2,713 research outputs found

    Validation of Matching

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    We introduce a technique to compute probably approximately correct (PAC) bounds on precision and recall for matching algorithms. The bounds require some verified matches, but those matches may be used to develop the algorithms. The bounds can be applied to network reconciliation or entity resolution algorithms, which identify nodes in different networks or values in a data set that correspond to the same entity. For network reconciliation, the bounds do not require knowledge of the network generation process

    Learning Parities in the Mistake-Bound model

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    We study the problem of learning parity functions that depend on at most kk variables (kk-parities) attribute-efficiently in the mistake-bound model. We design a simple, deterministic, polynomial-time algorithm for learning kk-parities with mistake bound O(n1fracck)O(n^{1-frac{c}{k}}), for any constant c>0c > 0. This is the first polynomial-time algorithms that learns omega(1)omega(1)-parities in the mistake-bound model with mistake bound o(n)o(n). Using the standard conversion techniques from the mistake-bound model to the PAC model, our algorithm can also be used for learning kk-parities in the PAC model. In particular, this implies a slight improvement on the results of Klivans and Servedio cite{rocco} for learning kk-parities in the PAC model. We also show that the widetildeO(nk/2)widetilde{O}(n^{k/2}) time algorithm from cite{rocco} that PAC-learns kk-parities with optimal sample complexity can be extended to the mistake-bound model


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    The aromatic ring of the title compound, C6H3ClN2O5, is almost planar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.007 Å); one nitro substituent is nearly coplanar with the ring [dihedral angle = 3(1)°], whereas the other is twisted [dihedral angle = 36 (1)°]. The phenol OH group is intra­molecularly hydrogen bonded to the nitro group that is coplanar with the ring, generating an S(6) graph-set motif

    Biomarcadores de sepse: uma revisão do valor diagnóstico da presepsina

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    A sepse é uma síndrome prevalente e com alta morbimortalidade, sendo necessário um método diagnóstico precoce e eficaz. Estudos recentes sugerem que a presepsina pode ser um potencial biomarcador para o diagnóstico de sepse e que tem um desempenho melhor do que outros biomarcadores mais consolidados, como procalcitonina e PCR. Esta revisão sistemática tem como objetivo avaliar a acurácia da presepsina para o diagnóstico de sepse e comparar com a procalcitonina e a proteína-C-reativa. Uma pesquisa sistemática abrangente foi conduzida no PubMed e na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde para coletar estudos publicados nos últimos dois anos com foco na precisão diagnóstica da presepsina para sepse. Oito estudos foram selecionados. Todos eles sugeriram que a presepsina tem algum valor diagnóstico para sepse. Em quatro estudos, a presepsina teve um desempenho melhor do que a procalcitonina e em dois a presepsina teve um desempenho melhor do que a PCR. Dois estudos não mostraram diferenças significativas entre a presepsina e os outros biomarcadores. Esta revisão indica que a presepsina pode ter valor significativo para o diagnóstico precoce da sepse, corroborando para aumentar a eficiência de ferramentas existentes, como a PCR e a procalcitonina. No entanto, mais estudos são necessários para confirmar sua eficácia como um único marcador de diagnóstico.Sepsis is a prevalent syndrome with high morbimortality, so an efficient early diagnostic method is needed. Recent studies suggest that presepsin could be a potential biomarker to sepsis diagnosis and has a better performance than other more consolidated biomarkers, such as procalcitonin and CRP. This systematic review aims to develop assess the accuracy to sepsis diagnosis of the presepsin and compare with procalcitonin and C-reactive protein. A comprehensive systematic research was conducted in the PubMed and Virtual Health Library to collect studies published in the last two years that focused on presepsin diagnostic accuracy for sepsis. Eight studies were selected. All of them suggested that presepsin has some diagnostic value for sepsis. In four studies presepsin had a better performance than procalcitonin and in two studies presepsin performed better than CRP. Two studies did not show significant differences between presepsin and the other biomarkers. This review indicates that presepsin may have significant value for the early diagnosis of sepsis, corroborating to increase the efficiency of existing tools, such as CRP and procalcitonin. However, more studies are needed to confirm its efficiency as a single diagnosis’s marker

    Enteral nutritional therapy: application of quality indicators

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    OBJETIVOS: Monitorar a adequação da terapia nutricional enteral na unidade de terapia intensiva visando à melhoria da qualidade da assistência nutricional. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo e observacional desenvolvido na unidade de terapia intensiva adulto entre 2005 e 2008. Participaram da amostra pacientes maiores de 18 anos com terapia nutricional enteral exclusiva por mais de 72h. Analisou-se os valores médios e a adequação percentual de energia e proteínas calculados, prescritos e administrados em cada ano. Os fatores responsáveis pela não conformidade na administração planejada foram classificados em causas externas ou internas à unidade de terapia intensiva. Foram aplicados os indicadores de qualidade propostos pelo International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) Brasil, sendo expressos em metas percentuais. Nas análises estatísticas utilizou-se o intervalo de confiança e os testes t Student e Mann-Whitney (p<0,05), segundo o programa Epi Info. RESULTADOS: Foram acompanhados 116 pacientes. Os valores médios de energia e proteínas administrados em 2005 e em 2006 apresentaram diferenças estatísticas quando comparados a 2008. A adequação calculado/prescrito permaneceu próxima a 100% em todos os levantamentos e a adequação administrado/prescrito aumentou de 74% em 2005, para 89% em 2008. Constatou-se o aumento nas interrupções da terapia nutricional enteral por fatores externos e a diminuição das interrupções por fatores internos à unidade. Os indicadores de qualidade igualmente refletem a evolução da assistência prestada. CONCLUSÃO: Nos quatro levantamentos anuais verificou-se a melhora progressiva da oferta nutricional. Os indicadores de qualidade são uma nova perspectiva na avaliação da terapia nutricional enteral, permitindo monitorar a evolução da qualidade da assistência nutricional e a comparação com dados de outros serviços.OBJECTIVE: Monitor the adequacy of enteral nutritional therapy at the intensive care unit aiming to improve the quality of nutritional assistance. METHODS: Prospective and observational study developed at the adult intensive care unit from 2005 to 2008. Patients over 18 years of age with exclusive enteral nutritional therapy for over 72h participated in the sample. The average values and the percentile adequacy of energy and proteins calculated, prescribed and administered in each year were analyzed. The factors responsible for the non-conformity of the administration planned were classified into intensive care unit extrinsic or intrinsic causes. The quality indicators proposed by the ILSI Brazil were applied, and expressed into percentile goals. In the statistic analyses, confidence interval and the t Student e Mann-Whitney (p<0.05) tests were used, according to the Epi Info program. RESULTS: One hundred and sixteen patients were followed up. There were statically difference in values of energy and protein administered in 2005 and in 2006, when compared to those in 2008. The adequacy calculated/prescribed remained close to 100% in all the surveys and the adequacy administered/prescribed increased from 74% in 2005, to 89% in 2008. An increase in interruptions of enteral nutritional therapy for external factors and the decrease in interruptions for intensive care unit internal factors were verified. The quality indicators equally reflect the evolution of the patient care. CONCLUSION: In the four yearly surveys, a progressive enhancement of nutritional support was verified. Quality indicators allow nutritional care evolution monitoring, the comparison to other services data, and are a new perspective for enteral nutritional therapy assessment