211 research outputs found
Desarrollo de un modelo ecohidrológico para el análisis de la dinámica de ecosistemas riparios
[EN] The riparian areas can be understood as those areas adjacent or very close to the river channels that are environmentally influenced by this proximity and, in consequence, that are frequently subjected to periodic flooding. The riverbank is an ecosystem itself that has great ecological value. It acts as a transition zone between land and water areas and as a corridor across different regions. As riparian areas are located beside the river water, their soils are frequently very productive. The vegetation in these areas is very productive and favours a great density and diversity of wild life. It has an important role in the ecosystem's capacity for other different functions as the nutrients balance, the water temperature regulation by shadowing, the banks stabilization, etc. In consequence, the riparian vegetation is necessary for the correct balance in the fluvial ecosystem. As this vegetation conditions the hydrology of the river system, the hydrological regime of the river determines the development, the distribution and the diversity of this vegetation. In fact, the presence and wellbeing of the vegetation in semiarid riparian environments is mainly conditioned to the floods frequency and magnitude, to the water availability in the unsaturated upper soil and to the water table accessibility.
The aim of the present thesis is to develop and to implement a new ecohydrological dynamic model that predicts the vegetation on the riparian zones of a river reach by including new processes or by reconsidering the definition of those already included in the models taken as reference. In addition, it is pursued to demonstrate the utility of the new model by analysing the dynamic response of the vegetation under different global change scenarios. A background review has been intensively addressed to obtain the required expert knowledge needed to face the proposal of a new methodology for the analysis of the spatial and temporal distribution of the vegetation in the riparian area. A selection of the most representative models among the currently available and their implementation on different Mediterranean semiarid case studies of the Jucar River Basin District have been performed. After evaluating the advantages and limitations of these reference models, a new improved mathematical model has been proposed. This new tool, the Riparian Vegetation Dynamic Model (RVDM), integrates the knowledge provided by previous tools and represents an upgrade in the way of understanding the relations between the riparian hydrodynamics and the vegetation dynamics. The model has proved to be capable to predict the distribution of the riparian vegetation communities observed in reaches with semiarid characteristics.
It has been demonstrated that RVDM represents an upgrade respect to previous tools in the quality and the reliability of the results. Once the advantages of this new tool have been proven, different global change scenarios have been simulated to analyse the dynamic response of the vegetation in the riparian areas.[ES] Las riberas pueden entenderse como aquellas áreas adyacentes o muy próximas a los cauces fluviales, con inundaciones periódicas, que se ven ambientalmente influidas de forma distintiva por esta proximidad. La ribera es un ecosistema en sí mismo que tiene un gran valor ecológico por constituir una zona de transición entre las zonas terrestre y acuática y un corredor a través de diferentes regiones. Su cercanía al agua, sus suelos tradicionalmente fértiles y su vegetación característica, hacen de estos ecosistemas entornos favorables para una gran densidad y diversidad de vida salvaje. La vegetación de ribera tiene un papel importante en la capacidad del ecosistema para diferentes funciones como son el balance de nutrientes, la regulación de la temperatura de las aguas por efecto del sombreo, la estabilización de las márgenes del río, etc., y por tanto es necesaria para un equilibrio adecuado del ecosistema fluvial. Pero no solo la vegetación de ribera tiene influencia sobre la hidrología del cauce; el desarrollo, la distribución o la diversidad de esta vegetación vienen determinados por el régimen hidrológico del mismo. De hecho, en entornos semiáridos, no solo la frecuencia e intensidad de las avenidas, sino también la cantidad de agua capilar disponible en la zona superficial del suelo, así como la accesibilidad al nivel freático, condicionan tanto la presencia como el bienestar de la vegetación.
El objetivo fundamental de esta tesis doctoral es el desarrollo e implementación de un modelo ecohidrológico dinámico, de distribución espacio-temporal de la vegetación de ribera a escala de tramo que, incluyendo nuevos procesos o replanteando la definición de los ya incluidos en los modelos de referencia, mejore los resultados que pueden obtenerse con los modelos actualmente disponibles. Asimismo, se pretende demostrar la utilidad del nuevo modelo mediante el análisis de la respuesta dinámica de la vegetación de ribera a escala de tramo frente a diferentes escenarios de cambio global. Con el fin de adquirir la autonomía y el conocimiento experto necesario para abordar este objetivo, se propone una revisión del estado del arte actual, una selección de los modelos más representativos entre los actualmente disponibles y su aplicación en diferentes casos de estudio dentro del entorno semiárido mediterráneo de la Demarcación Hidrográfica del Júcar. Tras valorar los defectos y posibles mejoras de los modelos de referencia, se ha propuesto un nuevo modelo mejorado que combina el conocimiento existente de los procesos hidrológicos, biológicos y geomorfológicos que se producen en la zona de ribera. Este modelo matemático, Riparian Vegetation Dynamic Model (RVDM), se ha implementado en una herramienta capaz de reproducir la distribución de las comunidades vegetales riparias observadas en tramos con características similares a las de los casos de estudio seleccionados.
Se ha comprobado que, efectivamente, RVDM supone una mejora en la calidad y la fiabilidad de los resultados respecto a las herramientas homólogas contemporáneas, es decir, respecto a los modelos de referencia. Demostradas las ventajas de su uso se ha determinado, mediante la aplicación del nuevo modelo RVDM, la respuesta dinámica de la vegetación de ribera a escala de tramo frente a diferentes regímenes de aportaciones, como respuesta a diferentes escenarios de cambio global.[CA] Les riberes poden entendre's com aquelles àrees adjacents o molt pròximes als llits fluvials, amb inundacions periòdiques, que es veuen ambientalment influïdes de forma distintiva per esta proximitat. La ribera és un ecosistema en si mateix que té un gran valor ecològic per constituir una zona de transició entre les zones terrestre i aquàtica i un corredor a través de diferents regions. La seua proximitat a l'aigua, els seus sòls tradicionalment fèrtils i la seua vegetació característica, fan d'estos ecosistemes entorns favorables per a una gran densitat i diversitat de vida salvatge. La vegetació de ribera té un paper important en la capacitat de l'ecosistema per a diferents funcions com són el balanç de nutrients, la regulació de la temperatura de les aigües per efecte de l'ombrege, l'estabilització dels marges del riu, etc., i per tant és necessària per a un equilibri adequat de l'ecosistema fluvial. Però no sols la vegetació de ribera té influència sobre la hidrologia del llit; el desenvolupament, la distribució o la diversitat d'esta vegetació vénen determinats pel règim hidrològic del mateix. De fet, en entorns semiárids, no sols la freqüència i intensitat de les avingudes, sinó també la quantitat d'aigua capil·lar disponible en la zona superficial del sòl, així com l'accessibilitat al nivell freàtic, condicionen tant la presència com el benestar de la vegetació.
L'objectiu fonamental d'esta tesi doctoral és el desenvolupament i implementació d'un model ecohidrológic dinàmic, de distribució espai-temporal de la vegetació de ribera a escala de tram que, incloent nous processos o replantejant la definició dels ja inclosos en els models de referència, millore els resultats que poden obtindre's amb els models actualment disponibles. Així mateix, es pretén demostrar la utilitat del nou model per mitjà de l'anàlisi de la resposta dinàmica de la vegetació de ribera a escala de tram enfront de diferents escenaris de canvi global. A fi d'adquirir l'autonomia i el coneixement expert necessari per a abordar este objectiu, es proposa una revisió de l'estat de l'art actual, una selecció dels models més representatius entre els actualment disponibles i la seua aplicació en diferents casos d'estudi dins de l'entorn semiárid mediterrani de la Demarcació Hidrogràfica del Xúquer. Després de valorar els defectes i possibles millores dels models de referència, s'ha proposat un nou model millorat que combina el coneixement existent dels processos hidrològics, biològics i geomorfològics que es produïxen en la zona de ribera. Este model matemàtic, Riparian Vegetation Dynamic Model (RVDM) , s'ha implementat en una ferramenta capaç de reproduir la distribució de les comunitats vegetals riparies observades en trams amb característiques semblants a les dels casos d'estudi seleccionats.
S'ha comprovat que, efectivament, RVDM suposa una millora en la qualitat i la fiabilitat dels resultats respecte a les ferramentes homòlogues contemporànies, és a dir, respecte als models de referència. Demostrats els avantatges del seu ús s'ha determinat, per mitjà de l'aplicació del nou model RVDM, la resposta dinàmica de la vegetació de ribera a escala de tram enfront de diferents règims d'aportacions, com a resposta a diferents escenaris de canvi global.García Arias, A. (2015). Desarrollo de un modelo ecohidrológico para el análisis de la dinámica de ecosistemas riparios [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/53693TESI
Assessing Anthropogenic Dynamics in Megacities from the Characterization of Land Use/Land Cover Changes: The Bogotá Study Case
[EN] Usually, megacities expand without proper planning in a context of demographic growth and are increasingly dependent on the natural resources related to the occupied area. This is a major challenge for the sustainable management of these territories, justifying the need for a better knowledge of land use/land cover (LULC) distribution and characteristics to observe spatial anthropogenic dynamics. In this study, the Bogota river basin and the Bogota megacity were analyzed as a case study. The main objective of this work was to analyze the historical LULC dynamics from 1985 to 2014. Reliable forecasting scenarios were developed using the Land Change Modeler to support sustainable management and planning. Results show an expansion of the Bogota megacity toward the Northeast and an increase of urban areas within the basin. These changes implied a loss of 58% of forest surface, a strategic ecosystem, from 1985 to 2014. This dynamic is expected to continue, with a 50% increase of urban areas between 2012 to 2050, thus the megacity and neighbor cities potentially become an "urban continuum". A replacement of crop and pasture lands near the city is expected, even though Bogota lands are among the best agricultural lands in the Andean region of Colombia.This research was funded by the SANTO TOMAS UNIVERSITY (Colombia) and the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain through the research projects TETISMED (CGL2014-58127-C3-3-R) and TETISCHANGE (ref RTI2018-093717-B-I00).Romero, CP.; García-Arias, A.; Dondeynaz, C.; Francés, F. (2020). Assessing Anthropogenic Dynamics in Megacities from the Characterization of Land Use/Land Cover Changes: The Bogotá Study Case. Sustainability. 12(9):1-21. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12093884121129Aguilar, A. G., Ward, P. M., & Smith Sr, C. . (2003). Globalization, regional development, and mega-city expansion in Latin America: Analyzing Mexico City’s peri-urban hinterland. Cities, 20(1), 3-21. doi:10.1016/s0264-2751(02)00092-6Kourtit, K., Nijkamp, P., & Reid, N. (2014). The new urban world: Challenges and policy. Applied Geography, 49, 1-3. doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2014.01.007Lin, Y.-P., Chu, H.-J., Wu, C.-F., & Verburg, P. H. (2011). Predictive ability of logistic regression, auto-logistic regression and neural network models in empirical land-use change modeling – a case study. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 25(1), 65-87. doi:10.1080/13658811003752332Rothwell, A., Ridoutt, B., Page, G., & Bellotti, W. (2015). Feeding and housing the urban population: Environmental impacts at the peri-urban interface under different land-use scenarios. Land Use Policy, 48, 377-388. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.06.017Haas, J., & Ban, Y. (2014). Urban growth and environmental impacts in Jing-Jin-Ji, the Yangtze, River Delta and the Pearl River Delta. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 30, 42-55. doi:10.1016/j.jag.2013.12.012Tian, L., Li, Y., Yan, Y., & Wang, B. (2017). Measuring urban sprawl and exploring the role planning plays: A shanghai case study. Land Use Policy, 67, 426-435. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.06.002Veldkamp, A., & Fresco, L. O. (1996). CLUE: a conceptual model to study the Conversion of Land Use and its Effects. Ecological Modelling, 85(2-3), 253-270. doi:10.1016/0304-3800(94)00151-0Kok, K. (2004). The role of population in understanding Honduran land use patterns. Journal of Environmental Management, 72(1-2), 73-89. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2004.03.013Brown, L. A. (2014). The city in 2050: A kaleidoscopic perspective. Applied Geography, 49, 4-11. doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2013.09.003Islam, M. S., & Ahmed, R. (1970). Land Use Change Prediction In Dhaka City Using Gis Aided Markov Chain Modeling. Journal of Life and Earth Science, 6, 81-89. doi:10.3329/jles.v6i0.9726Sangermano, F., Toledano, J., & Eastman, J. R. (2012). Land cover change in the Bolivian Amazon and its implications for REDD+ and endemic biodiversity. Landscape Ecology, 27(4), 571-584. doi:10.1007/s10980-012-9710-yHe, Y., Ai, B., Yao, Y., & Zhong, F. (2015). Deriving urban dynamic evolution rules from self-adaptive cellular automata with multi-temporal remote sensing images. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 38, 164-174. doi:10.1016/j.jag.2014.12.014Vásquez, D. L. A., Balslev, H., & Sklenář, P. (2015). Human impact on tropical-alpine plant diversity in the northern Andes. Biodiversity and Conservation, 24(11), 2673-2683. doi:10.1007/s10531-015-0954-0Alonso, D. L., Pérez, R., Okio, C. K. Y. A., & Castillo, E. (2020). 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Developing an Index of Media Innovation in a National Market
From a global vision of journalism innovation, this article presents a matrix that analyses and
measures an innovation index of market-specific media initiatives, providing a valuable tool for
comparative analysis. A method has been designed that consists of (1) sample collection and selection,
and (2) the quantitative and qualitative analysis of each innovation identified in the cases
studied. With the aim of generating an Index of Media Innovation, 25 of the most innovative
cases within the field of reference in Spain were studied during the period 2013–2014 through a
database consisting of 196 innovations that were analysed as a function of area, degree and technological
basis. The results indicate that, in Spain, journalism innovation occurs at the margins of
the traditional news industry and, for the most part, innovation is expanding among digital native
media outlets, niche initiatives and start-ups
Recent Contributions of Elastin-Like Recombinamers to Biomedicine and Nanotechnology
Abstract: The emergence of the new scientific field known as nanomedicine is being catalyzed by multiple improvements in nanoscience techniques and significant progress in materials science, especially as regards the testing of novel and sophisticated biomaterials. This conjuncture has furthered the development of promising instruments in terms of detection, bioanalysis, therapy, diagnostics and imaging. Some of the most innovative new biomaterials are protein-inspired biomimetic materials in which modern biotechnology and genetic-engineering techniques complement the huge amount of information afforded by natural protein evolution to create advanced and tailor-made multifunctional molecules. Amongst these protein-based biomaterials, Elastin-like Recombinamers (ELRs) have demonstrated their enormous potential in the fields of biomedicine and nanoscience in the last few years. This broad applicability derives from their unmatched properties, particularly their recombinant and tailor-made nature, the intrinsic characteristics derived from their elastin-based origin (mainly their mechanical properties and ability to self-assemble as a result of their stimuli-responsive behavior), their proven biocompatibility and biodegradability, as well as their versatility as regards incorporating advanced chemical or recombinant modifications into the original structure that open up an almost unlimited number of multifunctional possibilities in this developing field. This article provides an updated review of the recent challenges overcome by using these recombinant biomaterials in the fields of nano- and biomedicine, ranging from nanoscale applications in surface modifications and self-assembled nanostructures to drug delivery and regenerative medicine.Este trabajo forma parte de Proyectos de Investigación financiados por la Comisión Europea a través del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (ERDF), por el del MINECO (MAT2010-15982, MAT2010-15310, PRI-PIBAR-2011-1403 and MAT2012-38043), la Junta de Castilla y León (VA049A11, VA152A12 y VA155A12) y el Instituto de Salud Carlos III bajo el Centro en Red de Medicina Regenerativa y Terapia Celular de Castilla y León
Analysis of Morphofaneroptic Markers of the Caprine Population of the National University of La Plata Influence Zone (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina)
The goat is included within the class Mammals, order Ungulates, family Bovidae, genus Capra¸ species Capra hircus. There are numerous theories regarding the origin of the goat, being the most accepted Auschler theory, which includes three original types of domestic goat: Capra prisca, currently extinct, domesticated in the Caucasus region, Capra aegagrus, in Asia and Capra falconeri (Kashmir goat). (Bedotti, 2000).Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria
Analysis of Morphofaneroptic Markers of the Caprine Population of the National University of La Plata Influence Zone (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina)
The goat is included within the class Mammals, order Ungulates, family Bovidae, genus Capra¸ species Capra hircus. There are numerous theories regarding the origin of the goat, being the most accepted Auschler theory, which includes three original types of domestic goat: Capra prisca, currently extinct, domesticated in the Caucasus region, Capra aegagrus, in Asia and Capra falconeri (Kashmir goat). (Bedotti, 2000).Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria
Home and mental ill-health: Twenty dimensions
In the context of psychiatric rehabilitation and care, home is often associated with health. In the context of deinstitutionalization, however, home has increasingly become the primary site of psychiatric suffering. Drawing on a two-year ethnographic research project with a drama group for young adult mental healthcare service users living in supported housing facilities, this paper presents twenty dimensions of home through which mental ill-health can be approached as a bodily experienced, and discursively and medically structured form of being in the world. These dimensions are here offered as a framework for further exploration of the social, spatial, temporal, structural and embodied aspects of psychiatric suffering
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