501 research outputs found

    Competencias básicas para la aplicación de la medicina regenerativa en la clínica de pequeños animales

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    Proyecto de Innovación Convocatoria 2021/2022Depto. de Medicina y Cirugía AnimalFac. de VeterinariaFALSEsubmitte

    Metacognitive Knowledge and Skills in Students with Deep Approach to Learning. Evidence from Mathematical Problem Solving

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    Student approaches to learning and metacognitive strategies are two important conditioning factors in solving mathematical problems. The evidence suggests that it is the deep approach to learning which leads to student success in such tasks. The present study focused on analyzing the differences in metacognitive knowledge and skills in a sample of 524 fifth and sixth grade students divided into three groups based on their different levels of use of a deep a pproach (241 = low; 152 = medium; and 131 = high). Metacognitive knowledge was assessed using the Learning Strategies Knowledge Questionnaire, while evidence about metacognitive skills was gathered by means of process measures (Triple Tasks Procedure) during students’ solving of two mathematical word problems. Statistically significant differences in metacognitive knowledge were found among groups while differences in metacognitive skills were only found in the second task, with a low effect size.; El enfoque de aprendizaje y las estrategias metacognitivas son importantes condicionantes en la resolución de problemas matemáticos. La investigación ha puesto de relevancia que el enfoque profundo de aprendizaje dirige al estudiante al éxito en la ejecución de estas tareas. Este trabajo ha pretendido analizar las diferencias en el conocimiento y habilidades metacognitivas de 524 estudiantes de quinto y sexto de primaria clasificados en tres grupos en función del nivel de uso del enfoque profundo (241 = bajo; 152 = medio; 131 = alto). El conocimiento metacognitivo fue evaluado con el cuestionario de conocimiento de estrategias de aprendizaje, y las habilidades metacog nitivas con medidas del proceso (Triple Tarea) durante la resolución de dos problemas matemáticos. Los resultados mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el conocimiento metacognitivo y, en las habilidades metacognitivas en la segunda tarea con un bajo tamaño del efecto

    Análisis de residuos orgánicos y posibles contenidos en ánforas púnicas y turdetanas procedentes del valle del Guadalquivir

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    En este trabajo abordamos el estudio de los principales contenedores anfóricos que circularon en el Bajo Guadalquivir durante la II Edad del Hierro, cuáles eran los más representativos desde el punto de vista cuantitativo y, por tanto, los más elocuentes sobre los productos comercializados en los mercados turdetanos. Para ello se han tenido en cuenta tanto los recipientes de supuesta fabricación local (Pellicer B-C y Pellicer D) como los procedentes del ámbito púnico, especialmente la bahía de Cádiz y su hinterland (T- y T- Con las muestras obtenidas en las excavaciones en la calle Cilla (Alcalá de Río) y en Vico (Marchena), y exceptuando los envases de salazón de origen gaditano, los análisis de contenidos grasos indican que las ánforas T-, contenían aceite de oliva, mientras que las ánforas “turdetanas” eran envases polifuncionales que podían transportar diversos productos (aceite de oliva, carnes en conserva, derivados lácteos) y/o ser reutilizadas.This work presents the results of a study of amphorae contents in the Lower Guadalquivir Valley during the Second Iron Age. The questions addressed include which were the most common contents and, therefore, which were, plausibly, the most commonly commercialised products in Turdetanian markets. Both local (Pellicer B-C and Pellicer D) and Punic containers, especially from the Bay of Cadiz and its hinterland (T- and T-, have been taken into consideration. The analysis of the fats in the samples recovered during the excavation of Calle Cilla (Alcalá de Río, Seville) and Vico (Marchena, Seville) reveal that amphorae T- manufactured in the rural areas of Cadiz, with the exception those used for the storage and transport of salted products, were used to contain olive oils, as previously claimed, while ‘Turdetanian’ amphorae were multifunctional containers which could be used to store a wide variety of products (olive oil, meat preserves, milk by-products) and/or be reused

    Worldwide prevalence of inadequate work ability among hospital nursing personnel: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Purpose: To estimate the worldwide pooled prevalence of inadequate work ability among hospital nursing personnel using the Work Ability Index (WAI). Design: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Methods: A systematic search was conducted on Medline/PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Scielo, PsychInfo, CINAHL, Nursing and Allied Health, LILACS, and Google Scholar from inception to July 2021 to identify observational studies on work abil ity among hospital nursing personnel using the WAI. Two researchers independently completed the study selection, quality assessments, and data extraction on the preva lence of inadequate work ability that was pooled using the random effects model. Finally, subgroup analyses were performed to explore sources of heterogeneity. Findings: A total of 42 studies were included, consisting of 24,728 subjects worldwide from 14 countries. Of these, 35 studies were included in the meta-analytical analyses. The world wide pooled prevalence of inadequate work ability among hospital nursing personnel was 24.7% (95% CI = 20.2%–29.4%). High levels of heterogeneity were detected in all studies. Prevalence was higher in studies where samples were composed of nurses and nursing as sistive personnel (26.8%; 95% CI=22.4%–31.5%) than in those of nurses alone (22.2%; 95% CI = 13.1%–32.9%) and in studies where the sample was over 40 (28.1%; 95% CI = 19.5%– 37.5%) than in those with a sample under that age (22.4%; 95% CI = 15.8%–29.7%). Conclusions: Almost one in four members of hospital nursing staff in the world has inadequate work ability and therefore are at risk of several negative outcomes dur ing their working life. These prevalence data correspond to the pre-pandemic pe riod, so new studies should also be especially useful in quantifying the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on work ability in the hospital nursing workforce. Clinical relevance: The above findings justify the launch of initiatives that include an nual assessment for the early identification of inadequate work ability, offering the possibility of anticipated corrective measures. Nursing workforce older than 40 years and those belonging to the professional category of nursing assistive personnel should be priority target groups for screening and intervention to improve work ability

    Worldwide prevalence of inadequate work ability among hospital nursing personnel: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Purpose To estimate the worldwide pooled prevalence of inadequate work ability among hospital nursing personnel using the Work Ability Index (WAI). Design Systematic review and meta-analysis. Methods A systematic search was conducted on Medline/PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Scielo, PsychInfo, CINAHL, Nursing and Allied Health, LILACS, and Google Scholar from inception to July 2021 to identify observational studies on work ability among hospital nursing personnel using the WAI. Two researchers independently completed the study selection, quality assessments, and data extraction on the prevalence of inadequate work ability that was pooled using the random effects model. Finally, subgroup analyses were performed to explore sources of heterogeneity. Findings A total of 42 studies were included, consisting of 24,728 subjects worldwide from 14 countries. Of these, 35 studies were included in the meta-analytical analyses. The worldwide pooled prevalence of inadequate work ability among hospital nursing personnel was 24.7% (95% CI = 20.2%-29.4%). High levels of heterogeneity were detected in all studies. Prevalence was higher in studies where samples were composed of nurses and nursing assistive personnel (26.8%; 95% CI = 22.4%-31.5%) than in those of nurses alone (22.2%; 95% CI = 13.1%-32.9%) and in studies where the sample was over 40 (28.1%; 95% CI = 19.5%-37.5%) than in those with a sample under that age (22.4%; 95% CI = 15.8%-29.7%). Conclusions Almost one in four members of hospital nursing staff in the world has inadequate work ability and therefore are at risk of several negative outcomes during their working life. These prevalence data correspond to the pre-pandemic period, so new studies should also be especially useful in quantifying the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on work ability in the hospital nursing workforce. Clinical relevance The above findings justify the launch of initiatives that include annual assessment for the early identification of inadequate work ability, offering the possibility of anticipated corrective measures. Nursing workforce older than 40 years and those belonging to the professional category of nursing assistive personnel should be priority target groups for screening and intervention to improve work ability

    Recursos patrimoniales y organización territorial: el caso de Andalucía

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    El artículo pretende identificar y categorizar el patrimonio natural y cultural que cuenta con algún tipo de reconocimiento oficial en Andalucía, centrando la atención en su dimensión espacial. Para ello se utilizan las unidades territoriales recogidas en las Bases para una Carta sobre Patrimonio y Desarrollo en Andalucía: áreas urbanas, litorales, vegas y campiñas y zonas de montaña. En primer lugar se atiende al patrimonio natural, y posteriormente al cultural. En ambos casos se enumeran cuáles son las figuras de reconocimiento internacional, nacional y autonómico existentes en la región, y posteriormente se atiende a su distribución en las unidades territoriales anteriormente mencionadas. Se concluye argumentando que sólo a través del tratamiento conjunto de los activos patrimoniales con que cuenta un territorio se podrá conseguir que éstos se conviertan en un recurso para su desarrollo y, en este sentido, la territorialización patrimonial planteada en este artículo puede constituir un buen punto de partida

    Density and reproductive characteristics of female brown bears in the Cantabrian Mountains, NW Spain

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    Here we present annual nearest-neighbour distances (as a proxy of density) between females with cubs-of-the-year (hereafter FCOY) and reproductive characteristics of brown bears Ursus arctos in the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain), from 1989 to 2017. FCOY nearest-neighbour distances and reproduction parameters of 19 focal females followed over several consecutive years (from 2004 to 2017) were obtained from bears inhabiting the western sector of the Cantabrian Mountains, where most of the bear population resides. In contrast, general reproductive characteristics were studied in the whole Cantabrian Mountains (western and eastern sectors together) on a sample of 362 litter sizes and 695 cubs. Mean nearest-neighbour distance between FCOY was 2559 ± 1222 m (range = 1305–4757 m). Mean litter size was significantly larger in the west (1.8 ± 0.2 cubs) than in the east (1.3 ± 0.6 cubs). Mean litter size for the whole of the Cantabrian Mountains was 1.6 ± 0.3 cubs. Litter sizes of one, two and three cubs represented 33.4, 56.1 and 10.5% of observed family groups, respectively. Interannual variations in litter size were not significant for both the western and the eastern areas. Mean cub mortality was 0.2 ± 0.5 cubs and did not vary among years. Cub mortality per litter size was 3.9% for one cub, 69.2% for two cubs and 26.9% for three cubs. Mean reproductive rate of the 19 focal females was 1.5 ± 0.6 cubs (n = 58 litters). Litter size of focal FCOY did not differ from the litter size obtained from systematic observations in the whole Cantabrian Mountains. During this period, cub mortality occurred in 24.1% of the 58 litters. Females usually bred every second year (average litter interval = 2.2 years). The estimated reproductive rate for the bear population was 0.7 young born/year/reproductive adult female

    Epidemiological analysis of urinary tract infections and exposure to Fosfomycin during pregnancy in mothers of infants with and without congenital defects: Distribution by years and Autonomous Regions

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    Teratología ClínicaThe objective of this study was to epidemiologically analyze urinary tract infections (UTI) suffered by pregnant women, and the prenatal exposure to Fosfomycin. To accomplish this objective, data from the Spanish Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations (ECEMC) were analyzed for the period 1978-2009. A total of 40,060 newborn infants with congenital defects, and a similar number of healthy controls were registered. The proportions of mothers of cases and controls who suffered UTI during the first trimester were 2.69% and 2.56%, respectively. These figures go up to 9.94% and 8.86% when considering UTI at any time during pregnancy. The proportions of mothers who were treated with fosfomycin during the first trimester of pregnancy were 0.67% and 0.69%, respectively for cases and controls, and those figures go up to 2.69% y 2.54% when considering exposures at any time during pregnancy. Use of fosfomycin at any time during pregnancy has progressively increased with time. When studying the geographical distribution of the frequency some differences regarding UTI and use of fosfomycin were detected. The increase in use of fosfomycin has caused a decrease of the use of other antibiotics, and these trends are also observed in several autonomous regions in Spain. The use of fosfomycin during pregnancy seems to be safe, and suffering an UTI is quite common during pregnancy and somehow dangerous for the progress of gestation. It is important to underline that the percentage of mothers without treatment was between 20 and 35%. Therefore, it is advisable to treat UTI as soon as possible, in order to avoid complications both for the mother and fetus.N

    Funciones ejecutivas en niños y adolescentes : implicaciones del tipo de medidas de evaluación empleadas para su validez en contextos clínicos y educativos

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    Las funciones ejecutivas implican un amplio rango de habilidades relacionadas con la regulación del pensamiento, el comportamiento y el propio estado emocional. Teniendo en cuenta la variedad de componentes que forman este constructo, no es sorprendente que su evaluación plantee ciertas dificultades. En este sentido, pese a que numerosos estudios han mostrado la importancia de dichos componentes como determinantes del desempeño académico y social, así como su utilidad en el diagnóstico y la intervención en diversas problemáticas durante la infancia y la adolescencia, aspectos como la validez ecológica de las medidas tradicionalmente empleadas para su evaluación, imponen hoy ciertas limitaciones a la validez y generalización de los resultados obtenidos en este ámbito. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las características de las medidas de evaluación más ampliamente empleadas y su grado de aplicabilidad en contextos clínicos y educativos, de lo cual se desprenden una serie de implicaciones práctica