1,087 research outputs found

    Over-education and Gender Occupational Differences in Spain

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    This paper explores the role of over-education in shaping the negative relationship between the education level attained by employees and the fact of working in a gender-dominated occupation, in Spain, a country where the phenomenon of over-education is common. Applying multinomial logit regressions, and controlling for individual and job characteristics, the results confirm the typical finding that having a university degree decreases the odds of working in a gender-dominated occupation. However, this is only true in the case of women when considering long—more than 3 years—university studies. The evidence also suggests that the general spread of over-education in Spain weakens that relationship so that reducing over-education would eventually lead to more uniformity in the gender-distribution of employment across occupations

    Deliberación celérica desde la periferia

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    Análisis sobre el consumo de medios y los usos telemáticos que los españoles desplegaron entre el 11-M y el 14-M. Consideramos los días correlativos de la semana previa, la primera de la campaña electoral, para establecer qu medios aumentaron más su audiencia y experimentaron mayor flujo de información. Veremos cómo se alteró la esfera pública para generar un nuevo proceso de "formación de opiniones" celéric

    Development of a Test-Bench for the Accurate Positioning of Scintillation Detector Modules for Medical Imaging Applications

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    When assessing the impact of novel concepts of scintillation block detectors for PET tomography by measuring the performance of single modules, or one module in coincidence with another, it is not trivial to translate the results of these investigations into a real PET scanner, made of several rings of modules. In particular, the real sensitivity, the signal to noise ratio of reconstructed images, and the spatial resolution (especially in the areas far from the center of field of view) among others are very critical to understand how good a PET scanner will perform for a real patient, and they are specific of the fully assembled scanner. Hence, demonstrating that a new idea under development is worth implementing in a real scanner requires more than just a measurement with two modules one in front of the other. For this reason, the set-up described in the present work will permit to reproduce full ring conditions using only a few modules at the price of a very good positioning accuracy.I must express all my gratitude towards one of my colleagues at CERN MME Group, Tommi Mikkola, for his infinite patience and teachings when reviewing the design and drawings of the mechanical parts

    25 entrevistas con científicos : ciencia de primera mano

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    Durante 2016, la radio de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, cuya señal transmite en amplitud modulada en la frecuencia de 580 kHz, emitió un programa semanal íntegramente dedicado a la divulgación científica. Se llamó Todo se Transforma, y se desarrolló bajo el lema “ciencia en la calle”. Se emitía los días sábados a la hora 20:30. El programa tenía cuatro bloques principales: uno de curiosidades científicas variadas; un espacio central de divulgación, dedicado a un tema semanal; una entrevista en vivo con investigadores invitados; y un bloque final denominado Estuve leyendo sobre ciencia, en el que había espacio para una versión más descontracturada de temas científicos, muchas veces con toques de humor, aunque no por ello menos profunda. En este volumen hemos incluido veinticinco entrevistas realizadas en Todo se Transforma, en el orden cronológico de su emisión radial. Creemos que son ampliamente representativas de los contenidos y la tónica general del programa. Pero son, asimismo, piezas periodísticas con interés propio. Abarcan tanto estudios sobre la naturaleza como sobre la sociedad. Todas fueron llevadas adelante en forma conjunta por quienes conducíamos el programa y somos los autores de este libro. Quizás el lector se pregunte la razón de la cantidad de entrevistas publicadas. No es una elección cabalística ni mucho menos, es, sencillamente, una decisión de compromiso entre extensión, novedad e impacto de las entrevistas.Entrevistas: Javier F. Martín: las tormentasEdgardo Baldo: cómo nacieron las sierras de Córdoba. José María Bompadre: los pueblos originarios de Córdoba. Pablo Ponza: historia intelectual del S XX en Argentina. Nidia Abatedaga: organizaciones autogestionadas. Hugo Roland: Dengue. Silvina Brussino: Psicología política. Daniel Penazzi: las amenazas del voto electrónico. Gustavo Argüello: contaminantes atmosféricos en la Antártida. Susana Núñez Montoya: terapias fotodinámicas. Aldo Bonalumi: minería en Córdoba. Adán Tauber: los fósiles. Mercedes Gómez: planetas extrasolares. Juan Carlos Godoy: el cerebro adolescente. Luis Tognetti: historia de la ciencia argentina. Guillermo Galliano: fotografiando aves. Raúl Comes: el radar meteorológico. Ramón Frediani: el abc de la Economía. Victoria Mendizábal: perspectiva de género en las neurociencias. Patricia Lobbia: entre vinchucas y caracoles. Andrés Daín: la ciencia de la política. Moriana Abraham: investigación y diseño. Liliana Argüello: gestión de residuos urbanos. Carla Giacomelli: biomateriales. Mario Molina: el agujero de ozono y el Nobel de Química

    Development of a Test-Bench for the Accurate Positioning of Scintillation Detector Modules for Medical Imaging Applications

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    When assessing the impact of novel concepts of scintillation block detectors for PET tomography by measuring the performance of single modules, or one module in coincidence with another, it is not trivial to translate the results of these investigations into a real PET scanner, made of several rings of modules. In particular, the real sensitivity, the signal to noise ratio of reconstructed images, and the spatial resolution (especially in the areas far from the center of field of view) among others are very critical to understand how good a PET scanner will perform for a real patient, and they are specific of the fully assembled scanner. Hence, demonstrating that a new idea under development is worth implementing in a real scanner requires more than just a measurement with two modules one in front of the other. For this reason, the set-up described in the present work will permit to reproduce full ring conditions using only a few modules at the price of a very good positioning accuracy.I must express all my gratitude towards one of my colleagues at CERN MME Group, Tommi Mikkola, for his infinite patience and teachings when reviewing the design and drawings of the mechanical parts

    Comparison Between Intracornual Artificial Insemination and Uterine Body Deposition in Holstein-Friesian Heifers.

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    Two insemination types were compared: intracornual  and uterine body  deposition  in  40  Holstein-Friesian  heifers in  the province of Azuay, Cuenca Region, Cumbe and Victoria Portete Parishes. The animals were over 18 months old,  weighing more than 300 kg; physical condition  score of  2.5-3.5, and similar management and hygiene cond i-tions. Each treatment was randomized in 4  blocks with 5  heifers each. Functional corpus luteum was determined by ultrasound scanning. PGF2α (250 mcg d-cloprostenol) was used for estrus synchronization. Estrus occurred at 48 and 72 h,  and the size of the pre-ovulatory follicle was measured.  Then, the two techniques were used to inseminate the animals. Gynecological checkup was performed 30 days after to assess pregnancy percent. Uterine body deposition was 35 %, whereas intracornual deposition was significantly higher (70 %)

    Vaccinations in prisons: A shot in the arm for community health

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    From the first day of imprisonment, prisoners are exposed to and expose other prisoners to various communicable diseases, many of which are vaccine-preventable. The risk of acquiring these diseases during the prison sentence exceeds that of the general population. This excess risk may be explained by various causes; some due to the structural and logistical problems of prisons and others to habitual or acquired behaviors during imprisonment. Prison is, for many inmates, an opportunity to access health care, and is therefore an ideal opportunity to update adult vaccination schedules. The traditional idea that prisons are intended to ensure public safety should be complemented by the contribution they can make in improving community health, providing a more comprehensive vision of safety that includes public health

    Plant-Based Foods Biofortified with Selenium and Their Potential Benefits for Human Health

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    Selenium (Se) is essential for humans. This element is present in more than 25 proteins related to redox processes, and its deficiency is related to the onset of chronic diseases. One way to incorporate Se into the human diet is by consuming plant foods rich in Se. Crop fortification with Se can be achieved through the agronomic practice of biofortification. This chapter discusses dietary sources of inorganic Se (selenate and selenite), organic Se (selenocysteine, selenomethionine, and methylselenocysteine), and bioactive compounds provided by consuming the edible parts of plants as a result of agronomic biofortification. The benefits to human health from consuming selenium-enriched crops due to their biological functions such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticarcinogenic are also presented. The intake of Se-enriched plant foods is a growing trend. In addition to providing the daily dose of Se, these Se-enriched vegetables are a functional food option that improves human health due to their content of phytochemical compounds

    The Hydrological Balance in Micro-Watersheds Is Affected by Climate Change and Land Use Changes

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    Temperate forests are key to the balance and provision of hydrological and environmental services. Currently, these forests are subject to human alterations as well as to the effects of global change, including warming, variability, deforestation, and forest fires. As a consequence, the hydrological balance has been modified. The present study simulates the effects of climate change and land use change on the hydrological balance of micro-watersheds in Mexico using the hydrological model Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP). The land use change between 1995 and 2021 was estimated to establish a baseline. Climate scenario SSP585 was projected using three global models, MPI-ESM1-2-LR, HadGEM3-GC31-LL, and CNRM-CM6-1 by the 2081–2100 horizon, along with two scenarios of land use change: one with forest permanence and another with loss of forest cover and increased forest fires. Results indicate that future climatic conditions will modify the hydrological balance at the microbasin level. Even with positive conditions of forest permanence, increases in surface runoff of 124% (CNRM), 35% (HadGEM3), and 13% (MPI) are expected. The projections of coverage loss and fires showed surface runoff increases of 338% (CNRM), 188% (HadGEM3), and 143% (MPI). In the high areas of the microbasins where temperate forest predominates, climatic variations could be contained. If the forest is conserved, surface runoff decreases by −70% (CNRM), −87% (HadGEM3), and −89% (MPI). Likewise, the moisture in the soil increases. In areas with temperate forests, there will be modifications of the hydrological balance mainly due to the increase in evapotranspiration (due to the increase in temperature and precipitation). This will cause a significant decrease in flow and interflow. The alteration of these flows will decrease water availability in soil for infiltration. It is expected that the availability of hydrological and environmental services will be compromised in the entire study area due to climate change

    [RuCl2(η6 ‑p‑cymene)(P*)] and [RuCl2(κ-P*‑η6 ‑arene)] Complexes Containing P‑Stereogenic Phosphines. Activity in Transfer Hydrogenation and Interactions with DNA

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    The preparation of a series of half-sandwich ruthenium complexes, [RuCl2(η6-p-cymene)(P*)] (P* = SPMeRR′) and [RuCl2(κ-P*-η6-arene)], containing P-stereogenic phosphines is reported. The borane-protected Pstereogenic phosphines have been obtained by addition of the (H3B)PMe2R (R = t-Bu (1), Cy (2), Fc (3))/sec-BuLi/ (−)-sparteine adduct to benzyl halides, carbonyl functions, and epoxides with yields between 40 and 90% and ee values in the 70−99% range. Those containing an aryl secondary function have been used in the preparation of [RuCl2(η6 -p-cymene)-(P*)] complexes. Borane deprotection has been performed using HBF4, except for (H3B)PRMe(CH2SiMe2Ph) phosphines, where DABCO was used to avoid partial cleavage of the CH2− Si bond. In the case of (H3B)P(t-Bu)Me(CH2C(OH)Ph2) (1l) the dehydrated phosphine was obtained. The tethered complexes were obtained by p-cymene substitution in chlorobenzene at 120 °C, except for ferrocenyl-containing complexes, which decomposed upon heating. The presence of substituents in the aryl arm of some of the phosphines introduces new chiral elements in the tethered [RuCl2(κ-P*-η6-arene)] compounds. Full characterization of all compounds both in solution and in the solid state has been carried out. Crystal structure determinations of four phosphine−borane molecules confirm the S configuration at the phosphorus atom (1a,e,l and 2d). Moreover, the crystal structure of one p-cymene complex (5i) and four tethered complexes reveal the strain of the compounds with two atoms in the tether (7c,g,l and 8i). Tethering has a marked effect on the catalytic performance transfer hydrogenation of acetophenone and on the nature of hydridic species originating during the activation period. The chiral induction attains 58% ee with complexes with the bulkiest substituents in the pendant arm of the phosphine. Three of the prepared complexes can interact with DNA and present a reasonable cytotoxicity toward cancer cells. Intercalation of the free aromatic pendant arm of the phosphines seems to be fundamental for such interactions