48 research outputs found

    Rol de género, concepto de ciencia y autoconcepto en adolescentes en Chile

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    Existen muchas investigaciones respecto a las diferencias entre mujeres y varones respecto al concepto de ciencia y tecnología, pero muy pocas respecto a si existen o no diferencias desde las tipologías del rol de género que asume cada individuo. Por ello, quisimos explorar y conocer qué diferencias existen en las y los adolescentes en función de su rol de género respecto a su concepción de ciencia y qué autoconcepto tienen en cada una de las categorías de rol de género. Participaron en este estudio 199 adolescentes (131 chicas y 68 chicos) de 16 y 17 años a quienes se les aplicó el cuestionario de rol de género (BSRI) de Bem, el cuestionario de autoconcepto (AF5) y un cuestionario de percepción de ciencia. Los resultados muestran que del total, un 38% de adolescentes tienen tipologías de rol de género estereotipadas de su propio sexo, un 25% indiferenciada y 23% andrógina. Respecto al autoconcepto existen diferencias significativas entre las personas andróginas y masculinas con las femeninas e indiferenciadas, a favor de las primeras. No existen diferencias significativas en la percepción de ciencia en función del rol de género, teniendo una opinión igualitaria no estereotipada, no sexista ni positivista con respecto a las ciencias

    Proyecto docente y reflexión crítica sobre los retos y claves de la docencia en ciencias sociales en educación secundaria

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    El trabajo presentado a continuación, es una reflexión crítica surgida a partir de los conocimientos adquiridos, tanto de las sesiones teóricas como de los períodos de prácticas, durante el Máster Universitario de Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas, Artísticas y Deportivas. Como futuros docentes debemos enfrentarnos y solucionar los diferentes problemas que se derivan de la convivencia en un centro educativo y del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los alumnos. De este modo, analizaré y propondré soluciones para los siguientes problemas: los conflictos en los centros escolares, la forma de superar el currículum academicista de las ciencias sociales, cómo superar la forma tradicional de impartir las Ciencias Sociales y el reto de conseguir motivar a los alumnos para las Ciencias Sociales

    The effect of preforming and infusing bindered and unbindered carbon non-crimp-fabrics on the final quality of composites parts

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    [EN] Vacuum infusion (VI) is a liquid moulding process used to manufacture fibre-reinforced polymer composite parts. The VI process for non-crimp fabric (NCF) preforms is one of the most promising processes for improving the quality and cost efficiency of traditional processes using prepregs and autoclave curing. An understanding of the preform thickness behaviour in the compaction, wetting, and curing stages is necessary to optimise the overall process and obtain high-performance composite parts. In this study, the influence of the material, preforming, and infusion parameters on the thickness of four different carbon NCF laminates were investigated. The preforming behaviour includes the influence of the NCF composition, such as the presence of an organic binder or the number of compaction steps. Infusion was characterised using dielectric analysis (DEA). The properties of the resulting composites were analysed in terms of the fibre volume fraction (FVF) and porosity, as measured using X-ray computed tomography (CT). The main consequence of the outcome of the present study is that, from a manufacturing point of view, downward through-thickness resin infusion offers benefits in terms of thickness, FVF, and porosity tolerance. In addition, the acquired results allow for the identification of the main settings for an optimised consolidation strategy, which could be used for manufacturing NCF composite parts.The authors acknowledge the Spanish Government (Ministry of Science and Innovation, Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnologico Industrial (CDTI) program) for their financial support. We thank the Aerostructures Competence Center at the CBC, Airbus Defense & Space, for the advice received on the configuration of the infusion systems, and to Ronand Fi-acre of SAERTEX GmbH & Co. KG for supplying the carbon NCF material

    Impacto de las buenas prácticas de gobierno corporativo en la creación de valor de las empresas de la Bolsa de Valores de Lima durante el periodo 2009 - 2016

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    Las empresas van evolucionando a lo largo del tiempo y es así que también lo hace la definición de los modelos de una adecuada gestión empresarial. El concepto del Gobierno Corporativo está tomando cada vez más relevancia para poder entender el comportamiento adecuado que una empresa debe seguir para tener un adecuado crecimiento sostenible. Entre las principales definiciones de buenas prácticas destacan los principios explicados por la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico los cuales van adaptándose a las nuevas coyunturas conforme el tema continúa investigándose. Las buenas prácticas de gobierno corporativo buscan generar resultados favorables para las empresas como lo son transparencia, confianza, profesionalismo u otros factores que son considerablemente deseados y necesarios para el desempeño adecuado y sostenible de la empresa. El presente estudio busca encontrar una relación entre el cumplimiento de las buenas prácticas de gobierno corporativo y la creación de valor financiero a lo largo del periodo del 2009 al 2016 para las empresas listadas dentro de la Bolsa de Valores de Lima. El presente trabajo siguió un diseño descriptivo, no experimental y longitudinal que se aplicó a una muestra selectiva de 18 empresas. Por el lado del gobierno corporativo se utilizaron los cuestionarios de que se les hacen a las empresas sobre el cumplimiento de los principios de buen gobierno corporativo. El estudio hizo la medición de estas variables bajo un método que homogeniza las dos diferentes encuestas que se tienen en este periodo. Por el lado de la creación de valor financiero se tomaron múltiples variables como son el precio de la acción, ROE, ROA, EVA, ROIC, WACC, EBIT, EBITDA, NOPAT, índice de lucratividad y Q de Tobin. El estudio no pudo evidenciar un impacto significativo entre el cumplimiento de buenas prácticas de gobierno corporativo y la generación de valor financiero bajo la metodología definidaCompanies evolve throughout time, and so it does the definition of proper company management model. Company Governance's concept is having more relevance in order to understand the proper behavior a company must follow in order to acquire a sustainable growth. Among main definitions of good practices, principles explained by Cooperation and Economic Development Organization stand out, which have been adapting to new situations while the subject is still being investigated. Good practices on company governance (such as transparency, credibility, professionalism or other factors that are considered wished and necessary for an adequate and sustainable company performance) look for to generate positive results for companies. This investigation looks for to find a relation between good practices compliance on company governance and the creation of financial value along 2009 and 2016 period for companies listed in Lima Stock Exchange. This is a descriptive, non-experimental, longitudinal investigation that was applied to a selective sample of 18 companies. On the company governance's side, questionnaires on what companies do in regards to principles compliance on good company governance were used. The investigation measured these variables under a method that homogenizes two different surveys during this period. On the finance value creation's side, many variables were taken such as stock prices, ROE, ROA, EVA, ROIC, WACC, EBIT, EBITDA, NOPAT, profitability index, and Tobin’s Q. The investigation could not evidence meaningful impact between good practices compliance on company governance and financial value generation under the defined methodologyTesi

    Mycobacterial OtsA Structures Unveil Substrate Preference Mechanism and Allosteric Regulation by 2-Oxoglutarate and 2-Phosphoglycerate.

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    Trehalose is an essential disaccharide for mycobacteria and a key constituent of several cell wall glycolipids with fundamental roles in pathogenesis. Mycobacteria possess two pathways for trehalose biosynthesis. However, only the OtsAB pathway was found to be essential in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, with marked growth and virulence defects of OtsA mutants and strict essentiality of OtsB2. Here, we report the first mycobacterial OtsA structures from Mycobacterium thermoresistibile in both apo and ligand-bound forms. Structural information reveals three key residues in the mechanism of substrate preference that were further confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis. Additionally, we identify 2-oxoglutarate and 2-phosphoglycerate as allosteric regulators of OtsA. The structural analysis in this work strongly contributed to define the mechanisms for feedback inhibition, show different conformational states of the enzyme, and map a new allosteric site.IMPORTANCE Mycobacterial infections are a significant source of mortality worldwide, causing millions of deaths annually. Trehalose is a multipurpose disaccharide that plays a fundamental structural role in these organisms as a component of mycolic acids, a molecular hallmark of the cell envelope of mycobacteria. Here, we describe the first mycobacterial OtsA structures. We show mechanisms of substrate preference and show that OtsA is regulated allosterically by 2-oxoglutarate and 2-phosphoglycerate at an interfacial site. These results identify a new allosteric site and provide insight on the regulation of trehalose synthesis through the OtsAB pathway in mycobacteria

    Physical and Numerical Modeling of an Innovative Vertical Breakwater for Sustainable Power Generation in Ports: SE@PORTS Project

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    This work has been supported by the OCEANERA-NET project, SE@PORTS (Sustainable Energy at Sea Ports); reference OCEANERA/0003/2016, under the frame of Sociedad para el Desarrollo Regional de Cantabria S.A. (SODERCAN)

    Time discrimination and change detection could share a common brain network: findings of a task-based fMRI study

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    IntroductionOver the past few years, several studies have described the brain activation pattern related to both time discrimination (TD) and change detection processes. We hypothesize that both processes share a common brain network which may play a significant role in more complex cognitive processes. The main goal of this proof-of-concept study is to describe the pattern of brain activity involved in TD and oddball detection (OD) paradigms, and in processes requiring higher cognitive effort.MethodsWe designed an experimental task, including an auditory test tool to assess TD and OD paradigms, which was conducted under functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in 14 healthy participants. We added a cognitive control component into both paradigms in our test tool. We used the general linear model (GLM) to analyze the individual fMRI data images and the random effects model for group inference.ResultsWe defined the areas of brain activation related to TD and OD paradigms. We performed a conjunction analysis of contrast TD (task > control) and OD (task > control) patterns, finding both similarities and significant differences between them.DiscussionWe conclude that change detection and other cognitive processes requiring an increase in cognitive effort require participation of overlapping functional and neuroanatomical components, suggesting the presence of a common time and change detection network. This is of particular relevance for future research on normal cognitive functioning in the healthy population, as well as for the study of cognitive impairment and clinical manifestations associated with various neuropsychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia