9,884 research outputs found

    On multifractals: a non-linear study of actigraphy data

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    This work aimed, to determine the characteristics of activity series from fractal geometry concepts application, in addition to evaluate the possibility of identifying individuals with fibromyalgia. Activity level data were collected from 27 healthy subjects and 27 fibromyalgia patients, with the use of clock-like devices equipped with accelerometers, for about four weeks, all day long. The activity series were evaluated through fractal and multifractal methods. Hurst exponent analysis exhibited values according to other studies (H>0.5H>0.5) for both groups (H=0.98±0.04H=0.98\pm0.04 for healthy subjects and H=0.97±0.03H=0.97\pm0.03 for fibromyalgia patients), however, it is not possible to distinguish between the two groups by such analysis. Activity time series also exhibited a multifractal pattern. A paired analysis of the spectra indices for the sleep and awake states revealed differences between healthy subjects and fibromyalgia patients. The individuals feature differences between awake and sleep states, having statistically significant differences for αq−−α0\alpha_{q-} - \alpha_{0} in healthy subjects (p=0.014p = 0.014) and D0D_{0} for patients with fibromyalgia (p=0.013p = 0.013). The approach has proven to be an option on the characterisation of such kind of signals and was able to differ between both healthy and fibromyalgia groups. This outcome suggests changes in the physiologic mechanisms of movement control.Comment: Preprint accepted for publication at Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Application

    Portuguese Language Textbook Adapted to Brazilian Sign Language: Analysis of a Second Language Didactic Activity to Deaf Children

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    This paper aims to present and analyze an episode regarding the application of a didactic activity in the written modality on the study of the Portuguese Language related to Alphabetical Order withdrawn from a Portuguese Language TB 3 adapted to Libras 4 The participants in this investigation are deaf fifth-grader elementary school students in a special and bilingual school public system in the state of Minas Gerais Brazil The respondents answers reveal that the intention to promote a second language learning environment led by a pedagogical activity that has not been experienced in their first language makes it unfeasible to access and reflect on L2 5 The sign language adaptation of the didactic activity did not help the understanding of the exercise proposal as in the Portuguese language In summary it is evinced that didactic materials with proposals for adaptation and accessibility in SL 6 for deaf students are inadequate and do not build learning in L

    Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of the Efficient Water Fixtures and Electric Appliances Used to Minimize Water and Energy Consumption in Homes in the U.S

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    Consumer interest in incorporating sustainability and efficient appliances into daily life has been growing in the past several years. While reducing their environmental impact may be a draw to some, by making the switch to water- and energy-efficient appliances many homeowners are enticed by the promise of long-term savings on utility bills. Programs such as WaterSense and Energy Star not only offer certified efficient appliances and fixtures, but they may also certify water- and energy-efficient homes. Additionally, the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) offers the LEED program (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) which certifies homes in a similar manner. This research aims to evaluate the financial feasibility of following the recommendations of these different green building certifications (LEED v4 for Homes, Energy Star, and WaterSense). To accomplish this task, a life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) will be conducted to determine the feasibility of each of these systems. Using different types of analyses that utilize the costs of purchasing, installation, operation, replacement, and monthly utilities, both traditional (non-efficient) and efficient appliances are compared via an LCCA. The LCCA will be applied to the five most populous cities in the U.S. to draw final conclusions about the feasibility of each of these three guidelines by comparing the net-savings, conducting a cost-benefit ratio, and the payback period. This study should prove useful to a wide range of stakeholders including but not limited to homeowners, decision makers, construction practitioners, and business investors

    The International Human Cadaver Prosection Program

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    Family, peers and culture: what shapes perceived intimate partner violence in Portuguese youth?

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    Intimate partner violence (IPV) is one of the most prevalent forms of violence in society. During youth, individuals begin to develop romantic relationships, as well as attitudes regarding violence, thus, this age-group is critical for investigation. Research has demonstrated how family-of-origin and peers both influence IPV, through social norms, however, the influence of perceived cultural norms has scarcely been investigated. Thus, the present correlational study explored the association between descriptive and prescriptive norms, ascribed by family, peers and culture, and intimate partner violence in a sample of Portuguese university students. 221 participants completed a questionnaire regarding the perceived frequency (descriptive norms) and acceptability (prescriptive norms) of violence in relation to the three aforementioned groups, as well as a self-report of the violence perpetrated by both themselves and their partners in their own relationships, either past or present. Results showed that peer descriptive norms predicted psychological violence in participant’s own relationships, but not physical or sexual violence. Parents did not correlate significantly with any kind of violence, and although cultural violence was perceived to be the highest out of all three groups, it was not as influential as the peer group for this sample. Practical implications to prevent IPV among university students should therefore focus on addressing peers and the larger school context, as well as psychological violence specifically.A violĂȘncia no namoro (VNN) Ă© uma das formas de violĂȘncia mais prevalentes na sociedade. Durante a juventude, os indivĂ­duos começam a desenvolver relaçÔes amorosas, bem como atitudes em relação Ă  violĂȘncia, logo, esta faixa-etĂĄria Ă© crĂ­tica para a investigação. A literatura demonstra como a famĂ­lia de origem e os pares influenciam a VNN, atravĂ©s de uma abordagem de normas sociais. No entanto, a influĂȘncia de normas culturais percecionadas tem sido pouco investigada. Assim, o presente estudo correlacional explorou a associação entre normas descritivas e prescritivas atribuĂ­das pela famĂ­lia, pelos pares e pela cultura, e a violĂȘncia no namoro em universitĂĄrios portugueses. 221 estudantes universitĂĄrios responderam a um questionĂĄrio sobre a frequĂȘncia percecionada da violĂȘncia (normas descritivas) e a sua aceitabilidade (normas prescritivas) em relação aos trĂȘs grupos acima mencionados, bem como um autorrelato da violĂȘncia perpetrada por eles prĂłprios e pelos seus parceiros nos seus relacionamentos, passados ou presentes. Os resultados mostraram que as normas descritivas dos pares previram violĂȘncia psicolĂłgica nos relacionamentos dos prĂłprios participantes, mas nĂŁo violĂȘncia fĂ­sica ou sexual. Os pais nĂŁo se correlacionaram significativamente com nenhum tipo de violĂȘncia e, embora a violĂȘncia cultural tenha sido percebida como a mais alta entre os trĂȘs grupos, nĂŁo foi tĂŁo influente quanto o grupo de pares para esta amostra. As implicaçÔes prĂĄticas para prevenir a VNN entre estudantes universitĂĄrios devem, portanto, focar-se no tratamento de pares e no contexto escolar mais amplo, bem como na violĂȘncia psicolĂłgica, especificamente

    Análisis de las Construcciones Gramaticales usadas por “Fernando Silva Espinosa” en la obra “Son Cuentos”

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    Este trabajo investigativo se realizĂł en la Cuidad de Matagalpa durante el segundo semestre de año 2004 donde abordamos los objetivos propuestos en dicho trabajo los cuales son: Identificar las construcciones gramaticales utilizadas por Fernando Silva Espinosa en la obra, “Son Cuento” asĂ­ como determinar los tipos de enunciados predominantes en dicha obra y la influencia que Ă©stas ejercen en la obra “Son Cuento” de Fernando Silva Espinosa. La metodologĂ­a que empleamos en nuestro trabajo fue el mĂ©todo investigativo, elaboraciĂłn conjunta; trabajamos con nuestra tutora Lic. Martha del Socorro GonzĂĄlez Altamirano, tambiĂ©n hicimos entrevistas al escritor nicaragĂŒense Fernando Silva Espinosa el dĂ­a 16 de septiembre del 2004 en su casa de habitaciĂłn, asĂ­ como la bibliografĂ­a consultada que fue una fuente valiosa donde encontramos informaciĂłn relacionada con el tema en estudio. En este trabajo investigativo abordamos los diferentes tipos de construcciones gramaticales utilizadas por Fernando Silva Espinosa en la obra “Son Cuentos”. Determinamos los tipos de enunciados gramaticales que estĂĄn plasmados en la obra, como tambiĂ©n el tipo de esta que mĂĄs predominan en dicha obra. Valoramos la influencia que las construcciones gramaticales ejercen sobre la obra “Son Cuentos” de Fernando Silva Espinosa. El resultado que obtuvimos fue la presencia de construcciones gramaticales compuestas en la obra; donde predominan las coordinadas copulativas dando un total de cuarenta y ocho construccione

    Ascensão e queda nos preços do milho.

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    bitstream/item/142482/1/Ascencao-queda.pdfIndicadores de tendĂȘncia
