10 research outputs found

    Modelos descriptivos basados en aprendizaje supervisado para el tratamiento de big data y flujos continuos de datos

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    En esta tesis se analizan en profundidad las tareas de descubrimiento de subgrupos y minería de patrones emergentes enfocadas a la resolución de problemas complejos, como big data y flujos continuos de datos, entre otros. Además, se destacan diferentes problemas abiertos en este área. En particular, para descubrimiento de subgrupos se presenta un análisis de la influencia de ruido en los datos en los principales sistemas difusos evolutivos desarrollados; un paquete software para la plataforma R con los principales algoritmos basados en sistemas difusos evolutivos; y un análisis del comportamiento de los principales enfoques a problemas multi-instancia, mediante la realización de adaptaciones de los mismos. Con respecto a la minería de patrones emergentes, se presenta una revisión de los principales enfoques desarrollados en la tarea desde el punto de vista descriptivo y tres propuestas basadas en sistemas difusos evolutivos: una enfocada a mejorar la calidad del conocimiento extraído desde el punto de vista descriptivo; otra enfocada a realizar esta extracción en el ámbito big data y un último método enfocado al contexto de la minería de flujo de datos. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los métodos propuestos permiten obtener conocimiento de calidad capaz de ayudar a la toma de decisiones por parte de los expertos en problemas complejos.In this thesis the subgroup discovery and emerging pattern mining tasks for the resolution of complex problems, such as big data and data stream mining, among others, are analysed in depth. Different methods and tools are proposed in order to extract descriptive knowledge from these types of environments. In addition, different open problems in this area are highlighted. In particular, for subgroup discovery an analysis of the influence of data noise on the main evolutionary fuzzy systems developed is presented; a software package for the R platform with the main algorithms based on evolutionary fuzzy systems is proposed; and an initial analysis of the behaviour of the main approaches adapted to multi-instance problems, a complex problem on the rise, is shown. With respect to emerging pattern mining, a review of the main approaches developed in the task from a descriptive point of view is presented, together with three developments based on evolutionary fuzzy systems: one focused on improving the quality of the extracted knowledge from a descriptive point of view; another focused on performing this extraction in the big data domain and a last method focused on the context of data stream mining.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Informática. Leída el 28 de abril de 2020

    Clustering: an R library to facilitate the analysis and comparison of cluster algorithms

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    Clustering is an unsupervised learning method that divides data into groups of similar features. Researchers use this technique to categorise and automatically classify unlabelled data to reveal data concentrations. Although there are other implementations of clustering algorithms in R, this paper introduces the Clustering library for R, aimed at facilitating the analysis and comparison between clustering algorithms. Specifically, the library uses relevant clustering algorithms from the literature with two objectives: firstly to group data homogeneously by establishing differences between clusters and secondly to generate a ranking between the algorithms and the attributes of a data set to obtain the optimal number of clusters. Finally, it is crucial to highlight the added value that the library provides through its interactive graphical user interface, where experiments can be easily configured and executed without requiring expert knowledge of the parameters of each algorithm.Spanish Government PID2019-107793GB-I0

    A multi-projector CAVE system with commodity hardware and gesture-based interaction

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    Spatially-immersive systems such as CAVEs provide users with surrounding worlds by projecting 3D models on multiple screens around the viewer. Compared to alternative immersive systems such as HMDs, CAVE systems are a powerful tool for collaborative inspection of virtual environments due to better use of peripheral vision, less sensitivity to tracking errors, and higher communication possibilities among users. Unfortunately, traditional CAVE setups require sophisticated equipment including stereo-ready projectors and tracking systems with high acquisition and maintenance costs. In this paper we present the design and construction of a passive-stereo, four-wall CAVE system based on commodity hardware. Our system works with any mix of a wide range of projector models that can be replaced independently at any time, and achieves high resolution and brightness at a minimum cost. The key ingredients of our CAVE are a self-calibration approach that guarantees continuity across the screen, as well as a gesture-based interaction approach based on a clever combination of skeletal data from multiple Kinect sensors.Preprin

    TSFEDL: A python library for time series spatio-temporal feature extraction and prediction using deep learning

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    The combination of convolutional and recurrent neural networks is a promising framework. This arrangement allows the extraction of high-quality spatio-temporal features together with their temporal dependencies. This fact is key for time series prediction problems such as forecasting, classification or anomaly detection, amongst others. In this paper, the TSFEDL library is introduced. It compiles 22 state-of-the-art methods for both time series feature extraction and prediction, employing convolutional and recurrent deep neural networks for its use in several data mining tasks. The library is built upon a set of Tensorflow + Keras and PyTorch modules under the AGPLv3 license. The performance validation of the architectures included in this proposal confirms the usefulness of this Python package.This work has been partially supported by the Contract UGRAM OTRI-4260 and the Regional Government of Andalusia, under the program ‘‘Personal Investigador Doctor”, reference DOC_00235. This work was also supported by project PID2020-119478 GB-I00 granted by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, and projects P18-FR-4961 and P18-FR-4262 by Proyectos I + D+i Junta de Andalucia 2018

    VO2máx de laboratorio versus Course Navette. Un estudio de concordancia en sujetos físicamente activos.

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    Objetivo: Comprobar la concordancia entre el valor estimado de VO2máx, a partir del test de Course Navette (VO2CN), y la medición directa del consumo de oxígeno en laboratorio (VO2LAB) en un grupo de jóvenes de ambos sexos. Métodos: Participaron 28 sujetos físicamente activos (19 varones y 9 mujeres), de 20.5 ± 2.1 años, peso: 67.1 ± 11.9 kg, talla: 171.0 ± 8.5 cm, IMC: 22.8 ± 2.5 kg/m². El VO2máx fue determinado mediante un test incremental máximo en laboratorio (VO2LAB) y con la estimación del test de Course Navette (VO2CN), con un intervalo máximo de una semana entre pruebas. Se realizaron estudios de correlación de Pearson y un análisis de concordancia de Bland-Altman entre los valores de VO2LAB y VO2CN. Resultados: Se encontró una correlación moderada y significativa entre VO2LAB y VO2CN (r=0.53; IC95%: 0.19-0.75, p=0.003). Los valores medios fueron 46.1 ± 6.7 mL/kg/min para VO2LAB y 47.23 ± 6.1 para VO2CN, sin diferencias significativas (p=0.21). El análisis de Bland-Altman no mostró error sistemático (diferencia: 1.49 mL/kg/min, IC95%: -0.90 a 3.87, p=0.21) ni error proporcional (p=0.481). Se hallaron diferencias significativas en el VO2LAB entre hombres y mujeres (p=0.01). Conclusión: Los valores de VO2LAB y VO2CN presentan una correlación baja-moderada, pero la estimación del VO2máx mediante el test de Course Navette es adecuada en jóvenes físicamente activos, sin diferencias significativas ni error proporcional, aunque con amplios límites de concordancia

    Innovamos, jugamos y aprendemos combinando conocimientos de diferentes áreas

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    El objetivo principal de este proyecto de innovación docente es elaborar nuevas herramientas docentes para la enseñanza de la Bioquímica y la Fisiología, así como facilitar su aprendizaje y la relación de los conocimientos adquiridos entre ambas asignaturas en diferentes Grados tanto del Campus de Melilla como del Campus de Granada. Para ello nos planteamos los siguientes objetivos específicos: 1. Identificar una historia para hilar el contenido de la asignatura de Bioquímica. 2. Crear ligas o torneos para retar a los alumnos en su aprendizaje con estos juegos. 3. Relacionar contenidos entre las asignaturas de Bioquímica y Fisiología. 4. Evaluar el material didáctico al final del semestre mediante cuestionarios para comprobar su evolución en el aprendizaje de los conocimientos adquiridos. Por otro lado, también pretendemos que los alumnos identifiquen los conocimientos y competencias adquiridos y la utilidad y aplicación de esas tareas y habilidades en el ámbito empresarial, como un primer paso para el autoconocimiento profesional y la búsqueda de empleo. La dinámica de juego empleada será la realización de un Escape Room Educativo Virtual. Para alcanzar el primer objetivo en clase, identificaremos una historia o juego de interés entre los alumnos de primero. Si existen varias, se elegirá la que sea propuesta por el mayor número de alumnos. Tras la presentación de la historia, crearemos una liga o torneo para retar a los alumnos entre ellos. En el caso de que haya algún alumno/a con necesidades especiales, se nombrar un alumno colaborador, el cual le facilitará su participación durante la realización del juego. Además, el contenido será evaluado de modo que todos los alumnos tengan acceso a él, esto es, aumento del tamaño de letra, grabación de voz en off en caso necesario, aumento en el tiempo de realización de la actividad, etc. Algunas de las preguntas introducidas en el juego permitirán la relación de contenidos entre las asignaturas de Bioquímica y Fisiología y su aplicabilidad en su futuro profesional. Por último, al finalizar la actividad se les pasará a los alumnos un cuestionario para evaluar su satisfacción con este proyecto de innovación docente. Dicho proyecto docente ha sido aplicado al final del semestre en los Grados de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y el Doble Grado en Educación Primaria y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte del Campus de Melilla y en los Grado de Fisioterapia y el Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte del Campus de Granada en la Universidad de Granada.The main objective of this teaching innovation project is to develop new teaching tools for the teaching of Biochemistry and Physiology, as well as to facilitate their learning and the relationship of the knowledge acquired between both subjects in different Degrees in both Melilla and Granada Campus at the University of Granada. To this end, we set ourselves the following specific objectives: 1. Identify a story to string together the content of the Biochemistry subject. 2. Create leagues or tournaments to resume students in their learning with these games. 3. Relate content between the subjects of Biochemistry and Physiology. 4. Evaluate the didactic material at the end of the semester by means of questionnaires to verify its evolution in the learning of the acquired knowledge. On the other hand, we also intend that students identify the knowledge and skills acquired and the usefulness and application of these tasks and skills in the business field, as a first step for professional self-knowledge and job search. The game dynamics used will be the realization of a Virtual Educational Escape Room. To achieve the first objective in class, we will identify a story or game of interest among the first graders. If there are several, the one proposed by the largest number of students will be chosen. After the presentation of the story, we will create a league or tournament to take the students back to each other. In the event that there is a student with special needs, a collaborating student will be appointed, who will facilitate their participation during the game. In addition, the content will be evaluated so that all students have access to it, that is, increased font size, voiceover recording if necessary, increased time to complete the activity, etc. Some of the questions presented in the game will allow the content relationship between the subjects of Biochemistry and Physiology and its applicability in their professional future. Finally, at the end of the activity, students will be given a questionnaire to assess their satisfaction with this teaching innovation project. This teaching project has been applied at the end of the semester in the Degrees of Nursing, Physiotherapy and the Double Degree in Primary Education and Physical Activity and Sports Sciences of the Melilla Campus and in the Degrees of Physiotherapy and the Degree in Sciences of the Physical Activity and Sports of the Granada Campus at the University of Granada

    Study on the use of different quality measures within a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm approach for emerging pattern mining in big data environments

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    Abstract Background Emerging pattern mining is a data mining task that extracts rules describing discriminative relationships amongst variables. These rules should be understandable for the experts. Comprehensibility of a rule is traditionally determined by several objectives, which can be calculated by different measures. In this way, multi-objective evolutionary algorithms are suitable for this task. Currently, the growing amount of data makes traditional data mining tasks unable to process them in a reasonable time. These huge amounts of data make even more interesting the extraction of rules that can easily describe the underlying phenomena of this big data. So far there is only one algorithm for emerging pattern mining developed based on multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for big data, the BD-EFEP algorithm. The influence of the selection of different quality measures as objectives in the search process is analysed in this paper. Results The results show that the use of the combination based on Jaccard index and false positive rate is the one with the best trade-off for descriptive induction of emerging patterns. Conclusions It is recommended the use of this combination of quality measure as optimisation objectives in future multi-objective evolutionary algorithm developments for emerging pattern mining focused in big data

    A multi-projector CAVE system with commodity hardware and gesture-based interaction

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    Spatially-immersive systems such as CAVEs provide users with surrounding worlds by projecting 3D models on multiple screens around the viewer. Compared to alternative immersive systems such as HMDs, CAVE systems are a powerful tool for collaborative inspection of virtual environments due to better use of peripheral vision, less sensitivity to tracking errors, and higher communication possibilities among users. Unfortunately, traditional CAVE setups require sophisticated equipment including stereo-ready projectors and tracking systems with high acquisition and maintenance costs. In this paper we present the design and construction of a passive-stereo, four-wall CAVE system based on commodity hardware. Our system works with any mix of a wide range of projector models that can be replaced independently at any time, and achieves high resolution and brightness at a minimum cost. The key ingredients of our CAVE are a self-calibration approach that guarantees continuity across the screen, as well as a gesture-based interaction approach based on a clever combination of skeletal data from multiple Kinect sensors

    Innovamos, jugamos y aprendemos combinando conocimientos de diferentes áreas

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    El objetivo principal de este proyecto de innovación docente es elaborar nuevas herramientas docentes para la enseñanza de la Bioquímica y la Fisiología, así como facilitar su aprendizaje y la relación de los conocimientos adquiridos entre ambas asignaturas en diferentes Grados tanto del Campus de Melilla como del Campus de Granada. Para ello nos planteamos los siguientes objetivos específicos: 1. Identificar una historia para hilar el contenido de la asignatura de Bioquímica. 2. Crear ligas o torneos para retar a los alumnos en su aprendizaje con estos juegos. 3. Relacionar contenidos entre las asignaturas de Bioquímica y Fisiología. 4. Evaluar el material didáctico al final del semestre mediante cuestionarios para comprobar su evolución en el aprendizaje de los conocimientos adquiridos. Por otro lado, también pretendemos que los alumnos identifiquen los conocimientos y competencias adquiridos y la utilidad y aplicación de esas tareas y habilidades en el ámbito empresarial, como un primer paso para el autoconocimiento profesional y la búsqueda de empleo. La dinámica de juego empleada será la realización de un Escape Room Educativo Virtual. Para alcanzar el primer objetivo en clase, identificaremos una historia o juego de interés entre los alumnos de primero. Si existen varias, se elegirá la que sea propuesta por el mayor número de alumnos. Tras la presentación de la historia, crearemos una liga o torneo para retar a los alumnos entre ellos. En el caso de que haya algún alumno/a con necesidades especiales, se nombrar un alumno colaborador, el cual le facilitará su participación durante la realización del juego. Además, el contenido será evaluado de modo que todos los alumnos tengan acceso a él, esto es, aumento del tamaño de letra, grabación de voz en off en caso necesario, aumento en el tiempo de realización de la actividad, etc. Algunas de las preguntas introducidas en el juego permitirán la relación de contenidos entre las asignaturas de Bioquímica y Fisiología y su aplicabilidad en su futuro profesional. Por último, al finalizar la actividad se les pasará a los alumnos un cuestionario para evaluar su satisfacción con este proyecto de innovación docente. Dicho proyecto docente ha sido aplicado al final del semestre en los Grados de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y el Doble Grado en Educación Primaria y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte del Campus de Melilla y en los Grado de Fisioterapia y el Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte del Campus de Granada en la Universidad de Granada.The main objective of this teaching innovation project is to develop new teaching tools for the teaching of Biochemistry and Physiology, as well as to facilitate their learning and the relationship of the knowledge acquired between both subjects in different Degrees in both Melilla and Granada Campus at the University of Granada. To this end, we set ourselves the following specific objectives: 1. Identify a story to string together the content of the Biochemistry subject. 2. Create leagues or tournaments to resume students in their learning with these games. 3. Relate content between the subjects of Biochemistry and Physiology. 4. Evaluate the didactic material at the end of the semester by means of questionnaires to verify its evolution in the learning of the acquired knowledge. On the other hand, we also intend that students identify the knowledge and skills acquired and the usefulness and application of these tasks and skills in the business field, as a first step for professional self-knowledge and job search. The game dynamics used will be the realization of a Virtual Educational Escape Room. To achieve the first objective in class, we will identify a story or game of interest among the first graders. If there are several, the one proposed by the largest number of students will be chosen. After the presentation of the story, we will create a league or tournament to take the students back to each other. In the event that there is a student with special needs, a collaborating student will be appointed, who will facilitate their participation during the game. In addition, the content will be evaluated so that all students have access to it, that is, increased font size, voiceover recording if necessary, increased time to complete the activity, etc. Some of the questions presented in the game will allow the content relationship between the subjects of Biochemistry and Physiology and its applicability in their professional future. Finally, at the end of the activity, students will be given a questionnaire to assess their satisfaction with this teaching innovation project. This teaching project has been applied at the end of the semester in the Degrees of Nursing, Physiotherapy and the Double Degree in Primary Education and Physical Activity and Sports Sciences of the Melilla Campus and in the Degrees of Physiotherapy and the Degree in Sciences of the Physical Activity and Sports of the Granada Campus at the University of Granada

    Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Management of Penile Cancer: Results from the Spanish National Registry of Penile Cancer

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    Introduction: Penile cancer (PC) is a rare malignancy with an overall incidence in Europe of 1/100,000 males/year. In Europe, few studies report the epidemiology, risk factors, clinical presentation, and treatment of PC. The aim of this study is to present an updated outlook on the aforementioned factors of PC in Spain. Materials and Methods: A multicentric, retrospective, observational epidemiological study was designed, and patients with a new diagnosis of PC in 2015 were included. Patients were anonymously identified from the Register of Specialized Care Activity of the Ministry of Health of Spain. All Spanish hospitals recruiting patients in 2015 were invited to participate in the present study. We have followed a descriptive narration of the observed data. Continuous and categorical data were reported by median (p25th–p75th range) and absolute and relative frequencies, respectively. The incidence map shows differences between Spanish regions. Results: The incidence of PC in Spain in 2015 was 2.55/100,000 males per year. A total of 586 patients were identified, and 228 patients from 61 hospitals were included in the analysis. A total of 54/61 (88.5%) centers reported ≤ 5 new cases. The patients accessed the urologist for visually-assessed penile lesions (60.5%), mainly localized in the glans (63.6%). Local hygiene, smoking habits, sexual habits, HPV exposure, and history of penile lesions were reported in 48.2%, 59.6%, 25%, 13.2%, and 69.7%. HPV-positive lesions were 18.1% (28.6% HPV-16). The majority of PC was squamous carcinoma (95.2%). PC was ≥cT2 in 45.2% (103/228) cases. At final pathology, PC was ≥pT2 in 51% of patients and ≥pN1 in 17% of cases. The most common local treatment was partial penectomy (46.9% cases). A total of 47/55 (85.5%) inguinal lymphadenectomies were open. Patients with ≥pN1 disease were treated with chemotherapy in 12/39 (40.8%) of cases. Conclusions: PC incidence is relatively high in Spain compared to other European countries. The risk factors for PC are usually misreported. The diagnosis and management of PC are suboptimal, encouraging the identification of referral centers for PC management