222 research outputs found

    Effects of Persuasive Communication on Intention to Save Energy: Punishing and Rewarding Messages

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    Communication can be used to persuade individuals to change their intentions. This study analyzes the use of rewarding and punishing messages for the purpose of changing intention towards energy saving. It also analyzes the use of social and individual rewards and punishments and their effects in motivating behavioral change positively towards energy saving. Results show that while reward and punishment are both effective in manipulating intention positively towards energy saving behaviors, overall there is no significant difference between the two. However, when individual reward was compared to individual punishment, individual punishment was found to be more effective than reward in affecting intention to save energy. This study also found that while social motivations are as effective as individual motivations in saving energy when used in rewarding messages, individual motivations in punishing messages were more effective than social ones

    El principio “Quien Contamina Paga” como principio legal que contribuya a la tributación ambiental en el Perú

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    Los países que forman parte de la unión europea tienen como prioridad el cuidado del medioambiente construyendo una Europa climáticamente neutra, ecológica, justa y social, basándose en una legislación donde uno de sus ejes rectores de la protección ambiental es el principio “Quien Contamina Paga”, el cual plantea asignar precio a las reparaciones de los daños generados al medio ambiente, así como a la prevención de este, con la finalidad de implantar un comportamiento hacia la responsabilidad medioambiental y al desarrollo sostenible. Acorde con lo dicho y ante la ausencia en el Perú de una regla medioambiental orientada hacia el mismo objetivo del principio rector de la Unión Europea, se plantea la presente investigación, saber si el Principio Quien Contamina Paga puede considerarse un principio legal que contribuya a la Tributación ambiental en el Perú. Con el propósito de saber si es viable dicha propuesta el presente estudio tiene como objetivos fundamentar si PQCP tiene sustento en la Constitución Política del Perú, describir el alcance del PQCP en la legislación de la Unión Económica Europea y establecer si la legislación ambiental vigente permite la aplicación del principio “quien contamina paga" en el Perú. La investigación es de carácter descriptivo y con enfoque cualitativo; donde se hizo uso de revisiones bibliográfica como método de investigación, así como el análisis de tesis, libros, artículos científicos, etc

    Influence of Di erent Sieving Methods on Estimation of Sand Size Parameters

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    Sieving is one of the most used operational methods to determine sand size parameters which are essential to analyze coastal dynamics. However, the influence of hand versus mechanical shaking methods has not yet been studied. Herein, samples were taken from inside the hopper of a trailing suction dredger and sieved by hand with sieves of 10 and 20 cm diameters on board the dredger. Afterwards, these same samples were sieved with a mechanical shaker in the laboratory on land. The results showed di erences for the main size parameters D50, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis. Amongst the main results, it should be noted that the highest values for D50 and kurtosis were given by the small sieves method. On the other hand, the lowest values were given by the mechanical shaker method in the laboratory. Furthermore, standard deviation and skewness did not seem to be a ected by the sieving method which means that all the grainsize distribution was shifted but the shape remained unchanged. The few samples that do not follow these patterns have a higher percentage of shells. Finally and definitely, the small sieves should be rejected as a sieving method aboard

    El principio “Quien Contamina Paga” como principio legal que contribuya a la tributación ambiental en el Perú

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    Los países que forman parte de la unión europea tienen como prioridad el cuidado del medioambiente construyendo una Europa climáticamente neutra, ecológica, justa y social, basándose en una legislación donde uno de sus ejes rectores de la protección ambiental es el principio “Quien Contamina Paga”, el cual plantea asignar precio a las reparaciones de los daños generados al medio ambiente, así como a la prevención de este, con la finalidad de implantar un comportamiento hacia la responsabilidad medioambiental y al desarrollo sostenible. Acorde con lo dicho y ante la ausencia en el Perú de una regla medioambiental orientada hacia el mismo objetivo del principio rector de la Unión Europea, se plantea la presente investigación, saber si el Principio Quien Contamina Paga puede considerarse un principio legal que contribuya a la Tributación ambiental en el Perú. Con el propósito de saber si es viable dicha propuesta el presente estudio tiene como objetivos fundamentar si PQCP tiene sustento en la Constitución Política del Perú, describir el alcance del PQCP en la legislación de la Unión Económica Europea y establecer si la legislación ambiental vigente permite la aplicación del principio “quien contamina paga" en el Perú. La investigación es de carácter descriptivo y con enfoque cualitativo; donde se hizo uso de revisiones bibliográfica como método de investigación, así como el análisis de tesis, libros, artículos científicos, etc

    Effect Of Labour Flexibility On Productivity In The Andalusian Hotel Industry

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    The authors analyze the effect of labour flexibility on productivity in the Andalusian hotel industry. For this purpose, the authors use the results from the Quality, Productivity and Competitiveness in the Hospitality Industry for Andalusia project (PO7/SEJ-02889). The model used considers three employment shares - open-ended contracts, temporary contracts, and part-time contracts. However, it should be borne in mind that the Spanish model of labour flexibility has mainly focused on the use of temporary contracts rather than other human resource management practices, such as internal labour flexibility

    Educational Mismatch And Returns On Human Capital In The Spanish Hospitality And Travel Agency Sectors

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    This paper investigates the importance of returns on human capital and educational mismatch in determining wages in the Spanish hospitality sector and the travel agency sector using an expanded version of the Mincer wage equation (1974). In addition, we analyze the impact of several job characteristics and personal characteristics on wages. Using data from the 2006 Spanish Wage Structure Survey, we estimate separate regressions for each education group under analysis: overeducated, undereducated and adequately educated workers, following the method used by Kiker et al. (1997) and using a procedure similar to that used by Strauss and Maisonneuve (2007). The regressions show specific estimated parameters of the variables included in all wage equations implemented for each analyzed group. Thus, educational mismatch is determinant for the returns on human capital in both sectors and it also has a significant and differential impact on wage formation in each educational group. Moreover, this fact has also been shown in the other variables of the model that represent both the personal characteristics of workers and job-specific characteristics. Therefore, according to the methodology used in our study, the real hourly wage may be quantitatively influenced by the variables in a model depending on whether the educational level of the workers matches the educational requirements of the job performed. Finally, it is important to note that evidence has been found regarding the impact of firm size on wage returns and the data also has provided evidence of wage differentials by gender in the Spanish hospitality industry

    Toward negotiated mitigation of landslide risks in informal settlements:Reflections from a pilot experience in Medellín, Colombia

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    Urbanization continues to drive informal settlement growth on land exposed to hazards such as landslides, increasing risk among low-income populations. Though technical and social ways of managing landslide risk are known, in developing countries these measures are often difficult to implement because of complex social, economic, political, and institutional reasons. We present the findings from a pilot research project in Medellín, Colombia, which aimed to explore the scope for, and acceptability of, landslide risk-reducing strategies for informal settlements from the community and state perspectives; understand the barriers to landslide risk-reducing strategies; and identify politically and practically viable approaches to such strategies within a wider and more complex context of social and physical risk in the area. Focusing on the latter objective, we compare two forms of community-local government spaces for negotiation that were used during the project (a Cabildo Abierto and a joint local government-community Working Group), applying Fung's "democratic cube" to their analysis. This helps understand their different nature, but also raises questions about the ability of Fung's model to address governance arrangements related to so-called informal settlements in the Global South, and the need to revisit this model drawing on context-sensitive approaches and insights on informal governance arrangements from the growing literature on service coproduction. The key conclusions highlight the importance of overcoming the state-community stand-off over land occupation rights in Medellín, which is also found in self-built neighborhoods worldwide, by reorienting the problem away from conventional long-term land use planning issues toward issues of safety in the short and medium term, together with an incremental approach, in opening up opportunities to develop wider negotiated mitigation of landslide risk at a more strategic level involving both community and local government

    Gestión logística y la eficiencia en la ejecución de obras en la empresa Corporación Palfon EIRL, Tarapoto 2022

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    El estudio ha tenido el propósito de demostrar la relación entre gestión logística y la eficiencia en la ejecución de obras en la empresa Corporación Palfon EIRL, Tarapoto 2022. Centrada en el desarrollo de una investigación aplicada, de nivel descriptivo-correlacional y de diseño no experimental, para la cual se ha tomado una muestra de 43 trabajadores, quienes fueron la fuente de información sobre el comportamiento de las variables, para la cual se aplicó una encuesta, logrando registrar la percepción de estas personas en un cuestionario, que, tras procesar y analizar los resultados, el trabajo concluye que, la gestión logística mantiene relación significativa a nivel considerable de 0,812 con la eficiencia en la ejecución de obras, por lo que, la eficiente gestión para lograr con éxito la eficiencia en la ejecución de obras bajo la responsabilidad de la empresa. De manera específica, existe relación media y significativa entre el almacenamiento y la eficiencia en la ejecución de obras, la misma ha sido corroborada por un coeficiente de correlación de 0,517 y una significancia de 0,000. El manejo de materiales mantiene relación positiva media (rs=0,709) con la eficiencia en la ejecución de obras, relación que además ha sido contrastada que es significativa al nivel 0,000. Además, existe relación significativa (p=0,000) entre las compras y la eficiencia en la ejecución de obras, relación que se encuentra a un nivel positivo y medio de 0,701. Por último, el mantenimiento de la información se relaciona significativamente (p=0,000) con la eficiencia en la ejecución de obras, relación que además se encuentra a un nivel positivo medio de 0,728

    Methyl 2-diphenyl­phosphor­yloxy-2-aza­bicyclo­[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-3-exo-carboxyl­ate

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    In the title compound, C20H20NO4P, the dihedral angle between the phenyl rings is 68.52 (7)°. In the crystal structure, the mol­ecules are linked by a weak C—H⋯π(arene) inter­action along [010] involving the phenyl CH group and the phenyl rings. There are no further significant inter­molecular inter­actions