2,527 research outputs found

    Assessment of carotenoid production by Dunaliella salina in different culture systems and operation regimes

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    The effect of operation regime and culture system on carotenoid productivity by the halotolerant alga Dunaliella salina has been analyzed. Operation strategies tested included batch and semi continuous regime, as well as a two-stage approach run simultaneously in both, open tanks and closed reactor. The best results were obtained with the closed tubular photobioreactor. The highest carotenoid production (328.8 mg carotenoid l−1 culture per month) was achieved with this culture system operated following the two-stage strategy. Also, closed tubular photobioreactor provided the highest carotenoid contents (10% of dry weight) in Dunaliella biomass and β-carotene abundance (90% of total carotenoids) as well as the highest 9-cis to all-trans β-carotene isomer ratio (1.5 at sunrise).Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología IFD 1997-1780IFAPA CO3-125Plan Andaluz de Investigación CVI13

    Teaching strategies as an educational to diversity: Conceptions and practices of the special-education teachers

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    El objetivo de este estudio es conocer las concepciones y prácticas relacionadas con las estrategias didácticas que desarrollan los profesionales de la pedagogía terapéutica en los centros educativos. Los participantes en el estudio son 49 docentes que corresponden a 49 Centros de Educación Infantil y Primaria de titularidad pública de la provincia de Sevilla. Para ello, se parte de un estudio de naturaleza cualitativa con tres fuentes principales de información: entrevistas semiestructuradas, observación participante en el aula y diarios de investigación. De carácter incipiente, interpretativo y descriptivo se planteó un proceso en el que se organizaron distintos momentos, desde el planteamiento del estudio hasta la transferencia y divulgación de informes. Los resultados constatan la diversidad de estrategias implementadas como respuesta para atender a la diversidad desde el currículum: se observa un gradiente en cuanto a la utilización y funcionalidad, señalando la importancia de las diferentes formas de organización espacial, técnicas y métodos usados. Conocerlas, analizarlas e incluso cómo se aplican, supone cuestionarnos la práctica educativa más allá del enfoque inclusivo.The objective of this study is to know the conceptions and practices related to didactic strategies that professionals of therapeutic pedagogy develop in schools. The participants in the study are 49 teachers who correspond to 49 Elementary and Primary public Schools of the province of Seville. For this, we begin a qualitative study with three main sources of information: semi-structured interviews, participant observation in the classroom and research journals. It was proposed an incipient, interpretive and descriptive process in which different moments were organized, from the study approach to the transfer and dissemination of reports. The results show the diversity of strategies implemented as a response to attend to diversity from the curriculum: a gradient in utilization and functionality is observed, noting the importance of different forms of spatial organization, techniques and methods used. Knowing them, analyzing them and even how they are applied, means questioning the educational practice beyond the inclusive approach

    The wage gap between immigrant and native workers in Spain: an analysis using matched employer-employee data

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    The fact that Spain has witnessed a sharp increase in the number of immigrants over the past decade has generated considerable interest, particularly as regards wages earned by immigrants in host industries. We analyze whether controlling for both observable and unobservable characteristics of employers —in addition to individual variables and the economic context— makes any difference as regards the debate regarding the existence of wage differences between immigrant and native workers in Spain. As we show, doing this considerably reduces (or even eliminates) the inequalities found in previous research, thereby questioning the results attained by previous studies on this issue.Immigration, salaries, assimilation.

    Aportación interdisciplinar al currículum de la formación profesional de los liceos franceses. El proyecto artístico y cultural

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    La Educación Artística y Cultural se integra en las prácticas escolares como una dimensión fundamental en la formación de los alumnos. Se entiende que las artes son la puerta que da paso a otros conocimientos, al mismo tiempo, que posibilita el acceso hacia otras culturas e idiomas. Este artículo trata de exponer el papel preponderante que la Educación Artístico-Cultural está jugando en los últimos años en el sistema escolar francés. Nos hemos centrado en el desarrollo de este sector de la educación en el caso concreto de los Liceos franceses de Enseñanza Profesional, donde se ha introducido con gran fuerza.The Artistic and Cultural Education is in the school practices as a fundamental dimension the formation of the pupils. There is understood that the arts are the door that gives step to other knowledges, at the same time, which makes the access possible towards other cultures and languages. This article tries to expose the preponderant role that the Artistic-Cultural Education is playing in the last years in the school French system. We have centred on the development of this sector of the education on the concrete case of the French Lyceums of Vocational Education, where it has interfered with great force

    On the relation between the IR continuum and the active galactic nucleus in Seyfert galaxies

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    A sample of the brightest known Seyfert galaxies from the CfA sample is analyzed on the basis of ISO photometric and spectroscopic data. Regardless of the Seyfert type, the mid-IR continuum emission from these galaxies is found to be correlated with the coronal line emission arising in the nuclear active region. Conversely, the correlation degrades progressively when moving from the mid- to the far-IR emission, where it ends to vanish. It is concluded that the mid-IR emission is largely dominated by dust heated by processes associated with the active nucleus whereas the far-IR is a different component most probably unrelated with the active region. We suggest that the far-IR component is due to dust heated by the stellar population in the disks of these galaxies.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures To be published in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Atender à diversidade em escolas unitárias

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    Esta propuesta tiene como propósito fundamental conocer cómo se lleva a cabo la atención a la diversidad en las escuelas rurales unitarias del sur de España. La investigación está compuesta por dos estudios mediante una metodología integrada, uno de carácter general estadístico de población y otro, de naturaleza cualitativa mediante un estudio de caso único que singulariza, sitúa y contextualiza. El itinerario de investigación es acompañado de diferentes instrumentos de recogida de datos y fuentes de información, tanto de naturaleza cualitativa como cuantitativa. En el primer estudio han participado nueve docentes de las cinco escuelas unitarias de la provincia de Huelva, mediante cuestionarios y entrevistas estructuradas. En el segundo, se seleccionó uno de los centros participantes (por ser representativo y ofrecer una respuesta a la diversidad en la tipología de unitarias) del que se obtuvo información mediante instrumentos como la observación, entrevistas (docente, alumnado, familias…), análisis de documentos, etc. Los resultados muestran la realidad de los procesos inclusivos en estas escuelas en proceso de desaparición. Las conclusiones apuntan que la escuela rural no puede limitarse exclusivamente a lo contextual debiendo apoyarse en elementos que la definan: perspectiva comunitaria (familiar), innovadora, transformadora, contextual y global, diversa y de altas expectativasThe main purpose of this investigation is to understand how the education for diversity is developed in rural schools in the south of Spain. The research is composed of two studies with an articulated methodology: one is general and statistical, targeting the population at large, and the other one is a qualitative case study that allows to situate and contextualize observation. The research draws on various data collection tools and information sources, both qualitative and quantitative. In the first study, nine teachers from five unitary schools in the province of Huelva participated through questionnaires and structured interviews. In the second, one of the participating establishments was selected (for being representative and offering a response to diversity in the typology of unitary schools). Information on this particular establishment was obtained through techniques such as observation, interviews (with teachers, students, families...), document analysis, etc. The findings show that inclusive processes in this type of schools are in the process of disappearing. The conclusions suggest that rural schools should not be limited to operate in context, instead they should seek support in elements that define them: community perspective (family), being innovative, contextual and global, diverse and with high expectatio

    On the relation between the coronal line emission and the IR/X-ray emission in Seyfert galaxies

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    The relation between the X-ray, the coronal line and the infrared (IR) emissions in a sample of the brightest known Seyfert galaxies is analysed. A close relationship between the absorption-corrected soft X-ray emission and both the mid-IR and the coronal line emission is found for the Seyfert type 2 objects in the sample. The coronal line and the X-ray emissions are both main tracers of the central activity, hence their relationship with the mid-IR emission points to nuclear energetic process as the main responsibles of the heating of the circumnuclear dust. On the other hand, the above relations do not seem to hold for the Seyfert type 1 discussed in the sample, at least when the comparisons are done in a flux diagram. This is partially because of the reduced number of objects of this type analysed in this work and the fact that the measured soft X-ray emission in Seyfert 1s is systematically larger, by at least an order of magnitude, than that in the Seyfert 2 counterparts. Finally, the hard X-ray emission in the studied sample appears unrelated to either the mid-IR or the coronal line emission.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures To be published in MNRAS (accepted

    Roles del docente y del alumno universitario desde las perspectivas de ambos protagonistas del hecho educativo

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    El proceso educativo tiene dos actores fundamentales. Sus roles son de suma importancia y se pretende verlos desde la óptica propia y del otro. Este tópico ha sido estudiado por diversos autores, entre los que se pueden mencionar a Cabero (2007), Delors (1996), Escotet (1991), Kamii (1982), Màrques (1999), Piaget (1975), Rama (2011), Rué (2009), Vygotsky (1979; 1987), Walker (2006) y Zárate (2002). La investigación planteada es de tipo descriptiva, con un diseño no experimental, transeccional, contemporáneo y de campo. La muestra estuvo constituida por 68 profesores y 170 estudiantes universitarios de los programas de Administración y Contaduría Pública del Programa Ciencias Económicas y Sociales del Núcleo Costa Oriental del Lago de la Universidad del Zulia. El cuestionario usado constaba de 53 preguntas, de las cuales ocho se relacionaban con el objeto de estudio. Su validez fue de contenido y su confiablidad de 0.936. Se concluye que los docentes no consideran que cumplen a cabalidad con los roles académico, orientador y organizativo. Los estudiantes piensan que sí lo hacen. En cuanto a los roles de los estudiantes, ellos consideran que ser aprendiz permanente autónomo y crítico es importante y deben realizarlos, aunque no todos los practican. Los profesores consideran que todo aprendiente debe tener esos roles. En ambos casos deben fortalecer sus roles a fin de cumplir con los mismosThe educational process has two key players. Their roles are very important and it is intended to see them through their own lenses and the others. This topic has been studied by several authors, among which may be mentioned Cabero (2007), Delors (1996), Escotet (1991), Kamii (1982), Marquès (1999), Piaget (1975), Rama (2011) , Rue (2009), Vygotsky (1979, 1987), Walker (2006) and Zarate (2002). The research is descriptive with a non-experimental design, transectional, contemporary and field. The sample consisted of 68 faculty and 170 college students from the Administration and Public Accounting programs of the Social and Economic Sciences Program at Eastern Shore of the Lake campus of the University of Zulia. The questionnaire used consisted of 53 questions, of which eight were related to the subject matter. Its validity was content with a reliability of 0.936. It is concluded that faculty do not consider that they fully comply with academic, guidance and organizational roles. Students think that they do. As for the roles of students, they consider that to be independent, critical and lifelong learner is important and should be performed, though not all practice them. Faculty believes that all learners must have these roles. In both cases they must strengthen their roles to meet them