158 research outputs found

    Repercusiones de factores de personalidad en la felicidad, calidad de vida y la satisfacción laboral del personal de enfermería

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    El presente trabajo quiere aportar algo de luz sobre el papel que juegan las características individuales de las enfermeras en la felicidad, calidad de vida y satisfacción laboral. Igualmente queremos saber en que medida la felicidad y la calidad de vida contribuyen a la satisfacción laboral, la actitud general de un individuo hacia su empleo, hacia su trabajo. Teniendo esto en cuenta, consideramos que, si queremos ver los factores que intervienen en la satisfacción laboral esto es, en la “falta de estrés”, debemos de estudiar aquellas variables que se han considerado favorecedoras del estrés, pero también las contrapuestas, es decir las que tienen un efecto “buffer” sobre el estrés. A este respecto debemos considerar un bloque de variables importante y en las que se incluyen tanto características de Personalidad como demográficas. Hay que entender que estrés puede entenderse tanto como estímulo, como respuesta o, quizás mejor como una interacción entre todas las variables que intervienen en el campo; es decir, el estrés laboral, pero también como contrapunto, la satisfacción laboral es una interacción entre factores del trabajador y las condiciones de trabajo. Por otro lado, en los últimos años, ha surgido un renovado interés por lo que clásicamente se ha denominado Medicina Preventiva, es decir, por intentar poder predecir que variables contribuyen a que una persona mantenga un buen estado de salud, según la última definición dada por la OMS: bienestar no sólo físico, sino también psicológico y social. Atendiendo a esto, a comienzos del sigo XXI aparece un nuevo movimiento en Psicología denominado Psicología Positiva que intenta encontrar cuáles son las variables que tienen un mayor peso en el bienestar subjetivo de las personas. Se ha encontrado, a este respecto, que la Felicidad es una de las variables de las personas, que mejor predice el estado de salud, tanto física como mental de un individuo y, asimismo que es una variable que sirve para predecir el grado de satisfacción vital que tiene un individuo en un momento determinado. Hasta el punto que, desde un punto de vista psicológico, se considera que la Felicidad es equivalente al bienestar subjetivo de una persona (Diener E, 2002). Por último, el concepto de calidad de vida positiva, ha sido importado desde el campo de la sociología (Giner, et al.1999) a la medicina, para intentar evaluar el grado de satisfacción con la vida que tiene una persona independientemente de sus limitaciones físicas, psicológicas o sociales. Así pues, el concepto de calidad de vida positiva, a pesar de hacer referencia a los aspectos subjetivos de la persona, tiene en cuenta el componente social de la misma y, por tanto, se puede considerar una medida válida para evaluar el bienestar social de un individuo, sería un indicador de satisfacción. El objetivo es evaluar las características individuales que intervienen en la satisfacción laboral del personal de enfermería, para ello tendremos en cuenta, por un lado, las características demográficas de los sujetos, además de rasgos de personalidad, por otro lado, la felicidad y, por último, la calidad de vida. Para conseguir dicho objetivo se reclutó una población muestral de 129 enfermeras/os. Dadas las características del estudio la muestra no esta aleatorizada sino que se tuvieron en cuenta a todos las enfermeras/os que quisieron colaborar voluntariamente en el trabajo, con independencia del servicio en el que se está realizando el trabajo profesional. No hay criterios de exclusión, excepto los límites planteados al recoger la muestra, quedaron excluidos aquellos que no den su consentimiento o no estén en activo. Por supuesto, todas las personas que componen la muestra firmaron el consentimiento para que la información dada fuese utilizada para esta investigación, igualmente se tomaron todas la medidas necesarias para preservar el anonimato. La población muestral que se prestó al estudio realizaron las pruebas que a continuación se especifican. El Cuestionario de Satisfacción Laboral 20/23, desarrollado por Meliá y Peiró (1998) es el que se ha utilizado para medir la satisfacción laboral, que se estructura en cinco factores que denominan satisfacción con la supervisión, con el ambiente físico, con las prestaciones recibidas, con la participación y satisfacción intrínseca del propio trabajo. Aunque no esta referido al campo de la enferme¬ría, tampoco le es ajeno al estar referido a contextos organizacionales. De todas formas se seleccionaron algunas variables específicas del trabajo de enfermería, tales como los turnos, unidad de trabajo, antigüedad profesional, tiempo de experiencia… Además de estas variables, pensamos que los factores de personalidad juegan un papel importante. La personalidad ha sido evaluada con el Cuestionario NEO-FFI, se trata de una versión abreviada del NEO-PI-R de Costa y McCrae (1985), que mide los dominio y no las facetas; es decir, mide las dimensiones de Neuroticismo, Extraversión, Amabilidad, Apertura a la Experiencia y Responsabilidad. Igualmente se han analiza la calidad de vida y la felicidad. La calidad de vida con la Escala Favorable del Cuestionario Sevilla de Calidad de Vida (CSCV) Que comprende tres escalas Satisfacción con la Vida, Auto-estima y Armonía y que ha sido creado en España por Giner y colaboradores, y cuyas propiedades psicométricas fueron analizadas por Ibáñez, et al. (1975),Para la felicidad se utilizó la Escala de Felicidad de Diener, validada al castellano por Peris y cols. (2002) y se construye sobre tres dimensiones: Satisfacción con la Vida, Emociones (a su vez en Positivas, Negativa y Bienestar Emocional) y Recursos Psicológicos de los que dispone un individuo para poder lograr la Felicidad. Para los diferentes análisis estadísticos se ha utilizado el programa SPSS-20, aplicándose diferentes pruebas, según las necesidades del planteamiento realizado. Como resultados podemos destacar que las dimensiones de Personalidad influyen en la elección de la Unidad donde presta sus servicios el personal de enfermería, así las enfermeras UCI, Cuidados Intensivos, Urgencias y Pediatría obtienen alta puntuación en “Responsabilidad” y baja en “Neuroticismo”. Igualmente alta “Extraversión” y bajo “Neuroticismo” son importantes para la Felicidad. Mientras que la “Responsabilidad” lo es para la Calidad de Vida. Sin embargo no parece jugar un papel importante en la Satisfacción Laboral. En la Felicidad juega un papel importante las dimensiones de personalidad ya señaladas en el párrafo anterior el vivir con la familia de origen y el trabajar en Salud Mental. La Calidad de vida se ve claramente afectada por la propia Felicidad y por la “Responsabilidad”, lo que le da matiz claramente diferencial. La Satisfacción Laboral se muestra mas dependiente de factores extrínsecos (Hospital, Unidad, Turno) que intrínseco a la enfermera (personalidad, felicidad, calidad de vida).This paper seeks to shed some light on the role played by a nurse´s personal characteristics on her happiness, quality of life and work satisfaction. Likewise, we want to know to what extent happiness and quality of life contribute to work satisfaction, the general attitude of an individual towards employment, towards their job. Having this in mind, we feel that, if we want to see the factors involved in work satisfaction that is, in the “lack of stress”, we need to study not only those variables which have been considered stress inducing, but also the opposite, that is to say, those that have a “buffer” effect over stress. To this regard we need to consider a set of important variables that include both personal and demographic characteristics. It is important to understand that stress can be understood as a stimulus, as a response or, perhaps more accurately, as an interaction between all the variables that take place in this field; that is, work stress, but also as a counterpoint, where work satisfaction is the interaction between the worker´s personality and conditions at the workplace. On the other hand, in the last years, a renewed interest has emerged from what classically had been denominated as Preventive Medicine to try to predict what variables contribute to people maintaining good health, according to the last definition given by WHO: Not only physical health, but also psychological and social well-being. In response to this, in the early XXI century a new movement in Psychology appears entitled “Positive Psychology” that tries to find which variables have a greater burden in the subjective welfare of people. It has been determined that happiness is one of the variables that predicts both the physical and mental health of an individual and, also it is a variable that is used to predict the level of life satisfaction that an individual has at a given time. To the degree that, from a psychological point of view, it has been determined that happiness is equivalent to the subjective welfare of an individual. (Diener E, 2002). Finally, the concept of “positive quality of life” has been introduced from the field of sociology (Giner, et al.1999) to medicine, in an attempt to evaluate the level of satisfaction that a person has regardless of their physical, psychological or social limitations. Hence, the concept of a positive quality of life —despite making reference to the subjective aspects of a person, takes into account the social component of the same and, therefore, can be considered a valid measure for evaluating the social well-being of an individual— would also be an indicator of satisfaction. The aim is to evaluate the individual characteristics that intervene in the work satisfaction of the nursing staff. To that effect we will have in mind, on the one hand, the subjects´ demographic characteristics, as well as personality traits, also their happiness, and finally, the quality of life. The population sample that volunteered for the study carried out the tests specified below. Work Satisfaction Questionnaire 20/30, developed by Meliá and Peiró (1998) was used to measure work satisfaction. It is organized into five components that refer to satisfaction with supervision, with the physical environment, the benefits received, participation and with the intrinsic satisfaction of the work itself. Although it doesn’t refer specifically to the field of nursing, it is relevant to it from an organizational context. In any case some specific variables have been selected from nursing care, such as shifts, work unity, years in the profession, experience… Apart from these variables, we believe that personality factors play an important role. Personality has been evaluated in the NEO-FFI Questionnaire, it is an abbreviated version of NEO-PI-R by Costa and McCrae (1985), that measures the domain and not the facet; it measures the dimensions of Neuroticism, Extroversion, Kindness, Openness to Experience and Responsibility. Quality of life and happiness have also been analyzed. The quality of life with the Favorable Scale from the Seville Questionnaire about quality of life (CSCV) that includes three gradations, life Satisfaction, Self-esteem and Harmony and that has been created in Spain by Giner and collaborators, and whose psychometric properties were analyzed by Ibáñez, et al. (1975). For happiness, the Scale of Happiness by Diener was used, validated to Spanish by Peris et al. (2002) and is constructed on three dimensions: Satisfaction with life, Emotions (equally Positive, Negative and Emotional Well-being) and Psychological resources available to an individual in order to achieve happiness. For the different statistical analyses the SPSS-20 program has been used, applying different tests, according to the needs of the planned proposal. As a result we can emphasize that personality traits influence the choice of the Unit where nurses will lends their service, so that ICU nurses, intensive care, emergency department and pediatrics obtain high points in “Responsibility” and low points in “Neuroticism”. High “Extroversion” and low “Neuroticism” are equally important for happiness. While “Responsibility” is important for the quality of life. Nevertheless, it doesn´t seem to play an important role in work satisfaction. An important role is played in the area of happiness by the personality dimensions, already indicated in the previous paragraph, by living with the family of origin, and working in Mental Health. The quality of life can clearly be seen affected by happiness itself and by “Responsibility”, which gives it a distinctive nuance. Work satisfaction relies more on extrinsic factors (hospital, unit, shifts) than on the nurse’s intrinsic factors (personality, happiness, quality of life)

    Análisis de sostenibilidad fiscal colombiana

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    Análisis de Sostenibilidad Fiscal Colombiana, - una visión territorial - , es un documento que presenta un repaso por las consideraciones más importantes que enmarcan la crisis de los años noventa y de los años recientes, en materia de endeudamiento excesivo y su consecuente insostenibilidad, además de verificar el marco normativo que surge en respuesta a estas crisis en Colombia. Esto como contexto a la exposición de un estudio de cifras correspondientes a las finanzas territoriales, asociadas a ingresos, gastos, pasivos y producto, desarrollado en un nivel departamental, realizado a través de Análisis de Componentes Principales – ACP, que facilita el manejo y análisis de los datos, obteniendo diferentes indicadores del estado financiero de las Entidades Territoriales (ET).Abstract. Colombian Financial Sustainability Analysis, - a territorial vision -, it’s a paper that presents a review of the most important considerations that frame the crisis of the nineties and in recent years, in terms of over-indebtedness and consequent unsustainability, in addition to verifying the regulatory framework is in response to these crises in Colombia. As a backdrop to the exposure of a study relating to local finance, associated to revenues, expenses, liabilities and product developed on a departmental level, conducted by Principal Component Analysis - ACP, which facilitates handling and analysis data, obtaining different indicators of financial status of local authorities.Maestrí

    Representaciones sociales sobre Salud Oral y su relación con los discursos y prácticas profesionales.

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    Este estudio pretendió reconocer las representaciones sociales sobre salud oral, que tienen los niños, las niñas y sus familias que asiste a los servicios de ortopedia maxilar en la Universidad Autónoma de Manizales y la relación con los discursos y prácticas de los profesionales. De acuerdo con su pregunta de investigación obedece a un estudio de corte cualitativo, que puso de manifiesto un rompimiento de diálogos entre los (as) niños (as), las familias y los profesionales, luego de establecer que las familias reconocen a la salud oral como un componente de la salud general, al igual que la salud oclusal como un componente de la salud general, pero al mismo tiempo hacen una transversalización de los tres niveles de salud por a funcionalidad y el tratamiento ortopédico. De otro lado los (as) niños (as), reconocen la salud oral como igual a la salud oclusal, considerado aparte la salud general; mientras que os profesionales de dan a la salud oral y a la salud oclusal alguna independencia con la salud general en el momento de realizar los tratamientos de ortopedia maxilar. Con el fin de presentar a partir de un modelo que pudiera dar cuenta de la interpretación realzada, se asume la teoría general de sistemas, entendiendo el ser humano como un sistema.This paper presents a study aimed at recognizing the social representations on dental health had by children and their families, who attend the maxillary orthopedic services in Universidad Autonoma of Manizales and their relation to the professional discourse and practices. This is a qualitative research, manifesting a dialogue rupture among children, families and professionals. The families recognized dental health as part of general health, and oclusal health as a part of dental health. Howevwr, they do not recognize oclusal health as part of general health, but at the same time they transversalize the above mentioned three health levels by their functionality and orthopedic treatment. On the other hand, children recognized dental health , professionals consider dental health  and oclusal health as independent area in respect to general health when performing maxillary orthopedics treatment. Based on a model that could account for the interpretation presented, the general system theory is used, understanding human beings as a whole system.Esta pesquisa pretendeu reconhecer as representações sociais sobre saúde oral, que tém as crianças, as meninas e suas famílias que assistem aos serviços de ortopedia maxilar na Universidade Autónoma de Manizales e a relação com os discursos e práticas de os Profissionais. De acordo com a pergunta de investigação odebece a um estudo de corte qualitativo, que pós de manifesto um rompimento de  diálogos entre os garotos e meninas, as famílias e os profissionais, logo de estabelecer que as famílias reconheçam  á saúde oral como um componente da saúde geral, ao igual oclusal como componente de saúde oral, mas não reconhecem a saúde oclusal como componente da saúde geral, mais ao mesmo tempo fazem uma transversalizacão  dos três niveles da saúde por a funcionalidade e o tratamento ortopédico. De outro lado as menina (as) e garoto (os), reconhecem a saúde oral e a saúde oclusal alguna independência com a saúde geral no momento de realizar os tratamentos de ortopedia maxilar. Com o fim de apresentar a partir dum modelo que poderia dar conta da interpretação realizada, se assume a teoria geral de sistemas, entendendo o ser humano como um sistema.Este estudio pretendió reconocer las representaciones sociales sobre salud oral, que tienen los niños, las niñas y sus familias que asiste a los servicios de ortopedia maxilar en la Universidad Autónoma de Manizales y la relación con los discursos y prácticas de los profesionales. De acuerdo con su pregunta de investigación obedece a un estudio de corte cualitativo, que puso de manifiesto un rompimiento de diálogos entre los (as) niños (as), las familias y los profesionales, luego de establecer que las familias reconocen a la salud oral como un componente de la salud general, al igual que la salud oclusal como un componente de la salud general, pero al mismo tiempo hacen una transversalización de los tres niveles de salud por a funcionalidad y el tratamiento ortopédico. De otro lado los (as) niños (as), reconocen la salud oral como igual a la salud oclusal, considerado aparte la salud general; mientras que os profesionales de dan a la salud oral y a la salud oclusal alguna independencia con la salud general en el momento de realizar los tratamientos de ortopedia maxilar. Con el fin de presentar a partir de un modelo que pudiera dar cuenta de la interpretación realzada, se asume la teoría general de sistemas, entendiendo el ser humano como un sistema.This paper presents a study aimed at recognizing the social representations on dental health had by children and their families, who attend the maxillary orthopedic services in Universidad Autonoma of Manizales and their relation to the professional discourse and practices. This is a qualitative research, manifesting a dialogue rupture among children, families and professionals. The families recognized dental health as part of general health, and oclusal health as a part of dental health. Howevwr, they do not recognize oclusal health as part of general health, but at the same time they transversalize the above mentioned three health levels by their functionality and orthopedic treatment. On the other hand, children recognized dental health , professionals consider dental health  and oclusal health as independent area in respect to general health when performing maxillary orthopedics treatment. Based on a model that could account for the interpretation presented, the general system theory is used, understanding human beings as a whole system.Esta pesquisa pretendeu reconhecer as representações sociais sobre saúde oral, que tém as crianças, as meninas e suas famílias que assistem aos serviços de ortopedia maxilar na Universidade Autónoma de Manizales e a relação com os discursos e práticas de os Profissionais. De acordo com a pergunta de investigação odebece a um estudo de corte qualitativo, que pós de manifesto um rompimento de  diálogos entre os garotos e meninas, as famílias e os profissionais, logo de estabelecer que as famílias reconheçam  á saúde oral como um componente da saúde geral, ao igual oclusal como componente de saúde oral, mas não reconhecem a saúde oclusal como componente da saúde geral, mais ao mesmo tempo fazem uma transversalizacão  dos três niveles da saúde por a funcionalidade e o tratamento ortopédico. De outro lado as menina (as) e garoto (os), reconhecem a saúde oral e a saúde oclusal alguna independência com a saúde geral no momento de realizar os tratamentos de ortopedia maxilar. Com o fim de apresentar a partir dum modelo que poderia dar conta da interpretação realizada, se assume a teoria geral de sistemas, entendendo o ser humano como um sistema

    Early epigenetic cancer decisions

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    A cancer dogma states that inactivation of oncogene(s) can cause cancer remission, implying that oncogenes are the Achilles' heel of cancers. This current model of cancer has kept oncogenes firmly in focus as therapeutic targets and is in agreement with the fact that in human cancers all cancerous cells, with independence of the cellular heterogeneity existing within the tumour, carry the same oncogenic genetic lesions. However, recent studies of the interactions between an oncogene and its target cell have shown that oncogenes contribute to cancer development via developmental reprogramming of the epigenome within the target cell. These results provide the first evidence that carcinogenesis can be initiated by epigenetic stem cell reprogramming, and uncover a new role for oncogenes in the origin of cancer. Here we analyse these evidences and discuss how this vision offers new avenues for developing novel anti-cancer interventions.Research in our group is partially supported by FEDER and by MICINN (SAF2012-32810), by NIH grant (R01 CA109335-04A1), by the ARIMMORA project (FP7-ENV-2011, European Union Seventh Framework Program), by Junta de Castilla y Leon (BIO/SA06/13), and by the Deutsche José Carreras Leukämie-Stiftung (DJCLS project 13/26). All Spanish funding is co-sponsored by the European Union FEDER program. ISG is an API lab of the EuroSyStem project and a partner within the Marie Curie Initial Training Network DECIDE (Decision-making within cells and differentiation entity therapies) funded by the European Union’s Seventh Programme under grant agreement n° 315902.Peer Reviewe

    Characterization of retinal drusen in subjects at high genetic risk of developing sporadic Alzheimer’s disease: An exploratory analysis

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    Having a family history (FH+) of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and being a carrier of at least one ε4 allele of the ApoE gene are two of the main risk factors for the development of AD. AD and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) share one of the main risk factors, such as age, and characteristics including the presence of deposits (Aβ plaques in AD and drusen in AMD); however, the role of apolipoprotein E isoforms in both pathologies is controversial. We analyzed and characterized retinal drusen by optical coherence tomography (OCT) in subjects, classifying them by their AD FH (FH-or FH+) and their allelic characterization of ApoE ε4 (ApoE ε4-or ApoE ε4+) and considering cardiovascular risk factors (hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus). In addition, we analyzed the choroidal thickness by OCT and the area of the foveal avascular zone with OCTA. We did not find a relationship between a family history of AD or any of the ApoE isoforms and the presence or absence of drusen. Subjects with drusen show choroidal thinning compared to patients without drusen, and thinning could trigger changes in choroidal perfusion that may give rise to the deposits that generate drusen

    Descripción de una estrategia didáctica metodológica. Bajo la interacción docente-estudiante, de la pizarra al PC.

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    En este artículo el lector podrá encontrar el desarrollo de la formulación de una estrategia didáctica metodológica, bajo el enfoque de la interacción DOCENTE-ESTUDIANTE. al usar herramientas digitales, para ser aplicada a estudiantes en edades escolares de 12 a 16 años en una Institución Educativa (I.E) en la ciudad de Pereira, Risaralda Colombia.Para tal propósito describe un análisis de antecedentes teóricos, sumado al análisis deantecedentes prácticos, bajo el enfoque de varios autores, como Coll, Bauman, Ballester, entre otros, se presenta el modelo de la estrategia y se establecen las conclusiones del proceso. No es en sí mismo el desarrollo de ejecución de la investigación, es la descripción de la metodología a aplicar en el estudio planteado

    Curved nanographenes: Multiple emission, thermally activated delayed fluorescence, and non-radiative decay

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    The intriguing and rich photophysical properties of three curved nanographenes (CNG 6, 7, and 8) are investigated by time-resolved and temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. CNG 7 and 8 exhibit dual fluorescence, as well as dual phosphorescence at low temperature in the main PL bands. In addition, hot bands are detected in fluorescence as well as phosphorescence, and, in the narrow temperature range of 100–140 K, thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) with lifetimes on the millisecond time-scale is observed. These findings are rationalized by quantum-chemical simulations, which predict a single minimum of the S1 potential of CNG 6, but two S1 minima for CNG 7 and CNG 8, with considerable geometric reorganization between them, in agreement with the experimental findings. Additionally, a higher-lying S2 minimum close to S1 is optimized for the three CNG, from where emission is also possible due to thermal activation and, hence, non-Kasha behavior. The presence of higher-lying dark triplet states close to the S1 minima provides mechanistic evidence for the TADF phenomena observed. Non-radiative decay of the T1 state appears to be thermally activated with activation energies of roughly 100 meV and leads to disappearance of phosphorescence and TADF at T > 140

    Infection exposure is a causal factor in B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia as a result of Pax5-inherited susceptibility

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    Earlier in the past century, infections were regarded as the most likely cause of childhood B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (pB-ALL). However, there is a lack of relevant biologic evidence supporting this hypothesis. We present in vivo genetic evidence mechanistically connecting inherited susceptibility to pB-ALL and postnatal infections by showing that pB-ALL was initiated in Pax5 heterozygous mice only when they were exposed to common pathogens. Strikingly, these murine pB-ALLs closely resemble the human disease. Tumor exome sequencing revealed activating somatic, nonsynonymous mutations of Jak3 as a second hit. Transplantation experiments and deep sequencing suggest that inactivating mutations in Pax5 promote leukemogenesis by creating an aberrant progenitor compartment that is susceptible to malignant transformation through accumulation of secondary Jak3 mutations. Thus, treatment of Pax5 leukemic cells with specific JAK1/3 inhibitors resulted in increased apoptosis. These results uncover the causal role of infection in pB-ALL development. [Significance]: These results demonstrate that delayed infection exposure is a causal factor in pB-ALL. Therefore, these findings have critical implications for the understanding of the pathogenesis of leukemia and for the development of novel therapies for this disease.J. Hauer has been supported by the German Children’s Cancer Foundation and from the “Forschungskommission” of the medical faculty of the Heinrich Heine University and the “Strategischer Forschungsfond” of the Heinrich Heine University. S. Ginzel has been supported by a scholarship from the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. A. Borkhardt has been supported by the German Children’s Cancer Foundation and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Bonn, Germany. Funding to S.N. Constantinescu from Salus Sanguinis, Fondation contre le cancer Belgium; Interuniversity Attraction Poles IAP, and ARC 10/15-027 is acknowledged. Research in the I. Sánchez-García group is partially supported by FEDER and MINECO (SAF2012-32810 and Red de Excelencia Consolider OncoBIO SAF2014-57791-REDC), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PIE14/00066), Junta de Castilla y León (BIO/SA32/14 , BIO/SA51/15, and CSI001U14), Fundacion Inocente Inocente, and the ARIMMORA project [European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007- 2013) under grant agreement no. 282891]. The I. Sánchez-García lab is a member of the EuroSyStem and the DECIDE Network funded by the European Union under the FP7 program. A. Borkhardt and I. SánchezGarcía have been supported by the German Carreras Foundation (DJCLS R13/26). Research in the C. Vicente-Dueñas group is partially supported by a “Miguel Servet” Grant (CP14/00082 - AES 2013-2016) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad). Research at C. Cobaleda’s lab was partially supported by FEDER, Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (PI13/00160 and PI14/00025), and from an institutional grant from the Fundacion Ramon Areces. A. MartínLorenzo was supported by FSE-Conserjería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León (CSI001-13).Peer Reviewe