1,764 research outputs found

    Assessment of carotenoid production by Dunaliella salina in different culture systems and operation regimes

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    The effect of operation regime and culture system on carotenoid productivity by the halotolerant alga Dunaliella salina has been analyzed. Operation strategies tested included batch and semi continuous regime, as well as a two-stage approach run simultaneously in both, open tanks and closed reactor. The best results were obtained with the closed tubular photobioreactor. The highest carotenoid production (328.8 mg carotenoid l−1 culture per month) was achieved with this culture system operated following the two-stage strategy. Also, closed tubular photobioreactor provided the highest carotenoid contents (10% of dry weight) in Dunaliella biomass and β-carotene abundance (90% of total carotenoids) as well as the highest 9-cis to all-trans β-carotene isomer ratio (1.5 at sunrise).Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología IFD 1997-1780IFAPA CO3-125Plan Andaluz de Investigación CVI13

    Compliance with Social Norms as an Evolutionary Stable Equilibrium

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    Producción CientíficaThis paper studies a two-population evolutionary game in a new setting in between a symmetric and an asymmetric evolutionary model. It distinguishes two types of agents: Sanchos, whose payoffs are defined by a prisoner’s dilemma game, and Quixotes, whose payoffs are defined by a snowdrift game. Considering an imita- tive revision protocol, a revising agent is paired with someone from his own popula- tion or the other population. When matched, they observe payoffs, but not identities. Thus, agents in one population interact and imitate agents from their own population and from the other population. In this setting we prove that a unique mixed-strategy asymptotically stable fixed point of the evolutionary dynamics exists. Taking as an example the compliance with social norms, and depending on the parameters, two type of equilibrium are possible, one with full compliance among Quixotes and par- tial compliance among Sanchos, or another with partial compliance among Quixotes and defection among Sanchos. In the former type, Sanchos comply above their Nash equilibrium (as they imitate compliant Quixotes). In the latter type, Quixotes comply below their Nash equilibrium (as they imitate defecting Sanchos).This study was funded by the Spanish Government (projects ECO2014- 52343-P and ECO2017-82227-P), as well as financial aid from Junta de Castilla y León (projects VA024P17 and VA105G18), co-financed by FEDER funds

    Asterocheres hirsutus, a new species of parasitic copepod (Siphonostomatoida : Asterocheridae) associated with an Antarctic hexactinellid sponge

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    The asterocherid siphonostomatoid copepod Asterocheres hirsutus, a new species, is described from a hexactinellid sponge of the genus Rossella Carter collected during the Polastern cruise ANT XVII/3, off South Shetland Islands. The distinctive features of this new species are: a female with 21-segmented and a male with 17-segmented antennules, praecoxal endite of maxillule more than four times longer than palp and the ornamentation of the posterior surface of legs 1–4. A detailed description of both sexes is presented

    Eficacia luminosa en superficies horizontales en la estación de Radiación Solar e Iluminación de alta calidad del IDMP en Madrid

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    En la estación de radiación solar e iluminación de alta calidad del International Daylight Measurement Program (IDMP) en Madrid, ubicada en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (40º 25’ N, 3º 41’ W) se ha realizado un estudio detallado sobre la e-cacia luminosa de la radiación global, difusa y directa en super¬cies horizontales para todo tipo de cielos (despejados, cubiertos y parcialmente cubiertos). La parte experimental ha consistido en tomar medidas durante 5 segundos cada 15 minutos, diariamente, de iluminancias e irradiancias globales y difusas durante 15 meses, a partir de las cuales se han deducido modelos para determinar iluminancias, irradiancias y e¬cacias luminosas de la radiación solar para todo tipo de cielos en función de la altitud solar, considerando pequeños intervalos de 2,5º. El principal resultado obtenido es constatar que es posible deducir un modelo de e¬cacia luminosa a partir de modelos de iluminancia e irradiancia obtenidos previamente, muy útiles para estimar los niveles de iluminación en la edi¬cació

    Identifying the multidimen-sional poor in developed countries using relative thresholds: An application to Spanish data

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    Producción CientíficaIn order to contribute to providing a methodology to ensure objectivity and transparency in the measurement of multidimensional poverty, this paper proposes a new threshold for the identification of the multidimensional poor which is also applicable to each of the dimensions of poverty, suitable for identifying the severely poor in developed countries. This new methodology is applied to analyse the evolution of material deprivation in Spain during the period of economic crisis, comparing the results with those obtained using other traditional approaches.Ministerio de Economıa y Competitividad (Proyect ECO2014-56676-C2-2-P)Ministerio de Economıa y Competitividad (Proyect ECO2012-32178)Comunidad de Madrid (proyect S2015/HUM-3416-DEPOPOR-CM

    La pobreza en España desde una perspectiva multidimensional

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    Producción CientíficaEste artículo cuantifica el nivel de pobreza multidimensional en España y sus comunidades autónomas con los datos proporcionados por la Encuesta de Condiciones de Vida de los años 2008 y 2011. Se utilizan diferentes medidas de pobreza a partir de la metodología del recuento y se presenta una propuesta para el establecimiento de líneas relativas de pobreza multidimensional. Los resultados del estudio reflejan un empeoramiento del nivel de pobreza multidimensional en España entre los años 2007 y 2010, así como un aumento en las medidas de pobreza calculadas tras la utilización de los umbrales relativos, tanto en el agregado nacional como en la mayor parte de sus comunidades autónomas, sin alterarse de forma notable la posición de las comunidades en las ordenaciones de pobreza. Este empeoramiento es provocado fundamentalmente por el deterioro de los indicadores relativos al mercado de trabajo.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (ECO2012-32178

    Cadmium removal by Anabaena sp. ATCC 33047 immobilized in polyurethane foam

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    The nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. ATCC 33047, which generates substantial amounts of exopolysaccharide, was immobilized by entrapment within the reticulate network of polyurethane foam discs. The immobilized Anabaena sp. system has been investigated as a potential biosorbent for the removal of cadmium from aqueous solutions. The results showed that it was a highly fast process, with 80 % of the adsorption taking place in the first 10 min, reaching full equilibrium in about 50 min. Data analysis indicated that the behaviour of the system accurately fits to a monolayer adsorption model (Langmuir isotherm). The maximal biosorption capacity determined for the immobilized Anabaena sp. system was as high as 162 mg Cd (II) per gram dry biomass. The outstanding properties established for immobilized Anabaena sp. in polyurethane foam underline the relevance of such a system as an alternative to current treatments of variety effluents or wastewater contaminated with cadmium.Peer reviewe

    Curriculum project as a key instrument for the development of the teaching/learning process in mathematics

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    El presente artículo expresa nuestra opinión sobre el proyecto curricular en Matemáticas, intentando llenar un vacío existente y haciendo unas sugerencias que esperamos sean útiles a los profesores. Se estudian los modelos subyacentes (actual y de la reforma), y, a partir de lo anterior, se efectúa una propuesta de proyecto curricular en Matemáticas. Se pretende proporcionar una fundamentación teórica en la que un profesor pueda apoyarse para realizar sus Proyectos curriculares relativos al área de Matemáticas; sugerir un posible esquema que puede servirle de pauta al profesor en los proyectos curriculares que tenga que realizar es este área y dar pautas para valorar un proyecto curricular del área de Matemáticas. Se indican los errores más frecuentes que se suelen cometer, con el fin de los profesores no vayan a caer en ellos en los proyectos que elaboren en el futuro, y por último se ofrece una bibliografía concisa, pero suficiente, para que el profesor disponga de los referentes adecuados para abordar su propio desarrollo curricular.The present article expresses our opinion on the curriculum project in mathematics, aiming to fill an existent gap and making suggestions which we hope will be useful for the teacher. The underlying models (actual and reformed) are studied and from them a proposal for a curriculum project in mathematics is made. The intention is: to supply a theoretical foundation on which the teacher can learn to carry out his curriculum projects relative to the area of mathematics: to suggest a possible scheme which can serve as a model for the teacher in the curriculum projects to be carried out in this area and to give-lines for evaluating a curriculum project in mathematics. The most frequent errors committed are indicated so that the teacher does not fall into then in the projects he elaborates in the future and finally a concise, but sufficient, bibliography is offered so that the teacher has at his disposal the adequate references for carrying out his own curriculum development.peerReviewe

    Culturas y estilos directivos en hombres y mujeres: Un análisis empírico

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    The scarce number of women man agers in proportion to the high female activity rate has given rise to a large number of works that intend to analyse the phenomenom labelled as "glass ceiling", a transparent barrier that prevents women from being promoted above certain levels within organizations. This work presents an empirical analysis whose purpose is to give a more realistic image of the traditional woman manager stereotype, and to defend the need to incorporate into organizations both female and male cultural values. These values seem to be less and less bound to the variable sex, and their incorporation would be of benefit not just for man and women, but also for many men.La disproportion qui existe entre les élevés taux d'activité feminine et le faibletaux de femmes cadres a entrainé de nombreuses analyses du phénoménenommé le “toit de cristal" ou "barriére transparente" qui les empáche d'atteindre certains niveaux dans les organisations. Dans cette étude nous offrons une analyse empirique dont l'objectif est d'offrir une image plus proche de la réalité que l'image traditionnelle et stéréotypée de la femme cadre, en plus de plaider en faveur de la nécessité d'adopter des valeurs culturelles féminines et masculines au sein des organisations. Ces deux valeurs qui sont parailleurs de moins en moins reliées á la variable sexeet dont l'assimilation das la culture organisative favorise non seulement á beaucoup de femmes mais aussi a de nombreux hommes

    Ciencia y coleccionismo en Cuba en el siglo XIX

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    In this article a panoramic is exposed about museums and cabinets which existed in Cuba during the nineteenth century, describing functions and characteristics as well as the causes that made some of them disappear. It is also shown the continuity, asumed by the scientific collection over since major nationalized-institute in the nineteenth century. It is likewise intended to give a general and complete chronology about the development of museum in Cuba, taking into account the lasting-long or not of such institute. The authors regret the work shortege that considers the subject and total absence from the comparative standpoint.En este artículo se brinda una panorámica de los museos y gabinetes que existieron en Cuba durante el siglo XIX, describiéndose las características y funciones, así como las causas que hicieron desaparecer a algunos de ellos. También se destaca la continuidad asumida por el coleccionismo científico desde el siglo XVIII y su mayor institucionalización en el XIX. Asimismo se intenta dar una cronología muy general sobre el desarrollo de los museos en Cuba, teniéndose en cuenta la perdurabilidad o no de dicha institucionalización. Los autores lamentan la escasez de trabajos que traten el tema y la ausencia total desde el punto de vista comparativo