539 research outputs found
Impact of Social Media on TV Content Consumption: New Market Strategies, Scenarios and Trends
The mass adoption of Social Media together with the proliferation and widely usage of multi-connected companion devices have tremendously transformed the TV/video consumption paradigm, opening the door to a new range of possibilities. This Special Issue has aimed at analyzing, from different point of views, the impact of Social Media and social interaction tools on the TV/video consumption area. The targeted topics of this Special Issue and a general overview of the accepted articles are provided in this Guest Editorial
Mathematical modeling of reaction mechanism of formation of photochemical smog by applying the semi-implicit method
To simulate the different mechanisms we considered a reactor of constant
temperature and volume, where the only reactions that are carried out are those with reported
kinetic constants [1]. For example, to simulate the formaldehyde kinetic you make a serial of
seven chemical reactions where intervene nine chemical species [2].The change in
concentration with respect to the time of one specie is mathematically represented by means of
an ordinary differential equation. In the studied cases, the mechanism of reaction can be
represented as a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. In the simulation of the
mechanism of reaction, the medullar part is the solution of all the ordinary differential equation
that describe the temporary evolution of the concentration of each the species. The differential
equation that comes from the kinetic present what it is called rigidity, principally due to the
simultaneous presence of radical with called rigidity, principally due to the simultaneous
presence of radicals with a really short life time as the presence of hydroperoxide HO2• and
species that remain almost constant as the oxygen. The main problem to carry out the precise
integration of the differential equation system that represents the mechanism of reaction of the
atmospheric chemistry, is the wide when variation of the kinetic constant as it appears in the
reactions 2 and 7 which brings as a consequence the instability when applying an explicit
numerical method because for any change in so different scales. When this happens, it is said
that the differential equation system is rigid. In order to solve the problem that the rigidity of a
differential equation system represented we should use special numerical method that ensures
precision and stability in its integration. To achieve this whit a classical explicit method it is
required a lot of computing time, besides the possible instability. When using the semi implicit
method, we developed a computer package using language C++ to solve the system of nonlinear
ordinary differential equation. Solving the matrix system with the method mentioned above, it
is found the numerical value of the concentration of the five chemical species for every time
step, given the initial concentration. The computer program used to solve the system of differential equation was developed in UNAM
Cost-Effective eHealth System Based on a Multi-Sensor System-on-Chip Platform and Data Fusion in Cloud for Sport Activity Monitoring
eHealth systems provide medical support to users and contribute to the development of mobile and quality health care. They also provide results on the prevention and follow-up of diseases by monitoring health-status indicators and methodical data gathering in patients. Telematic management of health services by means of the Internet of Things provides immediate support and it is cheaper than conventional physical presence methods. Currently, wireless communications and sensor networks allow a person or group to be monitored remotely. The aim of this paper is to develop and assess a system for monitoring physiological parameters to be applied in different scenarios, such as health or sports. This system is based on a distributed architecture, where physiological data of a person are collected by several sensors; next, a Raspberry Pi joins the information and makes a standardization process; then, these data are sent to the Cloud to be processed. Our Cloud system stores the received data and makes a data fusion process in order to indicate the athlete's fatigue status at every moment. This system has been tested in collaboration with a small group of voluntary tri-athletes. A network simulation has been performed to plan a monitoring network for a bigger group of athletes. Finally, we have found that this system is useful for medium-term monitoring of the sports activitie
Diversidad de enemigos naturales de pulgones en cultivos de lechuga
Este trabajo ha sido subvencionado por la beca
predoctoral del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología:
AGL2003-0753-C03-01 y forma parte de la
Tesis Doctoral de I. Morales (BES-2004-5217)
Aprendizaje virtual de las matemáticas utilizando distintas TICs
Proyecto para ayudar al estudiantado en el aprendizaje de las Matemáticas y promover su aprendizaje autónomo. Todo ello, con materiales más visuales como vídeos, píldoras educativas, clases en modo síncrono, ejemplos con GeoGebra y cuestionarios
Vídeos interactivos para mejorar el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje en la generación YouTube
Según los últimos estudios acerca de los hábitos entre los jóvenes y adolescentes de hoy en día, más del 85% de ellos consume elementos multimedia (en su mayoría vídeos) como recurso para informarse, formarse y aprender. A través de este trabajo, se pretende mostrar los diseños y desarrollos de objetos multimedia interactivos realizados para reforzar conceptos en diversas asignaturas y cómo dichos objetos aportan una mejora en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en los estudios universitarios. Los objetos multimedia que se han desarrollado son vídeos y presentaciones de corta duración que irán avanzando y planteando preguntas acerca del vídeo visualizado. Finalmente, para valorar el resultado de las actividades y objetos planteados, se ha realizado una encuesta que muestra tanto el grado de satisfacción del alumnado, como algunos elementos que se podrían mejorar.According to the latest studies concerned to habits of today’s young people, more than 85% of them use multimedia elements (mostly videos) to get information as well as for training and learning. This work aims to show, on the one hand, the designs and developments of interactive multimedia objects performed in order to reinforce concepts in several subjects and, on the other hand, how these objects provide an improvement in the teaching-learning process in higher education. The developed multimedia objects are videos and/or short slideshows in which questions about the displayed information are included. Finally, in order to evaluate the proposed activities and objects, we carried out a survey which shows the satisfaction degree of the students, as well as some elements which could be improved.Este proyecto ha sido posible gracias a la ayuda otorgada por la UV (Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa) en el contexto del proyecto SFPIEPID19-10097716
Evaluación online sostenible mediante vídeos interactivos. Una experiencia en el ámbito universitario
A lo largo de los últimos años, especialmente en 2020 y 2021, donde el COVID-19 nos ha obligado a pasar a una metodología docente semipresencial o en línea, hemos podido comprobar cómo los recursos multimedia han jugado un factor clave para transmitir conocimiento y ayudar en la formación. Si a estos recursos multimedia se añade además un componente de interactividad, podemos mejorar la atención al alumnado, favorecer el aprendizaje activo, fomentar los mecanismos de regulación del aprendizaje autónomo y trabajar la metacognición del estudiante. Este trabajo presenta una experiencia en la que se aborda la participación activa de los estudiantes universitarios en el propio proceso de evaluación, como medio para desarrollar su capacidad de aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida. Para ello, se ha diseñado y desarrollado una estrategia de evaluación en línea orientada al aprendizaje. Dicha estrategia se fundamenta en el uso de objetos multimedia interactivos y asegura su sostenibilidad a lo largo del tiempo a través de la reutilización de los materiales.Over the last few years, especially in 2020 and 2021, where COVID-19 has forced us to move to a blended or online teaching methodology, we have been able to see how multimedia resources have played a key factor in transmitting knowledge and assisting in training processes. If we add to these multimedia resources the characteristic of interactivity, we can improve the students’ attention, favor active learning, promote the mechanisms of regulation of autonomous learning and work on the students’ metacognition. This work presents an experience where the active participation of university students in the evaluation process itself is addressed, as a means to develop their capacity for lifelong learning. For this purpose, an online assessment strategy based on learning has been designed and developed. It is based on the use of interactive multimedia objects and ensures sustainability over time through the reuse of materials.Este proyecto (SFPIE-PID20-1352382) ha sido financiado por el SFPIE de la Universitat de València
Experimental trade-offs between different strategies for multihop communications evaluated over real deployments of wireless sensor network for environmental monitoring
Although much work has been done since wireless sensor networks appeared, there is not a great deal of information available on real deployments that incorporate basic features associated with these networks, in particular multihop routing and long lifetimes features. In this article, an environmental monitoring application (Internet of Things oriented) is described, where temperature and relative humidity samples are taken by each mote at a rate of 2 samples/min and sent to a sink using multihop routing. Our goal is to analyse the different strategies to gather the information from the different motes in this context. The trade-offs between 'sending always' and 'buffering locally' approaches were analysed and validated experimentally, taking into account power consumption, lifetime, efficiency and reliability. When buffering locally, different options were considered such as saving in either local RAM or FLASH memory, as well different alternatives to reduce overhead with different packet sizes. The conclusion is that in terms of energy and durability, the best option is to reduce the overhead. Nevertheless, sending larger packets is not worthy when the probability of retransmission is high. If real-time monitoring is required, then sending always is better than buffering locally
Análisis de los contenidos docentes de matemáticas en el doble grado ADE-Informática
Depto. de Economía Financiera y Actuarial y EstadísticaFac. de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesFALSEsubmitte
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