941 research outputs found

    La Biblioteca Ostolaza en Deva y el obispo Mateo Múgica (Polémica en 1930 en torno a unos libros y sus autores)

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    The Emigrant Library-School “Ostolaza Foundation” started its activity in Deva (Guipúzcoa, Spain) in de academic year 1928- 1929, and was founded by José Manuel Ostolaza, an Indian-Devarian philanthropist who had been living there during his childhood and adolescence. A sour controversy between Vitoria´s Bishop, Monsignor Múgica Urrestarazu –supported by the most intransigent Catholic newspapers– and defenders of Ostolaza Foundation was unleashed in the private and public spheres, at the beginning of de third school year, regarding a few books which, according to the first group, should not swell the shelves of the quoted library. The dispute, in what the Spanish writer from Donostia Pío Baroja, got actively involved in favour of Ostolaza, finally leaned toward the ones who supported the founder, to the point that the school-library was visited by D. Niceto Alcalá Zamora, the President of de Spanish Second Republic, at the beginning of the academic year 1932-1933.En el año académico 1928-1929 comenzó a funcionar en la localidad de Deva (Guipúzcoa) la “Escuela Biblioteca Emigrante Fundación Ostolaza” (EBEFO) creada por este filántropo indiano devarés, el cual había vivido en ella durante su infancia y adolescencia. Al principio del tercer curso se desencadenó, de forma privada y pública, una agria polémica entre el obispo de Vitoria monseñor Múgica Urrestarazu, secundado por los periódicos católicos más intransigentes, y los defensores de la fundación de José Manuel Ostolaza, a propósito de ciertos libros que, para los primeros, no debían engrosar los anaqueles de la mencionada biblioteca. La controversia, en la que tuvo parte activa a favor de Ostolaza el escritor donostiarra Pío Baroja, se decantó del lado de quienes apoyaban al fundador, hasta el punto de que, al empezar el curso 1932-1933, fue visitada por el presidente de la II República D. Niceto Alcalá Zamora

    The Spanish Intellectuals faced with the Events in Morocco 1911. (An Episode in Connection with the Spain’s Criticism or Inclination towards France)

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    The armed forces’s acts and statements in Morocco 1911 coming from Spain, France and Germany, were about to cause an international armed conflict. Each country accused the others of having arrived in Fez, Larache, Alcazarquivir or Agadir under the pretext of helping their “protégés”. The Spanish intellectuals in general took sides against France when writing journals, main source for this essay. It’s contribution is based on remembering what happened in that crucial 1911, because the Spanish historiography has passed too quickly over that event. Nevertheless, the first aim of this work is to show, from the newspapers, one more episode of the discrepancies between France and Spain about the intervention, poorly studied so far. On the other hand, should be emphasised the lack of common criterion among the intellectuals, whose opinions sometimes provoked some sour discussions

    Pío Baroja y su germanofilia en la conflictiva segunda década del siglo XX

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    The following pages are about the «germanophilia», but not «germanomania», in Pío Baroja, specially shown in relation with the negotiations between France and Spain with regard to the share of Morocco after de crisis in Agadir, 1911, and the occasion of the First World War. In order to this work, we have considered the first printings, some of them unknown till now, of the newspaper articles published on that question in <em>El Imparcial</em>, <em>España</em>, <em>ABC</em> and <em>El Día</em>, over the last century, second decade. On the other hand, remarkable variations have been borne in mind when considered the said editions in opposition to posteriors editions in anthologies. Here are collected and summarized for the first time in chronological order and in context, those articles where the writer tacitly or explicitly, sets out his sympathy towards the german science, philosophy, music, etc., in contrast to the french research and intelligentsia. The personal discrepancies among the «aliadophiles» (or «francomaniacs») and the «germanophiles» (or «germanomaniacs») in the World War, were transferred to the print media, sometimes with virulence, as will be proved when following Pío Baroja’s journalistic itinerary in relation with his predilection for the german world except for its militarism and imperialism, in opposition to our nothern neighbour’s world except for its novel.<br><br>Las páginas que siguen tratan de la germanofilia, que no germanomanía, de Pío Baroja, manifestada sobre todo a propósito de las negociaciones entre Francia y España respecto al reparto de Marruecos, tras la crisis de Agadir de 1911, y con ocasión de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Para llevar a cabo el presente trabajo se ha acudido a las primeras estampaciones (alguna no localizada hasta ahora) de los artículos que publicó sobre esta cuestión en <em>El Imparcial</em>, <em>España</em>, <em>ABC</em> y <em>El Día</em>, a lo largo de la segunda década del siglo pasado. A su vez, en el cotejo de las aludidas ediciones con sus reproducciones posteriores en antologías se ha advertido más de una variación significativa. Se recogen y resumen, pues, aquí, por primera vez cronológicamente ordenados y contextualizados, después de haber descubierto todos los originales, aquellos artículos del escritor en los que explícita o tácitamente expone de manera argumentada su simpatía por la ciencia, la filosofía, la música, etc., alemanas en contraposición con los investigadores y la intelectualidad franceses. Las discrepancias personales entre aliadófilos (o francómanos) y germanófilos (o germanómanos) durante la guerra mundial se transmitieron a los medios escritos, en ocasiones con gran virulencia, como se comprobará al recorrer el itinerario periodístico de Pío Baroja referido a su predilección por el mundo alemán, con la exclusión de su militarismo e imperialismo, frente al de nuestro vecino del norte, salvo en lo relacionado con la novela

    Writings by Pío Baroja in the Spanish Press from the End of the Civil War until 1955. Recovery of the Unknown

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    El presente artículo informa de los escritos periodísticos de Pío Baroja, casi todos procedentes de antetextos, a partir de su regreso de Francia en 1940, tras cuatro años de exilio voluntario en nuestro país vecino. Después de contextualizarlos dentro de su obra de aquel periodo, se reproducen en un apéndice los escasos que no procedían de una versión anterior, o sea, los redactados poco tiempo antes de publicarse. Finalmente, se añade un anexo con el listado de los casi doscientos que no se habían atendido y que se difundieron en prensa, señalando la cabecera de donde fueron extraídos, la fecha de su publicación y el medio que los reprodujo.The present work aims informs Pío Baroja’s journalistic writings, almost all of them in previous texts, from his return from France in 1940, after four years of self-exile in the country on the other side of the Pyrenees. Following their contextualization in the Basque writer’s work of those years, the few that did not come from an earlier version, i.e., those that had been written shortly before publication, are reproduced in an appendix. Finally, it adds an annex with a list of the almost two hundred texts which had not been considered and which were printed in the press. Here, the place from which they were taken, the date of their publication and the medium that reproduced them will be indicated

    Pío Baroja y su germanofilia en la conflictiva segunda década del siglo XX

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    The following pages are about the «germanophilia», but not «germanomania», in Pío Baroja, specially shown in relation with the negotiations between France and Spain with regard to the share of Morocco after de crisis in Agadir, 1911, and the occasion of the First World War. In order to this work, we have considered the first printings, some of them unknown till now, of the newspaper articles published on that question in El Imparcial, España, ABC and El Día, over the last century, second decade. On the other hand, remarkable variations have been borne in mind when considered the said editions in opposition to posteriors editions in anthologies. Here are collected and summarized for the first time in chronological order and in context, those articles where the writer tacitly or explicitly, sets out his sympathy towards the german science, philosophy, music, etc., in contrast to the french research and intelligentsia. The personal discrepancies among the «aliadophiles» (or «francomaniacs») and the «germanophiles» (or «germanomaniacs») in the World War, were transferred to the print media, sometimes with virulence, as will be proved when following Pío Baroja’s journalistic itinerary in relation with his predilection for the german world except for its militarism and imperialism, in opposition to our nothern neighbour’s world except for its novel.Las páginas que siguen tratan de la germanofilia, que no germanomanía, de Pío Baroja, manifestada sobre todo a propósito de las negociaciones entre Francia y España respecto al reparto de Marruecos, tras la crisis de Agadir de 1911, y con ocasión de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Para llevar a cabo el presente trabajo se ha acudido a las primeras estampaciones (alguna no localizada hasta ahora) de los artículos que publicó sobre esta cuestión en El Imparcial, España, ABC y El Día, a lo largo de la segunda década del siglo pasado. A su vez, en el cotejo de las aludidas ediciones con sus reproducciones posteriores en antologías se ha advertido más de una variación significativa. Se recogen y resumen, pues, aquí, por primera vez cronológicamente ordenados y contextualizados, después de haber descubierto todos los originales, aquellos artículos del escritor en los que explícita o tácitamente expone de manera argumentada su simpatía por la ciencia, la filosofía, la música, etc., alemanas en contraposición con los investigadores y la intelectualidad franceses. Las discrepancias personales entre aliadófilos (o francómanos) y germanófilos (o germanómanos) durante la guerra mundial se transmitieron a los medios escritos, en ocasiones con gran virulencia, como se comprobará al recorrer el itinerario periodístico de Pío Baroja referido a su predilección por el mundo alemán, con la exclusión de su militarismo e imperialismo, frente al de nuestro vecino del norte, salvo en lo relacionado con la novela

    Proximity Trade and Urban Sustainability: Small Retailers' Expectations Towards Local Online Marketplaces

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    The aim of this research is to identify the expectations offered by small retail businesses towards local online selling platforms as an innovative tool to ensure their future and the urban sustainability. Based on the previous findings obtained from an analysis of trends, actors and marketplaces operating in the retail sector, sixty semi-structured in-depth interviews have been carried out to Spanish local retail managers and owners. Opportunities and risks faced by local online marketplaces are presented from the perspective of small retail stores. Different attitudes towards online shopping platforms have been identified depending on their size, presence and experience in the online world, which has allowed us to categorize local retail businesses in six groups. Despite the perceptual and attitudinal differences between them, it is concluded that merchants have assumed that the current and future business model goes through the digitalization of their businesses and the selling on e-commerce platforms. The coexistence of the e-marketplace and the physical stores, conducted by the same retailers, could have a positive effect on the urban sustainability: on the one hand, with the economic strengthening and renovation of the historical centers and, on the other, with the maintenance of the population and traditional social relationships

    Modo M color. Un método sencillo para colocar los flujos cardíacos en el tiempo

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    Color M-mode is a very simple echocardiographic mode that allows to study the position of cardiac flows over time in a simple and elegant way. We briefly review how it is doneEl modo M color es un modo ecocardiográfico muy sencillo que permite estudiar de forma sencilla y elegante la posición de los flujos cardíacos en el tiempo. Revisamos de forma breve cómo se realiza

    Los técnicos en ecocardiografía en nuestro medio: un reto imprescindible

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    In this article, the authors analyze the role of the echocardiography technician in the imaging laboratory and explain how it is not only a fundamental figure but also the only viable strategy to face a demand for increasing number studies that is difficult to manage.En este artículo los autores analizan el papel del técnico en ecocardiografía en el laboratorio de imagen y exponen cómo nó solo es una figura fundamental sino la única estrategia viable para hacer frente a una demanda de estudios cada vez más dificil de manejar

    Mobile activity recognition and fall detection system for elderly people using Ameva algorithm

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    Currently, the lifestyle of elderly people is regularly monitored in order to establish guidelines for rehabilitation processes or ensure the welfare of this segment of the population. In this sense, activity recognition is essential to detect an objective set of behaviors throughout the day. This paper describes an accurate, comfortable and efficient system, which monitors the physical activity carried out by the user. An extension to an awarded activity recognition system that participated in the EvAAL 2012 and EvAAL 2013 competitions is presented. This approach uses data retrieved from accelerometer sensors to generate discrete variables and it is tested in a non-controlled environment. In order to achieve the goal, the core of the algorithm Ameva is used to develop an innovative selection, discretization and classification technique for activity recognition. Moreover, with the purpose of reducing the cost and increasing user acceptance and usability, the entire system uses only a smartphone to recover all the information requiredMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad HERMES TIN2013-46801-C4-1-rJunta de Andalucía Simon P11-TIC-8052Junta de Andalucía M-Learning P11-TIC-712

    Vortex transmutation

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    Using group theory arguments and numerical simulations, we demonstrate the possibility of changing the vorticity or topological charge of an individual vortex by means of the action of a system possessing a discrete rotational symmetry of finite order. We establish on theoretical grounds a "transmutation pass rule'' determining the conditions for this phenomenon to occur and numerically analize it in the context of two-dimensional optical lattices or, equivalently, in that of Bose-Einstein condensates in periodic potentials.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure