1,762 research outputs found

    Uniform and strict persistence in monotone skew-product semiflows with applications to non-autonomous Nicholson systems

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    ProducciĂłn CientĂ­ficaWe determine sufficient conditions for uniform and strict persistence in the case of skew-product semiflows generated by solutions of non-autonomous families of cooperative systems of ODEs or delay FDEs in terms of the principal spectrums of some associated linear skew-product semiflows which admit a continuous separation. Our conditions are also necessary in the linear case. We apply our results to a noncooperative almost periodic Nicholson system with a patch structure, whose persistence turns out to be equivalent to the persistence of the linearized system along the null solution.MINECO/FEDER MTM2015-6633

    Plataforma elevadora móvil de personal (PEMP) autopropulsada articulada eléctrica

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    El siguiente proyecto consiste en el diseño mecánico de la parte estructural de los principales componentes de una PEMP (Plataforma Elevadora Móvil de Personal) autopropulsada articulada eléctrica, así como su correspondiente verificación de diseño mediante cálculos. Para el diseño se ha utilizado software SOLIDWORKS, en cuanto al cálculo, el software ANSYS WORKBENCH, además de los métodos clásicos de resistencia de materiales y elementos mecánicos. Este tipo de plataformas son ideales para trabajar en el interior de las empresas y en locales cerrados (mantenimiento de instalaciones industriales). Sus reducidas dimensiones y el brazo articulado le permiten acceder a lugares difíciles. Por contrapartida, éstas son máquinas de elevado peso respecto a sus dimensiones, limitando así el pendiente superable por las mismas, en comparación a otros modelos de PEMP. La máquina tiene la estructura clásica de una PEMP autopropulsada de brazo articulado, que consta principalmente de una plataforma de trabajo, una estructura extensible y un chasis motorizado

    Is uniform persistence a robust property in almost periodic models? A well-behaved family: almost periodic Nicholson systems

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    ProducciĂłn CientĂ­ficaUsing techniques of non-autonomous dynamical systems, we completely characterize the persistence properties of an almost periodic Nicholson system in terms of some numerically computable exponents. Although similar results hold for a class of cooperative and sublinear models, in the general nonautonomous setting one has to consider persistence as a collective property of the family of systems over the hull: the reason is that uniform persistence is not a robust property in models given by almost periodic differential equations.MINECO / FEDER grant MTM2015-66330-

    Persistence in non-autonomous quasimonotone parabolic partial functional differential equations with delay

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    ProducciĂłn CientĂ­ficaThis paper provides a dynamical frame to study non- autonomous parabolic partial differential equations with finite delay. Assuming monotonicity of the linearized semiflow, conditions for the existence of a continuous separation of type II over a minimal set are given. Then, practical criteria for the uniform or strict persistence of the systems above a minimal set are obtained.MINECO/FEDER grant MTM2015-66330-PEuropean Commission under project H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 643073 CRITIC

    Plataforma elevadora móvil de personal (PEMP) autopropulsada articulada eléctrica

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    El siguiente proyecto consiste en el diseño mecánico de la parte estructural de los principales componentes de una PEMP (Plataforma Elevadora Móvil de Personal) autopropulsada articulada eléctrica, así como su correspondiente verificación de diseño mediante cálculos. Para el diseño se ha utilizado software SOLIDWORKS, en cuanto al cálculo, el software ANSYS WORKBENCH, además de los métodos clásicos de resistencia de materiales y elementos mecánicos. Este tipo de plataformas son ideales para trabajar en el interior de las empresas y en locales cerrados (mantenimiento de instalaciones industriales). Sus reducidas dimensiones y el brazo articulado le permiten acceder a lugares difíciles. Por contrapartida, éstas son máquinas de elevado peso respecto a sus dimensiones, limitando así el pendiente superable por las mismas, en comparación a otros modelos de PEMP. La máquina tiene la estructura clásica de una PEMP autopropulsada de brazo articulado, que consta principalmente de una plataforma de trabajo, una estructura extensible y un chasis motorizado

    Global and cocycle attractors for non-autonomous reaction-diffusion equations. The case of null upper Lyapunov exponent

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    In this paper we obtain a detailed description of the global and cocycle attractors for the skew-product semiflows induced by the mild solutions of a family of scalar linear-dissipative parabolic problems over a minimal and uniquely ergodic flow. We consider the case of null upper Lyapunov exponent for the linear part of the problem. Then, basically two different types of attractors can appear, depending on whether the linear coefficient in the equations determines a bounded or an unbounded associated real cocycle. In the first case (the one for periodic equations), the structure of the attractor is simple, whereas in the second case (which happens in aperiodic equations), the attractor is a pinched set with a complicated structure. We describe situations in which the attractor is chaotic in measure in the sense of Li-Yorke. Besides, we obtain a non-autonomous discontinuous pitchfork bifurcation scenario for concave equations, applicable for instance to a linear-dissipative version of the Chafee-Infante equation.Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y CompetitividadFondo Europeo de Desarrollo RegionalEuropean CommissionJunta de AndalucĂ­

    Development and Psychometric Properties of an Instrument for the Assessment of Assertiveness in Sexual Relations

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    Introduction The potential consequences of being assertive or non-assertive for people’s sexual health and sexual well-being highlight the importance of assessing sexual assertiveness (SA). The currently available measures have limitations because they do not take recent social changes into account, they are designed to only assess women, and/or they ignore several com- ponents of SA. This study tests the psychometric properties of the Assertiveness in Sexual Relations Questionnaire (ASRQ). Methods Thus, 2370 participants (aged 18–69 years) of Spain completed the ASRQ, along with other scales that assesses related dimensions (e.g., family values in relation to sexual assertiveness, sexual esteem). Data were collected during 2020. Results Exploratory factor analysis yielded a four-factor structure: Assertive behavior as initiative, sub-assertive behavior, overly assertive behavior as initiative, and assertive behavior as a response, which was verified by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). A multigroup CFA was also conducted in men and women, confirming the adequacy of this four-factor structure across genders. The reliability of the factors ranged from 0.72 to 0.87. Similarly, correlations with related scales were mostly significant and in the expected direction. Conclusions The psychometric results obtained support the use of the ASRQ as a reliable and valid measure to assess sexual assertiveness in both men and women. Policy Implications The availability of an instrument to assess sexual assertiveness, whose psychometric properties have been satisfactorily tested, benefits society by contributing to the improvement of the sexual health of the population, allowing for more effective interventions and the early detection of skills that contribute to the establishment of risky sexual interactions

    A framework for obtaining structurally complex condensed representations of document sets in the biomedical domain

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    En este art culo presentamos un marco para la obtenci on de representa- ciones condensadas estructuralmente complejas de conjuntos de documentos, el cual servir a de base para la construcci on de res umenes, la obtenci on de respuestas para preguntas complejas, etc. Este marco incluye un m etodo para extraer una lista ordenada de hechos, triplos de la forma entidad - relaci on - entidad, el cual usa patrones de extracci on basados en an alisis de dependencias y modelos de lenguajes; y m etodos para construir un grafo bipartito que codi que la informaci on contenida en el conjunto de hechos y determinar un orden de recorrido apropiado sobre dicha estructura. Evaluamos los componentes de nuestro marco sobre una subcolecci on extra da de MEDLINE. Los resultados obtenidos son prometedores.In this paper, we present a framework for obtaining structurally complex condensed representations of documents sets, which will be used as a base for sum- marization, answering complex questions, etc. This framework includes a method for extracting a ranked list of facts, triples of the form entity - relation - entity, which relies on dependency parsing-based extraction patterns and language modeling; and methods for constructing a bipartite graph encoding the information contained in the set of facts and determining an appropriate traversing order on that structure. We evaluate the components of our framework on a subcollection extracted from MEDLINE, obtaining promising results

    Asymptotic Behaviour for a Class of Non-monotone Delay Differential Systems with Applications

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    The paper concerns a class of n-dimensional non-autonomous delay differential equations obtained by adding a non-monotone delayed perturbation to a linear homogeneous cooperative system of ordinary differential equations. This family covers a wide set of models used in structured population dynamics. By exploiting the stability and the monotone character of the linear ODE, we establish sufficient conditions for both the extinction of all the populations and the permanence of the system. In the case of DDEs with autonomous coefficients (but possible time-varying delays), sharp results are obtained, even in the case of a reducible community matrix. As a sub-product, our results improve some criteria for autonomous systems published in recent literature. As an important illustration, the extinction, persistence and permanence of a non-autonomous Nicholson system with patch structure and multiple time-dependent delays are analysed.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad /FEDER (MTM2015-66330)Fundaçao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia under project UID/MAT/-04561/201

    Construction of a Form for Users of the Child Welfare System Based on the Delphi Method

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    Professionals in charge of designing individualized plans for children and adolescents in the child welfare system often lack the necessary information, either because it has not been systematically collected or because there are doubts about the reliability of the data obtained. The lack of consensual and validated instruments that gather the necessary information has led to the development of a rigorous and effective form, based on the Delphi methodology, aimed at obtaining an exhaustive knowledge of the characteristics of children and adolescents under the child welfare system. Once a consensus of different specialists approved the hetero-informed form, it was completed by 41 professionals working in residential care facilities for 307 children and adolescents. It consists of 66 items grouped into six dimensions: general information, school/work situation, child welfare system history, family visitation history, biological family information, and experiences of sexual abuse. During its construction and validation, a panel of experts analyzed its format and content during the different phases. Most of the items showed good performance, and professionals highlighted their ease of use and relevance. The method used ensured the content validity of this form. This instrument has proven to be a useful and effective tool for collecting sociodemographic information on children and adolescents in the child welfare system, which may improve their conditions
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