2,101 research outputs found

    O ensino de Língua Portuguesa no contexto da cultura digital

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    Este artigo analisa as práticas educativas utilizadas por professoras de Língua Portuguesa, mais especificamente relacionadas sobre as práticas de multiletramentos, abrangendo a cultura digital nos processos educativos. A metodologia abrangeu revisão bibliográfica de estudos que tratam das perspectivas dos multiletramentos e da cultura digital. Como instrumento de coleta de dados, foram realizados cinco encontros virtuais, com quatro professoras de Língua Portuguesa, que atuam em redes públicas estaduais de ensino no estado de São Paulo, com o objetivo de realizar o processo de escuta de suas narrativas sobre suas experiências com multiletramentos. Os resultados apontaram que a escola, com base nessas escutas de relatos de professores, precisa reavaliar seus processos pedagógicos no ensino de Língua Portuguesa, incluindo suas novas demandas sociais, que interferem nas linguagens e, sobretudo, nas práticas educativas e sociais

    Behavior of scientific production on severe acute respiratory syndrome

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    Objective: To analyze the dispersion of journals and scientific collaboration on Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, available on the Web of Science. Methods: Bibliometric study that analyzed the production of documents available on the Web of Science, from 1989 to 2020. Results: 1623 documents were retrieved, distributed in 538 journals. The average production per year was 55.9. The average production per author was 1.73. The Nursing category contributed 17 (1.04%) documents, with Virology being the largest contribution 324 (19.96%). China led the ranking with 640 publications (39.43%). Conclusion: The data presented demonstrate the high level of interest of the scientific community in the subject. It was possible to identify 82 authors composing an Elite group of Authors, whose productivity was 66.1%. The United States, China and Saudi Arabia are the countries that most formed Collaboration Network

    Application of response surface methodology and central composite rotatable design (CCDR) for modelling the influence of agro-industrial waste in lactic acid biosynthesis

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    Lactic acid (LA) is one of the most important organic acids, with a wide range of industrial and biotechnological applications and can be produced by chemical synthesis and microbial culture. However, the biotech pathway is generally preferred because it provides an optically pure product. In this context, the purpose of this work was to evaluate LA biosynthesis by Lactobacillus amylovorus using molasses as carbon source (CS) and corn steep liquor as nitrogen source (NS) in a central composite rotatable design (CCRD) varying the concentration CS and NS, as well as to validate the model. The method for microbial culture followed an experimental design of the CCRD type, conducted without agitation, at 37ºC in Erlenmeyer flask, with pH in spontaneous evolution. The results showed that, using molasses and corn steep liquor as alternative sources, LA production ranged from 2.8 to 4.6 g/L, respectively, with the most favourable condition being 40.0 g of molasses and 250 g of corn steep liquor. It was possible, from the experimental design, to ascertain the selection of the best conditions for the microbial culture, demonstrating the feasibility of replacing CS and NS by agro-industrial waste, thus reducing the cost of producing LA

    Osteoarticular and musculoskeletal disorders, chronic pain, quality of life and physical activity level distributed by age and gender in elderly people participating in a water aerobics program

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    The study aims to describe osteoarticular and musculoskeletal disorders, chronic pain, quality of life (QOL) and physical activity level (PAL) distributed by age group and gender in the elderly. The design was quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional. The non-probabilistic sample, for convenience, comprised 101 elderly people, over 60 years old, who regularly participate in water aerobics activities in the municipality of Dois Irmãos, RS. The instruments used were: Multidimensional Pain Assessment Scale, Survey of Pain Attitudes, IPAQ and EUROHIS-QOL. Descriptive frequency analyzes were performed, which showed the predominance of women in water aerobics activities, most frequently in the age group of 70 years. Similarly, the presence of osteoarticular and musculoskeletal disorders and chronic pain intensity (moderate and severe) were more expressive in females and in the age group of 70 years. The distribution of QOL and pain intensity in relation to age, gender and PAL shows in the age group of 60 years, the male, irregularly active with higher average, with higher occurrence of pain (moderate) in the active elderly. Active females, on the other hand, show better QOL scores and higher pain intensity in irregularly active aspect. In conclusion, the actions promoted by the municipality have a positive impact on QOL. However, there is a need for greater involvement of participants to achieve more adequate levels of regular physical activity, taking into account the significant presence of pain complaints in females and in the age group of 70 years

    Evaluation of sound pressure levels in a pediatric intensive care unit

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    This study objectives were to measure the sound pressure levels found in the pediatric intensive care unit in a federal institution of Rio de Janeiro; to verify differences in noise levels during the morning and afternoon; to confront the sound pressure levels found against acceptable levels according to national and international noise organizations; to count the quantity of alarms triggered by each type of medical care equipment selected (multiparameter monitor, mechanical ventilator and infusion pump); to verify the relevance in the scientific world about pediatric intensive care unit noise through bibliometrics and to address the trinomial care technology - noise - implications on care. It’s an observational, exploratory, quantitative study, organized in three steps: Parameter collection and decibel meter calibration - data were based on the study by Salú, et al (2015) ; Data collection: 40 hours of discontinued observation (8am to 16pm) on different days for a period two months using two decibel meters; Data processing: An Excel spreadsheet was created for the database and data analysis was performed with the help of Microsoft Office Excel 2010 and Program R, organized into graphs and tables. 61% of the alarms corresponded to the mechanical ventilator; Bed E had the lowest standard deviation (SD = 2.945) and the highest median (69.5dBA). Even by removing the E bed from the analysis, there is a significant difference (p <0.001) between sound pressure levels. The median of the afternoon (28.2dBA); and morning (26.1dBA). Mechanical fan and monitor generated higher sounds; the pediatric intensive care unit has considerably exceeded that recommended by national and international noise organizations; afternoon generated higher sounds than morning. Keywords: Noise Meters; Noise; Intensive care; Pediatric

    Negative repercussions and psychological impact of pandemic by covid-19 on health teams / Repercussões negativas e impacto psicológico da pandemia por covid-19 nas equipes de saúde

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    Objetivo: identificar as repercussões negativas e o impacto psicológico em profissionais de saúde que atuam diretamente no cuidado aos pacientes com coronavírus e possíveis estratégias para minimizar seus efeitos. Método: trata-se de uma revisão integrativa, com busca de estudos nas bases de dados Public Medline, Portal de Periódicos da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature e TRIP DATABASE, pesquisadas em Abril de 2020. Resultados: Dos 12 estudos incluídos foram abordados os estressores percebidos pelos profissionais de saúde, as repercussões negativas e implicações psicológicas e os fatores de suporte para redução dos estressores. Conclusão: conclui-se que a avaliação da sobrecarga psíquica e a implementação de medidas de suporte aos profissionais de saúde faz parte da complexa rede de ações que determinam o êxito no enfrentamento à COVID-19 nos serviços de saúde.

    Social inequalities in care for the elderly with diabetes in Brazil

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    [Abstract] Objective: To measure the prevalence of various care services offered to the elderly with diabetes mellitus in Brazil, and to assess the social inequalities in these services. Methods: This cross-sectional, population-based study was carried out in 2013. The care services offered were evaluated in terms of the following eight indicators: recommendations to lower carbohydrates, to measure blood glucose, and to examine the feet; requests made for blood tests, for glycated hemoglobin tests, and for glycemic curve tests; and whether service users had had their eyes or feet examined in the previous year. We used the slope index of inequality and the concentration index to assess the inequalities among wealth quintiles. Results: A total of 1 685 elderly persons with diabetes were evaluated. Overall, 41.7% of them had had their eyes examined in the preceding year, 35.4% had had their feet examined in the preceding year, and 10.9% had been offered all eight of the care services. The largest absolute differences (in percentage points) between the first (poorest) and fifth (richest) wealth quintiles in terms of the care services that were offered to the users were for: a recommendation to measure blood glucose (25.8), a glycated hemoglobin test request (27.4), a glycemic curve test request (31.9), having the eyes examined in the preceding year (29.3), and having the feet examined in the preceding year (27.0). Conclusion: There were notable inequalities in the prevalences of the care services. In the future, measurement of blood glucose and examination of the feet should be emphasized, especially for elderly persons in a lower socioeconomic level.[Resumen] Objetivo: Medir la prevalencia de los diversos servicios de atención que se ofrecen a las personas mayores con diabetes mellitus en Brasil y evaluar las desigualdades sociales en dichos servicios. Métodos: Este estudio transversal y basado en la población se llevó a cabo en el 2013. Los servicios de atención que se ofrecen se evaluaron en cuanto a los siguientes ocho indicadores: recomendaciones para reducir los carbohidratos, medir la glucemia y revisarse los pies; solicitudes de análisis de sangre, pruebas de glucohemoglobina y pruebas de la curva de glucemia; y si a los usuarios de los servicios les habían examinado los ojos o los pies en el último año. Usamos el índice de pendiente de la desigualdad y el índice de concentración para evaluar las desigualdades entre los quintiles de riqueza. Resultados: Se evaluó en total a 1.685 personas mayores con diabetes. En términos generales, en el último año les habían examinado los ojos a 41,7% de ellos, en el último año les habían examinado los pies a 35,4% y les habían ofrecido los ocho servicios de atención a 10,9%. Las mayores diferencias absolutas en puntos porcentuales entre el primer quintil de riqueza (los más pobres) y el quinto (los más ricos) en cuanto a los servicios de atención ofrecidos a los usuarios se encontraron en la recomendación de medir la glucemia (25,8), la solicitud de pruebas de glucohemoglobina (27,4), la solicitud de pruebas de curvas de glucemia (31,9), el examen de los ojos en el último año (29,3) y el examen de los pies en el último año (27,0). Conclusiones: Hubo notables desigualdades en la prevalencia de los servicios de atención. En el futuro, debe hacerse énfasis en la medición de la glucemia y el examen de los pies, especialmente en las personas mayores de un nivel socioeconómico bajo.[Resumo] Objetivo: Medir a prevalência de vários serviços de atenção oferecidos a idosos portadores de diabetes mellitus no Brasil e avaliar desigualdades sociais nestes serviços. Métodos: Estudo transversal, de caráter populacional, realizado em 2013. Os serviços de atenção oferecidos foram avaliados quanto aos oito indicadores a seguir: recomendação de diminuir o consumo de carboidratos, medir a glicemia e examinar os pés; pedido de exames de sangue, hemoglobina glicada e curva glicêmica; e realização de exame dos olhos ou pés nos usuários do serviço durante o ano anterior. Foram utilizados o índice absoluto de desigualdade e o índice de concentração para avaliar as desigualdades entre quintis de renda. Resultados: Foram avaliados 1.685 idosos com diabetes. Destes, 41,7% haviam sido submetidos a exame dos olhos no ano anterior, 35,4% a exame dos pés, e a 10,9% haviam sido oferecidos todos os oito serviços de atenção. As maiores diferenças absolutas (em pontos percentuais) entre o primeiro (mais pobre) e quinto (mais rico) quintis de renda foram constatadas para os seguintes serviços de atenção: recomendação de medir a glicemia (25,8), pedido de exame de hemoglobina glicada (27,4), pedido de exame de curva glicêmica (31,9), exame de olhos no ano anterior (29,3) e exame dos pés no ano anterior (27,0). Conclusão: Foram constatadas desigualdades notáveis na prevalência dos serviços de atenção. Futuramente, deve-se dar ênfase à medição da glicemia e do exame dos pés, principalmente em idosos de nível socioeconômico mais baixo

    Gender and hemispheric differences in temporal lobe epilepsy: A VBM study

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    Purpose: Gender differences are recognized in the functional and anatomical organization of the human brain. Differences between genders are probably expressed early in life, when differential rates of cerebral maturation occur. Sexual dimorphism has been described in temporal lobe epilepsy with mesial temporal sclerosis (TLE-MTS). Several voxel-based morphometry (VBM) studies have shown that TLE-MTS extends beyond mesial temporal structures, and that there are differences in the extent of anatomical damage between hemispheres, although none have approached gender differences. Our aim was to investigate gender differences and anatomical abnormalities in TLE-MTS.Methods: VBM5 was employed to analyze gender and hemispheric differences in 120 patients with TLE-MTS and 50 controls.Results: VBM abnormalities were more widespread in left-TLE; while in women changes were mostly seen in temporal areas, frontal regions were more affected in men.Conclusions: Our study confirmed that gender and laterality are important factors determining the nature and severity of brain damage in TLE-MTS. Differential rates of maturation between gender and hemispheres may explain the distinct areas of anatomical damage in men and women. (C) 2013 British Epilepsy Association. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Unidade Pesquisa & Tratamento Epilepsias UNIPETE, Dept Neurol & Neurosurg, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Psychiat, Lab Interdisciplinar Neurociencias Clin LiNC, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Diagnost Imagem, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Unidade Pesquisa & Tratamento Epilepsias UNIPETE, Dept Neurol & Neurosurg, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Psychiat, Lab Interdisciplinar Neurociencias Clin LiNC, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Diagnost Imagem, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    An EPR investigation on reduced Sn centres in SrSnO3 perovskite

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    The use of the wide band gap SrSnO3 semiconductor in photocatalysis has grown over the last few years, driven predominantly by sustainability given that its constituents are all Earth abundant elements. Using EPR spectroscopy, we elucidate the paramagnetic species present in the material, either intrinsic or photo-generated. EPR measurements confirmed the presence of paramagnetic oxygen vacancies (g = 2.0058) and a defect sensitive to visible light irradiation despite a wide optical band gap of 4.1 eV. This defect was confirmed to be Sn3+ (g = 2.014 and g = 1.994). Its concentration appears to increase with visible light irradiation, suggesting a photo-induced formation associated with electronic transitions from Sn2+ intra-band gap states to the conduction band