182 research outputs found

    Centennial-scale vegetation and North Atlantic Oscillation changes during the Late Holocene in the southern Iberia

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    High-reso CE to lution pollen analysis, charcoal, non-pollen palynomorphs and magnetic susceptibility have been analyzed in the sediment record of a peat bog in Sierra Nevada in southern Iberia. The study of these proxies provided the reconstruction of vegetation, climate, fire and human activity of the last ∌4500 cal yr BP. A progressive trend towards aridification during the late Holocene is observed in this record. This trend is interrupted by millennial- and centennial-scale variability of relatively more humid and arid periods. Arid conditions are recorded between ∌4000 and 3100 cal yr BP, being characterized by a decline in arboreal pollen and with a spike in magnetic susceptibility. This is followed by a relatively humid period from ∌3100 to 1600 cal yr BP, coinciding partially with the Iberian-Roman Humid Period, and is indicated by the increase of Pinus and the decrease in xerophytic taxa. The last 1500 cal yr BP are characterized by several centennial-scale climatic oscillations. Generally arid conditions from ∌450 to 1300 CE, depicted by a decrease in Pinus and an increase in Artemisia, comprise the Dark Ages and the Medieval Climate Anomaly. Since ∌ 1300 to 1850 CE pronounced oscillations occur between relatively humid and arid conditions. Four periods depicted by relatively higher Pinus coinciding with the beginning and end of the Little Ice Age are interrupted by three arid events characterized by an increase in Artemisia. These alternating arid and humid shifts could be explained by centennial-scale changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation and solar activity

    Holocene geochemical footprint from Semiarid alpine wetlands in southern Spain

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    Here we provide the geochemical dataset that our research group has collected after 10 years of investigation in the Sierra Nevada National Park in southern Spain. These data come from Holocene sedimentary records from four alpine sites (ranging from ∌2500 to ∌3000 masl): two peatlands and two shallow lakes. Different kinds of organic and inorganic analyses have been conducted. The organic matter in the bulk sediment was characterised using elemental measurements and isotope-ratio mass spectrometry (EA-IRMS). Leaf waxes in the sediment were investigated by means of chromatography with flame-ionization detection and mass spectrometry (GC-FID, GC-MS). Major, minor and trace elements of the sediments were analysed with atomic absorption (AAS), inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), as well as X-ray scanning fluorescence. These data can be reused by environmental researchers and soil and land managers of the Sierra Nevada National Park and similar regions to identify the effect of natural climate change, overprinted by human impact, as well as to project new management policies in similar protected areas.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de EstratigrafĂ­a y PaleontologĂ­aJunta de AndalucĂ­a: Grupos de investigaciĂłn RNM190 y RNM309Junta de AndalucĂ­a: Proyecto P11-RNM-7332España, Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad: Proyecto CGL2013-47038-RRamĂłn y Cajal Fellowship: RYC-2015-18966Small Research Grant by the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of ScotlandMarie Curie Intra-European Fellowship of the 7th Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration of the European Commission: NAOSIPUK. Grant Number: PIEF-GA-2012-62302

    Ten years since the introduction of therapeutic hypothermia in neonates with perinatal hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy in Spain

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    More than a decade has passed since therapeutic hypothermia (TH) was introduced in Spain; this is the only neuroprotective intervention that has become standard practice in the treatment of perinatal hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE). This article aims to provide a current picture of the technique and to address the controversies surrounding its use. In the last 10 years, TH has been successfully implemented in the vast majority of tertiary hospitals in Spain, and more than 85% of newborns with moderate or severe HIE currently receive the treatment. The factors that can improve the efficacy of TH include early treatment onset (first 6 hours of life) and the control of comorbid factors associated with perinatal asphyxia. In patients with moderate HIE, treatment onset after 6 hours seems to have some neuroprotective efficacy. TH duration longer than 72 hours or deeper hypothermia do not offer greater neuroprotective efficacy, but instead increase the risk of adverse effects. Unclarified aspects are the sedation of patients during TH, the application of the treatment in infants with mild HIE, and its application in other scenarios. Prognostic information and time frame are one of the most challenging aspects. TH is universal in countries with sufficient economic resources, although certain unresolved controversies remain. While the treatment is widespread in Spain, there is a need for cooling devices for the transfer of these patients and their centralisationSe cumple ahora mĂĄs de una dĂ©cada del inicio de la hipotermia terapĂ©utica (HT) en España, la Ășnica intervenciĂłn neuroprotectora que ha venido a ser prĂĄctica estĂĄndar en el tratamiento de la encefalopatĂ­a hipĂłxico-isquĂ©mica perinatal (EHI). El objetivo de este artĂ­culo es ofrecer un panorama actual y presentar las controversias surgidas alrededor de la aplicaciĂłn de esta terapia. En esta dĂ©cada se ha implantado con Ă©xito la HT en la gran mayorĂ­a de los hospitales terciarios de España y mĂĄs del 85% de los reciĂ©n nacidos con EHI moderada-grave reciben esta terapia. Entre los aspectos que pueden mejorar la eficacia de la HT estĂĄn su inicio precoz dentro de las primeras 6 horas de vida y el control de factores comĂłrbidos asociados a la asfixia perinatal. En los pacientes con EHI moderada el inicio despuĂ©s de las 6 horas parece mantener cierta eficacia neuroprotectora. Una duraciĂłn de la HT mayor de 72 horas o un enfriamiento mĂĄs profundo no ofrecen mayor eficacia neuroprotectora y aumentan el riesgo de efectos adversos. Persiste la controversia acerca de la sedaciĂłn durante la HT, la aplicaciĂłn de esta intervenciĂłn a los neonatos con EHI leve y en otros escenarios. La informaciĂłn pronĂłstica y su marco temporal es uno de los aspectos mĂĄs desafiantes. La HT es universal en paĂ­ses con recursos econĂłmicos, aunque existen puntos de controversia no resueltos. Si bien es un tratamiento generalizado en nuestro paĂ­s, falta disponer de dispositivos para el traslado de estos pacientes y su centralizaciĂł

    Payment for Ecosystem Services from Forests

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    Every year between 2000 and 2010, our planet lost native forests roughly the size of Costa Rica. (FAO, 2010). This rapid deforestation has dramatically changed the chemical composition of the world's atmosphere, the level of biodiversity, and the presence of vegetation key to maintaining watershed function and preventing landslides. There has been a boom in the design of local and international policy instruments to prevent further deforestation and encourage forest growth. This paper reviews the theory and evidence surrounding forest-related Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes intended to slow and reverse deforestation. We cover the most recent work touching on a range of issues related to PES programs, including research on targeting, contract design, environmental effectiveness, challenges to program implementation, spillovers, and distributional considerations of conditional cash transfers. We also highlight areas of potential future research

    Payments for ecosystem services in the tropics: a closer look at effectiveness and equity

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    We undertake a review of academic literature that examines the effectiveness and equity-related performance of PES initiatives targeting biodiversity conservation in tropical and sub-tropical countries. We investigate the key features of such analyses as regards their analytical and methodological approach and we identify emerging lessons from PES practice, leading to a new suggested research agenda. Our results indicate that analyses of PES effectiveness have to date focused on either ecosystem service provision or habitat proxies, with only half of them making explicit assessment of additionality and most describing that payments have been beneficial for land cover and biodiversity. Studies evaluating the impact of PES on livelihoods suggest more negative outcomes, with an uneven treatment of the procedural and distributive considerations of scheme design and payment distribution, and a large heterogeneity of evaluative frameworks. We propose an agenda for future PES research based on the emerging interest in assessing environmental outcomes more rigorously and documenting social impacts in a more comparative and contextually situated form

    Immigration and prices: quasi-experimental evidence from Syrian refugees in Turkey

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    We exploit the regional variation in the unexpected (or forced) inflow of Syrian refugees as a natural experiment to estimate the impact of immigration on consumer prices in Turkey. Using a difference-in- differences strategy and a comprehensive data set on the regional prices of CPI items, we find that general level of consumer prices has declined by approximately 2.5 percent due to immigration. Prices of goods and services have declined in similar magnitudes. We highlight that the channel through which the price declines take place is the informal labor market. Syrian refugees supply inexpensive informal labor and, thus, substitute the informal native workers especially in informal labor intensive sectors. We document that prices in these sectors have fallen by around 4 percent, while the prices in the formal labor intensive sectors have almost remained unchanged. Increase in the supply of informal immigrant workers generates labor cost advantages and keeps prices lower in the informal labor intensive sectors

    Soft Robotics: A Route to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity in Robotics

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    : Robotics is entering our daily lives. The discipline is increasingly crucial in fields such as agriculture, medicine, and rescue operations, impacting our food, health, and planet. At the same time, it is becoming evident that robotic research must embrace and reflect the diversity of human society to address these broad challenges effectively. In recent years, gender inclusivity has received increasing attention, but it still remains a distant goal. In addition, awareness is rising around other dimensions of diversity, including nationality, religion, and politics. Unfortunately, despite the efforts, empirical evidence shows that the field has still a long way to go before achieving a sufficient level of equality, diversity, and inclusion across these spectra. This study focuses on the soft robotics community-a growing and relatively recent subfield-and it outlines the present state of equality and diversity panorama in this discipline. The article argues that its high interdisciplinary and accessibility make it a particularly welcoming branch of robotics. We discuss the elements that make this subdiscipline an example for the broader robotic field. At the same time, we recognize that the field should still improve in several ways and become more inclusive and diverse. We propose concrete actions that we believe will contribute to achieving this goal, and provide metrics to monitor its evolution

    Alpine bogs of southern Spain show human-induced environmental change superimposed on long-term natural variations

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    Recent studies have proved that high elevation environments, especially remote wetlands, are exceptional ecological sensors of global change. For example, European glaciers have retreated during the 20th century while the Sierra Nevada National Park in southern Spain witnessed the first complete disappearance of modern glaciers in Europe. Given that the effects of climatic fluctuations on local ecosystems are complex in these sensitive alpine areas, it is crucial to identify their long-term natural trends, ecological thresholds, and responses to human impact. In this study, the geochemical records from two adjacent alpine bogs in the protected Sierra Nevada National Park reveal different sensitivities and long-term environmental responses, despite similar natural forcings, such as solar radiation and the North Atlantic Oscillation, during the late Holocene. After the Industrial Revolution both bogs registered an independent, abrupt and enhanced response to the anthropogenic forcing, at the same time that the last glaciers disappeared. The different response recorded at each site suggests that the National Park and land managers of similar regions need to consider landscape and environmental evolution in addition to changing climate to fully understand implications of climate and human influence.This study was supported by the project P11-RNM 7332 of the “Junta de Andalucía”, the projects CGL2013-47038-R and CGL2015-67130-C2-1-R of the “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER” and the research group RNM0190 and RNM309 (Junta de Andalucía). A.G.-A. was also supported by a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship of the 7th Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration of the European Commission (NAOSIPUK. Grant Number: PIEF-GA-2012-623027) and by a Ramón y Cajal Fellowship RYC-2015-18966 of the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Economía y Competividad). J.L.T. was also supported by a Small Research Grant by the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland and hosted the NAOSIPUK project (PIEF-GA-2012-623027). M. J. R-R acknowledges the PhD funding provided by Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo de la Junta de Andalucía (P11-RNM 7332)
