560 research outputs found

    Hacia la integración de Andalucía en la sociedad del conocimiento: algunas estrategias públicas regionales, metropolitanas y locales

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    Conocimiento e innovación actúan como principales impulsores de la competitividad y del dinamismo económico, al permitir maximizar las potencialidades productivas de las empresas, pero también del desarrollo territorial, propiciando comportamientos ambientalmente sostenibles, socialmente cohesionados y territorialmente equilibrados. En consecuencia, aumenta el interés por el análisis de las políticas y estrategias públicas que se están desarrollando para impulsar la innovación y la integración de los territorios en la sociedad del conocimiento. En este contexto general de referencia, el objetivo de este artículo es analizar la dimensión territorial de la innovación en Andalucía, así como las estrategias de actuación llevadas a cabo por instituciones públicas de distintos niveles y a diferentes escalas espaciales. Se presta, especial atención a la aglomeración metropolitana de Sevilla y, dentro de ésta, a las propuestas realizadas por la administración local en Alcalá de Guadaíra, al constituir un ejemplo interesante de este tipo de estrategias.Proyecto de I+D+i del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovació

    Economía creativa en la aglomeración metropolitana de Sevilla: agentes, redes locales de colaboración y principales actuaciones

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    Desde hace ya más de una década se viene atribuyendo un valor estratégico a la economía creativa al entender que puede contribuir a estimular la creación de empleo y a promover nuevos modelos de desarrollo territorial. Con este contexto general de referencia, el objetivo de este artículo es contribuir al conocimiento de la economía creativa en la aglomeración metropolitana de Sevilla, centrando especialmente la atención en los agentes a ella vinculados, en las redes de cooperación socio-institucional que entre dichos agentes se conforman y en sus principales actuaciones.For over a decade a strategic value has been placed on the so-called creative economy in the understanding that it can help to drive both job creation and promote new economic models. Given this general reference context, the aim of this article is to contribute to knowledge of the creative economy in the Urban Agglomeration of Seville, with special focus on the public and private agents with links to the area, on the local socio-institutional cooperation networks created by these agents, and on their main actions.Proyecto de Investigación del Plan Nacional de I+D+

    Cultural resources and creative industries in spanish medium-sized cities

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    In recent years, stress has been put on the relationship between cultural resources and creative industries and their ability to dynamise the economy and generate development processes. At the same time, much geographical research and some public powers and institutions have highlighted the role that medium-sized towns and cities can play by acting as intermediaries between large cities and rural areas. Seeking to combine these two theoretical reference frameworks, this article aims to analyse the presence of cultural resources and creative industries in Spanish medium-sized towns and cities. A typology of these towns and cities is also proposed based on these resources and industries.En los últimos años, se ha acentuado el interés por las relaciones entre recursos culturales e industrias creativas y su capacidad para dinamizar la economía y generar procesos de desarrollo. Al mismo tiempo, una importante parte de la investigación geográfica, de los poderes públicos y otras instituciones han destacado la potencialidad de las ciudades medias para actuar como intermediarias entre las grandes ciudades y las áreas rurales. Con la intención de combinar estos dos marcos teóricos de referencia, este artículo pretende analizar la presencia de recursos culturales e industrias creativas en las ciudades medias españolas. A este respecto, se propone una tipología de estas ciudades basada en este tipo de recursos e industrias.Spanish National Plan R&D&i and ERDF fund

    TCO-free low-temperature p+ emitters for back-junction c-Si solar cells

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    In this work, we report on the fabrication and characterization of n-type c-Si solar cells whose p+ emitters are based on laser processed aluminum oxide/silicon carbide (Al2O3/SiCx) films. The p+ emitter is defined at the rear side of the cell and it consists of point-like laser-diffused p+ regions with a surface charge induced emitter in between based on the high negative charge located at the Al2O3/c-Si interface. These emitters are fabricated at low temperature (1000 nm) that reach the rear surface of the cell resulting in an excellent back reflector. We fabricated solar cells with distance between p+ regions or pitch ranging from 200 to 350 µm with a front surface based on silicon heterojunction technology. Best efficiency (18.1%) is obtained for a pitch of 250 µm as a consequence of the trade-off between Voc and FF values.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Variable phenotype in HNF1B mutations: extrarenal manifestations distinguish affected individuals from the population with congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract

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    Background: Mutations in hepatocyte nuclear factor 1B (HNF1B) have been associated with congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) in humans. Diabetes and other less frequent anomalies have also been described. Variable penetrance and intrafamilial variability have been demonstrated including severe prenatal phenotypes. Thus, it is important to differentiate this entity from others with similar clinical features and perform confirmatory molecular diagnosis. Methods: This study reports the results of HNF1B screening in a cohort of 60 patients from 58 unrelated families presenting with renal structural anomalies and/or non-immune glucose metabolism alterations, and other minor features suggesting HNF1B mutations. Results: This study identified a pathogenic variant in 23 patients from 21 families. The most frequent finding was bilateral cystic dysplasia or hyperechogenic kidneys (87% of patients). Sixty percent of them also fulfilled the criteria for impaired glucose metabolism, and these were significantly older than those patients with an HNF1B mutation but without diabetes or prediabetes (14.4 versus 3.3years, P<0.05). Furthermore, patients with HNF1B mutations had higher frequency of pancreatic structural anomalies and hypomagnesaemia than patients without mutations (P<0.001 and P = 0.003, respectively). Hyperuricaemia and increased liver enzymes were detected in some patients as well. Conclusions: Renal anomalies found in patients with HNF1B mutations are frequently unspecific and may resemble those found in other renal pathologies (CAKUT, ciliopathies). Active searching for extrarenal minor features, especially pancreatic structural anomalies or hypomagnesaemia, could support the indication for molecular diagnosis to identify HNF1B mutations

    Innovación y desarrollo local en una ciudad media de Andalucía. El caso de Antequera (Málaga)

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    Proyecto de I+D+i financiado por el Ministerio Educación y Ciencia y con Fondos FEDE

    Derivados de 1,4,5-dibenzo[b,f]tiadiazepinas 5,6-dihidro y su uso en el tratamiento de enfermedades neurodegenerativas

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    Derivados de 1,4,5-dibenzo[b,f]tiadiazepinas 5,6-dihidro y su uso en el tratamiento de enfermedades neurodegenerativas. Compuestos químicos derivados del sistema heterocíclico 1,4,5-dibenzo[b,f]tiadiazepinas 5,6-dihidro y su uso como composiciones farmacéuticas para el tratamiento de enfermedades del sistema nervioso central, provocadas por una serie de procesos incluidos en lo que genéricamente se denomina neurodegeneración, en concreto para el tratamiento de Alzheimer, enfermedad de Parkinson o enfermedad de Huntington.Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Universidad Autónoma de MadridB1 Patente sin examen previ

    Textured PDMS films applied to thin crystalline silicon solar cells

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    © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Front surface texturization is a standard procedure used to improve optical properties of photovoltaic devices. In some particular cases, such as when dealing with ultrathin substrates, common texturization techniques can become unpractical or even unfeasible. Texturized polymer films applied on top of such devices may be used as an alternative. In this article, we report on the development of textured polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) films to be placed on top of planar crystalline silicon solar cells based on thin substrates (=40 µ m). The PDMS polymer is deposited onto a rough surface (conventional random pyramid textured silicon), cured and detached from it. By scanning electron microscope images, we demonstrate that the dilution of PDMS into toluene helps in a better replica of the master surface. Next, we apply the optimized PDMS films on top of dummy samples based on 10, 20, and 40 µm thick crystalline silicon (c-Si) substrates whose reflectance is significantly reduced after placing the PDMS films. Accurate optical simulations indicate that the optical improvement comes from three mechanisms: higher light transmission into the device, lower reflectance at the c-Si surface, and better light trapping properties at the thin c-Si absorber. Experimental verification of the optical improvement with texturized PDMS films is reported based on 40 µ m thick solar cell, where a short-circuit current density gain of 1.7 mA/cm 2 is observed.This work was funded by MINECO from Spanish government under projects TEC2017-82305-R, ENE2016-78933-C4-1-R, ENE2017-87671-C3-2-R. The work was also supported in part by project REFER COMRDI15-1-0036 funded by ACCIÓ and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version