446 research outputs found

    Revisión de las propiedades psicométricas de las versiones larga y reducida de la Escala sobre Ideología de Género

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    La ideología de género es un constructo de gran relevancia en el análisis psicológico del género, que se ha mostrado relacionado con multitud de comportamientos, creencias y actitudes de hombres y de mujeres, especialmente con aquellos relacionados con la discriminación de género. Tras definir el constructo que se pretende medir, en este estudio instrumental se revisan los estudios realizados para la elaboración y evaluación de las propiedades psicométricas de las versiones larga y reducida de la Escala de Ideología de Género (EIG). Los estudios revisados muestran que: a) los valores del coeficiente alfa para ambas versiones varían entre 0,70 y 0,90; b) el patrón general de las medias de las puntuaciones totales se inclina hacia el polo igualitario de la escala; y c) las evidencias convergentes y discriminantes de las mediciones aportadas por ambas versiones de la EIG son coherentes con la teoría sobre el constructo. Por último, se apuntan futuras investigaciones sobre la estructura factorial de las escalas y la utilidad predictiva del constructo ideología de género.Gender ideology is a very important construct in the psychological study of gender. Research has shown that gender ideology is related to many behaviours, believes, and attitudes of men and women, specially with those related to gender discrimination. Firstly, the construct ‘gender identity’ is defined. Secondly, in this article studies conducted to elaborate and evaluate the psychometric properties of the long and the short versions of the Gender Ideology Scale are revised. Results of these instrumental studies show the following: a) alpha coefficients for both versions range from.70 to .90; b) the general pattern of total scores is biased toward the equalitarian pole of the scale; and c) convergent and discriminant evidences related to the use of both versions are consistent with the theory about gender ideology. Finally, future research about the scale factorial structure and the predictive utility of the construct gender ideology are suggested.A ideologia de género é um construto de grande relevância na análise psicológica do género, que se tem mostrado relacionado com uma variedade de comportamentos, crenças e atitudes de homens e mulheres, especialmente com aqueles relacionados com a discriminação de género. Depois de se definir o construto que se pretende medir, neste estudo instrumental revêem-se os estudos realizados para a elaboração e avaliação das propriedades psicométricas das versões larga e reduzida da Escala de Ideologia de Género (EIG). Os estudos revistos mostram que: a) os valores do coeficiente alfa para ambas as versões variam entre 0,70 e 0,90; b) o padrão geral das médias de pontuações totais inclina-se para o pólo igualitário da escala; e c) as evidências convergentes e discriminantes das medições fornecidas por ambas as versões da EIG são coerentes com a teoria sobre o construto. Por último, indicam-se futuras investigações sobre a estrutura factorial das escalas e a utilidade preditiva do construto ideologia de género.Este trabajo se ha realizado dentro del proyecto de investigación “Diferencias de poder y género: aspectos psicosociales” (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, referencia SEJ2004-02817/PSIC)

    The Role of Bmp- and Fgf Signaling Modulating Mouse Proepicardium Cell Fate

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    Bmp and Fgf signaling are widely involved in multiple aspects of embryonic development. More recently non coding RNAs, such as microRNAs have also been reported to play essential roles during embryonic development. We have previously demonstrated that microRNAs, i.e., miR-130, play an essential role modulating Bmp and Fgf signaling during early stages of cardiomyogenesis. More recently, we have also demonstrated that microRNAs are capable of modulating cell fate decision during proepicardial/septum transversum (PE/ST) development, since over-expression of miR-23 blocked while miR- 125, miR-146, miR-223 and miR-195 enhanced PE/ST-derived cardiomyogenesis, respectively. Importantly, regulation of these microRNAs is distinct modulated by Bmp2 and Fgf2 administration in chicken. In this study, we aim to dissect the functional role of Bmp and Fgf signaling during mouse PE/ST development, their implication regulating post-transcriptional modulators such as microRNAs and their impact on lineage determination. Mouse PE/ST explants and epicardial/endocardial cell cultures were distinctly administrated Bmp and Fgf family members. qPCR analyses of distinct microRNAs, cardiomyogenic, fibrogenic differentiation markers as well as key elements directly epithelial to mesenchymal transition were evaluated. Our data demonstrate that neither Bmp2/Bmp4 nor Fgf2/Fgf8 signaling is capable of inducing cardiomyogenesis, fibrogenesis or inducing EMT in mouse PE/ST explants, yet deregulation of several microRNAs is observed, in contrast to previous findings in chicken PE/ST. RNAseq analyses in mouse PE/ST and embryonic epicardium identified novel Bmp and Fgf family members that might be involved in such cell fate differences, however, their implication on EMT induction and cardiomyogenic and/or fibrogenic differentiation is limited. Thus our data support the notion of species-specific differences regulating PE/ST cardiomyogenic lineage commitment

    Impact of immunosuppression regimen on COVID-19 mortality in kidney transplant recipients: Analysis from a Colombian transplantation centers registry

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    Introducción: El impacto de los diferentes esquemas de inmunosupresión en receptores de trasplante de órganos sólidos es desconocido. El conocimiento del comportamiento de la enfermedad bajo diferentes esquemas de inmunosupresión es escaso. Nuestra experiencia intenta determinar el riesgo de muerte en receptores de trasplante renal con COVID-19 bajo dos esquemas diferentes de inmunosupresión. Métodos: Describimos la experiencia en receptores de trasplante renal con infección por SARS-CoV-2 en siete centros de trasplante renal en la ciudad de Bogotá, durante el primer año de pandemia y previo al inicio de los programas de vacunación. Las características demográficas, la presentación clínica, los esquemas de inmunosupresión y las estrategias de tratamiento fueron comparadas entre pacientes recuperados y fallecidos, un análisis de sobrevida fue llevado a cabo entre esquemas basados en inhibidores de calcineurina y esquemas libres de inhibidores de calcineurina. Resultados: Entre los 165 casos confirmados, 28 murieron (17%), los factores de riesgo identificados para mortalidad en el análisis univariado fueron: edad mayor de 60 años, diabetes, un esquema de inmunosupresión basado en inhibidores de calcineurina y pacientes recibiendo esteroides en el momento del diagnóstico. En el análisis multivariado, la presencia de hipoxemia en el momento del diagnóstico (p = 0,000) y un esquema de inmunosupresión basado en inhibidores de calcineurina (p = 0,002) fueron predictores independientes de mortalidad. El análisis de sobrevida encontró un riesgo mayor de mortalidad en pacientes bajo esquemas de inmunosupresión con inhibidores de calcineurina vs. aquellos libres de inhibidores de calcineurina, con tasas de mortalidad respectivas en 21,7 y 8,5% (p = 0,036). Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados sugieren que los inhibidores de calcineurina no aportan mayor protección en pacientes con trasplante renal y COVID-19 en comparación con esquemas libres de inhibidores de calcineurina, siendo necesario realizar análisis que permitan evaluar los desenlaces con diferentes esquemas de inmunosupresión en receptores de trasplante renal con infección por SARS-CoV-2.Q2Q3Receptores de trasplante renal con infección por SARS-CoV-2Background: The impact of immunosuppression in solid organ transplant recipients with SARS-CoV-2 infection is unknown. The knowledge about the behavior of different immunosuppression schemes in clinical outcomes is scarce. This study aimed to determine the risk of death in kidney transplant recipients with COVID-19 under two different schemes of immunosuppression. Methods: We describe our experience in kidney transplant recipients with SARS-CoV-2 infection in seven transplant centers during the first year of the pandemic before starting the vaccination programs in the city of Bogotá. Demographic characteristics, clinical presentation, immunosuppression schemes at presentation, and global treatment strategies were compared between recovered and dead patients; survival analysis was carried out between calcineurin inhibitors based regimen and free calcineurin inhibitors regimen. Results: Among 165 confirmed cases, 28 died (17%); the risk factors for mortality identified in univariate analysis were age older than 60 years (p = .003) diabetes (p = .001), immunosuppression based on calcineurin inhibitors (CNI) (p = .025) and patients receiving steroids (p = .041). In multivariable analysis, hypoxemia (p = .000) and calcineurin inhibitors regimen (p = .002) were predictors of death. Survival analysis showed increased mortality risk in patients receiving CNI based immunosuppression regimen vs. CNI free regimens mortality rates were, respectively, 21.7% and 8.5% (p = .036). Conclusions: Our results suggest that the calcineurin inhibitors probably do not provide greater protection compared to calcineurin inhibitor free schemes being necessary to carry out analyzes that allow us to evaluate the outcomes with different immunosuppression schemes in solid organ transplant recipients with SARS-CoV-2 infection.https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9852-749Xhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-0960-9480Revista Internacional - IndexadaN

    BookSense an Application for Mental Disorders Diagnosis: A Case Study for User Evaluation and Redesign

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    Booksense, a mobile application that allows to identify mental disorders such as depression, work stress and postraumatism [13], through a series of questions based on a mental health assessment that allows you to nd out if you have a mental illness, the app can detect if the user shows signs of a mental disorder, being the most important to detect the problem from its stages initials, plus it also has a database of institutions in the country where you can receive care. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are currently 300 million people on the planet who su er from depression. This is why it is important to have assisted diagnostic tools that help prevent this type of a ectations in the population, as well as keep informed. the people about help centers. All this would not be possible if you do not count an application that has three important aspects that are: E ciency, e ectiveness and satisfaction aspects that are not present in this diagnostic tool is why the importance of the use of usability evaluations. This research aims to generate a redesign of this application based on certain heuristics that ll the gaps in usabilityBooksense, una aplicación móvil que permite identificar trastornos mentales como depresión, estrés laboral y postraumatismo [13], a través de una serie de preguntas basadas en una evaluación de salud mental que te permite saber si tienes una enfermedad mental, la aplicación puede detectar si el usuario muestra signos de un trastorno mental, siendo lo más importante para detectar el problema desde sus etapas iniciales, además también cuenta con una base de datos de instituciones en el país donde puede recibir atención. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) estima que actualmente hay 300 millones de personas en el planeta que padecen depresión. Por eso es importante contar con herramientas de diagnóstico asistido que ayuden a prevenir este tipo de afectaciones en la población, así como a mantenerse informada. la gente sobre los centros de ayuda. Todo esto no sería posible si no se cuenta una aplicación que tiene tres aspectos importantes que son: Aspectos de eficiencia, efectividad y satisfacción que no están presentes en esta herramienta de diagnóstico de ahí la importancia del uso de evaluaciones de usabilidad. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo generar un rediseño de esta aplicación en base a ciertas heurísticas que llenen los vacíos de usabilida

    BookSense an Application for Mental Disorders Diagnosis: A Case Study for User Evaluation and Redesign

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    Booksense, a mobile application that allows to identify mental disorders such as depression, work stress and postraumatism [13], through a series of questions based on a mental health assessment that allows you to nd out if you have a mental illness, the app can detect if the user shows signs of a mental disorder, being the most important to detect the problem from its stages initials, plus it also has a database of institutions in the country where you can receive care. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are currently 300 million people on the planet who su er from depression. This is why it is important to have assisted diagnostic tools that help prevent this type of a ectations in the population, as well as keep informed. the people about help centers. All this would not be possible if you do not count an application that has three important aspects that are: E ciency, e ectiveness and satisfaction aspects that are not present in this diagnostic tool is why the importance of the use of usability evaluations. This research aims to generate a redesign of this application based on certain heuristics that ll the gaps in usabilityBooksense, una aplicación móvil que permite identificar trastornos mentales como depresión, estrés laboral y postraumatismo [13], a través de una serie de preguntas basadas en una evaluación de salud mental que te permite saber si tienes una enfermedad mental, la aplicación puede detectar si el usuario muestra signos de un trastorno mental, siendo lo más importante para detectar el problema desde sus etapas iniciales, además también cuenta con una base de datos de instituciones en el país donde puede recibir atención. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) estima que actualmente hay 300 millones de personas en el planeta que padecen depresión. Por eso es importante contar con herramientas de diagnóstico asistido que ayuden a prevenir este tipo de afectaciones en la población, así como a mantenerse informada. la gente sobre los centros de ayuda. Todo esto no sería posible si no se cuenta una aplicación que tiene tres aspectos importantes que son: Aspectos de eficiencia, efectividad y satisfacción que no están presentes en esta herramienta de diagnóstico de ahí la importancia del uso de evaluaciones de usabilidad. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo generar un rediseño de esta aplicación en base a ciertas heurísticas que llenen los vacíos de usabilida

    Impact of the Trap Attributes on the Gate Leakage Mechanisms in a 2D MS-EMC Nanodevice Simulator

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    From a modeling point of view, the inclusion of adequate physical phenomena is mandatory when analyzing the behavior of new transistor architectures. In particular, the high electric field across the ultra-thin insulator in aggressively scaled transistors leads to the possibility for the charge carriers in the channel to tunnel through the gate oxide via various gate leakage mechanisms (GLMs). In this work, we study the impact of trap number on gate leakage using the GLM model, which is included in a Multi-Subband Ensemble Monte Carlo (MS-EMC) simulator for Fully-Depleted Silicon-On-Insulator (FDSOI) field effect transistors (FETs). The GLM code described herein considers both direct and trap-assisted tunneling. This work shows that trap attributes and dynamics can modify the device electrostatic characteristics and even play a significant role in determining the extent of GLMs.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 688101 SUPERAID7

    Estimation of Indoor Location Through Magnetic Field Data: An Approach Based On Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Estimation of indoor location represents an interesting research topic since it is a main contextual variable for location bases services (LBS), eHealth applications and commercial systems, among others. For instance, hospitals require location data of their employees, as well as the location of their patients to offer services based on these locations at the correct moments of their needs. Several approaches have been proposed to tackle this problem using different types of artificial or natural signals (ie, wifi, bluetooth, rfid, sound, movement, etc.). In this work, it is proposed the development of an indoor location estimator system, relying in the data provided by the magnetic field of the rooms, which has been demonstrated that is unique and quasi-stationary. For this purpose, it is analyzed the spectral evolution of the magnetic field data viewed as a bidimensional heatmap, avoiding temporal dependencies. A Fourier transform is applied to the bidimensional heatmap of the magnetic field data to feed a convolutional neural network (CNN) to generate a model to estimate the user’s location in a building. The evaluation of the CNN model to deploy an indoor location system (ILS) is done through measuring the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve to observe the behavior in terms of sensitivity and specificity. Our experiments achieve a 0.99 Area Under the Curve (AUC) in the training data-set and a 0.74 in a total blind data set.Estimation of indoor location represents an interesting research topic since it is a main contextual variable for location bases services (LBS), eHealth applications and commercial systems, among others. For instance, hospitals require location data of their employees, as well as the location of their patients to offer services based on these locations at the correct moments of their needs. Several approaches have been proposed to tackle this problem using different types of artificial or natural signals (ie, wifi, bluetooth, rfid, sound, movement, etc.). In this work, it is proposed the development of an indoor location estimator system, relying in the data provided by the magnetic field of the rooms, which has been demonstrated that is unique and quasi-stationary. For this purpose, it is analyzed the spectral evolution of the magnetic field data viewed as a bidimensional heatmap, avoiding temporal dependencies. A Fourier transform is applied to the bidimensional heatmap of the magnetic field data to feed a convolutional neural network (CNN) to generate a model to estimate the user’s location in a building. The evaluation of the CNN model to deploy an indoor location system (ILS) is done through measuring the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve to observe the behavior in terms of sensitivity and specificity. Our experiments achieve a 0.99 Area Under the Curve (AUC) in the training data-set and a 0.74 in a total blind data set