28 research outputs found

    Search via quantum walks with intermediate measurements

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    A modification of Tulsi's quantum search algorithm with intermediate measurements of the control qubit is presented. In order to analyze the effect of measurements in quantum searches, a different choice of the angular parameter is used. The study is performed for several values of time lapses between measurements, finding close relationships between probabilities and correlations (mutual information and cumulative correlation measure). The order of this modified algorithm is estimated, showing that for some time lapses the performance is improved, and becomes of order O(N) (classical brute-force search) when measurements are taken in every step. The results provide a possible way to analyze improvements to other quantum algorithms using one, or more, control qubits

    Prefix-suffix duplication

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    We consider a bio-inspired formal operation on words called prefix-suffix duplication which consists in the duplication of a prefix or suffix of a given word. The class of languages defined by the iterated application of the prefix-suffix duplication to a word is considered. We show that such a language is context-free if and only if the initial word contains just one letter. Moreover, every language in this class is semilinear and belongs to NL. We propose a 0(n2 logn) time and 0(n2 ) space recognition algorithm. Two algorithms are further proposed for computing the prefix-suffix duplication distance between two words, defined as the minimal number of prefix-suffix duplications applied to one of them in order to get the other one. The first algorithm runs in cubic time and uses quadratic space while the second one is more efficient, having 0(n2 logn) time complexity, but needs 0(n2 logn) space

    Planar point sets with large minimum convex decompositions

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    We show the existence of sets with n points (n ? 4) for which every convex decomposition contains more than (35/32)n?(3/2) polygons,which refutes the conjecture that for every set of n points there is a convex decomposition with at most n+C polygons. For sets having exactly three extreme pointswe show that more than n+sqr(2(n ? 3))?4 polygons may be necessary to form a convex decomposition

    Cumulative measure of correlation for multipartite quantum states

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    The present article proposes a measure of correlation for multiqubit mixed states. The measure is de?ned recursively, accumulating the correlation of the subspaces, making it simple to calculate without the use of regression. Unlike usual measures, the proposed measure is continuous additive and re?ects the dimensionality of the state space, allowing to compare states with di?erent dimensions. Examples show that the measure can signal critical points (CPs) in the analysis of Quantum Phase Transitions (QPTs) in Heisenberg models

    Caracterización de errores en circuitos cuánticos: índice de isotropía para estados de n-qubits

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    Desde los inicios de la computación cuántica se han investigado diversas formas de trabajar con los circuitos cuánticos en ambientes con errores. Usualmente se asume la hipótesis de que los errores en cada qubit son independientes, según Shor, simplemente por analogía con el modelo clásico. Aunque en algunos casos esta hipótesis pueda ser realista, no está justificada para errores de decoherencia de un estado de n-qubits y errores en puertas cuánticas de más de un qubit. En este trabajo se introduce una fora de caracterizar errores más generales en circuitos cuánticos mediante un índice de isotropía

    Order of Grover's search algorithm with both total and local depolarizing channel error

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    Noise is an inherent part of quantum computation. Although there exists a fault-tolerant approach to quantum computing, this requires many computational resources. Hence, it is important to analyze how noise affects well-known algorithms. In this paper the effect of noise in Grover?s search algorithm is studied. The noise is modeled as both total depolarizing channel (TDCh), and local depolarizing channel (LDCh) in every qubit. An analysis of the order has been made analytically for the TDCh, and an approximation has been done for the LDCh