614 research outputs found

    Programa para el cálculo de poligonales PG 1.0

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    1 archivo PDF (38 páginas)"El programa PG 1.0 complementa los cursos de Topografía que se imparten en cualquier institución educativa. Es muy útil para realizar trabajos profesionales de planimetría, ya que permite al usuario resolver los cálculos correspondientes a cualquier poligonal topográfica (levantada con cualquier tipo de instrumentos de medición angular y de distancias y de cualquier tamaño) de manera sencilla y rápida, pues se trata de un software muy amigable. Este programa lleva de la mano al usuario, puesto que sigue el camino lógico y usual en este tipo de cálculos; ajusta los ángulos de manera tradicional y aplica la "regla del tránsito" para la compensación lineal, así que proporciona los siguientes resultados: a) conocimiento del error angular y su ajuste, b) conocimiento del error total y sus componentes en los ejes cartesianos, e) conocimiento de la precisión del levantamiento, d) correcciones por regla del tránsito, e) coordenadas con base en las que se le proporcionen al punto de inicio, f) determinación del perímetro y del área del polígono, g) cálculo de los lados y los rumbos después de la corrección, h) por último, permite que se almacene como un archivo de textos, lo cual hace posible abrirlo como archivo de texto o en hoja de cálculo"

    Spanish version of the Coping Strategies Inventory

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    Introducción. En el presente trabajo acometimos la adaptación del Inventario de Estrategias de Afrontamiento (CSI) al ámbito español. Esta necesidad se justifica, por una parte, por la escasez y las limitaciones de los instrumentos disponibles en nuestro idioma, y por otra, por las excelentes potencialidades que ofrece el CSI. Método. Fue traducido y aplicado a una muestra de 337 personas adultas de características sociodemográficas diversas, recogida de forma incidental en actividades formativas en la provincia de Sevilla. Resultados. Los resultados mostraron unas excelentes propiedades psicométricas superando incluso las del estudio original: ocho factores explicaron un 61 % de la varianza con sólo 40 ítems (frente a los 72 que explicaban un 47% en el instrumento original) y obtuvieron coeficientes de consistencia interna entre 0,63 y 0,89. La validez convergente se comprobó utilizando las intercorrelaciones entre escalas y las correlaciones con disposiciones de personalidad (NEO-FFI) y eficacia percibida del afrontamiento. Conclusiones. El CSI se comportó de forma válida y fiable en la evaluación de la utilización de estrategias de afrontamiento en una amplia variedad de situaciones.Introduction. The aim of the present study was to adapt the Coping Strategies Inventory (CSI) to the Spanish setting. This need is justified on the one hand by the shortage and limitations of the instruments available in our language and, on the other, by the excellent potentialities that the CSI offers. Method. It was translated and applied to a sample of 337 adults, with diverse demographic characteristics, recruited from different teaching activities by the authors in the province of Seville (Spain). Results. The results showed excellent psychometric properties surpassing those of the original study: eight factors accounted for 61% of variance with only 40 items (as opposed to the 72 that accounted for 47% in the original study) and obtained Alpha coefficients between 0.63 and 0.89. The convergent validity was verified using intercorrelations between scales, correlations with personality dispositions (NEO-FFI) and with the coping efficacy. Discussion. The CSI was a valid and reliable measure of coping strategies used in many stressful situations

    Scalable Support for Globally Moving Networks

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    This paper proposes a scalable solution for the support for globally moving networks. It is basically oriented to airborne mobile networks built in commercial aircrafts in order to provide Internet access to the passengers. As opposed to currently used solutions, the proposed solution has no impact in the global routing tables while it provides optimized paths between the mobile network and the rest of the Internet The proposed solution is an extension to the IETF standard network mobility support protocol and relies on the communication through multiple geographically distributed Home Agents in order to avoid panoramic routing imposed by single anchor points as in the case of a single Home Agent. The proposed solution includes a mechanism to select the best Home Agent to route new communications through.This project has been supported by Optinet project TIC-2003-09042-C03-01 and IMPROVISA project.Publicad

    Prevalencia de la infección por Helicobacter pylori en pacientes sintomáticos en la provincia de Cuenca

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    Tesis Univ. Complutense de Madrid, 1995El helicobacter pylori (hp) es una bacteria gram negativa y productora rápida de ureasa, que se encuentra principalmente en el antro gástrico del hombre. El germen fue aislado y cultivado en 1982. Desde entonces se le ha implicado en la patogenia de la gastritis crónica idiopática (tipo "b"), en la ulcera péptica gastroduodenal, en el adenocarcinoma gástrico y en linfoma gástrico malt. Sin embargo, los pacientes infectados son muy numerosos, y pocos, en comparación con la extensión de la infección, los que desarrollan complicaciones. Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de la prevalencia del hp en pacientes con síntomas digestivos, en la provincia de cuenca. La detección de la infección por el hp se llevaba a cabo mediante la prueba de la ureasa, para la que se obtenía una biopsia endoscópica del antro gástrico. La prevalencia global del hp fue del 63.29%, resultado que no difiere sustancialmente del obtenido por otros autores españoles en otras zonas geográficas, utilizando métodos similares. La úlcera bulbar presentó la mayor prevalencia de hp positivo (92.85%). El dato de que los pacientes con una endoscopia normal son hp positivos en el 65.85% apoya la extensa infección sin patología macroscópica.Fac. de MedicinaTRUEpu

    Traffic engineering in multihomed sites

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    It is expected that IPv6 multihomed sites will obtain as many global prefixes as direct providers they have, so traffic engineering techniques currently used in IPv4 multihomed sites is no longer suitable. However, traffic engineering is required for several reasons, and in particular, for being able to properly support multimedia communications. In this paper we present a framework for traffic engineering in IPv6 multihomed sites with multiple global prefixes. Within this framework, we have included several tools such as DNS record manipulation and proper configuration of the policy table defined in RFC 3484. To provide automation in the management of traffic engineering, we analyzed the usage of two mechanisms to configure the policy table.This work has been partly supported by the European Union under the E-Next Project FP6-506869 and by the OPTINET6 project TIC-2003-09042-C03-01.Publicad

    Exploiting semantic segmentation to boost reinforcement learning in video game environments

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    In this work we explore enhancing performance of reinforcement learning algorithms in video game environments by feeding it better, more relevant data. For this purpose, we use semantic segmentation to transform the images that would be used as input for the reinforcement learning algorithm from their original domain to a simplified semantic domain with just silhouettes and class labels instead of textures and colors, and then we train the reinforcement learning algorithm with these simplified images. We have conducted different experiments to study multiple aspects: feasibility of our proposal, and potential benefits to model generalization and transfer learning. Experiments have been performed with the Super Mario Bros video game as the testing environment. Our results show multiple advantages for this method. First, it proves that using semantic segmentation enables reaching higher performance than the baseline reinforcement learning algorithm without modifying the actual algorithm, and in fewer episodes; second, it shows noticeable performance improvements when training on multiple levels at the same time; and finally, it allows to apply transfer learning for models trained on visually different environments. We conclude that using semantic segmentation can certainly help reinforcement learning algorithms that work with visual data, by refining it. Our results also suggest that other computer vision techniques may also be beneficial for data prepossessing. Models and code will be available on github upon acceptanceOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work is part of the preliminary tasks related to the Harvesting Visual Data (HVD) project (PID2021- 125051OB-I00) funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacin of the Spanish Governmen

    Movilidad cotidiana por motivos laborales en Andalucía. Estudio de caso: el Subbético cordobés

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    La distancia-tiempo actúa como factor determinante en las pautas de movilidad obligada de la población ocupada. Junto al factor tiempo, los medios de desplazamiento ejercen un papel fundamental en la configuración de los patrones de movilidad de la población en España. Así, la oportunidad de acceso a un determinado medio, por tanto, resulta determinante en la configuración de trayectos y combinaciones diarias para acceder al lugar de trabajo desde el municipio de residencia. En este sentido, los microdatos del Censo de Población de 2001 (INE) permiten tejer una compleja malla de relaciones multiterritoriales que configuran la red de espacios vividos de la población, a partir de vectores de desplazamiento en los que la movilidad de cada individuo, en combinación con la del resto, muestra patrones espaciales que permiten establecer nodos, áreas de influencia y cuencas de empleo e ir desde el microdato hasta la integración de la red de desplazamientos a nivel naciona

    Mobile Indoor Augmented Reality. Exploring applications in hospitality environments.

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    Augmented reality (AR) is been increasingly used in mobile devices. Most of the available applications are set to work outdoors, mainly due to the availability of a reliable positioning system. Nevertheless, indoor (smart) spaces offer a lot of opportunities of creating new service concepts. In particular, in this paper we explore the applicability of mobile AR to hospitality environments (hotels and similar establishments). From the state-of-the-art of technologies and applications, a portfolio of services has been identified and a prototype using off-the-shelf technologies has been designed. Our objective is to identify the next technological challenges to overcome in order to have suitable underlying infrastructures and innovative services which enhance the traveller?s experience

    Semantic-aware scene recognition

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    Scene recognition is currently one of the top-challenging research fields in computer vision. This may be due to the ambiguity between classes: images of several scene classes may share similar objects, which causes confusion among them. The problem is aggravated when images of a particular scene class are notably different. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have significantly boosted performance in scene recognition, albeit it is still far below from other recognition tasks (e.g., object or image recognition). In this paper, we describe a novel approach for scene recognition based on an end-to-end multi-modal CNN that combines image and context information by means of an attention module. Context information, in the shape of a semantic segmentation, is used to gate features extracted from the RGB image by leveraging on information encoded in the semantic representation: the set of scene objects and stuff, and their relative locations. This gating process reinforces the learning of indicative scene content and enhances scene disambiguation by refocusing the receptive fields of the CNN towards them. Experimental results on three publicly available datasets show that the proposed approach outperforms every other state-of-the-art method while significantly reducing the number of network parameters. All the code and data used along this paper is available at: https://github.com/vpulab/Semantic-Aware-Scene-RecognitionThis study has been partially supported by the Spanish Government through its TEC2017-88169-R MobiNetVideo projec