11,092 research outputs found

    Demand shocks and trade balance dynamics

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    This paper studies the current account dynamics in the G-7 countries plus Spain. We estimate a SVAR model which allows us to identify three different shocks: supply shocks, real demand shocks and nominal shocks. We use a different identification procedure from previous work based on a microfounded stochastic open-economy model in which the real exchange rate is a determinant of the Phillips curve. Estimates from a structural VAR show that real demand shocks explain most of the variability of current account imbalances, whereas, contrary to previous findings, nominal shocks play no role. The results we obtain are consistent with the predictions of a widely set of open-economy models and illustrate that demand policies are the main responsible of trade imbalances.Current account, SVAR

    Address: The New York City Experience: Lessons For A National Future

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    In this address, former Mayor of New York Ed Koch discussed the successful efforts of his administration to create New York’s Campaign Finance Reform Act, a voluntary program imposing lower spending limits and detailed public disclosure requirements on candidates for the five New York City offices who chose to seek public financing. Speaking from the unique position as the first candidate to ever be fined under the Act, Mr. Koch illustrated the importance of the nonpartisan board created under the Act. He then recounted briefly the history of the program and discussed some of the specifics of the original Campaign Finance Reform Act and subsequent amendments. Mr. Koch then turned to the issue of soft money and federal reform, discussing the House’s Shays-Meehan bill and the Senate’s McCain-Feingold bill and articulating a belief that current regulations of soft money contribution limits could work, if amended to provide adjustments for inflation. Next, Mr. Koch advocated for public financing in elections and equal limits on corporate and labor union contributions. Finally, Mr. Koch listed specific reforms generally, and to New York City’s program specifically that he believed were necessary even if by amendment, such as eliminating the use of private wealth, application of contribution limits and disclosure requirements to all candidates (instead of just those seeking public financing) and restrictions on the campaign season’s time period. This transcript was taken at From the Ground Up: Local Lessons for National Reform, a national conference on campaign finance reform held on November 9, 1998, sponsored by the New York City Campaign Finance Board and the Association of the Bar of the City of New York

    Recent ASDEX Upgrade research in support of ITER and DEMO

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    Recent experiments on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak aim at improving the physics base for ITER and DEMO to aid the machine design and prepare efficient operation. Type I edge localized mode (ELM) mitigation using resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) has been shown at low pedestal collisionality ( Îœ ∗ ped < 0 . 4 ) . In contrast to the previous high Îœ ∗ regime, suppression only occurs in a narrow RMP spectral window, indicating a resonant process, and a concomitant confinement drop is observed due to a reduction of pedestal top density and electron temperature. Strong evidence is found for the ion heat flux to be the decisive element for the L–H power threshold. A physics based scaling of the density at which the minimum P LH occurs indicates that ITER could take advantage of it to initiate H-mode at lower density than that of the final Q = 10 operational point. Core density fluctuation measurements resolved in radius and wave number show that an increase of R/L T e introduced by off-axis electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) mainly increases the large scale fluctuations. The radial variation of the fluctuation level is in agreement with simulations using the GENE code. Fast particles are shown to undergo classical slowing down in the absence of large scale magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) events and for low heating power, but show signs of anomalous radial redistribution at large heating power, consistent with a broadened off-axis neutral beam current drive current profile under these conditions. Neoclassical tearing mode (NTM) suppression experiments using electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) with feedback controlled deposition have allowed to test several control strategies for ITER, including automated control of (3,2) and (2,1) NTMs during a single discharge. Disruption mitigation studies using massive gas injection (MGI) can show an increased fuelling efficiency with high field side injection, but a saturation of the fuelling efficiency is observed at high injected mass as needed for runaway electron suppression. Large locked modes can significantly decrease the fuelling efficiency and increase the asymmetry of radiated power during MGI mitigation. Concerning power exhaust, the partially detached ITER divertor scenario has been demonstrated at P sep /R = 10 MW m − 1 in ASDEX Upgrade, with a peak time averaged target load around 5MWm − 2 , well consistent with the component limits for ITER. Developing this towards DEMO, full detachment was achieved at P sep /R = 7MWm − 1 and stationary discharges with core radiation fraction of the order of DEMO requirements (70% instead of the 30% needed for ITER) were demonstrated. Finally, it remains difficult to establish the standard ITER Q = 10 scenario at low q 95 = 3 in the all-tungsten (all-W) ASDEX Upgrade due to the observed poor confinement at low ÎČ N . This is mainly due to a degraded pedestal performance and hence investigations at shifting the operational point to higher ÎČ N by lowering the current have been started. At higher q 95 , pedestal performance can be recovered by seeding N 2 as well as CD 4 , which is interpreted as improved pedestal stability due to the decrease of bootstrap current with increasing Z eff . Concerning advanced scenarios, the upgrade of ECRH power has allowed experiments with central ctr-ECCD to modify the q -profile in improved H-mode scenarios, showing an increase in confinement at still good MHD stability with flat elevated q -profiles at values between 1.5 and 2.European Commission (EUROfusion 633053

    Deep into the Water Fountains: The case of IRAS 18043-2116

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    (Abridged) The formation of large-scale (hundreds to few thousands of AU) bipolar structures in the circumstellar envelopes (CSEs) of post-Asymptotic Giant Branch (post-AGB) stars is poorly understood. The shape of these structures, traced by emission from fast molecular outflows, suggests that the dynamics at the innermost regions of these CSEs does not depend only on the energy of the radiation field of the central star. Deep into the Water Fountains is an observational project based on the results of programs carried out with three telescope facilities: The Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA), The Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), and the Very Large Telescope (SINFONI-VLT). Here we report the results of the observations towards the WF nebula IRAS 18043−-2116: Detection of radio continuum emission in the frequency range 1.5GHz - 8.0GHz; H2_{2}O maser spectral features and radio continuum emission detected at 22GHz, and H2_{2} ro-vibrational emission lines detected at the near infrared. The high-velocity H2_{2}O maser spectral features, and the shock-excited H2_{2} emission detected could be produced in molecular layers which are swept up as a consequence of the propagation of a jet-driven wind. Using the derived H2_{2} column density, we estimated a molecular mass-loss rate of the order of 10−910^{-9}M⊙_{\odot}yr−1^{-1}. On the other hand, if the radio continuum flux detected is generated as a consequence of the propagation of a thermal radio jet, the mass-loss rate associated to the outflowing ionized material is of the order of 10−5^{-5}M⊙_{\odot}yr−1^{-1}. The presence of a rotating disk could be a plausible explanation for the mass-loss rates estimated.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Interaction Effects on the Magneto-optical Response of Magnetoplasmonic Dimers

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    The effect that dipole-dipole interactions have on the magneto-optical (MO) properties of magnetoplasmonic dimers is theoretically studied. The specific plasmonic versus magnetoplasmonic nature of the dimer's metallic components and their specific location within the dimer plays a crucial role on the determination of these properties. We find that it is possible to generate an induced MO activity in a purely plasmonic component, even larger than that of the MO one, therefore dominating the overall MO spectral dependence of the system. Adequate stacking of these components may allow obtaining, for specific spectral regions, larger MO activities in systems with reduced amount of MO metal and therefore with lower optical losses. Theoretical results are contrasted and confirmed with experiments for selected structures

    Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results

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    The ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) programme is directed towards physics input to critical elements of the ITER design and the preparation of ITER operation, as well as addressing physics issues for a future DEMO design. Since 2015, AUG is equipped with a new pair of 3-strap ICRF antennas, which were designed for a reduction of tungsten release during ICRF operation. As predicted, a factor two reduction on the ICRF-induced W plasma content could be achieved by the reduction of the sheath voltage at the antenna limiters via the compensation of the image currents of the central and side straps in the antenna frame. There are two main operational scenario lines in AUG. Experiments with low collisionality, which comprise current drive, ELM mitigation/suppression and fast ion physics, are mainly done with freshly boronized walls to reduce the tungsten influx at these high edge temperature conditions. Full ELM suppression and non-inductive operation up to a plasma current of Ip = 0.8 MA could be obtained at low plasma density. Plasma exhaust is studied under conditions of high neutral divertor pressure and separatrix electron density, where a fresh boronization is not required. Substantial progress could be achieved for the understanding of the confinement degradation by strong D puffing and the improvement with nitrogen or carbon seeding. Inward/outward shifts of the electron density profile relative to the temperature profile effect the edge stability via the pressure profile changes and lead to improved/decreased pedestal performance. Seeding and D gas puffing are found to effect the core fueling via changes in a region of high density on the high field side (HFSHD). The integration of all above mentioned operational scenarios will be feasible and naturally obtained in a large device where the edge is more opaque for neutrals and higher plasma temperatures provide a lower collisionality. The combination of exhaust control with pellet fueling has been successfully demonstrated. High divertor enrichment values of nitrogen EN 10 have been obtained during pellet injection, which is a prerequisite for the simultaneous achievement of good core plasma purity and high divertor radiation levels. Impurity accumulation observed in the all-metal AUG device caused by the strong neoclassical inward transport of tungsten in the pedestal is expected to be relieved by the higher neoclassical temperature screening in larger devices.European Commission (EUROfusion 633053

    The planetary nebula IC 4776 and its post-common-envelope binary central star

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    We present a detailed analysis of IC 4776, a planetary nebula displaying a morphology believed to be typical of central star binarity. The nebula is shown to comprise a compact hourglass-shaped central region and a pair of precessing jet-like structures. Time-resolved spectroscopy of its central star reveals periodic radial velocity variability consistent with a binary system. While the data are insufficient to accurately determine the parameters of the binary, the most likely solutions indicate that the secondary is probably a low-mass main sequence star. An empirical analysis of the chemical abundances in IC 4776 indicates that the common-envelope phase may have cut short the AGB evolution of the progenitor. Abundances calculated from recombination lines are found to be discrepant by a factor of approximately two relative to those calculated using collisionally excited lines, suggesting a possible correlation between low abundance discrepancy factors and intermediate-period post-common-envelope central stars and/or Wolf-Rayet central stars. The detection of a radial velocity variability associated with binarity in the central star of IC 4776 may be indicative of a significant population of (intermediate-period) post-common-envelope binary central stars which would be undetected by classic photometric monitoring techniques.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Integral Field Spectroscopy based H\alpha\ sizes of local Luminous and Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies. A Direct Comparison with high-z Massive Star Forming Galaxies

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    Aims. We study the analogy between local U/LIRGs and high-z massive SFGs by comparing basic H{\alpha} structural characteristics, such as size, and luminosity (and SFR) surface density, in an homogeneous way (i.e. same tracer and size definition, similar physical scales). Methods. We use Integral Field Spectroscopy based H{\alpha} emission maps for a representative sample of 54 local U/LIRGs (66 galaxies). From this initial sample we select 26 objects with H{\alpha} luminosities (L(H{\alpha})) similar to those of massive (i.e. M\ast \sim 10^10 M\odot or larger) SFGs at z \sim 2, and observed on similar physical scales. Results. The sizes of the H{\alpha} emitting region in the sample of local U/LIRGs span a large range, with r1/2(H{\alpha}) from 0.2 to 7 kpc. However, about 2/3 of local U/LIRGs with Lir > 10^11.4 L\odot have compact H{\alpha} emission (i.e. r1/2 < 2 kpc). The comparison sample of local U/LIRGs also shows a higher fraction (59%) of objects with compact H{\alpha} emission than the high-z sample (25%). This gives further support to the idea that for this luminosity range the size of the star forming region is a distinctive factor between local and distant galaxies of similar SF rates. However, when using H{\alpha} as a tracer for both local and high-z samples, the differences are smaller than the ones recently reported using a variety of other tracers. Despite of the higher fraction of galaxies with compact H{\alpha} emission, a sizable group (\sim 1/3) of local U/LIRGs are large (i.e. r1/2 > 2 kpc). These are systems showing pre-coalescence merger activity and they are indistinguishable from the massive high-z SFGs galaxies in terms of their H{\alpha} sizes, and luminosity and SFR surface densities.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. (!5 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables
