1,859 research outputs found

    Does Leaf Position within a Canopy Affect Acclimation of Photosynthesis to Elevated CO2? . Analysis of a Wheat Crop under Free-Air CO2 Enrichment

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    Previous studies of photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2 have focused on the most recently expanded, sunlit leaves in the canopy. We examined acclimation in a vertical profile of leaves through a canopy of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The crop was grown at an elevated CO2 partial pressure of 55 Pa within a replicated field experiment using free-air CO2 enrichment. Gas exchange was used to estimate in vivo carboxylation capacity and the maximum rate of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate-limited photosynthesis. Net photosynthetic CO2 uptake was measured for leaves in situ within the canopy. Leaf contents of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), light-harvesting-complex (LHC) proteins, and total N were determined. Elevated CO2 did not affect carboxylation capacity in the most recently expanded leaves but led to a decrease in lower, shaded leaves during grain development. Despite this acclimation, in situ photosynthetic CO2 uptake remained higher under elevated CO2. Acclimation at elevated CO2 was accompanied by decreases in both Rubisco and total leaf N contents and an increase in LHC content. Elevated CO2 led to a larger increase in LHC/Rubisco in lower canopy leaves than in the uppermost leaf. Acclimation of leaf photosynthesis to elevated CO2 therefore depended on both vertical position within the canopy and the developmental stage

    Inflation on Fractional Branes: D--Brane Inflation as D--Term Inflation

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    We describe a D--brane inflation model which consists of two fractional D3 branes separated on a transverse T2Ă—K3T^2 \times K3. Inflation arises due to the resolved orbifold singularity of K3K3 which corresponds to an anomalous D--term on the brane. We show that D--brane inflation in the bulk corresponds to D--term inflation on the brane. The inflaton and the trigger field parametrize the interbrane distances on T2T^2 an K3K3 respectively. After inflation the branes reach a supersymmetric configuration in which they are at the origin of T2T^2 but separated along the K3K3 directions.Comment: 15 pages in phyzzx.tex; minor corrections including all factors of 2\pi; v3: more minor correction

    String production after angled brane inflation

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    We describe string production after angled brane inflation. First, we point out that there was a discrepancy in previous discussions. The expected tension of the cosmic string calculated from the four-dimensional effective Lagrangian did not match the one obtained in the brane analysis. In the previous analysis, the cosmic string is assumed to correspond to the lower-dimensional daughter brane, which wraps the same compactified space as the original mother brane. In this case, however, the tension of the daughter brane cannot depend on the angle (\theta). On the other hand, from the analysis of the effective Lagrangian for tachyon condensation, it is easy to see that the tension of the cosmic string must be proportional to \theta, when \theta << 1. This is an obvious discrepancy that must be explained by consideration of the explicit brane dynamics. In this paper, we will solve this problem by introducing a simple idea. We calculate the tension of the string in the two cases, which matches precisely. The cosmological constraint for angled inflation is relaxed, because the expected tension of the cosmic string becomes smaller than the one obtained in previous arguments, by a factor of \theta.Comment: 13pages, 3 figures, typos correcte

    Dielectric (p,q) Strings in a Throat

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    We calculate the (p,q) string spectrum in a warped deformed conifold using the dielectric brane method. The spectrum is shown to have the same functional form as in the dual picture of a wrapped D3-brane with electric and magnetic fluxes on its world volume. The agreement is exact in the limit where q is large. We also calculate the dielectric spectrum in the S-dual picture. The spectrum in the S-dual picture has the same form as in the original picture but it is not exactly S-dual invariant due to an interchange of Casimirs of the non-Abelian gauge symmetries. We argue that in order to restore S-duality invariance the non-Abelian brane action should be refined, probably by a better prescription for the non-Abelian trace operation

    Dealing with inaccurate face detection for automatic gender recognition with partially occluded faces

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    Gender recognition problem has not been extensively studied in situations where the face cannot be accurately detected and it also can be partially occluded. In this contribution, a comparison of several characterisation methods of the face is presented and they are evaluated in four different experiments that simulate the previous scenario. Two of the characterization techniques are based on histograms, LBP and local contrast values, and the other one is a new kind of features, called Ranking Labels, that provide spatial information. Experiments have proved Ranking Labels description is the most reliable in inaccurate situation

    A Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Model for Transportation Planning in the Full Truck Load Strategy to Supply Products with Unbalanced Demand in the Just in Time Context: A Case Study

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    [EN] Growing awareness in cutting transport costs and minimizing the environmental impact means that companies are increasingly interested in using the full truck load strategy in their supply tasks. This strategy consists of filling trucks completely with one product type or a mixture of products from the same supplier. This paper aims to propose a mixed-integer linear programming model and procedure to fill trucks which considers limitations of stocks, stock levels and unbalanced demand and minimization of the total number of trucks used in the full truck load strategy. The results obtained from a case study are presented and are exported in a conventional spreadsheet available for a company in the automotive industry.Maheut ., JP.; García Sabater, JP. (2013). A Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Model for Transportation Planning in the Full Truck Load Strategy to Supply Products with Unbalanced Demand in the Just in Time Context: A Case Study. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 397:576-583. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-40361-3_73S576583397Bitran, G.R., Haas, E.A., Hax, A.C.: Hierarchical production planning: a single stage system. Operations Research 29, 717–743 (1981)Sun, H., Ding, F.Y.: Extended data envelopment models and a practical tool to analyse product complexity related to product variety for an automobile assembly plant. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 6, 99–112 (2010)Boysen, N., Fliedner, M.: Cross dock scheduling: Classification, literature review and research agenda. Omega 38, 413–422 (2010)Garcia-Sabater, J.P., Maheut, J., Garcia-Sabater, J.J.: A two-stage sequential planning scheme for integrated operations planning and scheduling system using MILP: the case of an engine assembler. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 24, 171–209 (2012)Ben-Khedher, N., Yano, C.A.: The Multi-Item Replenishment Problem with Transportation and Container Effects. Transportation Science 28, 37–54 (1994)Cousins, P.D.: Supply base rationalisation: myth or reality? European Journal of Purchasing Supply Management 5, 143–155 (1999)Kiesmüller, G.P.: A multi-item periodic replenishment policy with full truckloads. International Journal of Production Economics 118, 275–281 (2009)Goetschalckx, M.: Transportation Systems Supply Chain Engineering, vol. 161, pp. 127–154. Springer, US (2011)Liu, R., Jiang, Z., Fung, R.Y.K., Chen, F., Liu, X.: Two-phase heuristic algorithms for full truckloads multi-depot capacitated vehicle routing problem in carrier collaboration. Computers Operations Research 37, 950–959 (2010)Arunapuram, S., Mathur, K., Solow, D.: Vehicle Routing and Scheduling with Full Truckloads. Transportation Science 37, 170–182 (2003

    Brane Interaction as the Origin of Inflation

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    We reanalyze brane inflation with brane-brane interactions at an angle, which include the special case of brane-anti-brane interaction. If nature is described by a stringy realization of the brane world scenario today (with arbitrary compactification), and if some additional branes were present in the early universe, we find that an inflationary epoch is generically quite natural, ending with a big bang when the last branes collide. In an interesting brane inflationary scenario suggested by generic string model-building, we use the density perturbation observed in the cosmic microwave background and the coupling unification to find that the string scale is comparable to the GUT scale.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, JHEP forma

    de Sitter String Vacua from Supersymmetric D-terms

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    We propose a new mechanism for obtaining de Sitter vacua in type IIB string theory compactified on (orientifolded) Calabi-Yau manifolds similar to those recently studied by Kachru, Kallosh, Linde and Trivedi (KKLT). dS vacuum appears in KKLT model after uplifting an AdS vacuum by adding an anti-D3-brane, which explicitly breaks supersymmetry. We accomplish the same goal by adding fluxes of gauge fields within the D7-branes, which induce a D-term potential in the effective 4D action. In this way we obtain dS space as a spontaneously broken vacuum from a purely supersymmetric 4D action. We argue that our approach can be directly extended to heterotic string vacua, with the dilaton potential obtained from a combination of gaugino condensation and the D-terms generated by anomalous U(1) gauge groups.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur

    Rolling Tachyon in Brane World Cosmology from Superstring Field Theory

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    The pressureless tachyonic matter recently found in superstring field theory has an over-abundance problem in cosmology. We argue that this problem is naturally solved in the brane inflationary scenario if almost all of the tachyon energy is drained (via its coupling to the inflaton and matter fields) to heating the universe, while the rest of the tachyon energy goes to a network of cosmic strings (lower-dimensional BPS D-branes) produced during the tachyon rolling at the end of inflation.Comment: 4 pages, one figure. This version quantifies constraints on various phenomenological models for tachyon deca
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