2,396 research outputs found

    Micro-meteoroid seismic uplift and regolith concentration on kilometric scale asteroids

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    Seismic shaking is an attractive mechanism to explain the destabilisation of regolith slopes and the regolith migration found on the surfaces of asteroids (Richardson et al. 2004; Miyamoto et al. 2007). Here, we use a continuum mechanics method to simulate the seismic wave propagation in an asteroid. Assuming that asteroids can be described by a cohesive core surrounded by a thin non-cohesive regolith layer, our numerical simulations of vibrations induced by micro-meteoroids suggest that the surface peak ground accelerations induced by micro-meteoroid impacts may have been previously under-estimated. Our lower bound estimate of vertical accelerations induced by seismic waves is about 50 times larger than previous estimates. It suggests that impact events triggering seismic activity are more frequent than previously assumed for asteroids in the kilometric and sub-kilometric size range. The regolith lofting is also estimated by a first order ballistic approximation. Vertical displacements are small, but lofting times are long compared to the duration of the seismic signals. The regolith movement has a non-linear dependence on the distance to the impact source which is induced by the type of seismic wave generating the first movement. The implications of regolith concentration in lows of surface acceleration potential are also discussed. We suggest that the resulting surface thermal inertia variations of small fast rotators may induce an increased sensitivity of these objects to the Yarkovsky effect.Comment: Accepted for publication in Icaru

    Generalized model for dynamic percolation

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    We study the dynamics of a carrier, which performs a biased motion under the influence of an external field E, in an environment which is modeled by dynamic percolation and created by hard-core particles. The particles move randomly on a simple cubic lattice, constrained by hard-core exclusion, and they spontaneously annihilate and re-appear at some prescribed rates. Using decoupling of the third-order correlation functions into the product of the pairwise carrier-particle correlations we determine the density profiles of the "environment" particles, as seen from the stationary moving carrier, and calculate its terminal velocity, V_c, as the function of the applied field and other system parameters. We find that for sufficiently small driving forces the force exerted on the carrier by the "environment" particles shows a viscous-like behavior. An analog Stokes formula for such dynamic percolative environments and the corresponding friction coefficient are derived. We show that the density profile of the environment particles is strongly inhomogeneous: In front of the stationary moving carrier the density is higher than the average density, ρs\rho_s, and approaches the average value as an exponential function of the distance from the carrier. Past the carrier the local density is lower than ρs\rho_s and the relaxation towards ρs\rho_s may proceed differently depending on whether the particles number is or is not explicitly conserved.Comment: Latex, 32 pages, 4 ps-figures, submitted to PR

    Hydrogeomorphological analysis and modelling for a comprehensive understanding of flash-flood damage processes: the 9 October 2018 event in northeastern Mallorca

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    [EN] A flash-flood event hit the northeastern part of Mallorca on 9 October 2018, causing 13 casualties. Mal- lorca is prone to catastrophic flash floods acting on a sce- nario of deep landscape transformation caused by Mediter- ranean tourist resorts. As global change may exacerbate dev- astating flash floods, analyses of catastrophic events are cru- cial to support effective prevention and mitigation measures. Field-based remote-sensing and modelling techniques were used in this study to evaluate rainfall¿runoff processes at the catchment scale linked to hydrological modelling. Continu- ous streamflow monitoring data revealed a peak discharge of 442 m³ s¿¹ with an unprecedented runoff response. This ex- ceptional behaviour triggered the natural disaster as a com- bination of heavy rainfall (249 mm in 10 h), karstic features and land cover disturbances in the Begura de Salma River catchment (23 km²). Topography-based connectivity indices and geomorphic change detection were used as rapid post- catastrophe decision-making tools, playing a key role dur- ing the rescue search. These hydrogeomorphological preci- sion techniques were combined with the Copernicus Emer- gency Management Service and ¿ground-based¿ damage as- sessment, which showed very accurately the damage-driving factors in the village of Sant Llorenç des Cardassar. The main challenges in the future are to readapt hydrological modelling to global change scenarios, implement an early flash-flood warning system and take adaptive and resilient measures on the catchment scale.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, the Spanish Agency of Research (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the project CGL2017-88200-R "Functional hydrological and sediment connectivity at Mediterranean catchments: global change scenarios -MEDhyCON2".Estrany, J.; Ruiz-Perez, M.; Mutzner, R.; Fortesa, J.; Nacher Rodriguez, B.; Tomas-Burguera, M.; Garcia-Comendador, J.... (2020). Hydrogeomorphological analysis and modelling for a comprehensive understanding of flash-flood damage processes: the 9 October 2018 event in northeastern Mallorca. 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    Tidally-induced thermonuclear Supernovae

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    We discuss the results of 3D simulations of tidal disruptions of white dwarfs by moderate-mass black holes as they may exist in the cores of globular clusters or dwarf galaxies. Our simulations follow self-consistently the hydrodynamic and nuclear evolution from the initial parabolic orbit over the disruption to the build-up of an accretion disk around the black hole. For strong enough encounters (pericentre distances smaller than about 1/3 of the tidal radius) the tidal compression is reversed by a shock and finally results in a thermonuclear explosion. These explosions are not restricted to progenitor masses close to the Chandrasekhar limit, we find exploding examples throughout the whole white dwarf mass range. There is, however, a restriction on the masses of the involved black holes: black holes more massive than 2×1052\times 10^5 M_\odot swallow a typical 0.6 M_\odot dwarf before their tidal forces can overwhelm the star's self-gravity. Therefore, this mechanism is characteristic for black holes of moderate masses. The material that remains bound to the black hole settles into an accretion disk and produces an X-ray flare close to the Eddington limit of LEdd1041erg/sMbh/1000ML_{\rm Edd} \simeq 10^{41} {\rm erg/s} M_{\rm bh}/1000 M_\odot$), typically lasting for a few months. The combination of a peculiar thermonuclear supernova together with an X-ray flare thus whistle-blows the existence of such moderate-mass black holes. The next generation of wide field space-based instruments should be able to detect such events.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, EuroWD0

    Detection of Artificially Generated Seismic Signals using Balloon-borne Infrasound Sensors

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    We conducted an experiment in Pahrump, Nevada, in June 2017, where artificial seismic signals were created using a seismic hammer, and the possibility of detecting them from their acoustic signature was examined. In this work, we analyze the pressure signals recorded by highly sensitive barometers deployed on the ground and on tethers suspended from balloons. Our signal processing results show that wind noise experienced by a barometer on a free‐flying balloon is lower compared to one on a moored balloon. This has never been experimentally demonstrated in the lower troposphere. While seismoacoustic signals were not recorded on the hot air balloon platform owing to operational challenges, we demonstrate the detection of seismoacoustic signals on our moored balloon platform. Our results have important implications for performing seismology in harsh surface environments such as Venus through atmospheric remote sensing

    Radiological evaluation of newly diagnosed non-brainstem pediatric high-grade glioma in the HERBY phase II trial

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    Purpose: The HERBY trial evaluated the benefit of the addition of the antiangiogenic agent Bevacizumab (BEV) to radiotherapy/temozolomide (RT/TMZ) in pediatric patients with newly diagnosed non-brainstem high-grade glioma (HGG). The work presented here aims to correlate imaging characteristics and outcome measures with pathologic and molecular data.Experimental Design: Radiological, pathologic, and molecular data were correlated with trial clinical information to retrospectively re-evaluate event-free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS).Results: One-hundred thirteen patients were randomized to the RT/TMZ arm (n = 54) or the RT/TMZ+BEV (BEV arm; n = 59). The tumor arose in the cerebral hemispheres in 68 patients (Cerebral group) and a midline location in 45 cases (Midline group). Pathologic diagnosis was available in all cases and molecular data in 86 of 113. H3 K27M histone mutations were present in 23 of 32 Midline cases and H3 G34R/V mutations in 7 of 54 Cerebral cases. Total/near-total resection occurred in 44 of 68 (65%) Cerebral cases but in only 5 of 45 (11%) Midline cases (P < 0.05). Leptomeningeal metastases (27 cases, 13 with subependymal spread) at relapse were more frequent in Midline (17/45) than in Cerebral tumors (10/68, P < 0.05). Mean OS (14.1 months) and EFS (9.0 months) in Midline tumors were significantly lower than mean OS (20.7 months) and EFS (14.9 months) in Cerebral tumors (P < 0.05). Pseudoprogression occurred in 8 of 111 (6.2%) cases.Conclusions: This study has shown that the poor outcome of midline tumors (compared with cerebral) may be related to (1) lesser surgical resection, (2) H3 K27M histone mutations, and (3) higher leptomeningeal dissemination

    Intracellular Bacteria Encode Inhibitory SNARE-Like Proteins

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    Pathogens use diverse molecular machines to penetrate host cells and manipulate intracellular vesicular trafficking. Viruses employ glycoproteins, functionally and structurally similar to the SNARE proteins, to induce eukaryotic membrane fusion. Intracellular pathogens, on the other hand, need to block fusion of their infectious phagosomes with various endocytic compartments to escape from the degradative pathway. The molecular details concerning the mechanisms underlying this process are lacking. Using both an in vitro liposome fusion assay and a cellular assay, we showed that SNARE-like bacterial proteins block membrane fusion in eukaryotic cells by directly inhibiting SNARE-mediated membrane fusion. More specifically, we showed that IncA and IcmG/DotF, two SNARE-like proteins respectively expressed by Chlamydia and Legionella, inhibit the endocytic SNARE machinery. Furthermore, we identified that the SNARE-like motif present in these bacterial proteins encodes the inhibitory function. This finding suggests that SNARE-like motifs are capable of specifically manipulating membrane fusion in a wide variety of biological environments. Ultimately, this motif may have been selected during evolution because it is an efficient structural motif for modifying eukaryotic membrane fusion and thus contribute to pathogen survival

    Guidelines on the management of valvular heart disease: The Task Force on the Management of Valvular Heart Disease of the European Society of Cardiology.

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    80These guidelines focus on valvular heart disease in adults and adolescents, are oriented towards management, and will not deal with endocarditis and congenital valve diseases in adults and adolescents, since recent guidelines have been produced by the ESC on these topics. Although valvular heart disease is less common in industrialized countries than coronary disease, heart failure, or hypertension, guidelines are needed in this field for several reasons: valvular heart disease is common and often requires intervention; substantial advances have been made in the understanding of its pathophysiology; the patient population has changed with a continuous decline of acute rheumatic fever and an increased incidence of degenerative valvular diseases in industrialized countries. The incidence of endocarditis remains stable and other causes of valve disease are rare. Because of the predominance of degenerative valve disease, the two most frequent valve diseases are now calcific aortic stenosis and mitral regurgitation. Aortic regurgitation and mitral stenosis have become less common. Diagnosis is now dominated by echocardiography, which has become the standard to evaluate valve structure and function. Treatment has not only developed through the continuing progress in prosthetic valve technology, but has also been reoriented by the development of conservative surgical approaches and the introduction of percutaneous interventional techniques.openopenVahanian, A; Baumgartner, ; H, ; Bax, ; J, ; Butchart, ; E, ; Dion, ; R, ; Filippatos, ; G, ; Flachskampf, ; F, ; Hall, ; R, ; Iung, ; B, ; Kasprzak, ; J, ; Nataf, ; P, ; Tornos, ; P, ; Torracca, ; L, ; Wenink, ; A, ; Silvia, ; Priori, G.; Blanc, Jean-Jacques; Andrzej, ; Budaj, ; John, ; Camm, ; Veronica, ; Dean, ; Jaap, ; Deckers, ; Kenneth, ; Dickstein, ; John, ; Lekakis, ; Keith, ; Mcgregor, ; Marco, ; Metra, ; João, ; Morais, ; Ady, ; Osterspey, ; Juan, ; Tamargo, ; Luis, José; Zamorano, ; Annalisa, ; Angelini, ; Manuel, ; Antunes, ; Angel, Miguel; Fernandez, Garcia; Christa, ; Gohlke-Baerwolf, ; Gilbert, ; Habib, ; John, ; Mcmurray, ; Catherine, ; Otto, ; Luc, ; Pierard, ; Josè, ; Pomar, L.; Bernard, ; Prendergast, ; Raphael, ; Rosenhek, ; Sousa, Miguel; Uva, ; Juan, ; Tamargo,Vahanian, A; Baumgartner, ; H, ; Bax, ; J, ; Butchart, ; E, ; Dion, ; R, ; Filippatos, ; G, ; Flachskampf, ; F, ; Hall, ; R, ; Iung, ; B, ; Kasprzak, ; J, ; Nataf, ; P, ; Tornos, ; P, ; Torracca, ; L, ; Wenink, ; A, ; Silvia, ; Priori, G.; Blanc, Jean Jacques; Andrzej, ; Budaj, ; John, ; Camm, ; Veronica, ; Dean, ; Jaap, ; Deckers, ; Kenneth, ; Dickstein, ; John, ; Lekakis, ; Keith, ; Mcgregor, ; Marco, ; Metra, Marco; João, ; Morais, ; Ady, ; Osterspey, ; Juan, ; Tamargo, ; Luis, José; Zamorano, ; Annalisa, ; Angelini, ; Manuel, ; Antunes, ; Angel, Miguel; Fernandez, Garcia; Christa, ; Gohlke, Baerwolf; Gilbert, ; Habib, ; John, ; Mcmurray, ; Catherine, ; Otto, ; Luc, ; Pierard, ; Josè, ; Pomar, L.; Bernard, ; Prendergast, ; Raphael, ; Rosenhek, ; Sousa, Miguel; Uva, ; Juan, ; Tamargo