949 research outputs found

    Investigación acerca de la enseñanza del límite en el marco de teoría de las funciones semióticas

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    La enseñanza-aprendizaje de los conceptos elementales del Análisis matemático en el nivel del Bachillerato, constituye uno de los puntos de investigación en Didáctica de las Matemáticas más relevantes en la actualidad. Desde marcos teóricos diferentes como la ingeniería didáctica, teoría de obstáculos, la teoría antropológica o el APOS, se han realizado investigaciones sobre la enseñanza-aprendizaje del límite de una función en los niveles de enseñanza de Bachillerato y Universitaria. En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta de investigación, en la que se aplica la teoría de las cuestiones semióticas (TFS), mediante la cual se busca describir, explicar e identificar factores condicionantes de la enseñanza-aprendizaje del límite de una función en un contexto institucional fijado

    Significados institucionales y conflictos semióticos del límite de una función en la educación matemática

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    La enseñanza-aprendizaje de los objetos básicos del Análisis Matemático, en el nivel de Bachillerato y específicamente los fenómenos didácticos que emergen a lo largo del proceso de instrucción, ha constituido una problemática de investigación, en cuanto a los fenómenos didácticos que emergen a lo largo del proceso de instrucción, hoy vigente y en desarrollo. Tal y como indica Artigue (1998), para avanzar en la investigación han de efectuarse propuestas ligadas a enfoques de tipo ecológico y semiótico, donde las técnicas de reconstrucción del conocimiento matemático den explicaciones sólidas a tales problemas. En este trabajo, que se centra en el objeto: límite, tratamos de aportar una nueva visión del problema centrados en el objeto límite, por medio de un enfoque ontológico-semiótico de la cognición matemática (Godino, 2002)

    Análisis de una experiencia de enseñanza de la noción de límite funcional con herramientas del enfoque ontosemiótico

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    Se aplican algunas nociones teóricas del enfoque ontosemiótico del conocimiento y la instrucción matemática (Godino, Contreras, Font, 2006) al análisis de una experiencia de enseñanza del concepto de límite funcional con estudiantes de bachillerato. Los procesos de enseñanza – aprendizaje se modelizan en este marco teórico como un proceso estocástico multidimensional compuesto de seis subprocesos (epistémico, docente, discente, mediacional, cognitivo y emocional) con sus respectivas trayectorias y estados potenciales. En este trabajo centramos la atención en la dimensión epistémica mostrando algunos conflictos semióticos y limitaciones en el significado institucional implementado

    Towards efficient capital flow management

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    Artículo de revistaFinancial globalisation has advanced notably in recent decades. In principle, greater integration should raise the degree of economic efficiency. However, the empirical evidence suggests that, for this to occur, countries should have well-designed economic institutions and sufficiently developed local financial markets. Moreover, these flows may jeopardise financial stability in certain circumstances, whereby the economic authorities need to draw on criteria and instruments to withstand such situations. These tools should be used as part of a broader programme of measures that includes the macro and microeconomic adjustments required. Furthermore, international cooperation emerges as a necessary complement to globalisatio

    Emission control of InGaN nanocolumns grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on Si(111) substrates

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    This work studies the effect of the growth temperature on the morphology and emission characteristics of self-assembled InGaN nanocolumns grown by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Morphology changes are assessed by scanning electron microscopy, while emission is measured by photoluminescence. Within the growth temperature range of 750 to 650 °C, an increase in In incorporation for decreasing temperature is observed. This effect allows tailoring the InGaN nanocolumns emission line shape by using temperature gradients during growth. Depending on the gradient rate, span, and sign, broad emission line shapes are obtained, covering the yellow to green range, even yielding white emissio

    Internal market orientation and its influence on the satisfaction of contact personnel

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    Purpose: To verify the dimensions, reliability and validity of Internal Market Orientation (I.M.O.) as a scale of measurement of internal marketing, and using it to measure the effect of internal marketing on the satisfaction of contact personnel. Design/ Methodology/ Approach: interviews were carried out with all the cashiers of the 16 branches of a small, local credit institution. Findings: The results show the validity and reliability of the I.M.O. construct, formed by four of the five dimensions of the original scale. They also corroborate the causal relationships among the four dimensions, as well as the significant influence of the informal dimension of I.M.O. on the satisfaction of contact personnel. Research limitations/ Implications: the main limitation of this study is that it analyses a single financial entity, with the characteristics and behaviours that the latter has in its relationship with its employees. Practical implications: To achieve their organizational objectives, firms must adopt an orientation towards the employee, or internal marketing, on an equal plane to the traditional consideration of the external market. Also, the measurability of this internal orientation on the basis of the I.M.O. scale makes available a valuable tool of planning and control in its implementation. Originality/ value of the paper: this article verifies the validity and reliability of the Internal Market Orientation construct (I.M.O.), and its influence on the satisfaction of contact personnel, in a different business sector and with a different research subject from those analysed hitherto by the literature. It also demonstrates the sequential type of relationship among the dimensions that form Internal Market Orientation

    Análisis de las diferencias por género y grupo en los factores de los iguales relacionados con la práctica deportiva

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo dar a conocer las diferencias por género y grupo en los factores de los iguales relacionados con la participación deportiva de los adolescentes. El total de la muestra de la presente investigación está formada por 1.053 sujetos distribuidos en dos grupos, uno de deportistas y otro de no deportistas. El grupo de no deportistas está formado por 464 sujetos, de los cuales 200 son hombres y 263 mujeres. El grupo de practicantes de deporte lo forman, 589 deportistas federados en los deportes de judo y baloncesto, de los cuales 394 son hombres y 195 mujeres, todos ellos de edades comprendidas entre los 15 y 17 años.The actual study has as an objective to show the differences of genus and group in the factors of the equals in relation to the adolescent sport participation. The totality of the sample of this investigation is composted by 1053 adolescents separated in two groups, one of them by sportmen and sportswomen and the other by non-sport adolescents. The non-sport adolescents group is composted by 464, in which 200 are men and 263 are women. The sportsmen and sportswomen group are composted by 589 federated adolescents in the sports of Judo and Basketball, in which 394 are men and 195 are women, all of them in ages between 15 and 17 years old

    The interactions of social norms about climate change: science, institutions and Economics

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    We study the evolution of interest about climate change between different actors of the population, and how the interest of those actors affect one another. We rst document the evolution individually, and then provide a model of cross influences between them, that we then estimate with a VAR. We nd large swings over time of said interest for the general public by creating a Climate Change Index for Europe and the US (CCI) using news media mentions, and little interest among economists (measured by publications in top journals of the discipline). The general interest science journals and policymakers have a more steady interest, although policymakers get interested much later.We gratefully acknowledge the financial help of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 89112

    Multidimensional perspective of perceived value in industrial clusters

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    Purpose – This paper aims to demonstrate that aspects of a rational or functional character and aspects of an emotional and social nature condition the perceived value of the exchange relationships among firms in an industrial cluster. Design/methodology/approach: – The research uses structural equation models (SEM) to test the models and applies the maximum likelihood estimation method in all the causal models obtained in the course of the data analysis. Findings – The results obtained support the hypotheses put forward, and in particular the importance of emotional and social values in industrial relations. Research limitations/implications – Recent advances in consumer and services marketing consider that perceived value and satisfaction are central to explaining customer loyalty. However, very few studies in B2B explain the multidimensionality of perceived value. For this purpose, the authors test their working hypotheses in the Spanish ceramic tiles cluster. Specifically, they analyze the relationships between manufacturers and a supplier of frits, enamels and ceramic colors and related services. Practical implications – An empirical study demonstrates that experience and interpersonal relationships are more important than price and switching costs in an industrial cluster context. The empirical study and the results provide evidence for managers: the critical influence of the emotional and social values perceived by the customer on his level of satisfaction and on the achievement of final loyalty. Originality/value – The paper highlights the importance of the most intangible dimensions of value for the relations between companies in an industrial cluste

    Manual práctico de la legislación y procedimiento electoral

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    Copia digital : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 201