15 research outputs found

    Protocol: Triple Diamond method for problem solving and design thinking. Rubric validation

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    [EN] There is a set of tools that we can use to improve the results of each of the phases that continuous improvement projects must go through (8D, PDCA, DMAIC, Double diamond, etc.). These methods use divergent techniques, which help generate multiple alternatives, and convergent techniques that help analyze and filter the generated options. However, the tools used in all those frameworks are often very similar. Our goal, in this research, is to develop a comprehensive model that allows it to be used both for problem-solving and for taking advantage of opportunities. This protocol defines the main terms related to our research, makes a framework proposal, proposes a rubric that identifies observable milestones at each stage of the model and proposes the action plan to validate this rubric and the model in a given context. The action plan will be implemented in a future research.Marin-Garcia, JA.; Garcia-Sabater, JJ.; Garcia-Sabater, JP.; Maheut, J. (2020). Protocol: Triple Diamond method for problem solving and design thinking. Rubric validation. WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management. 11(2):49-68. https://doi.org/10.4995/wpom.v11i2.14776OJS496811

    Protocolo: plan de acción para investigación-acción sobre mejora continua en servicios públicos. Aplicación a educación universitaria

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    [EN] In this protocol we complete the first three stages of action research to analyze possibilities for continuous improvement of processes in public universities. We define the problem or area of improvement in the organization; we identify the relevance of the topic to generate an academic contribution and propose an action plan or work protocol. Although we have focused on a public higher education organization, this protocol can be applicable without requiring too many adaptations, to any public service (at least in the Spanish context).[ES] En este protocolo completamos las tres primeras etapas de la investigación acción para analizar posibilidades de mejora continua de procesos en universidades públicas. Definimos el problema o área de mejora en la organización; identificamos la relevancia del tema para generar una contribución académica y proponemos un plan de acción o protocolo de trabajo. Aunque nos hayamos centrado en una organización de educación superior pública, este protocolo puede ser aplicable sin precisar demasiadas adaptaciones, a cualquier servicio público (al menos en el contexto español).Marin-Garcia, JA.; Garcia-Sabater, JJ.; Maheut, J. (2018). Protocol: action planning for action research about kaizen in public organizations. The case of higher education. Working Papers on Operations Management. 9(1):1-13. https://doi.org/10.4995/wpom.v9i1.8990SWORD11391Agmoni, E. (2016). The role of kaizen in creating radical performance results in a logistics service provider. Logforum, 12(3), 225-245. https://doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2016.3.4Alfaro, J. A., Avella, L., & Mejía-Villa, A. (2016). Concerning the increasing relevance ofaction research methodology in improving collaboration between researchers and industry in the field of operations management. Paper presented at the 23rd EurOMA conference. TRondheim. Norway.Audretsch, D. B., Martinez-Fuentes, C., & Pardo-del-Val, M. (2011). Incremental innovation in services through continuous improvement. Service Industries Journal, 31(12), 1921-1930. https://doi.org/10.1080/02642069.2011.552977Baril, C., Gascon, V., Miller, J., & Cote, N. (2016). Use of a discrete-event simulation in a kaizen event: A case study in healthcare. European Journal of Operational Research, 249(1), 327-339. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2015.08.036Branco, D., Wicks, A. M., & Visich, J. K. (2017). Using quality tools and methodologies to improve a hospital's quality position. Hospital topics, 95(1), 10-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/00185868.2017.1279514Burnes, B., & Cooke, B. (2013). Kurt lewin's field theory: A review and re-evaluation. International Journal of Management Reviews, 15(4), 408-425. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2370.2012.00348.xClayton, M. (1995). Encouraging the kaizen approach to quality in a university. Total Quality Management, 6(5-6), 593-601. https://doi.org/10.1080/09544129550035242Cronshaw, S. F., & McCulloch, A. N. A. (2008). Reinstating the lewinian vision: From force field analysis to organization field assessment. Organization Development Journal, 26(4), 89-103.Chiarini, A., & Bracci, E. (2013). Implementing lean six sigma in healthcare: Issues from italy. Public Money & Management, 33(5), 361-368. https://doi.org/10.1080/09540962.2013.817126Dahlgaard, J. J., Pettersen, J., & Dahlgaard-Park, S. M. (2011). Quality and lean health care: A system for assessing and improving the health of healthcare organisations. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 22(6), 673-689. https://doi.org/10.1080/14783363.2011.580651de los Ríos-Carmenado, I., Sastre-Merino, S., Jiménez, C. F., Río, M. C. N. D., Pozo, E. R., & Arjona, N. G. (2016). Proposals for improving assessment systems in higher education: An approach from the model 'working with people'. Journal of Technology and Science Education, 6(2), 104-120. https://doi.org/10.3926/jotse.192Dick, B. (2009). Action research literature 20062008. Action Research, 7(4), 423-441. https://doi.org/10.1177/1476750309350701Erdogan, S., Quesada-Pineda, H., & Bond, B. (2017). An empirical tool to measure the effectiveness of kaizen events: A case study in the wood products industries. Forest Products Journal, 67(3-4), 164-178. https://doi.org/10.13073/FPJ-D-16-00044Farris, J. A., Van Aken, E. M., Doolen, T. L., & Worley, J. (2009). Critical success factors for human resource outcomes in kaizen events: An empirical study. International Journal of Production Economics, 117(1), 42-65. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2008.08.051García, C. J., Dueñas, R. M., Tanco, R. M., Diez, E. V., & García, J. S. (2010). Sustainability of continuous improvement systems in industry: Survey of bac and navarre.Intangible Capital, 6(1), 51-77. https://doi.org/10.3926/ic.2010.v6n1.p51-77Gast, I., Schildkamp, K., & van der Veen, J. T. (2017). Team-based professional development interventions in higher education: A systematic review. Review of Educational Research, 0034654317704306. https://doi.org/10.3102/0034654317704306Gohary, A., Alizadeh, H., & Hanzaee, K. H. (2016). How co-creation uplift suggestion systems' performance: Experimental studies in customer and employee sections. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 8(2), 197-222. https://doi.org/10.1108/APJBA-11-2015-0095Gonzalez Aleu, F., & Van Aken, E. M. (2016). Systematic literature review of critical success factors for continuous improvement projects. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 7(3), 214-232. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLSS-06-2015-0025Gurung, G., Derrett, S., Gauld, R., & Hill, P. C. (2017). Why service users do not complain or have 'voice': A mixed-methods study from nepal's rural primary health care system. Bmc Health Services Research, 17. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-017-2034-5Iwao,S. (2017). Revisiting the existing notion of continuous improvement (kaizen): Literature review and field research of toyota from a perspective of innovation. Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, 14(1), 29-59. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40844-017-0067-4Jaca, C., Suárez-Barraza, M. F., Viles-Díez, E., Mateo-Dueñas, R., & Santos-Garcia, J. (2011). Encuesta de sostenibilidad de sistemas de mejora continua: Comparativa de dos comunidades industriales de españa y méxico. Intangible Capital, 7(1), 143-169.Jurburg, D., Viles, E., Tanco, M., & Mateo, M. (2016a). What motivates employees to participate in continuous improvement activities? Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, (advanced on-line). https://doi.org/10.1080/14783363.2016.1150170Jurburg, D., Viles, E., Tanco, M., Mateo, R., & Lleó, A. (2016b). Measure to succeed: How to improve employee participation in continuous improvement. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 9(5), 1059-1077. https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.2074Karel, L. I., Delisle, D. R., Anagnostis, E. A., & Wordell, C. J. (2017). Implementation of a formulary management process. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 74(16), 1245-1252. https://doi.org/10.2146/ajhp160193Lasrado, F., Arif, M., Rizvi, A., & Urdzik, C. (2016). Critical success factors for employee suggestion schemes: A literature review. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 24(2), 315-339. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOA-04-2014-0753Marin-Garcia, J. A. (2015). Publishing in two phases for focused research by means of "research collaborations". WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management, 6(2), 76-80. https://doi.org/10.4995/wpom.v6i2.4459Marin-Garcia, J. A., Bautista Poveda, Y., & Garcia-Sabater, J. J. (2014). Levels in the evolution of continuous improvement: A multiple case study. Intangible Capital, 10(3), 584-618. https://doi.org/10.3926/ic.425Marin-Garcia, J. A., Bautista Poveda, Y., Garcia-Sabater, J. J., & Vidal Carreas, P. I. (2010). Implantación de la innovación continua en la gestión de operaciones: Una revisión de la literatura. Innovar, 20(38), 77-95.Marin-Garcia, J. A., Garcia-Sabater, J. J., Maheut, J., Valero-Herrero, M., & Andres-Romano, C. (2012). Gestión de recursos humanos para ingenieros de la rama industrial. Harlow: Pearson Education.Marin-Garcia, J. A., Pardo del Val,M., & Bonavia, T. (2008). La mejora continua como innovación incremental. El caso de una empresa industrial española. Economia Industrial(368), 155-169.Middel, R., Coghlan, D., Coughlan, P., Brennan, L., & McNichols, T. (2006). Action research in collaborative improvement. International Journal of Technology Management, 33(1), 67-91. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJTM.2006.008192Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldana, J. (2013). Qualitative data analysis: A methods sourcebook: SAGE Publications.Naslund, D., Kale, R., & Paulraj, A. (2010). Actionresearch in supply chain management -a framework for relevant and rigorous research. Journal of Business Logistics, 31(2), 331-355. https://doi.org/10.1002/j.2158-1592.2010.tb00155.xOrtega y Gasset, J. (2015 (1a ed 1930)). La misión de la universidad: Cátedra.Pinto, M. J. A., & Mendes, J. V. (2017). Operational practices of lean manufacturing: Potentiating environmental improvements. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 10(4 Special Issue), 550-580. https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.2268Pujol-Cols, L. J. (2016). Satisfacción laboral en docentes universitarios: Medición y estudio de variables influyentes. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria, Vol. 14, Núm. 2 (2016). https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2016.5974Ramírez, K. A., & Álvaro, V. P. (2017). Continuous improvement practices with kaizen approach in companies of themetropolitan district of quito: An exploratory study. Intangible Capital, 13(2), 479-497. https://doi.org/10.3926/ic.901Sanchez, L., & Blanco, B. (2014). Three decades of continuous improvement. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 25(9-10), 986-1001. https://doi.org/10.1080/14783363.2013.856547Sanchez, L., & Blanco, B. (2016). Review of professional literature from the hispanic world on the field of continuous improvement: 1990-2011. Revista Espanola De Documentacion Cientifica, 39(1). https://doi.org/10.3989/redc.2016.1.1264Scholtes, P. R., Joiner, B. L., & Streibel, B. J. (2003). The team handbook. Madison: Oriel.Schwarz, U. v. T., Nielsen, K. M., Stenfors-Hayes, T., & Hasson, H. (2017). Using kaizen to improve employee well-being: Results from two organizational intervention studies. Human relations, 70(8), 966-993. https://doi.org/10.1177/0018726716677071Suarez-Barraza, M. F., & Rodriguez-Gonzalez, F. G. (2015). Bringing kaizen to the classroom: Lessons learned in an operations management course. Total Quality Management & BusinessExcellence, 26(9-10), 1002-1016. https://doi.org/10.1080/14783363.2015.1068594Sunder, V. M. (2016). Constructs of quality in higher education services. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 65(8), 1091-1111. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPPM-05-2015-0079Swanson, D. J., & Creed, A. S. (2014). Sharpening the focus of force field analysis. Journal of Change Management, 14(1), 28-47. https://doi.org/10.1080/14697017.2013.788052White, W. F. (1991). Participatory action research. New York: SAGE publications. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781412985383Wooddell, V.(2009). Employee empowerment, action research and organizational change: A case study. Organization Management Journal, 6(1), 13-20. https://doi.org/10.1057/omj.2009.10Yermakova, S. (2016). Fundamental aspects of implementing lean production into educational process of higher technical educational institutions. Science and Education(1), 62-66. https://doi.org/10.24195/2414-4665-2016-1-14Young, M. (2011). The continuous improvement grid: An empirical investigation into the effectiveness of a systems, and action research, based continuous improvement intervention, for 'new' organisation development. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 24(5), 453-478. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11213-011-9195-

    Comparación del efecto de diferentes modosde agregar las calificaciones de evaluación continua en la nota final

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    [EN] We present the results of comparing various ways of calculating students' final grades from continuous assessment grades. Traditionally the weighted arithmetic mean has been used and we compare this method with other alternatives: arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean and multiplication of the percentage of overcoming of each activi-ty. Our objective is to verify, if any of the alternative methods, agree with the student’s performance proposed by the teacher of the subject, further discriminating the grade be-tween high and low learning outcomes and reducing the number of approved opportunists.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por la Universitat Politécnica de Valencia (PIME/2016/A/027/A) “La evaluación pareada como metodología para la evaluación del pensamiento crí- tico de los alumnos”.Marin-Garcia, JA.; Maheut, J.; Garcia Sabater, JJ. (2017). Comparison of different ways of computing grades in continuous assessment into the final grade. Working Papers on Operations Management. 8(SP):1-12. https://doi.org/10.4995/wpom.v8i0.72421128S

    Comprobación del modelo reflectivo de los factores de primer orden para los constructos de compensación y participación, basados en cuestionarios derivados de Lawler (1991)

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    [ESP] Las investigaciones en el área de la gestión de recursos humanos (HRM) han sido abundantes en los últimos años. Estos trabajos han permitido hacer avanzar a la disciplina y han tratado cuestiones interesantes tanto para académicos como para profesionales. Por ejemplo, la relación entre la gestión de recursos humanos y los indicadores de desempeño de la empresa, determinar las vías por las que los sistemas de recursos humanos afectan a los resultados de la organización y desentrañar la “caja negra” entre el uso de prácticas y resultados o la especificación de las prácticas de gestión de recursos humanos como un constructo latente. Sin embargo, muchas de estas preguntas siguen sin tener una respuesta concluyente. En la investigación sobre prácticas de recursos humanos, es habitual que se emplee un cuestionario multi-ítem para medir el grado de implantación de las prácticas y, por ello, sería necesaria la especificación del modelo de medida. La especificación del modelo de medida es, además, una condición indispensable para la replicación de estudios o la comparación entre investigaciones realizadas por diferentes autores. Sin embargo, en la mayoría de los trabajos, los modelos de medida de las prácticas de gestión de recursos humanos, y en particular los de las prácticas de alta implicación (HIWP), no están explícitamente especificados. En este sentido, sigue existiendo la necesidad de clarificar las prácticas de gestión de recursos humanos incluidas en los constructos para, por ejemplo, poder comparar los resultados derivados de diferentes estudios

    Una propuesta para la disciplina de dirección de operaciones enel Grado en Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial y Automática

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    [EN] At this work a methodology is proposed for a course of the discipline of Operations Management with a focus on active methodologies in the degree of Electronics and Automatic. For the course is combined: lecture, group work, problem-based learning, project-based learning and presentation of group work. Previous experiences in the same course allow us to conclude the importance of the lecture in this environment in what is the only course of the discipline in all the degree. The importance of feedback in project learning is not easy for large groups such as the case study, suggesting the presentation of group work as a good solution to the problemEl trabajo presentado se enmarca enel PIME A23 “Análisis de metodologías y su uso en la evaluación de las competencias transversales” de la Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaVidal-Carreras, PI.; Garcia-Sabater, JJ.; Canos-Daros, L. (2017). A proposal for a course of Operations Management for the Degree in Electronics and Automatic. Working Papers on Operations Management. 8(SP):177-180. doi:10.4995/wpom.v8i0.7205SWORD1771808SPAlfalla-Luque, R., Medina-López, C., & Arenas-Márquez, F. J. (2011). Mejorando la formación en Dirección de Operaciones: la visión del estudiante y su respuesta ante diferentes metodologías docentes. Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa, 14(1), 40-52. doi:10.1016/j.cede.2011.01.002Lopez, C. M., Luque, R. A., & Marin Garcia, J. A. (2011). La investigacion en docencia en direccion de operaciones: tendencias y retos. In (pp. 507-548). OmniaScience.Medina-López, C., Alfalla-Luque, R., & Marin Garcia, J. A. (2011). La investigación en docencia en dirección de operaciones: tendencias y retos. Intangible Capital, 7, 507-548

    Implantação da inovação contínua na gestão de operações: uma revisão da literatura

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    La inovação contínua é um tema atual na literatura acadêmica e vários autores coincidem em assinalar que, apesar de sua aparente simplicidade, não é fácil de implantar e manter nas empresas. Neste sentido, o objetivo do artigo é identificar os aspectos mais importantes no momento de implantar a inovação contínua na gestão de operações. Realizamos uma revisão da literatura recente das revistas mais relevantes, além das atas dos congressos organizados por CINet. O trabalho completou-se com uma análise crítica da literatura onde têm-se unificado conceitos sobre o que é a inovação contínua, têm-se sintetizado os fatores de sucesso ou fracasso, e também têmse resumido as condições que devem ser cumpridas para poder implantar de forma satisfatória os diferente programas de inovação contínua. Por último, propõem-se as linhas de pesquisa que se podem considerar abertas sobre o tema.L'innovation continue est un thème actuel dans la littérature académique et plusieurs auteurs coïncident pour signaler que, malgré une simplicité apparente, elle n'est pas facile à implanter et à maintenir dans les entreprises. En ce sens, l'objectif de cet article est d'identifier les aspects les plus importants pour l'implantation de l'innovation continue dans la gestion d'opérations. Une révision de la littérature récente dans les revues les plus importants a été effectuée, ainsi que dans les actes de congrès organisés par CINet. Ce travail a été complété par une analyse critique de la littérature, unifiant les concepts concernant l'innovation continue, synthétisant les clés dusuccès ou de l'échec, et résumant les conditions requises pour l'implantation de différents programmes d'innovation continue de façon satisfaisante. Pour terminer, des lignes d'investigation à considérer pour ce thème sont proposées.La innovación continua es un tema actual en la literatura académica, y varios autores coinciden en señalar que, a pesar de su aparente simplicidad, no es fácil de implantar y mantener en las empresas. En este sentido, el objetivo del artículo es identificar los aspectos más importantes a la hora de implantar la innovación continua en la gestión de operaciones. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura reciente de las revistas más relevantes, además de las actas de los congresos organizados por CINet. El trabajo se completa con un análisis crítico de la literatura donde se unifican conceptos acerca de qué es la innovación continua, se sintetizan las claves de éxito o fracaso, y también las condiciones que se deben cumplir para poder implantar de forma satisfactoria los diferentes programas de innovación continua. Por último, se proponen las líneas de investigación que se pueden considerar abiertas sobre el tema.Continuous innovation is a current topic in academic literature and various authors agree in pointing out that, despite its apparent simplicity, it is not easy to implement and maintain at companies. In this sense, the article's objective is to identify the most important aspects when implementing continuous innovation in managing of operations. We have carried out a review of the recent literature found in the most relevant journals, in addition to the minutes of the congresses organized by CINet. The work has been supplemented with a critical analysis of the literature in which concepts on the substance of continuous innovation have been unified, the keys to success or failure have been summarized and the conditions that must be fulfilled in order to satisfactorily implement diverse continuous innovation programs have also been summarized. Finally, some lines of research that could be considered as having been opened in this field are proposed

    Enablers and inhibitors for sustainability of continuous improvement: A study in the automotive industry suppliers in the Valencia Region

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    En los últimos años se ha descrito ampliamente el uso de la mejora continua en todo tipo de empresas y fundamentalmente, en las empresas pertenecientes al sector del automóvil. Muchos autores citan las mejoras de los principales indicadores productivos a través del uso de herramientas de mejora continua. Al mismo tiempo, diferentes autores hablan de cómo poder sostener dicha mejora continua a través del tiempo y tratan de identificar barreras y facilitadores para la sostenibilidad de la mejora continua. Pero, a pesar de ello, se pueden encontrar proveedores de primer nivel del sector del automóvil que no tienen implantados sistemas de mejora continua. El presente estudio tiene por objeto identificar clasificar y priorizar las diferentes barreras y facilitadores que se pueden encontrar en las empresas proveedoras de la industria del automóvil. Para ello se han realizado entrevistas con empresas de primer nivel del sector del automóvil de la Comunidad Valenciana que han tenido éxito o han fracasado en la implantación de la mejora continua. A través de sus experiencias se pretende comprender mejor la problemática de la implantación y sostenibilidad de la mejora continua.In recent years it has been widely discussed the use of continuous improvement in all kind of business and particularly in companies belonging to the automotive industry. Many authors mention improvements, in key indicators of production through the use of continuous improvement tools. At the same time, different authors talk about how to sustain the continuous improvement over time, and try to identify inhibitors and enablers for the sustainability of continuous improvement. But despite this, one can still find first tier suppliers in the automotive industry which have not implemented systems of continuous improvement. This study aims to identify, classify, prioritize and discuss the different enablers and inhibitors which can be found in automotive suppliers companies. For that reason some interviews were conducted with first tier suppliers in the automotive industry that have succeeded or failed in implementing continuous improvement. We have tried to understand better the problems for the implementation and sustainability of continuous improvement.Peer Reviewe

    Enablers and inhibitors for sustainability of continuous improvement: A study in the automotive industry suppliers in the Valencia Region

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    En los últimos años se ha descrito ampliamente el uso de la mejora continua en todo tipo de empresas y fundamentalmente, en las empresas pertenecientes al sector del automóvil. Muchos autores citan las mejoras de los principales indicadores productivos a través del uso de herramientas de mejora continua. Al mismo tiempo, diferentes autores hablan de cómo poder sostener dicha mejora continua a través del tiempo y tratan de identificar barreras y facilitadores para la sostenibilidad de la mejora continua. Pero, a pesar de ello, se pueden encontrar proveedores de primer nivel del sector del automóvil que no tienen implantados sistemas de mejora continua. El presente estudio tiene por objeto identificar clasificar y priorizar las diferentes barreras y facilitadores que se pueden encontrar en las empresas proveedoras de la industria del automóvil. Para ello se han realizado entrevistas con empresas de primer nivel del sector del automóvil de la Comunidad Valenciana que han tenido éxito o han fracasado en la implantación de la mejora continua. A través de sus experiencias se pretende comprender mejor la problemática de la implantación y sostenibilidad de la mejora continua.In recent years it has been widely discussed the use of continuous improvement in all kind of business and particularly in companies belonging to the automotive industry. Many authors mention improvements, in key indicators of production through the use of continuous improvement tools. At the same time, different authors talk about how to sustain the continuous improvement over time, and try to identify inhibitors and enablers for the sustainability of continuous improvement. But despite this, one can still find first tier suppliers in the automotive industry which have not implemented systems of continuous improvement. This study aims to identify, classify, prioritize and discuss the different enablers and inhibitors which can be found in automotive suppliers companies. For that reason some interviews were conducted with first tier suppliers in the automotive industry that have succeeded or failed in implementing continuous improvement. We have tried to understand better the problems for the implementation and sustainability of continuous improvement.Peer Reviewe

    A practical model for managing inventories with unknown costs and a budget constraint

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    <p>The economic production quantity method is one of the simplest models to control production and inventory. However, the assumptions on which it is based make its application difficult in practical situations. In most companies, set-up and inventory costs are unknown, or may not even exist as such, although other data are known, such as available capacity in machining hours and limits set by the financing subsystem. The present work offers a multi-item inventory model that sets reference values using known values such as inventory investment limits and production capacity. In order to confer the proposed model’s larger practical content, a spreadsheet available to be downloaded has been implemented. Finally, the model dynamics is illustrated as a numerical example obtained from a real company.</p