189 research outputs found

    Bright solitary-matter-wave collisions in a harmonic trap: Regimes of solitonlike behavior

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    Systems of solitary waves in the one-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation, which models a trapped atomic Bose-Einstein condensate, are investigated theoretically. To analyze the soliton nature of these solitary waves, a particle analogy for the solitary waves is formulated. Exact soliton solutions exist in the absence of an external trapping potential, which behave in a particlelike manner, and we find the particle analogy we employ to be a good model also when a harmonic trapping potential is present up to a gradual shift in the trajectories when the harmonic trap period is short compared with the collision time of the solitons. We find that the collision time of the solitons is dependent on the relative phase of the solitons as they collide. In the case of two solitons, the particle model is integrable, and the dynamics are completely regular. In the case of a system of two solitary waves of equal norm, the solitons are shown to retain their phase difference for repeated collisions. This phase preservation can be used to find regimes where there is agreement between the wave and particle models. This also implies that soliton regimes may be found in three-dimensional geometries where solitary waves can be made to repeatedly collide out of phase, stabilizing the condensate against collapse. The extension to three particles supports both regular and chaotic regimes. The trajectory shift observed for two solitons carries over to the case of three solitons. This shift aside, the agreement between the particle model and the wave dynamics remains good, even in chaotic regimes

    Excitation of knotted vortex lines in matter waves

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    We study the creation of knotted ultracold matter waves in Boseā€“Einstein condensates via coherent two-photon Raman transitions with a Ī› level configuration. The Raman transition allows an indirect transfer of atoms from the internal state āˆ£aāŸ©| a\rangle to the target state āˆ£bāŸ©| b\rangle via an excited state āˆ£eāŸ©| e\rangle , that would be otherwise dipole-forbidden. This setup enables us to imprint three-dimensional knotted vortex lines embedded in the probe field to the density in the target state. We elaborate on experimental feasibility as well as on subsequent dynamics of the matter wave

    Bright matter-wave soliton collisions in a harmonic trap : regular and chaotic dynamics

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    Collisions between bright solitary waves in the 1D Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a harmonic potential, which models a trapped atomic Bose-Einstein condensate, are investigated theoretically. A particle analogy for the solitary waves is formulated and shown to be integrable for a two-particle system. The extension to three particles is shown to support chaotic regimes. Good agreement is found between the particle model and simulations of the full wave dynamics, suggesting that the dynamics can be described in terms of solitons both in regular and chaotic regimes, presenting a paradigm for chaos in wave mechanics

    Rotational response of two-component Bose-Einstein condensates in ring traps

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    We consider a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate in a ring trap in a rotating frame and show how to determine the response of such a configuration to being in a rotating frame via accumulation of a Sagnac phase. This may be accomplished through either population oscillations or the motion of spatial-density fringes. We explicitly include the effect of interactions via a mean-field description and study the fidelity of the dynamics relative to an ideal configuration

    Realizing bright-matter-wave-soliton collisions with controlled relative phase

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    We propose a method to split the ground state of an attractively interacting atomic Bose-Einstein condensate into two bright solitary waves with controlled relative phase and velocity. We analyze the stability of these waves against their subsequent recollisions at the center of a cylindrically symmetric, prolate harmonic trap as a function of relative phase, velocity, and trap anisotropy. We show that the collisional stability is strongly dependent on relative phase at low velocity, and we identify previously unobserved oscillations in the collisional stability as a function of the trap anisotropy. An experimental implementation of our method would determine the validity of the mean-field description of bright solitary waves and could prove to be an important step toward atom interferometry experiments involving bright solitary waves

    Quantum theory of bright matter-wave solitons in harmonic confinement

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    This paper investigates bright quantum-matter-wave solitons beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE). As proposals for interferometry and creating nonlocal quantum superpositions have been formed, it has become necessary to investigate effects not present in mean-field models. We investigate the effect of harmonic confinement on the internal degrees of freedom, as the ratio of zero-point harmonic oscillator length to classical soliton length, for different numbers of atoms. We derive a first-order energy correction for the addition of a harmonic potential to the many-body wave function and use this to create a variational technique based on energy minimization of this wave function for an arbitrary number of atoms, and include numerics based on diagonalization of the Hamiltonian in a basis of harmonic oscillator Fock states. Finally we compare agreement between a Hartree product ground state and the Bethe ansatz solution with a Gaussian envelope localizing the center of mass and show a region of good agreement

    From short-time diffusive to long-time ballistic dynamics: The unusual center-of-mass motion of quantum bright solitons

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    Brownian motion is ballistic on short time scales and diffusive on long time scales. Our theoretical investigations indicate that one can observe the exact oppositeā€”an ā€œanomalous diffusion processā€ where initially diffusive motion becomes ballistic on longer time scalesā€”in an ultracold atomic system with a size comparable to macromolecules. This system is the center-of-mass motion of a quantum matter-wave bright soliton for which the dominant source of decoherence is three-particle losses. Our simulations show that such unusual center-of-mass dynamics should be observable on experimentally accessible time scales

    Manifestation of quantum resonances and antiresonances in a finite temperature dilute atomic gas

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    We investigate the effect of temperature on resonant and antiresonant dynamics in a dilute atomic gas kicked periodically by a standing-wave laser field. Our numerical calculations are based on a Monte Carlo method for an incoherent mixture of noninteracting plane waves, and show that the atomic dynamics are highly sensitive to the initial momentum width of the gas. We explain this sensitivity by examining the time evolution of individual atomic center-of-mass momentum eigenstates with varying quasimomentum, and we determine analytic expressions for the evolution of the second-order momentum moment to illustrate the range of behaviors

    Quantum field theory of dilute homogeneous Bose-Fermi mixtures at zero temperature: General formalism and beyond mean-field corrections

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    We consider a dilute homogeneous mixture of bosons and spin-polarized fermions at zero temperature. We first construct the formal scheme for carrying out systematic perturbation theory in terms of single particle Greenā€™s functions. We especially focus on the description of the boson-fermion interaction. To do so we need to introduce the renormalized boson-fermion T matrix, which we determine to second order in the boson-fermion s-wave scattering length. We also discuss how to incorporate the usual boson-boson T matrix in mean field approximation to obtain the total ground-state properties of the system. The next-order term beyond mean field stems from the boson-fermion interaction and is proportional to aBFkF. The total ground-state energy density to this order is the sum of the kinetic energy of the free fermions, the boson-boson mean-field interaction, the usual mean-field contribution to the boson-fermion interaction energy, and the first boson-fermion correction beyond mean field. We also compute the bosonic and the fermionic chemical potentials, the compressibilities, and the modification to the induced fermion-fermion interaction. We discuss the behavior of the total ground-state energy and the importance of the correction beyond mean field for various parameter regimes, in particular considering mixtures of 6Li and 7Li and of 3He and 4He. Moreover, we determine the modification of the induced fermion-fermion interaction due to the effects beyond mean field. We show that there is no effect on the depletion of the Bose condensate to first order in the boson-fermion scattering length aBF
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