3,312 research outputs found

    Manual docente. Gestión de los servicios de enfermería. Ética y legislación sanitaria.

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    El presente Manual docente forma parte de la asignatura obligatoria “Gestión de los servicios de enfermería. Ética y legislación sanitaria”, impartida en 3º Grado en Enfermería de la Facultad de Enfermería de Valladolid. El objetivo es el de facilitar a los estudiantes en el proceso de aprendizaje de la Unidad III, dotándoles de una herramienta de contenidos teóricos que analizan y argumentan los contenidos de la normativa incluida en este apartado de la asignatura. Entre sus contenidos cabe destacar la regulación de los derechos y obligaciones de los pacientes, usuarios y profesionales, así como de los centros y servicios sanitarios, públicos y privados, en materia de autonomía del paciente y de información y documentación clínica. Para llevar esto a cabo es imprescindible conocer la regulación de la historia clínica como instrumento fundamental para la atención sanitaria del paciente que recoge toda la información relativa a su proceso asistencial. Dentro de este contexto es necesario abordar la regulación de los aspectos básicos de las profesiones sanitarias tituladas en lo que se refiere a su ejercicio por cuenta propia o ajena, a la estructura general de la formación de los profesionales, al desarrollo profesional de éstos y a su participación en la planificación y ordenación de las profesiones sanitarias. Y para finalizar los contenidos del manual, se recogen las bases reguladoras de la relación funcionarial especial del personal estatutario, contenidas en la Ley 55/2003 (Estatuto Marco), en la Comunidad de Castilla y León, a través de la Ley 2/2007 del Estatuto jurídico del personal estatutario de Castila y León

    Development of an Emergency Radio Beacon for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    Emergency locator transmitters (ELTs) used to locate manned aircrafts are not well suited to find and recover small crashed unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). ELTs utilize an international satellite system for search and rescue (Cospas-Sarsat System), which should leverage its expensive resources to save lives as a priority. Besides, ELTs are too big and heavy to be used within small UAVs. Some of the existing solutions for this problem are based on receivers that detect signal strength, which may be a long and tedious process not suitable for user needs. Others do not have enough range or require radio license and expensive amateur radio receivers. This paper presents an emergency radio beacon specifically designed to locate small UAVs. It is triggered automatically in the event of a crash and allows finding and recovering a crashed UAV in a fast and simple way. It meets not only the required specifications of user-friendliness, size and weight of this kind of application, but also it is a high precision and low cost device. Besides, it has enough range and endurance. The experiments carried out show the operation of the proposed system

    The DOCENTIA Programme: basis, development and implications

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    Este artículo responde al objetivo de mostrar el desarrollo histórico de un programa de apoyo para la evaluación de la actividad docente del profesorado universitario denominado DOCENTIA, desde su origen, sus objetivos y su desarrollo en las instituciones de educación superior españolas. En primer lugar, comenzamos con la exposición de los antecedentes sobre evaluación docente en las instituciones de educación superior, ligadas al desarrollo de la Ley de Reforma Universitaria, hasta la aprobación de la vigente Ley de Universidades (LOMLOU, 2007). A continuación, describimos la naturaleza y sentido de la herramienta DOCENTIA en el nuevo contexto universitario, adaptado a las exigencias de garantía de calidad de las instituciones. Posteriormente, presentamos un análisis comparado de los diecisiete modelos de evaluación de la actividad docente certificados hasta diciembre de 2017 por las agencias de evaluación, a partir de criterios objetivos. A continuación, exponemos el desarrollo que ha seguido el programa en términos cuantitativos y cualitativos en la Universidad española. Finalizamos, planteando una reflexión sobre las implicaciones que en la práctica ha producido la aplicación de la herramienta de evaluación docente DOCENTIA, en la mejora de la función docente de la actividad universitaria.This paper aims to show the historical development of a programme supporting the assessment of the teaching activities of university professors called DOCENTIA, covering its origins, aims, and implementation within Spanish higher education institutions. Firstly, we will explain the antecedents on teacher assessment in higher education institutions, which are linked to the development of the University Reform Act, and up to the current Act on Universities (LOMLOU, 2007). Next, we will describe the nature of DOCENTIA as a tool adapted to the quality assurance demands in the new university context. Following this, we will present an analysis comparing the seventeen models of teacher assessment which were certified as of December 2017 by the assessment agencies based on objective criteria. Then, we will explain the development of the programme in both qualitative and quantitative terms within the Spanish university system. We will finish off by reflecting on the practical implications of the teaches assessment tool DOCENTIA in the improvement of the teaching practice within Spanish universities

    Minors: repeat offenders and non-repeat offenders in the juvenile justice system in Andalusia

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    En los últimos años han visto la luz varios informes sobre la reincidencia juvenil en el ámbito de distintas comunidades autónomas. Dentro del marco de un proyecto más amplio sobre seguridad ciudadana, se diseñó una investigación con la pretensión de abordar las variables legales y/o sociales que distinguen a los reincidentes de los no reincidentes en Andalucía. Con este trabajo, partiendo del marco legal constituido por la Ley Orgánica 5/2000, de 12 de enero, y sus sucesivas reformas, presentamos la reiteración delictiva de los menores obtenida a partir de una muestra de expedientes judiciales del sistema de justicia penal juvenil, así como una descripción panorámica de las variables personales, sociales y legales que nos permiten diferenciar con un análisis bivariable y de forma estadísticamente significativa, al grupo de menores reincidentes del de los no reincidentes en los tres juzgados andaluces analizados.During the last few years many reports about juvenile repeat offenders have come to light in different Autonomous Communities. Within the framework of a larger project that deals with public security, this research project was designed in order to research the legal and/or social variables that distinguish repeat offenders from non repeat offenders in Andalusia. In this work, which takes into account the legal framework provided by the Organic Law 5/2000 from 12 January and its subsequent amendments, we present the repetition of criminal behavior of minors based on a sample of court files from the juvenile criminal justice system. Moreover, a panoramic description of the personal, social and legal variables are presented that enable us to distinguish, using bivariate analysis and in a statistically significant manner, the repeat offender group of minors from the non repeat offenders in the three Andalusian courts used in this study.Programa Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica de la Secretaría de Estado de Universidades e Investigación del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (SEJ2006-07242/JURI)

    Influence of temperature and time on the Eu3+ reaction with synthetic Na-Mica-n (n = 2 and 4)

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    Bentonite is accepted as the best clay material for the engineered barrier of Deep Geological Repositories (DGRs). The performance of clay as the main component of the engineered barrier in the DGR has been intensively studied and the structure of the selected clay mineral play a crucial role. In this sense, a new family of synthetic swelling silicates, Na-Mica-n, with tuned layer charge (n) values between 2.0 and 4.0 per unit cell has recently been synthesized and a general synthetic method has been reported. These swelling high-charge micas could be highly valuable for the decontamination of harmful cations. The ability of these micas to immobilize Eu3+ under subcritical conditions has been probed. The adsorption was in both non-specific sites (cation exchange mechanism) and specific sites (chemical reaction or surface defects adsorption). Moreover, its adsorption capacity, under the same conditions is higher than in saponite and far superior to the bentonites.Junta de Andalucía P12-FQM-567European Union 29178

    NOFACE: A new framework for irrelevant content filtering in social media according to credibility and expertise

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    Social networks have taken an irreplaceable role in our lives. They are used daily by millions of people to communicate and inform themselves. This success has also led to a lot of irrelevant content and even misinformation on social media. In this paper, we propose a user-centred framework to reduce the amount of irrelevant content in social networks to support further stages of data mining processes. The system also helps in the reduction of misinformation in social networks, since it selects credible and reputable users. The system is based on the belief that if a user is credible then their content will be credible. Our proposal uses word embeddings in a first stage, to create a set of interesting users according to their expertise. After that, in a later stage, it employs social network metrics to further narrow down the relevant users according to their credibility in the network. To validate the framework, it has been tested with two real Big Data problems on Twitter. One related to COVID-19 tweets and the other to last United States elections on 3rd November. Both are problems in which finding relevant content may be difficult due to the large amount of data published during the last years. The proposed framework, called NOFACE, reduces the number of irrelevant users posting about the topic, taking only those that have a higher credibility, and thus giving interesting information about the selected topic. This entails a reduction of irrelevant information, mitigating therefore the presence of misinformation on a posterior data mining method application, improving the obtained results, as it is illustrated in the mentioned two topics using clustering, association rules and LDA techniques.European Commission 786687Andalusian government FEDER operative program P18-RT-2947 B-TIC-145-UGR18University of Granada's internal plan PPJIB2021-04Spanish Government FPU18/0015

    Can low-cost road vehicles positioning systems fulfil accuracy specifications of new ADAS applications?

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    Some new Advanced Driver Assistance Sy stems (ADAS) need on-the-lane vehicle positioning on accurate digital maps, but present applications of vehicle positioning do not justify the surcharge of very ac curate equipment such as DGPS or high-cost inertial systems. For this reason, performance of GPS in autonomous mode is analyzed. Although satisfactory results can be found, in some areas GPS signal is lost or degraded, so it is necessary to know the positioning error when using only inertial system data. A th eoretical approach based on the uncertainty propagation law is used to esti mate the upper limit of distance that can be travelled fulfilling the specifications of an assistance system. Tests results support the conclusions of this approach. Finally, the comb ination of GPS and inertial systems is studied, resulting that the theoretical approach is valid when inertial measurements are used right from the start of GPS signal de gradation, without waiting for a complete loss.The work reported in this paper has been partly funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (SIAC project TRA2007-67786-C02-01 and TRA2007-67786-C02-02) and the CAM project SEGVAUTO.Publicad

    Extremadura, destino de turismo ornitológico: propuestas para su comercialización

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    Extremadura es un magnífico escenario para el desarrollo del turismo ornitológico. Entre los lugares privilegiados para la observación de aves destaca el Parque Nacional de Monfragüe, punto de referencia para ornitólogos de todo el mundo, donde pueden avistarse buitres negros, cigüeñas negras o el águila imperial ibérica. El turismo ornitológico se ha convertido en una de las grandes apuestas en el desarrollo turístico de la región. El número de empresas enfocadas a esta tipología turística está creciendo y las agencias de viajes ya incluyen estos paquetes en sus programaciones. Las empresas se han visto apoyadas por un mayor dinamismo por parte de la administración turística regional, a destacar, la creación de la Feria Internacional de Turismo Ornitológico (FIO). Las características de la región encajan con lo que se necesita para la existencia de una oferta de calidad, estable y sostenible, tratando de encontrar el equilibrio entre la explotación turística y la conservación del medio ambiente. Este trabajo se propone poner de manifiesto la relevancia de Extremadura como destino de turismo ornitológico, aportando estrategias de comercialización para su adecuado desenvolvimiento. Para ello, se ha realizado un trabajo de recogida, selección y análisis de información a partir de fuentes secundarias.Extremadura is a great scenery for birdwatching development. The National Park of Monfragüe is one of the most highlighted places for birdwatching, reference point for birdwatchers from all over the world, where it can be seen black vultures, black storks and the iberian imperial eagle. The birdwatching is one of the greatest bets for the touristic development of the region. The number of companies focused on this type of tourism is growing, and the travel agencies already include these package tours on its programs. Companies have seen supported by a greater dynamism of the regional public administration, especially, the creation of the Extremadura Birdwatching Fair (FIO). The characteristics of the region fit with the needs of the existence of a quality, steady and sustainable touristic supply, trying to find the equilibrium of getting profitability and conserving the environment. This working paper tries to show de importance of Extremadura like a birdwatching destiny, contributing commercialization strategies for its adequate development. Thus, it has been realized a work of collecting, selection and analyse of secondary sources information