65 research outputs found

    An analysis of installation of submarine pipelines

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    There are different methods of construction of outfall pipelines, all of them have to solve the problem of placing a tube over a known location in sea bed. This process has sometimes to be done in difficult conditions as waves, current or depths greater than 30 metres, where a diver cannot go safely beyond. Also the placement of the pipeline must be carried out without any damage to the tube, therefore a close control of the deflections and stresses in the structure must be performed. The importance of this control should be not diminished because a damage during the construction would imply a very difficult and expensive repair, that should be avoided with a proper design of the construction process. This paper is focused in the analysis of the tube during its placement according to a very well known construction method consisting in placing the tube from a boat, where all the connections between consecutive tube segments are performed, and also the whole process is controlled. This method is used for outfall as well as offshore pipelines, and it will be described in Section

    A nonlinear analysis of laying a floating pipeline on the seabed

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    In this article, a model for the determination of displacements, strains, and stresses of a submarine pipeline during its construction is presented. Typically, polyethylene outfall pipelines are the ones treated by this model. The process is carried out from an initial floating situation to the final laying position on the seabed. The following control variables are considered in the laying process: the axial load in the pipe, the flooded inner length, and the distance of the control barge from the coast. External loads such as self-weight, dead loads, and forces due to currents and small waves are also taken into account.This paper describes both the conceptual framework for the proposed model and its practical application in a real engineering situation. The authors also consider how the model might be used as a tool to study how sensitive the behavior of the pipeline is to small changes in the values of the control variables. A detailed description of the actions is considered, especially the ones related to the marine environment such as buoyancy, current, and sea waves. The structural behavior of the pipeline is simulated in the framework of a geometrically nonlinear dynamic analysis. The pipeline is assumed to be a two-dimensional Navier_Bernoulli beam. In the nonlinear analysis an updated Lagrangian formulation is used, and special care is taken regarding the numerical aspects of sea bed contact, follower forces due to external water pressures, and dynamic actions. The paper concludes by describing the implementation of the proposed techniques, using the ANSYS computer program with a number of subroutines developed by the authors. This implementation permits simulation of the two-dimensional structural pipe behavior of the whole construction process. A sensitivity analysis of the bending moments, axial forces, and stresses for different values of the control variables is carried out. Using the techniques described, the engineer may optimize the construction steps in the pipe laying proces

    Analysis of the railway track as a spatially periodic structure

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    This article presents a new and computationally efficient method of analysis of a railway track modelled as a continuous beam of 2N spans supported by elastic vertical springs. The main feature of this method is its important reduction in computational effort with respect to standard matrix methods of structural analysis. In this article, the whole structure is considered to be a repetition of a single one. The analysis presented is applied to a simple railway track model, i.e. to a repetitive beam supported on vertical springs (sleepers). The proposed method of analysis is based on the general theory of spatially periodic structures. The main feature of this theory is the possibility to apply Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in order to reduce a large system of q(2N + 1) linear stiffness equilibrium equations to a set of 2N + 1 uncoupled systems of q equations each. In this way, a dramatic reduction of the computational effort of solving the large system of equations is achieved. This fact is particularly important in the analysis of railway track structures, in which N is a very large number (around several thousands), and q = 2, the vertical displacement and rotation, is very small. The proposed method allows us to easily obtain the exact solution given by Samartín [1], i.e. the continuous beam railway track response. The comparison between the proposed method and other methods of analysis of railway tracks, such as Lorente de Nó and Zimmermann-Timoshenko, clearly shows the accuracy of the obtained results for the proposed method, even for low values of N. In addition, identical results between the proposed and the Lorente methods have been found, although the proposed method seems to be of simpler application and computationally more efficient than the Lorente one. Small but significative differences occur between these two methods and the one developed by Zimmermann-Timoshenko. This article also presents a detailed sensitivity analysis of the vertical displacement of the sleepers. Although standard matrix methods of structural analysis can handle this railway model, one of the objectives of this article is to show the efficiency of DFT method with respect to standard matrix structural analysis. A comparative analysis between standard matrix structural analysis and the proposed method (DFT), in terms of computational time, input, output and also software programming, will be carried out. Finally, a URL link to a MatLab computer program list, based on the proposed method, is give

    A large displacement structural analysis of a pipeline subjected to gravity and buoyancy forces

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    A nonlinear analysis of an elastic tube subjected to gravity forces and buoyancy pressure is carried out. An update lagrangian formulation is used. The structural analysis efficiency in terms of computer time and accuracy, has been improved when load stiffness matrices have been introduced. In this way the follower forces characteristics such as their intensity and direction changes can be well represented. A sensitivity study of different involved variables on the final deformed pipeline shape is carried out

    Un método de comprobación de secciones en losas de hormigón armado con familias de armaduras en direcciones arbitrarias. Parte II: Placas y láminas

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    Este artículo corresponde a la extensión de uno anterior dedicado al estudio del problema de la comprobación y el dimensionamiento de las armaduras de acero en estructuras bidimensionales de hormigón armado tipo laja, cuyos esfuerzos están contenidos en su plano medio. Aquí se consideran las estructuras con cargas normales a su plano medio (placas y láminas), es decir. sometidas a esfuerzos de flexión. El procedimiento de comprobación y dimensionamiento que se propone, permite tratar situaciones importantes como el armado en las esquinas de placa, la combinación de tensiones axiles, rasantes y de flexión que aparecen en los arranques de 10s voladizos en las estructuras de los tableros continuos de puentes, particularmente las zonas sobre apoyos. En estos casos las alternativas actuales son procedimientos heurísticos o fórmulas empíricas como la de Wood. El cálculo, que se lleva a cabo mediante un simple programa de computador, permite obtener en pocos segundos la curva de las tensiones y las deformaciones en cada una de las familias de barras y de las principales en el hormigón en función del factor de amplificación de los esfuerzos. De esta forma se deduce el nivel de seguridad que se alcanza en un punto de la estructura de hormigón armado

    Modelo de simulación de la operación de un embalse en avenida y su integración al sistema FEWS

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    En este trabajo se presentan dos modelos de gestión de embalses en avenidas, el primero, basado en reglas de operación de los órganos de desagüe definidas por el usuario y, el segundo, correspondiente al método de gestión programada de embalses de Girón. Se incluye además un módulo que integra ambos métodos al sistema hidrometeorológico de alerta temprana FEWS

    Estudio de protecciones frente al sobrevertido de presas de materiales sueltos mediante repié de escollera

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    El contenido del artículo se enmarca dentro de la línea de investigación iniciada hace años por la unidad docente de presas de la ETSI de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (en adelante UPM), referente al estudio del vertido por coronación (también denominado sobrevertido u overtopping, en inglés) en presas de escollera. Este tema está adquiriendo importancia a nivel mundial y prueba de ello es que importantes organismos a nivel mundial están investigando y redactando manuales de protecciones de presas frente al sobrevertido. El objetivo principal de la investigación es estudiar el efecto de las protecciones de escollera sobre la seguridad de la presa en situación de sobrevertido, analizando la influencia de su geometría y tipo de material utilizado, con el fin de definir criterios de dimensionamiento de este tipo de protecciones que eviten la rotura de la presa por deslizamiento en masa. El trabajo objeto del artículo se basa en una serie de ensayos en modelo físico realizados en el Laboratorio de Hidráulica de la ETSI de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la UPM con motivo del trabajo de investigación tutelado llevado a cabo en 2008 dentro del Departamento de Ingeniería Civil: Hidráulica y Energétic

    Structural damage identification using dynamic numerical models

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    In this paper a review of two main groups of structural damage identification methods by dynamic tests is presented. The first group is concerned with metallic thin structures damages or imperfections and the second one with reinforced concrete beam structures damages. 1. The first group is addressed to the detection of potential imperfections, fissures and cracks appearing in industrial machines, aeronautical structures and motor engines. They are typically metallic structures and the tests are carried under controlled environment conditions, such as in a laboratory. The application of body waves, and more often, guided waves, as Rayleigh and Lamb waves, as dynamic excitation in order to detect the damage, is described. The studied imperfections have been divided into three classes. • Cracks, related to the structural safety. They are penetrating a significant part of the plate thickness. • The second class of imperfections are small cracks or fissures, and they can be called partially penetrating ones because they are extended only to a small part of the plate thickness. Imperfections of this class are difficult to detect, because sometimes they can not be observed on the plate surfaces. • Finally, the third class of imperfections are the superficial cracks and they are more related to the durability of the structure than to its safety. These imperfections are more connected to structural protection to the environment, i.e. to protective painting and coating. Dynamic models used to detect the first class of imperfections have been Kirchhoff or Reissner bending thin plate. The crack detection can be achieved quite accurately by comparison between the first spatial derivatives of the mode shapes of the uncracked and cracked plates. Partially penetrating and superficial cracks have been identified by application as dynamic input of Lamb and Rayleigh waves respectively. The use of these guide waves seems to be a very promising technique for imperfection detection. However, computational problems appear. They are related to the small time step and the large number of the finite elements needed in order to reach a suitable accuracy level. 2. The second part of the paper treats a different group of dynamic identification and location of damage in civil and building structures. In particular the damage in reinforced concrete beams,typically used in bridge and building structures is studied. Detection procedures in this part differ of the first ones, because the existing structure is tested in the field and reinforced concrete is rather heterogenous material in comparison to metallic material. Normally, potential cracks are detected, during the free vibrations of the structure, by estimation of the changes either of its natural frequencies, or in its mode shapes or in the measure of its dynamic flexibility. However,in general, the differences of these values between uncracked and cracked beams are small and in some cases they can not be distinguished from the inherent measurement errors occurring during the tests. After reviewing several different models applied to crack detection, one based on the linear elasticity has been developed. In this model the cracks are assumed to remain open and the rest of the structure to behave elastically, Using this model a sensitivity analysis of the presence of cracks,depth and location, respect to the variation of the structure natural frequencies and modes shapes can be carried out. Using this approach a crack identification methodology is proposed. Finally,some possible modifications of the proposed methodology aimed to improve the accuracy and reliability of the obtained results are discussed

    Wireless measurement system for structural health monitoring with high time synchronization accuracy

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    Structural health monitoring (SHM) systems have excellent potential to improve the regular operation and maintenance of structures. Wireless networks (WNs) have been used to avoid the high cost of traditional generic wired systems. The most important limitation of SHM wireless systems is time-synchronization accuracy, scalability, and reliability. A complete wireless system for structural identification under environmental load is designed, implemented, deployed, and tested on three different real bridges. Our contribution ranges from the hardware to the graphical front end. System goal is to avoid the main limitations of WNs for SHM particularly in regard to reliability, scalability, and synchronization. We reduce spatial jitter to 125 ns, far below the 120 μs required for high-precision acquisition systems and much better than the 10-μs current solutions, without adding complexity. The system is scalable to a large number of nodes to allow for dense sensor coverage of real-world structures, only limited by a compromise between measurement length and mandatory time to obtain the final result. The system addresses a myriad of problems encountered in a real deployment under difficult conditions, rather than a simulation or laboratory test bed

    Metodología de evaluación de las reglas de operación de embalses en avenidas

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    El avance de la presión antrópica sobre las márgenes de los cauces, y la creciente dificultad técnica, política y social para ejecutar nuevos proyectos de grandes presas, promueve la necesidad de utilizar más eficientemente los sistemas de control de avenidas existentes. En el presente trabajo se presenta una metodología de análisis para evaluar y comparar las estrategias de gestión de embalses, considerando su operación individual, a fin de establecer la más adecuada. En particular se comparan dos modos de gestión ante situación de avenidas: el Método de Evaluación Volumétrica (MEV) desarrollado por Girón (1988), de amplia difusión en España, y un modelo de optimización de la gestión mediante Programación Lineal Entera Mixta (PLEM). Para ello se ha implementado un entorno de cálculo con estructura modular. El primer módulo permite generar un conjunto representativo de hidrogramas de entrada a los embalses mediante simulación de Monte Carlo. Luego, dos módulos que funcionan en paralelo simulan la gestión del embalse según las dos estrategias mencionadas (MEV y PLEM). Finalmente, se evalúa el comportamiento de ambas estrategias ante el conjunto de solicitaciones hidrológicas generado. Se propone el empleo del Índice de Riesgo Global (I1), que pondera el resultado de la estrategia de gestión frente a un conjunto de hidrogramas de solicitación. Dicho indicador tiene en cuenta el daño esperado debido a los caudales máximos vertidos y el riesgo para la presa debido a los niveles máximos alcanzados en el embalse. Para ello se analiza la función de distribución de probabilidad de las dos variables (máximo caudal vertido y máximo nivel alcanzado) para la población de hidrogramas analizada. El modelo PLEM se calibra empleando el índice I1. Este mismo índice es utilizado para comparar ambas estrategias, entendiendo como la más adecuada aquella que tenga asociado el menor I1. Este sistema de análisis se aplicó a tres embalses de la cuenca del río Segura, con diferentes características en lo referente al tipo y capacidad de aliviadero, volumen de embalse y de resguardo. En los tres casos se han obtenido mejores resultados con el modelo PLEM que con el modelo MEV, tanto en lo concerniente a caudales máximos vertidos como a los niveles máximos alcanzados, para todo el rango de avenidas analizado. Sin embargo, la diferencia entre ambas estrategias no es muy significativa y el MEV presenta características que lo hacen más adecuado para su empleo en tiempo rea