76 research outputs found

    Risk factors associated with tongue lesions:a propensity score-matched case-control study

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    to analyse the potential risk factors of tongue lesions, comparing the results with a control group. An observational, case-control study was designed. The study included a case group comprising 336 patients with tongue lesions and 336 sex and age-matched controls. We recorded tobacco/alcohol habits, presence of dentures, allergies, medical conditions, and medications. Statistical analysis was performed via logistic regression models to estimate the odds ratio (OR) adjusted for gender, age, tobacco, and alcohol using propensity score-matching analysis (PSM). According to the final PSM model, patients with tongue lesions were more likely to suffer from allergies (OR 2.13; 1.27-3.66) or medical conditions (OR 2.14; 1.19-3.85), and more likely to take medication (OR 1.99; 1.11-3.57). Elderly individuals were more prone to hairy tongue (OR 3.82; 1.53-10.47). Smoking was associated with coated tongue (OR 2.05; 1.12-3.63), hairy tongue (OR 3.77; 1.52-9.22) and median rhomboid glossitis (OR 40.49; 5.84-860.43). Allergic individuals were more likely to exhibit sublingual varices (OR 1.73; 1.02-2.88). Medical conditions increased the chances of having coated tongue (OR 2.44; 1.36-4.64) or crenated tongue (OR 2.70; 1.42-5.30). Arterial hypertension was associated with median rhomboid glossitis (OR 5.85; 1.08-34.18). Individuals on medication showed a higher risk of fissured tongue (OR 1.87; 1.20-2.94) and varices (OR 2.42; 1.58-3.80). Agents acting on the alimentary tract and metabolism increased the probability of fissured tongue (OR 2.31; 1.42-3.79). As far as we are aware, this is the first study on lingual pathology to include a PSM analysis. The results suggest that a history of allergies, the presence of medical conditions, and the use of medication are associated with increased probability of tongue lesions. The analysis of diseases and medications by subgroups requires studies matched by habits with larger sample sizes, in order to corroborate our observations

    Tecnologías de la Información (TICs) y aulas virtuales en la enseñanza de la ortodoncia y odontopediatría

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    El alto nivel de desarrollo y de accesibilidad que en la actualidad han alcanzado las denominadas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TICs) han posibilitado una mejora sustancial en cualquiera de las facetas educativas del aprendizaje virtual. Gracias a las TICs, la enseñanza a distancia es cada vez más eficiente y atrayente para los alumnos, mejorando su motivación y rendimiento, lo que se traduce en un incremento en la adquisición de conocimientos, de habilidades, y actitudes. En el caso de la enseñanza virtual de la odontopediatría, el uso de algunas aplicaciones específicas como es la realidad aumentada, que permite realizar prácticas en pacientes virtuales, consiguen que el alumno mejore sus habilidades psicomotrices, e incremente sus aptitudes y confianza a la hora de tratar y resolver problemas reales. En el caso de la ortodoncia, la creación y manipulación de modelos digitales en tres dimensiones, ayuda al alumno a comprender y a interpretar las características diagnósticas y correctivas de los diferentes casos clínicos

    Oral hygiene instructions and professional control as part of the treatment of desquamative gingivitis. Systematic review

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    The aim of this present article was to evaluate the scientific evidence on the efficacy of daily hygiene and professional prophylaxis for treatment of desquamative gingivitis. The present systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA protocol. Searches were carried out in Pubmed, Embase, Web of Science and Cochrane Library up to July 2018, randomized clinical trials and cohort studies on desquamative gingivitis (DG), and oral diseases joined to DG. After screening, we found that nine publications met the eligibility criteria eight cohort studies and one randomized control trial. The diagnosis of the diseases corresponded to oral lichen planus (n=185), mucous membrane pemphigoid (n=13); plasma cell gingivitits (n=15) and pemphigus vulgar (n=11). The follow-up was between a week and a year after instructing patients. Dental daily hygiene and professional prophylaxis, at least with supragingival scaling and polishing have significantly improved the extension of the lesion and reduced the activity of DG, and gingival bleeding in all patients. Furthermore, these techniques have also reduced pain and gingival plaque. In conclusion the studies presented support the efficacy of maintaining personal and professional oral hygiene in patients with GD, reducing the clinical signs of the disease, regardless of its pathogenesis

    Cuidados de enfermería al paciente sometido a un trasplante renal durante los primeros días de evolución

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    Introducción: La enfermedad renal terminal es un problema relativamente frecuente en nuestra sociedad. Los tratamientos de la enfermedad renal terminal son varios: hemodiálisis, diálisis peritoneal y trasplante renal. Por sus ventajas respecto al resto, el trasplante renal es el tratamiento de elección. En la actualidad, el trasplante renal es considerado un procedimiento terapéutico seguro, sin embargo, al igual que cualquier intervención, implica una serie de riesgos. Por ello, es fundamental ofrecer a las personas sometidas a este procedimiento una serie de cuidados que les permita tener cubiertas todas sus necesidades. Objetivo: Detectar las principales complicaciones enfermeras del paciente trasplantado renal durante los primeros días de evolución y desarrollar un plan de cuidados que facilite al personal de enfermería el abordaje de éstas. Método: El estudio desarrollado está basado en una búsqueda bibliográfica y una serie de entrevistas a personas trasplantadas renales. La información obtenida a través de éstas, el uso de la taxonomía enfermera NANDA, NIC, NOC y el modelo de cuidados de Virginia Henderson ha permitido elaborar un plan de cuidados dirigido de forma general a los individuos sometidos a un trasplante renal durante los primeros días de evolución. Conclusión: Existen numerosos problemas competencia de enfermería en los pacientes trasplantados renales durante los primeros días de evolución, problemas, que la mayoría de veces, podrían ser solucionados con una adecuada metodología enfermera. Además de esto, también se ha observado la escasa y poco coincidente bibliografía existente respecto a los cuidados enfermeros a corto plazo requeridos por los individuos trasplantados renales

    Oral mucosal peeling related to dentifrices and mouthwashes : a systematic review

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    The aim of this systematic review was to summarise the clinical information available about oral mucosal peeling (OMP) and to explore its aetiopathogenic association with dentifrices and mouthwashes. PICOS outline: Population: subjects diagnosed clinically and/or pathologically. Intervention: exposition to oral hygiene products. Comparisons: patients using products at different concentrations. Outcomes: clinicopathological outcomes (primary) and oral epithelial desquamation (secondary) after use. Study design: any. Exclusion criteria: reports on secondary or unpublished data, in vitro studies. Data were independently extracted by two reviewers. Fifteen reports were selected from 410 identified. Descriptive studies mainly showed low bias risk, experimental studies mostly an ?unclear risk?. Dentifrices or mouthwashes were linked to OMP, with an unknown origin in 5 subjects. Sodium lauryl-sulphate (SLS) was behind this disorder in 21 subjects, tartar-control dentifrices in 2, and flavouring agents in 1 case. Desquamation extension was linked to SLS concentration. Most cases were painless, leaving normal mucosa after desquamation. Tartar-control dentifrices caused ulcerations more frequently. OMP management should consider differential diagnosis with oral desquamative lesions, particularly desquamative gingivitis, with a guided clinical interview together with pathological confirmation while discouraging the use of the product responsible for OMP

    People would rather see a physician than a dentist when experiencing a long-standing oral ulceration. A population-based study in Spain

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    Primary care physicians have been reported to be the first choice for patients with oral ulcerations. This study investigates the health-seeking behaviour of lay public in Galicia (North-western Spain) if experiencing a long-standing oral ulceration. Cross-sectional population-based survey of randomly selected respondents conducted from March 1, 2015 to 30 June 2016. A total of 5,727 pedestrians entered the study (response rate: 53%), mostly in the 45-64 age group (30.2%; n=1,728), 47.7% of them (n=2,729) were males. Most participants (42.1%; n=2,411) reported to visit their dentist once a year and had secondary or compulsory education as their highest educational achievement (28.18%, n=1,614; 28%, n=1,600 respectively). When questioned what they would do if they had a wound/ulceration lasting longer than 3 weeks, most participants answered they would go to see their primary care physician (62.8%; n=3,597) and less than one quarter of the sample (23.8%; n=1,371) would seek consultation with their dentist. General Galician population would seek professional consultation about a long-standing oral ulceration, relying mostly on primary care physicians. Those neglecting these lesions are elderly, less-schooled people and unaware of oral cancer

    Oral cancer awareness in North-Western Spain:a population-based study

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    An early diagnosis depends greatly on patient awareness. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate general awareness of oral cancer and knowledge about its risk factors, signs and symptoms. Cross-sectional population-based survey of randomly selected respondents conducted from March 1, 2015 to 30 June 2016. A total of 5,727 people entered the survey (response rate: 53%). When asked what cancers participants had heard about, 20.3% mentioned oral cancer. Regarding risk factors, tobacco was mentioned by 55.3% of the sample (n=3,169), followed by alcohol (12.5%; n=708), poor oral hygiene (10.8%; n=618), diet (6.5%; n=377), and genetics (4.5%; n=248). General population has low awareness of oral cancer with poor knowledge of risk factors and main alarm signs. In addition, individuals in the risk group scored lower values in the main variables analysed; even those highly educated showed insufficient awareness and knowledge of oral cancer. In these circumstances, there is clear need for educational interventions tailored to the target audience and aimed at increasing knowledge and awareness of oral cancer to promote primary prevention of oral cancer and minimising the time interval of patients with symptomatic oral cancer in their path to treatment