783 research outputs found


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    The expansion and intensification of banking competition, which has occurred inSpain during the last ten years, has allowed banks and savings banks to define theircompetitive strategies with more freedom. This paper analyzes the similarities andthe differences in their product mix along with its time evolution. In particular, itattempts to identify the different kinds of firms and, on this ground, to analyze whethercompetition leads to the homogeneization (convergence) of product mixes betweenfirms or groups of firms (clubs). The empirical success is higher when specializationclubs are considered, finding increased heterogeneity within the banking system as awhole but increased homogeneity within certain clusters of banks and savings banks La expansión e intensificación de la competencia en el sector bancario ocurrida en España durante la última década ha permitido a bancos y cajas de ahorro definir sus estrategias competitivas con mayor libertad. Este artículo analiza las similitudes y diferencias en la especialización de las empresas bancarias y su evolución temporal. En particular, trata de identificar los distintos tipos de empresas y, a partir de ello, analizar si la competencia está condicionada o no por grupos (clubes) de competidores con especializaciones similares. Los resultados son superiores cuando se consideran clubes de especialización, obteniéndose heterogeneidad creciente para el conjunto del sistema bancario pero homogeneidad creciente dentro de ciertos grupos de bancos y cajas de ahorro.sector bancario, convergencia, especialización productiva banking, convergence, product mix

    Percepciones sobre las consecuencias sociales del estado del bienestar y su futuro (Perceptions on the social consequences and the future of welfare state)

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    Resumen: Las actitudes ciudadanas ante el estado del bienestar van a ser en el futuro motivo de gran interés debido a los proyectos de reforma que se prevee realizar. Los valores y los intereses personales son el conjunto de factores que influyen decisivamente en la opinión de los ciudadanos. Este trabajo pretende dilucidar en que medida los valores representados por la idea de igualdad, de autoridad y de mérito, la posición política y la percepción de los efectos del estado del bienestar permiten determinar la opinión de los individuos sobre la situación futura del sistema de pensiones.Abstract: Citizens’ attitudes to the welfare state will be in the future of great interest because of the draft reform envisaged. The values and interests personal are all factors that strongly influence in the opinion of citizens. This paper seeks to ascertain to what extent values represented by the idea of equality, authority and merit, political position and perceptions of the effects of state welfare for determining the views of individuals on the future status of the pension system


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    The determinants of international financial integration revisited: the role of networks and geographic neutrality

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    Over the last two decades, the degree of international financial integration has increased substantially, becoming an important area of research for many financial economists. This paper explores the determinants of the asymmetries in the international integration of banking systems. We consider an approach based on both network analysis and the concept of geographic neutrality. Our analysis focuses on the banking systems of 18 advanced economies from 1999 to 2005. Results indicate that banking integration should be assessed from the perspective of both inflows and outflows, given that they show different patterns for different countries. The parametric techniques point out the remarkable role of both geographic distance and trade integration. However, the most relevant results are yielded by nonparametric techniques, which we use due to the lack of well-established results on the determinants of trade in assets. These techniques reveal that the effect of the covariates on banking integration is not constant over the conditional distribution which (in practical terms) implies that the sign of the relationship varies across countries

    Propiedades de los hilados por zunchado neumático comparados con las de los hilados.

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    El presente trabajo trata la problemática de la hilatura de la fibra celulósica de alto módulo MODAL según la técnica de hilatura de zunchado neumático por doble tobera de torsión fugaz. Es conocido el hecho de que los hilados producidos según este procedimiento de hilatura ofrecen una estructura filar típicamente helicoidal, algo parecida en este aspecto a la de los hilados OE-rotor. Con objeto de caracterizar las similitudes y divergencias que caracterizan las propiedades de estos dos tipos de hilados se ha procedido a elaborar hilados muestra, utilizando ambos sistemas de hilatura. Para ambos tipos de hilados han sido determinadas sus propiedades físicas. Se hace una exposición de los resultados obtenidos aplicando cada uno de los procesos de hilatura, llegando a la conclusión de que aplicando el proceso de hilatura neumática se puede mantener el nivel de calidad de los hilados dentro de la amplia gama de velocidades entre 150 m/min. y 190 m/min. Para ello hay que tomar las medidas oportunas en cuanto a adecuar la presión de aire en función de la velocidad de producción correspondiente. Por lo general los hilados elaborados según la técnica de zunchado neumático ofrecen una mayor tenacidad y un menor nivel de pilosidad que los correspondientes según la técnica OE-rotor. Por el contrario los hilados por zunchado neúmatico experimentan un mayor encogimiento a la cocción que los hilados OE-rotor.This paper discusses the problems ocurring in the spinning of cellulosic fibre with high MODAL modulus made according to the spinning technique of neumatic wrapping by double wozzle of falce twist. It is known that spun yarns produced by this procedure show a typically helicoidal fibre structure which resembles that of the OE-rotor spun yarns. Both spinning systems have been used to prepare standard spun yarns in order to determine the similitudes and divergentes which characterize the physical properties of these two types of spun yarns. The results achieved are indicated for each spinning process and the conclusion shows that the application of the neumatic spinning process maintains the quality level of the spun yarns within the wide range of speeds between 150 m/min. and 190 m/min. The air pressure will be setwith respect to the production speed. The spun yarns made by the neumatic wrapping technique show more mass regularity, more tenacity and less pilosity level than those made by the OE-rotor technique. On the contrary, the spun yarns made by neumatic wrappíng have more thermal shrinkage than the OE-spun yarns.Le présent travail traite les problemes de la filature de la fibre cellulosique à haut module MODEL suivant la technique de la filature par frettage pneumatique par double tuyère de torsión fugace. Il est connu le fait que les filés produits selon ce procédé de filature offrent une structure du fil typiquement hélicoïdale, un peu semblade, en cet aspect, a celle des filés OE-rotor. Dans le but de caractériser les similutudes et les divergences caractérisant les propriétés de ces deux types de filés, on a procédé A l'élaboration de filés-échantillon, en utilisant les deux systemes de filature. On a determiné les propriétés physiques pour les deux types de filés. On expose les résultats obtenus en appliquant chacun des processus de filature; on parvient à la conclusion que, en appliquant les processus de filature pneumatique on peut maintenir le niveau de qualité des fils dans les différentes vitesses entre 150 m/min. et 190 m/min. Pour cela il faut prendre les mesures opportunes quant à l'ajustement de la pression de l'air en fonction de la vitesse de production correspondante. En général les filés élaborés d'après la technique de frettage pneumatique offrent une plus grande ténacité et un moindre niveau de pilosité que ceux qui ont été obtenus selon la technique OE-rotor. Par contre, les filés obtenus par frettage pneumatique subissent un plus grand rétrécissement a la coction que les filés OE-rotor.Peer Reviewe

    Internal market orientation and its influence on the satisfaction of contact personnel

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    Purpose: To verify the dimensions, reliability and validity of Internal Market Orientation (I.M.O.) as a scale of measurement of internal marketing, and using it to measure the effect of internal marketing on the satisfaction of contact personnel. Design/ Methodology/ Approach: interviews were carried out with all the cashiers of the 16 branches of a small, local credit institution. Findings: The results show the validity and reliability of the I.M.O. construct, formed by four of the five dimensions of the original scale. They also corroborate the causal relationships among the four dimensions, as well as the significant influence of the informal dimension of I.M.O. on the satisfaction of contact personnel. Research limitations/ Implications: the main limitation of this study is that it analyses a single financial entity, with the characteristics and behaviours that the latter has in its relationship with its employees. Practical implications: To achieve their organizational objectives, firms must adopt an orientation towards the employee, or internal marketing, on an equal plane to the traditional consideration of the external market. Also, the measurability of this internal orientation on the basis of the I.M.O. scale makes available a valuable tool of planning and control in its implementation. Originality/ value of the paper: this article verifies the validity and reliability of the Internal Market Orientation construct (I.M.O.), and its influence on the satisfaction of contact personnel, in a different business sector and with a different research subject from those analysed hitherto by the literature. It also demonstrates the sequential type of relationship among the dimensions that form Internal Market Orientation