99 research outputs found

    Mechanical harvesting at dawn in a super-high-density table olive orchard. Effect on the quality of fruits

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    BACKGROUND Mechanical harvesting with over-the-row harvesters in super-high-density (SHD) table olive orchards increases the effectiveness of fruit removal, although bruising can limit the fruit quality. Additionally, an early harvest in periods less favourable to quality production is increasingly frequent as a result of global warming. The present study explores the impact on olive quality of harvesting at dawn when the environmental temperature is low. The study was carried out for 2 years on two cultivars with different tolerance to bruising (‘Manzanilla de Sevilla’ and ‘Manzanilla Cacereña’), grown in SHD conditions and harvested at two timepoints: dawn and morning. RESULTS Fruit morphology was not modified by the moment of harvest in either of the cultivars. Fruit harvested at dawn produced less CO2 and ethylene and was less damaged externally and internally compared to fruit harvested in the morning. However, environmental conditions throughout development influenced the response because the highest values of bruising (incidence, area and volume of damaged area), total internal damage and the number of tissue ruptures increased in the year with the hottest summer, and the differences between harvest treatments were less evident

    Genetic Diversity of Stone Fruit Cultivars Preserved On-Farm in Southern Spain

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    Old traditional cultivars are valuable genetic resources for crop improvement, but a great number of them have disappeared in the past century. This study aimed to characterize traditional cultivars of different Prunus species collected in small family orchards in southwestern Spain and to evaluate their genetic diversity and relationships. One hundred and twelve accessions belonging to 36 traditional cultivar denominations were analyzed using eight SSR loci transferable across the genus Prunus. The most useful loci to analyze different Prunus species were UDP96-005, BPPCT-002, UDP98-410 and ps02a12. A total of 152 alleles were observed, and 112 were unique to certain species. Sixty-eight different genotypes were found, revealing the possible existence of homonyms among traditional cultivar names. The clustering analysis was consistent with the taxonomic classification of the different species studied and with the geographical origins of the accessions within each species. The results showed wide genetic variability of traditional cultivars of stone fruits grown in small family orchards, which highlights the need to preserve them using both in-situ and ex-situ strategies. Twenty-eight of these accessions are currently conserved ex-situ at the University of Sevilla, Spain. The use of highly transferable SSRs has been proven as efficient in multi-species surveys performed on-farm

    Suitability of Two Table Olive Cultivars (‘Manzanilla de Sevilla’ and ‘Manzanilla Cacereña’) for Mechanical Harvesting in Superhigh-density Hedgerows

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    At a time of increasing demand, the extremely high cost of manual labor required to harvest fruit in table olive groves is limiting the economic survival of the crop in many producing countries. New grove designs and management practices such as superhigh-density (SHD) groves now in use in oil olive production should be explored as an option to facilitate mechanical harvesting in table olives. The feasibility of two table olive cultivars, Manzanilla de Sevilla and Manzanilla Caceren˜a, to be harvested in a 5- year-old SHD grove (1975 trees/ha) was studied in 2012 when trees of both cultivars formed highly productive continuous hedgerows (’10,000 and 18,000 kg·haL1 , respectively). The differences between manual and mechanical harvesting using a grape straddle harvester were evaluated taking into consideration harvesting time, efficiency in fruit removal, and fruit quality both before and after processing as Spanish-style green olives. The average harvest time per hectare with a grape straddle harvester was less than 1.7 hours compared with 576 person/hour or more when done manually. Fruit removal efficiency was high in both cases, 98% for mechanical treatment and 100% for hand treatment. Mechanically harvested fruits had a high proportion of bruising damage (greater than 90%) and the severity of the damage was greater in ‘Manzanilla de Sevilla’ than in ‘Manzanilla Caceren˜a’. After Spanish-style green processing, however, the proportion of bruised fruits was below 3% in each cultivar. The fruit size in both cultivars was suitable for table olive processing and only 7% and 4% of ‘Manzanilla de Sevilla’ and ‘Manzanilla Caceren˜a’ fruits, respectively, were diverted to oil extraction as a result of insufficient size. Small differences were found between processed ‘Manzanilla Caceren˜a’ fruits that were manually or mechanically harvested. In contrast, mechanically harvested ‘Manzanilla de Sevilla’ fruits showed a significantly higher proportion of cutting (18%), a type of damage that may take place during harvesting, and lower firmness and texture than those harvested manually

    High-Throughput System for the Early Quantification of Major Architectural Traits in Olive Breeding Trials Using UAV Images and OBIA Techniques

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    The need for the olive farm modernization have encouraged the research of more efficient crop management strategies through cross-breeding programs to release new olive cultivars more suitable for mechanization and use in intensive orchards, with high quality production and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. The advancement of breeding programs are hampered by the lack of efficient phenotyping methods to quickly and accurately acquire crop traits such as morphological attributes (tree vigor and vegetative growth habits), which are key to identify desirable genotypes as early as possible. In this context, an UAV-based high-throughput system for olive breeding program applications was developed to extract tree traits in large-scale phenotyping studies under field conditions. The system consisted of UAV-flight configurations, in terms of flight altitude and image overlaps, and a novel, automatic, and accurate object-based image analysis (OBIA) algorithm based on point clouds, which was evaluated in two experimental trials in the framework of a table olive breeding program, with the aim to determine the earliest date for suitable quantifying of tree architectural traits. Two training systems (intensive and hedgerow) were evaluated at two very early stages of tree growth: 15 and 27 months after planting. Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) were automatically and accurately generated by the algorithm as well as every olive tree identified, independently of the training system and tree age. The architectural traits, specially tree height and crown area, were estimated with high accuracy in the second flight campaign, i.e. 27 months after planting. Differences in the quality of 3D crown reconstruction were found for the growth patterns derived from each training system. These key phenotyping traits could be used in several olive breeding programs, as well as to address some agronomical goals. In addition, this system is cost and time optimized, so that requested architectural traits could be provided in the same day as UAV flights. This high-throughput system may solve the actual bottleneck of plant phenotyping of "linking genotype and phenotype," considered a major challenge for crop research in the 21st century, and bring forward the crucial time of decision making for breeders

    Unravelling young COPD and pre-COPD in the general population

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    COPD; General populationMPOC; Població generalEPOC; Población generalBackground Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is commonly diagnosed when the airflow limitation is well established and symptomatic. We aimed to identify individuals at risk of developing COPD according to the concept of pre-COPD and compare their clinical characteristics with 1) those who have developed the disease at a young age, and 2) the overall population with and without COPD. Methods The EPISCAN II study is a cross-sectional, population-based study that aims to investigate the prevalence of COPD in Spain in subjects ≥40 years of age. Pre-COPD was defined as the presence of emphysema >5% and/or bronchial thickening by computed chromatography (CT) scan and/or diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO) 0.70. Young COPD was defined as FEV1/FVC <0.70 in a subject ≤50 years of age. Demographic and clinical characteristics were compared among pre-COPD, young COPD and the overall population with and without COPD. Results Among the 1077 individuals with FEV1/FVC 0.70, 350 underwent both DLCO testing and chest CT scanning. Of those, 78 (22.3%) subjects fulfilled the definition of pre-COPD. Subjects with pre-COPD were older, predominantly women, less frequently active or ex-smokers, with less frequent previous diagnosis of asthma but with higher symptomatic burden than those with young COPD. Conclusions 22.3% of the studied population was at risk of developing COPD, with similar symptomatic and structural changes to those with well-established disease without airflow obstruction. This COPD at-risk population is different from those that develop COPD at a young age.The EPISCAN II study was sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline

    Eficiencia de la recolección mecánica y efecto sobre la calidad de la producción en plantaciones superintensivas de variedades de aceituna de mesa

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    Las plantaciones superintensivas de olivar (Olea europaea L.), con densidades superiores a los 1.000 árboles por hectárea, se han convertido en una interesante alternativa al cultivo de olivar de almazara en la que el coste de recolección disminuye por la drástica reducción de la mano de obra y del tiempo requerido por el empleo de cosechadoras cabalgantes. No hay, sin embargo, experiencia alguna en relación al olivar de mesa. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido evaluar la aptitud de dos variedades tradicionalmente destinadas al aderezo, como son la ‘Manzanilla de Sevilla’ y ‘Manzanilla Cacereña’, a la recolección con cosechadora cabalgante cuando se cultivan en superintensivo. El trabajo se realizó en septiembre de 2012 y 2014 en una plantación adulta. Antes de la recolección se caracterizaron los setos. Posteriormente se analizó la eficiencia de la recolección mecánica, en términos de porcentaje de frutos derribados y tiempo de recolección, así como las proporciones de frutos con daños. En 2012 también se analizaron los daños en frutos aderezados en verde al estilo sevillano. El tamaño de los setos fue adecuado para la recolección mediante cosechadora cabalgante. La cosechadora derribó prácticamente la totalidad de los frutos en un tiempo no superior a las dos horas por hectárea. La producción media fue mayor en la ‘Manzanilla Cacereña’ que en la ‘Manzanilla de Sevilla’ y la calidad del fruto apta para la comercialización, si bien los frutos de esta última variedad presentaban una mayor susceptibilidad al daño.Junta de Andalucía SGAEX/C

    From the juvenile to the adult vegetative phase in olive seedlings: the transition along the stem axis

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    Sexual reproduction in olive is carried out for purposes such as breeding. The seedlings evolve from the juvenile to the adult stage, and until now, only the discrete developmental phases have been investigated in detail. However, the transition process has been poorly studied in fruit trees, especially in olive. In this paper, juvenile to adult transition has been explored in 30 olive seedlings coming from the Table Olive Breeding Program of the University of Sevilla, Spain. Despite of the great variability found in the olive leaf morphological parameters, mean values increased linearly from the bottom (juvenile) to the top (adult tissue) of the seedling. An upward lineal decrease in the rooting ability was also observed for the set of seedlings evaluated. No significant differences were found for the maximum net photosynthesis (PNmax) or maximum stomatal conductance (gsmax), although the lowest values were measured at <0.5 m. For all of the analysed parameters, the transitional tissue showed intermediate values. These results show for the first time in olive that the transition along the seedling stem axis follows a clear lineal tendency with a stepwise loss of juvenile characters being the shift from juvenile to adult phase in olive not an abrupt change but a gradual process. The usefulness of a fibre optic probe with a reduced sampling surface coupled to near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was evaluated. NIR analysis has been confirmed to be a useful tool to discriminate the juvenile and adult leaves, but not the transition one

    Histological characterization of table olive fruit bruising cv. Manzanilla de Sevilla

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    Sin paginarActualmente el sector del olivar en España incluye dos subsectores claramente diferenciados por su aprovechamiento: el olivar de almazara y el de mesa o verdeo, cada uno con unas particularidades específicas que los diferencian, tales como variedades empleada s y técnicas de cultivo como la poda o la recolección. En los últimos años, la necesidad de optimizar los costes de producción ha generalizado la recolección mecanizada mediante brazos vibradores o máquinas cabalgadoras en explotaciones de olivar de aceite. Sin embargo, no se ha extendido de igual manera en plantaciones de aceituna de mesa, debido a los altos porcentajes de frutos dañados por los golpes que se producen durante la recolección mecanizada. El molestado, manchas oscuras en la parte externa del exocarpo de los frutos, hace referencia a los daños provocados en los frutos por los golpes durante la recolección, más notables en la recolección mecánica. Estas manchas deprecian el fruto a nivel comercial con el consecuente rechazo del consumidor. No todos los cultivares presentan la misma susceptibilidad al molestado. ‘Manzanilla de Sevilla’, variedad por excelencia de aceituna de mesa, es considerada sensible al molestado lo que dificulta su recolección por medios mecánicos. El Departamento de Ciencias Agroforestales de la Un iversidad de Sevilla empezó a trabajar en el año 2003 en un programa de mejora genética de olivo para mesa. Una de las líneas de trabajo dentro de este proyecto ha consistido en estudiar diferentes parámetros de calidad, entre los que se encuentra el molestado. En colaboración con el Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible-CSIC, se ha desarrollado una metodología para evaluar el mismo en aceituna de mesa. En este trabajo se describe anatómicamente el molestado en frutos frescos de ‘Manzanilla de Sevilla’, después de un golpe inducido, a los 30 minutos y 24 horas del impacto y fijados posteriormente con FAE (formalina, ácido acético, etanol del 95% y agua destilada (10:5:50:3 5 v/v/v/v)). Se han evaluado histológicamente los cambios (rupturas celulares y pérdida de grosor en paredes celulares) que se producen en el mesocarpo de las zonas dañadas. Las observaciones histológicas han revelad o diferencias en los daños para los dos momentos evaluados. La presencia de rupturas celulares y la pérdida de grosor de las paredes celulares, en las zonas dañadas, han sido más evidentes a las 24 horas tras el golpe.Currently olive growing in Spain includes two main industries: olive oil and table olives, each of which has its own peculiarities, such as different varieties and specific performance of cultivation techniques like pruning or harvesting. In recent years, due to the need of reducing production costs, mechanical harvesting using trunk shakers or straddle harvesters has become widespread in olive oil orchards. However, that is not the case in table olive plantations, due to the high percentage of fruit damaged by the impacts that take place during mechanical harvesting. The term fruit bruising, dark spots on the outside of the fruit exocarp, refers to the fruit damage caused by impacts during collection, most notably in mechanical harvesting. These spots decreases commercial fruit value, being rejected by the consumer. Not all cultivars have the same fruit bruise susceptibility. Manzanilla de Sevilla, Spanish leading table olive cultivar, is considered to be sensitive to bruising being therefore difficult to harvest by mechanical devices Researchers from the Departamento de Ciencias Agroforestales at the University of Seville, Spain, are working since 2003 on a table olive breeding program. One of the research lines within the program has been to study. different table olive quality parameters, including fruit bruising. An evaluation methodology is being developed to asses this phenomenon in collaboration with the Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible-CSIC. This paper describes anatomical changes related to fruit bruising in 'Manzanilla de Sevilla' fresh fruits after an induced impact. Bruised fruits were chemically fixed in FAE (formalin, acetic acid, 95% ethanol and distilled water (10:5:50:35 v/v/v/v)) 30 minutes and 24 hours after the impact. Histological changes (cell breakage, loss of cell wall thickness and higher colour intensity) produced in the mesocarp of the damaged areas have been evaluated. Histological observations revealed differences between the evaluated times. The presence of cell ruptures and the loss of thickness in the cell walls, in the damaged areas, has been most evident at 24 hours after the impact.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y fondos FEDER, proyectos AGL2007-65184-C02-02 y AGL2009-0724

    Calcium applications throughout fruit development enhance olive quality, oil yield, and antioxidant compounds' content

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    BACKGROUND: Calcium is a preservative andfirming agent largely used in the table olive industry. Foliar applications of cal-cium (as calcium chloride, CaCl2) before harvest have been proposed in other fruits to increasefirmness and reduce physiolog-ical disorders or internal damage. However, there is still a shortage of information regarding the source, the concentration, thenumber, and the period of calcium application onto the canopy to get an effective response of olive quality. In this study, weaimed to investigate the effect of two concentrations of CaCl2foliar treatments (0.5% and 1.0%), applied at different stagesof fruit development (at the end of fruit set, end of pit hardening, and prior to harvesting), on olive quality for two varieties(‘Manzanilla de Sevilla’and‘Ascolanta tenera’), cultivated in two different geographical areas (Spain and Italy respectively).RESULTS: The calcium concentrations applied enhanced the fruit calcium content and decreased sodium and potassium. Theyalso improved the mechanical properties without modifying fruit morphology or cuticle thickness; nor did they cause phytotox-icity. Foliar treatments increased the oil content in the pulp (dry weight basis) and the amount of hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, andoleuropein, among other phenols

    Intermediate Repeat Expansion in the ATXN2 Gene as a Risk Factor in the ALS and FTD Spanish Population

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    Intermediate CAG expansions in the gene ataxin-2 (ATXN2) are a known risk factor for ALS, but little is known about their role in FTD risk. Moreover, their contribution to the risk and phenotype of patients might vary in populations with different genetic backgrounds. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship of intermediate CAG expansions in ATXN2 with the risk and phenotype of ALS and FTD in the Spanish population. Repeat-primed PCR was performed in 620 ALS and 137 FTD patients in three referral centers in Spain to determine the exact number of CAG repeats. In our cohort, >= 27 CAG repeats in ATXN2 were associated with a higher risk of developing ALS (odds ratio [OR] = 2.666 [1.471-4.882]; p = 0.0013) but not FTD (odds ratio [OR] = 1.446 [0.558-3.574]; p = 0.44). Moreover, ALS patients with >= 27 CAG repeats in ATXN2 showed a shorter survival rate compared to those with = 27 repeats in ATXN2 are associated with ALS risk but not with FTD in the Spanish population. ALS patients carrying an intermediate expansion in ATXN2 show more frequent limb onset but a worse prognosis than those without expansions. In patients carrying C9orf72 expansions, the intermediate ATXN2 expansion might increase the penetrance and modify the phenotype