1,086 research outputs found

    The education of women in feminist thinking of the late 19th C. and early 20th centuries: a perspective of Emilia Pardo Bazán

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    [Resumen] A través da pluma e da vida da pensadora coruñesa, Emilia Pardo Bazán, desvélanse as súas grandes contribucións no eido da educación das mulleres. O obxectivo principal deste estudo é facer un breve percorrido por unha das máis discutidas propostas esbozadas pola autora: un modelo educativo que ten por finalidade facilitar un proxecto de vida autónomo para as mulleres, baseado na igualdade sexual, moral, intelectual e social.[Abstract] Through the writings and the life of the A Coruña-born free-thinker Emilia Pardo Bazán, this article presents her great contributions to the field of women ́s education. The main purpose of this paper was to present an overview of one of the most widely debated proposals put forth by the author: an education model whose purpose was to provide an independent life project for women, based on sexual, moral, intellectual and social equality

    The role of intermediaries in the synchronization of pulse-coupled oscillators

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    The role of intermediaries in the synchronization of small groups of light controlled oscillators (LCO) is addressed. A single LCO is a two-time-scale phase oscillator. When pulse-coupling two LCOs, the synchronization time decreases monotonously as the coupling strength increases, independent of the initial conditions and frequency detuning. In this work we study numerically the effects that a third LCO induces to the collective behavior of the system. We analyze the new system by dealing with directed heterogeneous couplings among the units. We report a novel and robust phenomenon, absent when coupling two LCOs, which consists of a discontinuous relationship between the synchronization time and coupling strength or initial conditions. The mechanism responsible for the appearance of such discontinuities is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Wind energy system in Ambocas-Ecuador: distributed generation and energy quality

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    [Abstract] In this communication we present the construction of a wind farm, WF, with 10 MW of nominal power. This WF will increase the quantity and quality of electricity in the area of Ambocas, Loja, Ecuador, strengthen a system with many voltage drops. The place chosen is ideal, because it is long from population, in a hill side near an existing road. Wind is persistent and has a constant orientation all along the year. The generated power will be connected with the electricity system in the Portovelo Substation, which is about 12 km from the WF site. We have calculated the expected electricity production all along the year taking into account all important data to simulate successfully the WF operation in real conditions. We have also modelled the interconnexion of the WF with the substation and its effect in the 69 kV bar. Finally, a brief economical analysis of the project gives an annual average profit higher than 3.5 USD million without taxes, while the inversion would be cancelled in less than 5 years of the 20 ones planned for the WF in full operation

    Design of a Photovoltaic Solar Plant: Distributed Generation in Medium Tension to a Bar of the Electricity Substation

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    [Abstract] Usage of not conventional and renewable energy sources (NCRE), as photovoltaic plants, to generate electricity and self-consumption of residential areas, shops and industry, is known as distributed generation. The present research aims to design a photovoltaic solar plant of 1.5 MW to be ground mounted. It will be interconnected with the bar of the substation of the local distributer of electricity in medium tension. The project is explained from its beginning, including site description of the terrain chosen, solar irradiation data, distribution and inclination of solar panels, electrical connexion among the panels, and inter-connection with the local distributer. The calculated production of the planned solar plant would be near 2.5 million of kWh, having taken into account the technical loss of energy in about 3.5 % including all loss sources. Finally, economic study has been carried out to obtain a return period for the investment of only two years, with an estimated profit, in the 20 years of the solar plant life, of about 15 million USD. In conclusion, it is possible technical and economically to invest in this solar plant, but it would be also desirable for ecological and social reasons

    Analysis of the determinants of CSR disclosure in Spanish listed companies

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    Objeto: Este trabajo pretende profundizar en los determinantes de la divulgación de información sobre las acciones sociales que las empresas realizan. En particular, se centra en el papel que puede jugar un factor apenas considerado hasta el momento como es la estructura de propiedad. Diseño/metodología: Con el objetivo anterior, a partir de una muestra de empresas españolas cotizadas en el año 2008 hemos realizado un análisis de regresión lineal para analizar cómo la identidad del principal accionista de la empresa así como otras características empresariales afectan a la transparencia en RSC. Aportaciones y resultados: En contra de lo esperado, los resultados sugieren que la identidad del principal accionista no afecta a la transparencia informativa en RSC. Por el contrario, son otras características, como el tamaño de la empresa, su nivel de endeudamiento así como su nivel de transparencia en general, las que parecen explicar la transparencia sobre acciones socialmente responsables. Limitaciones: La existencia de otros indicadores de transparencia en RSC así como el haber realizado el estudio en un único país y en un momento temporal concreto, hace necesario ser cautos sobre los hallazgos obtenidos. estudio se encuadra en el ámbito de tres estados mexicanos y por tanto, los datos no son generalizables. El trabajo es un estudio exploratorio que nos aproxima a la realidad de las PYMES de México, no se pueden, por tanto, extraer relaciones de causalidad a partir de estos datos. Valor añadido: Un número reducido de estudios ha analizado la influencia de la estructura de propiedad en la transparencia en RSC, y además, de los pocos trabajos existentes, la mayoría se han centrado en el grado de concentración de la propiedad y no han tenido en cuenta la identidad o tipología del primer accionista.Purpose: This paper aims to analyse in depth the determinants of disclosure of corporate social activities. In particular, it is focused on a barely considered factor: ownership structure. Design/methodology/approach: Using a sample of Spanish listed companies in 2008 we employed a OLS model to analyse how the identity of the largest shareholder as well as other firm characteristics may influence the disclosure of social activities. Findings and Originality: Contrary to our expectations, the findings suggest that the identity of the main shareholder does not affect the disclosure of social activities. On the contrary, firm size, leverage and general level of disclosure seem to explain the information provided by the firms related to their social activities. Research Limitations/implications: Our results should be considered with caution because we have used a specific measure of disclosure of social activities and our study is carried out in a specific country and period of time. Originality/value: A reduced number of studies have analysed the influence of firm ownership structure on the disclosure of social activities, and the existing studies have mainly considered the ownership concentration but not the identity of the largest shareholder.Peer Reviewe

    Determinants of post-privatisation performance of Spanish divested firms

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    [EN] This paper analyses the factors which may explain the improvements in performance taking place after privatisations. Using a sample of 58 Spanish privatised firms within the period 1985-2000, we find no significant mean increases in industry adjusted profitability and efficiency following privatisation over a medium term horizon (three years), although the results vary according to the privatised firm. More than 50% of the firms show increases in profitability and over 45% show increases in efficiency after the first stage of the privatisation process. When we analyse how different characteristics of the privatisation processes may explain the observed performance changes, the results suggest that competition may play an important role in the success of privatisation processes. Efficiency gains seem to take place in competitive markets, not in utilities. The results also suggest some positive influence of factors such as the entrance of foreign investors, the relinquishment of control by the State over privatised firms and the firms’ size on the performance of privatised firms

    Explaining the performance of Spanish privatised firms: a panel data approach

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    [EN] Using a panel data of 70 Spanish privatised firms, we study whether the shares held in the divested firms’ capital by employees, managers and the State, the nationality of the buyer, the economic environment, as well as the firms’ size, may explain the performance of privatised firms. The results suggest that firms in which the State completely relinquishes control have more probabilities of maximizing efficiency. Besides, the entrance of foreign investors in the firms’ capital may provide firms with new know-how and access to new technologies and markets that may also improve the success of privatisations processes. Moreover, the results suggest that privatisations of SOEs per se may not be sufficient to improve their performance, since privatisations that are accompanied by liberalisation programs and competition turn out to be more successful. Finally, these results are in general terms the same both for firms privatised through direct sale and public offering

    Introduction to Special Issue “Advances in Sustainability-Oriented Innovations”

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    8836This Special Issue focuses on the study of Sustainability-Oriented Innovations (SOIs). Our purpose is to shed light on the SOIs literature regarding their determining factors, implications and new challenges for the future. In this editorial, we are delighted to present the three papers included in this Special Issue. Each of them tackles di erent issues related to SOIs having important academic and managerial implications. Two papers analyze the influence of SOIs on urban development and resource productivity, respectively, and the third studies SOIs determinants, in particular, cooperation networks. Moreover, two of the papers analyze SOIs considering territory (cities or countries) as their unit of analysis while the third focuses on firms. This denotes that SOIs’ actions are important whatever the level of analysis and as either a determinant or a consequence.S

    PXRD and PDF analysis of multifunctional lanthanide nitrilotris-methylphosphonate-based proton conductors

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    Metal phosphonates are multifunctional solids which possess tunable properties, such as H-bond networks, while exhibiting high chemical and thermal stability. Depending on the protonation of the ligand, different crystalline phases can be obtained. Here, we report three different families of proton conductors based on lanthanide nitrilotrismethylphosphonates. Compounds having cationic layers compensate by chloride or sulfate anions were isolated: [Ln(H4NMP)(H2O)2]Cl·2H2O and Ln(H5NMP)]·SO4·4H2O [H6NMP = nitrilotris(methylphosphonic acid)]. The crystal structure of Gd-(H5NMP)]·SO4·4H2O was solved ab initio from synchrotron powder diffraction data (λ=0.4124 Å, beamline BL04-MSPD ALBA) and refined by the Rietveld method. Chloride containing phases show two irreversible solid state transformations take place: (1) a crystalline-to-crystalline phase transition, {Ln-H4NMP → [Ln2(H3NMP)2(H2O)4]·4.5H2O for Ln= La, Pr}, and (2) crystalline-to-amorphous phase transition, {LnH4NMP → [Ln(H3NMP)]·1.5H2O for Ln= Gd - Ho}, both implies the loss of HCl and structural rearrangements of the frameworks. Variations in average and local structure have been monitored by high resolution powder diffraction and PDF analysis, upon exposure the samples at high relative humidity and temperature (95% RH and 80 ºC), in order to understand their behavior as proton conductors.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Balanç energètic d'equips consumidors. Mesura i càlcul. 8: Combustió en cremadors

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    Vuitè mòdul de la col·lecció "Balanç energètic d'equips consumidors" que pretén oferir material de formació per a realitzar mesures de camp amb instruments portàtils i conèixer el balanç energètic dels sistemes en estudi, així com proporcionar criteris en la interpretació dels valors obtinguts en les mesures amb aquests instruments. Aquest mòdul proporciona una metodologia de càlcul i balanç energètic en la combustió en cremadors.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version