267 research outputs found
En torno al espacio de la docencia
[ES] Se trata de subrayar las relaciones entre el espacio y el aprendizaje, resaltando la importancia de los espacios docentes y su desarrollo. Se produce un cambio en la perspectiva con la que se entiende el aprendizaje, su escenario y los agentes que intervienen, mostrando el proceso del conocimiento como algo dinámico, continuado y social. En ese sentido la nueva docencia requiere profesionales comprometidos que garanticen que esos espacios docentes, y todo el universo que los rodea, proporcionan la funcionalidad de todas aquellas variables que condicionan la manera de enseñar, de aprender y de relacionarnos desde el individuo hasta el colectivo.[EN] It is about highlighting the relationship between space and learning, standing out the importance of learning spaces and their development. There is a change in the perspective in which learning is understood, its scenery and the agents that take part in it, showing the process of learning as a dynamic, uninterrupted, controlled and social issue. In this sense, new teaching requires committed professionals that guarantee for the teaching spaces, and the whole universe around them, provide the functionality of every variable that conditions the way to teach, learning and relate to one another from the individual to the community.Garcia Borràs, J. (2017). En torno al espacio de la docencia. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/102783TFG
Educació farmacèutica en el maneig de medicaments per pal·liar els trastorns associats a la menopausa
Treballs d'Educació Farmacètica als ciutadans. Unitat Docent d'Estades en Pràctiques Tutelades. Facultat de Farmàcia , curs: 2011-2012, Directors: Via Sosa, Mª Àngels i March Pujol, MarianLa menopausa és un procés natural en la vida de la dona caracteritzada per la depravació estrogènica. Es coneixen més d'un centenar de símptomes associats a la síndrome. Des d'ansietat, depressió, irritabilitat, més emotivitat o canvis d'humor, fins a símptomes en l'àmbit físic, com molèsties i distensió abdominal, tensió mamària, restrenyiment, mal de cap, insomni o retenció de líquids, que també es pot manifestar a les cames, ocasionant pesadesa i fins i tot augment de pes. Tot i que es podria dir que el 90% de les dones, en un moment o altre, han presentat algun dels símptomes, són entre un 2 i un 5% les que realment els presenten de manera que interfereixen en les activitats habituals
Knowledge representation to enable high-level planning in cloth manipulation tasks
Cloth manipulation is very relevant for domestic robotic tasks, but it presents many challenges due to the complexity of representing, recognizing and predicting the behaviour of cloth under manipulation. In this work, we propose a generic, compact and simplified representation of the states of cloth manipulation that allows for representing tasks as sequences of states and transitions semantically. We also define a Cloth Manipulation Graph that encodes all the strategies to accomplish a task. Our novel representation is used to encode two different cloth manipulation tasks, learned from an experiment with human subjects manipulating clothes with video data. We show how our simplified representation allows to obtain a map of meaningful steps that can serve to describe cloth manipulation tasks as domain models in PDDL, enabling high-level planning. Finally, we discuss on the existing skills that could enable the sensory motor grounding and the low-level execution of the plan.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Benchmarking cloth manipulation using action graphs: an example in placing flat
Benchmarking robotic manipulation is complex due to the difficulty in reproducing and comparing results across different embodiments and scenarios. Cloth manipula- tion presents additional challenges due to the complex object configuration space. Traditional cloth manipulation papers do not have well defined metrics to evaluate the success of a task or the quality of the result, and are tailored to each evaluation. In this paper we propose to evaluate cloth manipulation seg- menting a task into steps that can be evaluated independently, and to study how their success measures influence in the next segment and relate to task as a whole. In particular, we study a popular task such as placing a cloth flat on a table. We propose a benchmark with simple but continuous evaluation metrics that explore the influence of grasp location into the quality of the task. Our results show that grasp location doesn’t need to be precise on corners, that quality measures focused on evaluating different cloth parts can enlighten issues to solve and that success definition of a segment has to consider its influence on the ability to perform successfully the next segment of action.This work receives funding from the Spanish State Research Agency through the BURG project (CHIST-ERA - PCIN2019-103447) and the Mar ́ıa de Maeztu Seal of Excellence to IRI (MDM-2016-0656)Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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Enzyme-catalyzed cationic epoxide rearrangements in quinolone alkaloid biosynthesis.
Epoxides are highly useful synthons and biosynthons for the construction of complex natural products during total synthesis and biosynthesis, respectively. Among enzyme-catalyzed epoxide transformations, a reaction that is notably missing, in regard to the synthetic toolbox, is cationic rearrangement that takes place under strong acid. This is a challenging transformation for enzyme catalysis, as stabilization of the carbocation intermediate upon epoxide cleavage is required. Here, we discovered two Brønsted acid enzymes that can catalyze two unprecedented epoxide transformations in biology. PenF from the penigequinolone pathway catalyzes a cationic epoxide rearrangement under physiological conditions to generate a quaternary carbon center, while AsqO from the aspoquinolone pathway catalyzes a 3-exo-tet cyclization to forge a cyclopropane-tetrahydrofuran ring system. The discovery of these new epoxide-modifying enzymes further highlights the versatility of epoxides in complexity generation during natural product biosynthesis
Selective Enzymatic Oxidation of Silanes to Silanols
Compared to the biological world's rich chemistry for functionalizing carbon, enzymatic transformations of the heavier homologue silicon are rare. We report that a wild‐type cytochrome P450 monooxygenase (P450_(BM3) from Bacillus megaterium, CYP102A1) has promiscuous activity for oxidation of hydrosilanes to give silanols. Directed evolution was applied to enhance this non‐native activity and create a highly efficient catalyst for selective silane oxidation under mild conditions with oxygen as the terminal oxidant. The evolved enzyme leaves C−H bonds present in the silane substrates untouched, and this biotransformation does not lead to disiloxane formation, a common problem in silanol syntheses. Computational studies reveal that catalysis proceeds through hydrogen atom abstraction followed by radical rebound, as observed in the native C−H hydroxylation mechanism of the P450 enzyme. This enzymatic silane oxidation extends nature's impressive catalytic repertoire
Cloth manipulation and perception competition
In the last decade, several competitions in robotic manipulation have been organised as a way to drive scientific progress in the field. They enable comparison of different approaches through a well-defined benchmark with equal test conditions. However, current competitions usually focus on rigid-object manipulation, leaving behind the challenges that suppose grasping deformable objects, especially highly-deformable ones as cloth-like objects. In this paper, we want to present the first competition in perception and manipulation of textile objects as an eficient method to accelerate scientific progress in the domain of domestic service robots. To do so, we selected a small set of tasks to benchmark in a common framework using the same set of objects and assessment methods. This competition has been conceived to freely distribute the Household Cloth Object Set to research groups working on cloth manipulation and perception and participate on the challenge. In this work, we present an overview of the tasks that are proposed in the competition, detailed descriptions of the tasks and more information on the scoring and rules are provided in the website http://www.iri.upc.edu/groups/perception/ClothManipulationChallenge/Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Household cloth object set: fostering benchmarking in deformable object manipulation
© 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksBenchmarking of robotic manipulations is one of the open issues in robotic research. An important factor that has enabled progress in this area in the last decade is the existence of common object sets that have been shared among different research groups. However, the existing object sets are very limited when it comes to cloth-like objects that have unique particularities and challenges. This paper is a first step towards the design of a cloth object set to be distributed among research groups from the robotics cloth manipulation community. We present a set of household cloth objects and related tasks that serve to expose the challenges related to gathering such an object set and propose a roadmap to the design of common benchmarks in cloth manipulation tasks, with the intention to set the grounds for a future debate in the community that will be necessary to foster benchmarking for the manipulation of cloth-like objects. Some RGB-D and object scans are collected as examples for the objects in relevant configurations and shared in http://www.iri.upc.edu/groups/perception/ClothObjectSet/Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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