103 research outputs found

    New results on q-positivity

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    In this paper we discuss symmetrically self-dual spaces, which are simply real vector spaces with a symmetric bilinear form. Certain subsets of the space will be called q-positive, where q is the quadratic form induced by the original bilinear form. The notion of q-positivity generalizes the classical notion of the monotonicity of a subset of a product of a Banach space and its dual. Maximal q-positivity then generalizes maximal monotonicity. We discuss concepts generalizing the representations of monotone sets by convex functions, as well as the number of maximally q-positive extensions of a q-positive set. We also discuss symmetrically self-dual Banach spaces, in which we add a Banach space structure, giving new characterizations of maximal q-positivity. The paper finishes with two new examples.Comment: 18 page

    El componente humano del calendario meteorológico (AEMET 1943-2018)

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    Formación e información en la meteorología y climatología

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    Número monográfico dedicado a la meteorología.En este artículo se pretenden exponer las principales actividades que el Instituto Nacional de Meteorología realiza en cumplimiento de las funciones que tiene encomendadas en estas dos importantes misiones de la Meteorología y la Climatología al servicio de la sociedad: formar e informar, que contribuyen al bienestar y calidad de vida de los ciudadanos


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    Analysis of null deletion polymorphism of glutathione S-transferase theta (GSTT-1), associated with anti-GSTT-1 antibodies development in transplantation

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    © 2023 The Authors. International Journal of Immunogenetics published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. This document is the Published version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in International Journal of Immunogenetics. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1111/iji.12635Glutathione S-transferase theta 1 (GSTT1) is an enzyme involved in phase II biotransformation processes and a member of a multigene family of detoxifying and clearing reactive oxygen species. GSTT1 is polymorphic like other biotransforming enzymes, allowing variability in hepatic conjugation processes. Immunological recognition of the GSTT1 alloantigen, as evidenced by donor-specific antibodies formation, has previously been observed in recipients lacking GSTT1 protein (called GSTT1−, GSTT*0, null phenotype or homozygous for the GSTT1 deletion) who receive liver or kidney transplants from GSTT1+ donors and is a risk factor for the development of de novo hepatitis following liver transplants from a GSTT1 expressing donor. Antibodies against GSTT1 are demonstrated in patients who are GSTT1 null and received a transplant from a GSTT1+ donor. Understanding the local population frequency of the GSTT1 deletion is of value in understanding the potential clinical risk of developing post-transplant complications, which can be attributed to the nonexpression of GSTT1. A population of 173 healthy donors of the Murcia Region in Southeast Spain was evaluated for a null allele of GSTT1 (n = 173). DNA was extracted, and GSTT-1 null allele detection was performed by real-time polymerase chain reaction. The frequency of the null GSTT1 genotype (nonexpression or deletion of the homozygous polymorphism of the GSTT1 protein) was 17.9% (n = 31 null allele GSTT1/173 total individuals). Our data suggest that the frequency of null GSTT1 mutations in our population in Southeast Spain is 17.9%, lower than in other Caucasoid populations. This would convert our recipient population into more susceptible to nonlocal potential organ donors and less susceptible to local donors. All recipients bearing this GSTT1 deletion homozygous would be without the protein and triggering an alloantigen in the case of transplantation with a donor without deletion

    Estatus epiléptico refractario no convulsionante en postoperatorio de pancreatectomía total: A propósito de un caso

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    We present a clinical case of non-convulsive epileptic status in the post-operative of a 79-year-old patient with no history of epilepsy, and its probable relationship with scheduled antibiotic therapy. Then a discussion about the epileptic status and its appearance as a side effect of the treatment with certain antibiotics is made.Se presenta un caso clinico de Estatus Epileptico No convulsionante en el posopoeratorio de una paciente de 79 años sin antecedentes de epilepsia, y su probable relación con la antibioterapia pautada. Seguidamente se realiza una discusion acerca del estatus epileptico y su aparicion como efecto secundario del tratamiento con ciertos antibioticos.

    Spelling problems after early oral language difficulties

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    Recent research has stated that early oral language acquisition difficulties are related to reading and writing difficulties. Children with developmental language disorder (DLD) experience difficulties with several dimensions of language. In this study we focus on the specific difficulties of children with DLD in spelling. We examine the impact of lexicality and length in written production of Spanish-speaking children with DLD. A total of 18 children with language difficulties (Mage = 8;4) were compared with age-matched children (Mage = 8;2). Participants completed a spelling-to-dictation task of words and pseudowords, where length was manipulated. A digital tablet was used to collect data and obtain measures of accuracy, latencies and total writing durations. Results showed that children with DLD produced more errors, longer latencies and longer writing durations than age-matched children. Regarding accuracy, analysis of the errors shows that children in the control group produce few errors, most being substitutions, while children with DLD made more errors and of more varied categories. Moreover, they were more affected by length on writing accuracy than the control group