maps; border-collision bifurcations; period adding scheme.

    On the complicated price dynamics of a simple one-dimensional discontinuous financial market model with heterogeneous interacting traders.

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    We develop a financial market model with heterogeneous interacting agents: market makers adjust prices with respect to excess demand, chartists believe in the persistence of bull and bear markets and fundamentalists bet on mean reversion. Moreover, speculators trade asymmetrically in over and undervalued markets and while some of them determine the size of their orders via linear trading rules others always trade the same amount of assets. The dynamics of our model is driven by a one-dimensional discontinuous map. Despite the simplicity of our model, analytical, graphical and numerical analysis reveals a surprisingly rich set of interesting dynamical behaviors.Financial markets, heterogeneous agents, technical and fundamental analysis, nonlinear dynamics, discontinuous map, bifurcation analysis.

    A Dynamic Analysis of Speculation Across Two Markets

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    A discrete time model of a financial market is proposed, where the time evolution of asset prices and wealth arises from the interaction of two groups of agents, fundamentalists and chartists. Each group allocates its wealth between a risky asset (stock) and an alternative asset (bond), and the two groups have heterogeneous expectations about returns. We assume that chartists compute expected returns by extrapolating past price changes, while fundamentalists form their expectations on the basis of their superior knowledge of fundamentals. Under the assumption that agents have CRRA utility, investors' optimal demand for each asset depends on their wealth, and this results in growing price and wealth processes. The time evolution of the prices is modeled by assuming the existence of a market maker, who sets excess demand of each asset to zero at the end of each trading period by taking an off-setting long or short position. The market maker is assumed to adjust the price, in each period, partly on the basis of the excess demand and partly according to a particular market stabilization policy. The model is reduced to a high dimensional nonlinear discrete-time dynamical system with growing prices and wealth. Although the model is nonstationary, suitable changes of variables lead to a stationary model where the dynamic variables are actual and expected returns, fundamental/price ratios, and wealth proportions of chartists and fundamentalists. The steady states and other invariant sets of the model are determined, and important global dynamic phenomena are studied via numerical techniques. Stochastic simulations are also performed, that show the ability of the model to generate some of the characteristic features of financial time series.

    The dynamics of the NAIRU model with two switching regimes

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    We consider a model of inflation and unemployment proposed in Ferri et al. (JEBO, 2001), in which the dynamics are described by a discontinuous piecewise linear map, made up of two branches. We shall show that the bounded dynamics may be classified in two cases: we may have either regular dynamics with stable cycles of any period or quasiperiodic trajectories, or only chaotic dynamics (pure chaos in which a unique absolutely continuous invariant ergodic measure exists, and structurally stable),in a rich variety of cyclical chaotic intervals. The main results are the analytical formulation of the border collision bifurcation curves, through which we give a complete picture of the possible outcomes of the model.Phillips curve, Regime switching, NAIRU, Nonlinearities, Discontinuous maps.

    Mathematical Properties of a Combined Cournot-Stackelberg model.

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    The object of this work is to perform the global analysis of a new duopoly model which couples the two points of view of Cournot and Stackelberg. The Cournot model is assumed with isoelastic demand function and unit costs. The coupling leads to discontinuous reaction functions, whose bifurcations, mainly border collision bifurcations, are investigates as well as the global structure of the basins of attraction. In particular, new properties are shown, associated with the introduction of horizontal branches, which diĀ¤er significantly when the constant value is zero or positive and small. The good behavior of the model with positive constant is proved, leading to stable cycles of any period.Cournot-Stackelberg duopoly, Isoelastic demand function, Discontinuous reaction functions, Multistability, Border-collision bifurcations.

    New properties of the Cournot duopoly with isoelastic demand and constant unit costs.

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    The object of the work is to perform the global analysis of the Cournot duopoly model with isoelastic demand function and unit costs, presented in Puu (1991). The bifurcation of the unique Cournot fixed point is established, which is a resonant case of the Neimark-Shacker bifurcation. New properties associated with the introduction of horizontal branches are evidenced. These properties diĀ¤er significantly when the constant value is zero or positive and small. The good behavior of the case with positive constant is proved, leading always to positive trajectories. Also when the Cournot fixed point is unstable, stable cycles of any period may exist.Cournot duopoly, isoelastic demand function, multistability, border-collision bifurcations.

    Bifurcation Curves in Discontinuous Maps

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    Several discrete-time dynamic models are ultimately expressed in the form of iterated piecewise linear functions, in one or two-dimensional spaces. In this paper we study a one-dimensional map made up of three linear pieces which are separated by two discontinuity points, motivated by a dynamic model arising in social sciences. Starting from the bifurcation structure associated with one-dimensional maps with only one discontinuity point, we show how this is modied by the introduction of a second discontinuity point, and we give the analytic expressions of the bifurcation curves of the principal tongues (or tongues of first degree), for the family of maps considered, that depends on five parameters.iterated piecewise linear functions, discrete-time dynamic models, bifurcation curves.

    A 'bull and bear' model of interacting Ā…financial markets. Part I: dynamics in one and two dimensions

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    We develop a three-dimensional nonlinear dynamic model in which the stock markets of two countries are linked through the foreign exchange market. Connections are due to the trading activity of heterogeneous speculators. Using analytical and numerical tools, we seek to explore how the coupling of the markets may affect the emergence of 'bull and bear' market dynamics. The dimension of the model can be reduced by restricting investors' trading activity, which enables the dynamic analysis to be performed stepwise, from low-dimensional cases up to the full three-dimensional model. In Part I of our paper, we focus on the one and two-dimensional case.Heterogeneous speculators, bull and bear markets, nonlinear dynamics, homoclinic bifurcations.

    A 'bull and bear' model of interacting Ā…financial markets. Part II: dynamics in three dimensions

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    In the fiĀ…rst part of our paper we proposed a three-dimensional nonlinear dynamic model of interacting stock and foreign exchange markets, jointly driven by the speculative activity of heterogeneous investors. We focused, in particular, on the typical 'bull and bear' scenario that emerges from simpliĀ…ed one- and two-dimensional settings. The goal of this part of the paper is to provide a global analysis of the dynamics of the full model. As it turns out, the results we obtained in the fiĀ…rst part may serve as a road map to develop an initial understanding of the much more complicated three-dimensional model.Heterogeneous speculators, bull and bear markets, nonlinear dynamics, homoclinic bifurcations.
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