120 research outputs found

    Propuesta para la disminución del síndrome de neurastenia en una empresa financiera en la Ciudad de Toluca

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    El síndrome de Neurastenia ha sido un padecimiento común caracterizado principalmente por cansancio emocional, despersonalización y falta de realización personal, además de otros padecimientos físicos que llevan a los empleados a mermar su actividad dentro de la organización. Este padecimiento es fácil encontrar en los profesionales que tienen específicamente contacto con los usuarios finales sin embargo no siempre es así; como puede notarse en este estudio el síndrome de Neurastenia se ve inmerso en las tareas diarias de los desarrolladores de software de un sistema financiero ubicado en la ciudad de Toluca, Estado de México

    A comparison of the marginal adaptation of composite overlays fabricated with silicone and an intraoral scanner

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    Intraoral scanners have been developing during last years. The aim of this study was to know if digital impressions achieve a marginal adaptation in overlays as well as conventional impressions with silicone. Sixty-two extracted molars were selected. Th


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    Lo que se denomina patrimonio biocultural, que es la suma, de aquellas manifestaciones culturales, económicas, artísticas implícitas en eso que se llama conocimiento tradicional, se encuentran exteriorizadas en un territorio y que se relacionan con su contexto ambiental natural dando forma a prácticas culturales asociadas a la naturaleza. Su principal objetivo es la conservación, reproducción y preservación de los recursos naturales. Este patrimonio biocultural es un concepto y al mismo tiempo un paradigma cultural que, de promoverse en la sociedad, se pudiera lograr un respeto y una valoración de comunidades ancestrales y del cuidado que ellos hacen en torno al uso y disposición de los recursos naturales. El propósito de este escrito es reflexionar cómo desde la dimensión de la educación escolar, pudiera integrarse la promoción de los saberes y prácticas tradicionales asociadas al cuidado, conservación y usos adecuados de los recursos naturales

    Medical Students’ Perception Towards the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mexico: Distance Learning, Assisting Hospitals, and Vaccination

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    Background: Mexico has been one of the most affected countries by the COVID-19 pandemic. Its health workers are playing a substantial role, but they are suffering from a high mortality rate, which highlights the need of vaccinating them before any other population. Medical interns have reduced their practices, some continue to assist clinical rotations without the protective equipment, and they are not being considered for vaccination. We wanted to determine the attitude of medical students and interns towards distance learning, assisting hospitals, and vaccination. Methods: We conducted a paired survey of a cohort of medical students who were evaluated twice, in June 2020 and in December 2020, using an online survey (32-online questions) to assess their perception of the pandemic. Results: We collected the response of 384 students in the summer period and 331 in the winter period; the majority were women from non-clinical semesters, and the median age of response was 21 years old (IQR 19 – 22). We found that the percentage of acceptance for vaccination was 95.6% in the summer and 93.7% in the winter, a remarkable acceptance in both periods. The percentage of students who manifested having someone close to them with symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 was 38.5% in the summer, showing an increase to 77.6% in the winter. Conclusion: We observed that medical students had a positive attitude towards vaccination and that the probable COVID-19 cases among them have increased in just a few months

    Interventions to treat obesity in Mexican children and adolescents: systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    Context: Prevalence of overweight and obesity has been rising in the past 3 decades among Mexican children and adolescents. Objective: To systematically review experimental studies evaluating interventions to treat obesity in Mexican children and adolescents (≤18 years old). Data Sources: For this study, 13 databases and 1 search engine were searched. Data Analysis: A total of 29 studies met the inclusion criteria. Overall, 2302 participants (age range, 8–16 years) from 11 states in Mexico were included. Most of the studies (n = 17 of 29) were provided in a clinical setting. A random-effect meta-analysis of 4 randomized controlled trials was conducted and a significant effect was found on body mass index reduction that favored the intervention group (−1.52; 95%CI, −2.15 to −0.89) for short-term (≤6 mo) interventions. Conclusions: A multicomponent, multidisciplinary, and individualized intervention that includes dietary modifications, physical activity practice, behavioral strategies, and active parental involvement might help treat childhood obesity in Mexico. However, long-term results need to be produced to identify effectiveness pointers that might help establish an integrated, long-lasting care model to treat obesity

    Análisis de las mejoras competitivas del nuevo programa de verificación vehicular de la Megalópolis de la Ciudad de México.

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    Capitulo de libroEn el presente trabajo, se analizan las características técnicas y tecnológicas que se emplean para realizar la verificación vehicular en la Megalópolis de la Ciudad de México, se consideran las mejoras competidas de la nueva forma de verificación vehiculas establecidas en la Norma Emergente NOM-EM-167-SEMARNAT-2016, contra los límites máximos de emisiones contaminantes para vehículos que usan gasolina como combustible establecidos en la NOM-041 SEMARNAT 2006, los límites máximos de permisibles de hidrocarburos o no metanos, CO, NOx y particular provenientes de los escapes de vehículos cuyo peso no exceda los 3,857 Kg establecidos en la NOM-042, y en NOM-044 cuando el peso bruto vehicular excede los 3,857 Kg., así como con la NOM-045, que establece los límites máximos y métodos de medición de la opacidad en vehículos que utilizan Diésel como combustible y finalmente con la NOM-047, que establece las características del equipo y procedimiento de medición para la verificación de los límites de emisiones contaminantes de vehículos que usan gasolina, gas LP, Gas Natural y otros combustibles alternos

    Predictors of Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation Mortality: A Single-center, Five-year Retrospective Study

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    Background: Arteriovenous Malformations (AVMs) are abnormalities in intracranial vessels between the arterial and venous systems. This study aimed to identify the predictors of mortality in patients that presented to our hospital with AVMs, ruptured or unruptured, and correlate them to those available in the literature. Methods: An analytical, observational, retrospective study was performed to review data of patients with cerebral AVMs in the University Hospital “Dr José Eleuterio González” from January 2016 to December 2020. Clinical files were reviewed based on AVMs diagnosis according to the  International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision, ICD-10. Variables were subjected to a univariate analysis and those found significant (p-value < 0.05) were subjected to a logistic regression. Results: A total of 80 patients were included in our study. Most of the participants were females (56.3%) and three were pregnant. The most common presenting symptom was holocranial headache (34 cases) occurring between the hours of 22:00 to 7:00. The most significant predictors of mortality were a total bleeding volume greater than 9.18 cm3 (p = 0.010), the presence of more than one symptom (p = 0.041), and a history of previous cerebral intraparenchymal hemorrhage (p = 0.014). Conclusion: Results demonstrated an important association between intracranial bleeding and mortality. Ultimately, more prospective studies are needed to determine predictor factors for mortality in AVMs patients

    Modelo pedagógico para el asesoramiento académico en entornos virtuales de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

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    La relevancia que han adquirido los debates y análisis sobre la pedagogía en el marco de los nuevos escenarios educativos conduce a preguntarse por las características que asume actualmente la asesoría en modalidades alternativas y la gestión de entornos virtuales en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en nivel superior. Un problema central sobre la discusión de formación de profesores en la universidad es la calidad de los procesos de actualización y el papel de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, observándolas desde la perspectiva de incorporación como herramientas en el marco del modelo pedagógico y no sólo como transformaciones en sí mismas. A partir de septiembre 2007, la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, a través de los programas educativos en modalidad a distancia, enfrenta la necesidad de transformar la formación de profesores en esta particularidad, lo cual, de acuerdo con el modelo de innovación curricular vigente desde 2003, exige la apertura de modalidades alternativas que permitan la transformación del proceso académico y formativo, así como la ampliación de las posibilidades de egreso mediante una educación productiva, competitiva y de calidad en el ámbito nacional e internacional

    Removal of nutrients and pesticides from agricultural runoff using microalgae and cyanobacteria

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    The use of pesticides in agriculture has ensured the production of different crops. However, pesticides have become an emerging public health problem for Latin American countries due to their excessive use, inadequate application, toxic characteristics, and minimal residue control. The current project evaluates the ability of two strains of algae (Chlorella and Scenedesmus sp.) and one cyanobacteria (Hapalosyphon sp.) to remove excess pesticides and other nutrients present in runoff water from rice production. Different concentrations of wastewater and carbon sources (Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 ) were evaluated. According to the results, all three strains can be grown in wastewater without dilution (100%), with a biomass concentration comparable to a synthetic medium. All three strains significantly reduced the concentration of NO3 and PO4 (95 and 85%, respectively), with no difference between Na2CO3 or NaHCO3 . Finally, Chlorella sp. obtained the highest removal efficiency of the pesticide (Chlorpyrifos), followed by Scenedesmus and Hapalosyphon sp. (100, 75, and 50%, respectively). This work shows that it is possible to use this type of waste as an alternative source of nutrients to obtain biomass and metabolites of interest, such as lipids and carbohydrates, to produce biofuels