31 research outputs found

    Fisher’s decision tree

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    Univariate decision trees are classifiers currently used in many data mining applications. This classifier discovers partitions in the input space via hyperplanes that are orthogonal to the axes of attributes, producing a model that can be understood by human experts. One disadvantage of univariate decision trees is that they produce complex and inaccurate models when decision boundaries are not orthogonal to axes. In this paper we introduce the Fisher’s Tree, it is a classifier that takes advantage of dimensionality reduction of Fisher’s linear discriminant and uses the decomposition strategy of decision trees, to come up with an oblique decision tree. Our proposal generates an artificial attribute that is used to split the data in a recursive way. The Fisher’s decision tree induces oblique trees whose accuracy, size, number of leaves and training time are competitive with respect to other decision trees reported in the literature. We use more than ten public available data sets to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method

    Classification of mexican paper currency denomination by extracting their discriminative colors

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    In this paper we describe a machine vision approach to recognize the denomination classes of the Mexican paper currency by extracting their color features. A banknote’s color is characterized by summing all the color vectors of the image’s pixels to obtain a resultant vector, the banknote’s denomination is classified by knowing the orientation of the resulting vector within the RGB space. In order to obtain a more precise characterization of paper currency, the less discriminative colors of each denomination are eliminated from the images; the color selection is applied in the RGB and HSV spaces, separately. Experimental results with the current Mexican banknotes are presented.Proyecto PROMEP 103.5/13/653

    Segmentation of images by color features: a survey

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    En este articulo se hace la revisión del estado del arte sobre la segmentación de imagenes de colorImage segmentation is an important stage for object recognition. Many methods have been proposed in the last few years for grayscale and color images. In this paper, we present a deep review of the state of the art on color image segmentation methods; through this paper, we explain the techniques based on edge detection, thresholding, histogram-thresholding, region, feature clustering and neural networks. Because color spaces play a key role in the methods reviewed, we also explain in detail the most commonly color spaces to represent and process colors. In addition, we present some important applications that use the methods of image segmentation reviewed. Finally, a set of metrics frequently used to evaluate quantitatively the segmented images is shown

    Color characterization comparison for machine vision-based fruit recognition

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    In this paper we present a comparison between three color characterizations methods applied for fruit recognition, two of them are selected from two related works and the third is the authors’ proposal; in the three works, color is represented in the RGB space. The related works characterize the colors considering their intensity data; but employing the intensity data of colors in the RGB space may lead to obtain imprecise models of colors, because, in this space, despite two colors with the same chromaticity if they have different intensities then they represent different colors. Hence, we introduce a method to characterize the color of objects by extracting the chromaticity of colors; so, the intensity of colors does not influence significantly the color extraction. The color characterizations of these two methods and our proposal are implemented and tested to extract the color features of different fruit classes. The color features are concatenated with the shape characteristics, obtained using Fourier descriptors, Hu moments and four basic geometric features, to form a feature vector. A feed-forward neural network is employed as classifier; the performance of each method is evaluated using an image database with 12 fruit classes

    Color image segmentation using saturated RGB colors and decoupling the intensity from the hue

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    Although the RGB space is accepted to represent colors, it is not adequate for color processing. In related works the colors are usually mapped to other color spaces more suitable for color processing, but it may imply an important computational load because of the non-linear operations involved to map the colors between spaces; nevertheless, it is common to find in the state-of-the-art works using the RGB space. In this paper we introduce an approach for color image segmentation, using the RGB space to represent and process colors; where the chromaticity and the intensity are processed separately, mimicking the human perception of color, reducing the underlying sensitiveness to intensity of the RGB space. We show the hue of colors can be processed by training a self-organizing map with chromaticity samples of the most saturated colors, where the training set is small but very representative; once the neural network is trained it can be employed to process any given image without training it again. We create an intensity channel by extracting the magnitudes of the color vectors; by using the Otsu method, we compute the threshold values to divide the intensity range in three classes. We perform experiments with the Berkeley segmentation database; in order to show the benefits of our proposal, we perform experiments with a neural network trained with different colors by subsampling the RGB space, where the chromaticity and the intensity are processed jointly. We evaluate and compare quantitatively the segmented images obtained with both approaches. We claim to obtain competitive results with respect to related works

    Computing the number of groups for color image segmentation using competitive neural networks and fuzzy c-means

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    Se calcula la cantidad de grupos en que los vectores de color son agrupados usando fuzzy c-meansFuzzy C-means (FCM) is one of the most often techniques employed for color image segmentation; the drawback with this technique is the number of clusters the data, pixels’ colors, is grouped must be defined a priori. In this paper we present an approach to compute the number of clusters automatically. A competitive neural network (CNN) and a self-organizing map (SOM) are trained with chromaticity samples of different colors; the neural networks process each pixel of the image to segment, where the activation occurrences of each neuron are collected in a histogram. The number of clusters is set by computing the number of the most activated neurons. The number of clusters is adjusted by comparing the similitude of colors. We show successful segmentation results obtained using images of the Berkeley segmentation database by training only one time the CNN and SOM, using only chromaticity data

    Contrast enhacenment of RGB color images by histogram equalization of color vectors' intensities

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    Mejora del contraste de imagenes de color RGBThe histogram equalization (HE) is a technique developed for image contrast enhancement of grayscale images. For RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color images, the HE is usually applied in the color channels separately; due to correlation between the color channels, the chromaticity of colors is modified. In order to overcome this problem, the colors of the image are mapped to different color spaces where the chromaticity and the intensity of colors are decoupled; then, the HE is applied in the intensity channel. Mapping colors between different color spaces may involve a huge computational load, because the mathematical operations are not linear. In this paper we present a proposal for contrast enhancement of RGB color images, without mapping the colors to different color spaces, where the HE is applied to the intensities of the color vectors. We show that the images obtained with our proposal are very similar to the images processed in the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) and L*a*b* color spaces

    Seguridad pasiva extraordinaria en automóviles usando un modelo de red de sensores

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    Context:  The automobile industry has included active and passive safety. Active safety incorporates elements to avoid crashes and collisions. Some elements are ABS brakes and stabilization bars, among others. On the other hand, passive safety avoids or minimizes damage to the occupants in the event of an accident. Some passive safety features include seat belts and front and curtain airbags for the driver and other occupants. Method: In this research work, we propose a new category called Extraordinary Passive Safety (XPS). A model of a sensor network was designed to inspect the conditions inside the car to detect fire, smoke, gases, and extreme temperatures. The sensors send data to a device (DXPS) capable of receiving and storing the data. Results: Each sensor collects data and sends it to the DXPS every period. The sensor sends 0s while there is no risk, and 1s when it detects a risk. When the DXPS receives a 1, the pattern is evaluated, and the risk is identified. Since there are several sensors, the reading pattern is a set of 0s (000000). When a pattern with one or more 1s (000100, 010101) is received, the DXPS can send an alert or activate a device. Conclusions: The proposed solution could save the lives of children left in the car or people trapped when the car catches fire. As future work, it is intended to define the devices to avoid or minimize damage to the occupants such as oxygen supply, gas extraction, regulating the temperature, among others.Contexto: La industria de los automóviles ha incluido seguridad activa y pasiva. La seguridad activa incorpora elementos para evitar choques y colisiones. Algunos elementos son frenos ABS y barras de estabilización, entre otros. Por otro lado, la seguridad pasiva evita o minimiza daños a los ocupantes en caso de haber un accidente. Algunos elementos de seguridad pasiva son los cinturones de seguridad y bolsas de aire, así como de cortina para el conductor y otros ocupantes. Método: En este trabajo de investigación se propone una nueva categoría llamada seguridad pasiva extraordinaria (SPX). Se definió un modelo de una red de sensores para censar las condiciones del interior del automóvil para detectar fuego, humo, gases y temperaturas extremas. Los sensores envían datos a un dispositivo capaz de recibir y almacenar los datos. Resultados: Cada sensor obtiene datos y los envía al dispositivo cada periodo de tiempo. El sensor envía 0s mientras no exista riesgo; al detectar un riesgo envía un 1. Cuando el dispositivo recibe un 1, se evalúa el patrón y se determina el riesgo. Dado que hay varios sensores, el patrón de lectura es un conjunto de 0 (000000). Cuando se recibe un patrón con uno o más ceros (000100, 010101) se puede activar una alarma o activar un dispositivo. Conclusiones: La solución propuesta podría salvar vidas de niños dejados en el automóvil o personas atrapadas al incendiarse el automóvil. Como trabajo futuro se pretenden definir los dispositivos para evitar o minimizar los daños a los ocupantes como suministro de oxígeno, extracción de gases, regulación de la temperatura, ente otros

    Data selection based on decision tree for SVM classification on large data sets

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    Support Vector Machine (SVM) has important properties such as a strong mathematical background and a better generalization capability with respect to other classification methods. On the other hand, the major drawback of SVM occurs in its training phase, which is computationally expensive and highly dependent on the size of input data set. In this study, a new algorithm to speed up the training time of SVM is presented; this method selects a small and representative amount of data from data sets to improve training time of SVM. The novel method uses an induction tree to reduce the training data set for SVM, producing a very fast and high-accuracy algorithm. According to the results, the proposed algorithm produces results with similar accuracy and in a faster way than the current SVM implementations.Proyecto UAEM 3771/2014/C

    Complex identification of plants from leaves

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    Se presenta una propuesta para el reconocimiento de hojas muy semejantes en su apariencia.The automatic identification of plant leaves is a very important current topic of research in vision systems. Several researchers have tried to solve the problem of identification from plant leaves proposing various techniques. The proposed techniques in the literature have obtained excellent results on data sets where the leaves have dissimilar features to each other. However, in cases where the leaves are very similar to each other, the classification accuracy falls significantly. In this paper, we proposed a system to deal with the performance problem of machine learning algorithms where the leaves are very similar. The results obtained show that combination of different features and features selection process can improve the classification accuracy