2,379 research outputs found

    The Spanish society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (SENPE) and its relation with healthcare authorities

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    Está muy bien documentado en la literatura médica que la desnutrición es un problema común en todos los niveles de atención sanitaria, desde atención primaria a especializada y en centros de atención geriátrica. Este problema no se limita a países con pocos recursos económicos o con limitado desarrollo social y económico. También es un problema universal en Europa. La desnutrición aumenta las cifras de morbilidad, mortalidad, ingresos hospitalarios y duración de la estancia. Estas cifras más elevadas suponen lógicamente un aumento del uso de recursos sanitarios. A pesar de esto, el problema de la desnutrición a menudo puede pasar desapercibido y el paciente no recibir el tratamiento necesario. Este problema requiere la cooperación de múltiples agentes tales como los Gobiernos de los Estados, los profesionales de la salud y los mismos ciudadanos. El VIII Foro de Debate concluye con la necesidad de establecer un claro plan de actuación (a semejanza de la European Alliance for Health Nutrition) y la creación de una plataforma (coalición) que reúna las voces de asociaciones de profesionales sanitarios, instituciones, colegios profesionales, asociaciones de pacientes, industria y entidades aseguradoras. Los fines de esta plataforma consistirán en informar de la extensión del problema, identificar y potenciar líderes que transmitan los fines de esta iniciativa ante las autoridades autonómicas y nacionales, propuesta de soluciones y colaboración en su puesta en marcha y finalmente, evaluación/ control de las acciones desarrolladasIt has been well documented in medical literature that hyponutrition is a common issue at all healthcare levels, from primary to specialized health care, as well as geria - tric healthcare facilities. This problem is not limited to countries with scarce economic resources or limited social development; it is also a universal issue in Europe. Hyponutrition increases the rates of morbidity, mortality, hospital admissions, and hospital stay. These higher figures also represent a higher use of healthcare resources. In spite of this, hyponutrition may often go undetected and the patient may not receive the necessary treatment. This problem requires the cooperation of multiple agents such as the Governments, the healthcare professionals, and the citizens themselves. The VIII Discussion Forum concludes on the need to establish a clear-cut plant for action (similar to the European Alliance for Health Nutrition) and the creation of a platform (coalition) encompassing the voices of healthcare professionals associations, institutions, professional colleges, patients associations, the pharmaceutical companies, and insurance companies. The goals of this platform will be to inform about the extent of this issue, to identity and promote leaders that will convey the aims of this initiative to regional and national healthcare authorities, to present solutions and to collaborate in their implementation, and finally to assess/control the actions take

    Disfunciones de binocularidad y de acomodación

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    Assessment of nutritional status and bone health in neurologically impaired children: a challenge in pediatric clinical practice

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    NTRODUCTION: neurologically impaired children frequently experience nutritional disorders and bone health complications. Our aim was firstly to analyze a method to interpret bone mineral density (BMD) accurately in neurologically impaired children. Secondly, to determine its relationship with the nutritional status and micronutrient levels in order to identify which factors are associated with low BMD. METHODS: a observational multicenter study was conducted in children with moderate-to-severe neurological impairment. Data collected included: medical records, anthropometric measures, hematologic and biochemical evaluation. BMD was measured with Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and z-scores were calculated adjusting for sex and chronological age. Secondly, BMD z-scores were calculated applying height age (age at which the child's height would be in 2nd percentile) instead of chronological age. RESULTS: fifty-two children were included (aged 4-16 years). Seventeen patients (32.7%) received feeding by gastrostomy tube. Height and BMI z-score were below 2SD in 64% and 31% of patients respectively, with normal mid upper arm circumference and skinfold thickness measurements. Low vitamin-D levels were found in 42% of cases. 50% of patients evidenced low BMD when calculated for chronological age, whereas only 34.5% showed BMD z-score <-2 when calculated for height age. No correlation was observed between BMD and vitamin-D levels, weight and height z-scores or age when BMD was calculated applying height age. CONCLUSIONS: the prevalence of low BMD is high in neurologically impaired children, and it is probably multifactorial. In these children, we suggest adjusting BMD for height age, in order not to over diagnose low BMD

    Chagas disease in Latin American migrants: a Spanish challenge

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    AbstractChagas’ disease affects millions in Latin America and is the leading cause of cardiomyopathy and death due to cardiovascular disease in patients aged 30–50 years. As a consequence of immigration it has settled in several European countries, where besides imported cases, autochthonous infections arise through vertical transmission and blood/organ donation. All Latin American immigrants who attended our Unit were screened for T. cruzi infection (ELISA and IFAT ± PCR). An ECG and echocardiogram were requested for all positive patients, and oesophageal manometry, barium swallow and barium enema were requested according to patient symptoms. All patients under 50 years without severe cardiac involvement and who had not received correct treatment previously were treated with benznidazole 5 mg/kg/day for 60 days. Patients were followed-up with serology and PCR 1 month after treatment ended and every 6 months thereafter. A total of 1146 Latin Americans were screened for T. cruzi (357 positive serology results). The typical patient profile was a Bolivian female, of rural origin, in her fourth decade of life, without evidence of visceral involvement. Treatment tolerance was poor, with 29.7% discontinuing treatment due to adverse reactions. Among those with adverse reactions (52%), the most frequent were cutaneous hypersensitivity (68.7%), gastrointestinal upset (20%) and nervous system disturbances (16.2%). T. cruzi infection is no longer limited to Latin America. Poor treatment tolerance can limit current treatment options. More epidemiological data are necessary to estimate the magnitude of a problem of great relevance for public health and health resource planning

    Produzione, mercato e consumi della cerasicoltura spagnola

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    La crisi di sovrapproduzione di alcune specie tradizionali sta favorendo la crescita del ciliegio, che mostra un costante incremento delle superfici, favorito dal rinnovamento varietale, dall’aumento dei consumi, dal miglioramento delle tecnologie di produzione e dalla precocità di maturazione. Tutti fattori che garantiscono alla Spagna elevata competitività nelle esportazioni verso i Paesi dell’Ue.Colaboración en el blog: Rivista di frutticoltura e di ortofloricoltura. Disponible: http://www.rivistafrutticoltura.it

    Compliance with current dietary recommendations and geographical variability of diet in women participating in 7 screening programs for breast cancer in Spain

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    Introducción: Una dieta saludable es especialmente importante durante la menopausia, periodo en el que aumenta el riesgo de varios problemas de salud. Analizamos la dieta de mujeres peri y postmenopáusicas españolas y el grado de cumplimiento de las recomendaciones actuales. Material y métodos: Estudio transversal en 3.574 mujeres de 45-68 años que acuden al cribado de cáncer de mama en 7 centros (A Coruña, Barcelona, Burgos, Palma de Mallorca, Pamplona, Valencia y Zaragoza). Se recogió la dieta mediante un cuestionario de frecuencia de alimentos validado para población española. Para la valoración del cumplimiento de las recomendaciones actuales se utilizaron los rangos recomendados por la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Comunitaria para ingesta de grupos de alimentos y las Ingestas Diarias Recomendadas (IDR) para energía, vitaminas y minerales de la Federación Española de Nutrición, Alimentación y Dietética. Resultados: El 29% de las mujeres eran obesas y un 42% tenía sobrepeso. El aporte calórico medio fue de 2.053 kcal (DE: 480). El perfil calórico general fue de: 43% de la energía aportada por lo carbohidratos, 36% por las grasas, 20% por las proteínas. Se evidenció una ingesta deficiente de vitamina D en todos los nodos del estudio, con una ingesta media general de 2,14 μg/día. Se detectó a su vez una ingesta deficitaria de vitamina E en A Coruña y Burgos. Todos los centros presentaron una ingesta elevada de productos lácteos y de legumbres. El consumo de frutas y verduras fue muy heterogéneo siendo especialmente elevada su ingesta en Mallorca y Valencia mientras que fue baja para ambos grupos de alimentos en A Coruña. La ingesta de aceite de oliva fue elevada en todos los centros exceptuando Burgos con un 74,3% de las mujeres estudiadas por debajo de las 3 raciones al día recomendadas. Conclusiones: Una dieta con menos grasas y proteínas y más rica en vegetales, frutos secos y alimentos ricos en hidratos de carbono equilibraría el balance energético y mejoraría la calidad de la dieta corrigiendo las bajas ingestas de vitaminas D y E. Estas recomendaciones son especialmente importantes en las ciudades más alejadas de la costa mediterránea donde se han detectado mayores incumplimientos de las recomendaciones vigentes y una dieta más alejada de la dieta mediterránea.Introduction: A healthy diet is especially important during menopause, a period which increases the risk of various health problems. We analyzed the diet of periand postmenopausal Spanish women and the degree of compliance with current recommendations. Material and methods: We studied 3574 women 45-68 years old who attended breast cancer screening programmes in 7 centres (A Coruña, Barcelona, Burgos, Palma de Mallorca, Pamplona, Valencia and Zaragoza). Diet information was collected using a food frequency questionnaire validated for the Spanish population. For the assessment of compliance with current guidelines we used the recommendations by the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition for food groups intake and by the Spanish Federation of Nutrition, Food and Dietetics for energy, vitamins and minerals intake. Results: The 29% of women were obese and 42% overweight. The average caloric intake was 2.053 kcal (SD 480). The general energy profile was: 43% of the energy from the carbohydrates, 36% from fats, and 20% from proteins. There was a low vitamin D intake in all centres of the study, with an overall mean intake of 2.14 mg/day. A deficit of vitamin E intake in A Coruña and Burgos was also detected. Intake of dairy products and vegetables was high in all the study centers. The consumption of fruits and vegetables was very heterogeneous, with high intakes observed in Mallorca and Valencia and low for both food groups in A Coruña. The olive oil intake was high in all centers except Burgos with 74.3% of the women studied below the recommended 3 servings per day. Conclusions: A diet with less fat and protein and a higher consumption of vegetables, nuts and foods rich in carbohydrate might balance the energy intake and improve the quality of the diet correcting the low intakes of vitamins D and E. These recommendations are especially important in cities far from the Mediterranean coast where more breaches have been detected over the current recommendations with a lower adherence to the Mediterranean diet.Este estudio ha recibido financiación del Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (proyecto PI060386) y de Astra-Zéneca (convenio de colaboración entre Astra- Zeneca y el Instituto de salud Carlos III 1306-1306 EPY

    Anticoagulant therapy for splanchnic vein thrombosis: an individual patient data meta-analysis

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    Robust evidence on the optimal management of splanchnic vein thrombosis (SVT) is lacking. We conducted an individual-patient meta-analysis to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of anticoagulation for SVT. Medline, Embase, and clincaltrials.gov were searched up to June 2021 for prospective cohorts or randomized clinical trials including patients with SVT. Data from individual datasets were merged, and any discrepancy with published data was resolved by contacting study authors. Three studies of a total of 1635 patients were included. Eighty-five percent of patients received anticoagulation for a median duration of 316 days (range, 1-730 days). Overall, incidence rates for recurrent venous thromboembolism (VTE), major bleeding, and mortality were 5.3 per 100 patient-years (p-y; 95% confidence interval [CI], 5.1-5.5), 4.4 per 100 p-y (95% CI, 4.2-4.6), and 13.0 per 100 p-y (95% CI, 12.4-13.6), respectively. The incidence rates of all outcomes were lower during anticoagulation and higher after treatment discontinuation or when anticoagulation was not administered. In multivariable analysis, anticoagulant treatment appeared to be associated with a lower risk of recurrent VTE (hazard ratio [HR], 0.42; 95% CI, 0.27-0.64), major bleeding (HR, 0.47; 95% CI, 0.30-0.74), and mortality (HR, 0.23; 95% CI, 0.17-0.31). Results were consistent in patients with cirrhosis, solid cancers, myeloproliferative neoplasms, unprovoked SVT, and SVT associated with transient or persistent nonmalignant risk factors. In patients with SVT, the risk of recurrent VTE and major bleeding is substantial. Anticoagulant treatment is associated with reduced risk of both outcomes. © 2022 by The American Society of Hematology

    DNA sequences within glioma-derived extracellular vesicles can cross the intact blood-brain barrier and be detected in peripheral blood of patients

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    Tumor-cell-secreted extracellular vesicles (EVs) can cross the disrupted bloodbrain barrier (BBB) into the bloodstream. However, in certain gliomas, the BBB remains intact, which might limit EVs release. To evaluate the ability of tumor-derived EVs to cross the BBB, we used an orthotopic xenotransplant mouse model of human glioma-cancer stem cells featuring an intact BBB. We demonstrated that all types of tumor cells-derived EVs−apoptotic bodies, shedding microvesicles and exosomes− cross the intact BBB and can be detected in the peripheral blood, which provides a minimally invasive method for their detection compared to liquid biopsies obtained from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Furthermore, these EVs can be readily distinguished from total murine EVs, since they carry human-specific DNA sequences relevant for GBM biology. In a small cohort of glioma patients, we finally demonstrated that peripheral blood EVs cargo can be successfully used to detect the presence of IDH1G395A, an essential biomarker in the current management of human gliomaWe are grateful for the financial support from the ‘Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias’ (FIS) (PI10/01069 and PI14/00077) and the ‘Miguel Servet Program’ (CP11/00147) from the ‘Instituto de Salud Carlos III’ (AAS), RTC-2015-3846-1 from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and FEDER fund