2,186 research outputs found

    EEUU, el uso de la inteligencia y la doctrina de contrainsurgencia norteamericana:lecciones para Afganistán

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    En este documento de trabajo analizaremos la importancia de la inteligencia en un tipo de conflicto asimétrico como es la contrainsurgencia, tomando como ejemplo la concepción estadounidense al uso de la misma, y tomando como referencia el caso de la invasión de Irak y las lecciones aprendidas en esta operación y en la Guerra Global al Terror (Global War on Terror, GWOT), y como éstas deben ser asimiladas para las operaciones en Afganistán. Mucho se ha hablado del papel de la inteligencia en contrainsurgencia, sin embargo, los trabajos que abordan de manera sistemática el uso de la inteligencia en este tipo de conflictos son escasos. No podemos perder de vista que la inteligencia no es más que otra de las herramientas en el desarrollo de las campañas de contrainsurgencia, junto con la correcta identificación del enemigo, el intentar limitar el apoyo popular de los insurgentes, evitando el uso de la fuerza militar indiscriminada y la opresión de la población civil, y fomentando la cercanía con la población. Tampoco hay que perder de vista los requerimientos de seguridad para el personal desplegado y los esfuerzos para neutralizar la propaganda de los insurgentes sobre la población civil, a lo que hay que sumar un entrenamiento adecuado a las fuerzas de seguridad locales, con el fin de aunar esfuerzos para conseguir una seguridad efectiva de la población civil, ya que como hemos podido comprobar en Irak, no hay libertad sin una mínimas condiciones de seguridad. El correcto uso de la inteligencia en las campañas de contrainsurgencia (COIN) sería otra herramienta más para su éxito

    Modeling the Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) to study of its relationship with variations in the thermal field and with the indices of land use in the metropolitan area of Granada (Spain)

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    Understanding just how the increase in the Earth’s Surface Temperature (LST) is related to alterations of the urban climate —Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) or Urban Hotspots (UHS)— and with the deterioration of cities´environmental quality has become a great challenge. Societies worldwide seek actions that might break these trends and improve the quality of life of local inhabitants. In this research, with the help of Landsat 5, 7 and 8 satellite images, the evolution of land use/cover (LULC), LST and SUHI were studied over a long period, from 1985 to 2020, in the metropolitan area of the city of Granada (Spain). The aim was to evaluate how these variables, together with the Urban Index (UI), Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Proportion of Vegetation (PV), have influenced the variability of the UHS and the level of thermal comfort according to the Urban Thermal Field Variance Index (UTFVI). Reported as results, corroborated by statistical analysis, are mean increases in LST (2.2◦C), SUHI (0.6◦C), UHS (20.4%), and class 6 of the UTFV (26.2%). NDBI and UI are associated with high variations in LULCs. These have suffered increases in built-up and bare soil coverage, and decreases in water bodies, vegetation and farmland coverage

    Spatiotemporal analysis of the surface urban heat island (SUHI), air pollution and disease pattern: an applied study on the city of Granada (Spain)

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    Abstract There is worldwide concern about how climate change —which involves rising temperatures— may increase the risk of contracting and developing diseases, reducing the quality of life. This study provides new research that takes into account parameters such as land surface temperature (LST), surface urban heat island (SUHI), urban hotspot (UHS), air pollution ( SO2, NO2, CO, O3 and aerosols), the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), the normalized difference building index (NDBI) and the proportion of vegetation (PV) that allows evaluating environmental quality and establishes mitigation measures in future urban developments that could improve the quality of life of a given population. With the help of Sentinel 3 and 5P satellite images, we studied these variables in the context of Granada (Spain) during the year 2021 to assess how they may affect the risk of developing diseases (stomach, colorectal, lung, prostate and bladder cancer, dementia, cerebrovascular disease, liver disease and suicide). The results, corroborated by the statistical analysis using the Data Panel technique, indicate that the variables LST, SUHI and daytime UHS, NO2, SO2 and NDBI have important positive correlations above 99% (p value: 0.000) with an excess risk of developing these diseases. Hence, the importance of this study for the formulation of healthy policies in cities and future research that minimizes the excess risk of diseasesUniversidad de Granada/ CBU

    Spatial and Multi-Temporal Analysis of Land Surface Temperature through Landsat 8 Images: Comparison of Algorithms in a Highly Polluted City (Granada)

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    Over the past decade, satellite imaging has become a habitual way to determine the land surface temperature (LST). One means entails the use of Landsat 8 images, for which mono window (MW), single channel (SC) and split window (SW) algorithms are needed. Knowing the precision and seasonal variability of the LST can improve urban climate alteration studies, which ultimately help make sustainable decisions in terms of the greater resilience of cities. In this study we determine the LST of a mid-sized city, Granada (Spain), applying six Landsat 8 algorithms that are validated using ambient temperatures. In addition to having a unique geographical location, this city has high pollution and high daily temperature variations, so that it is a very appropriate site for study. Altogether, 11 images with very low cloudiness were taken into account, distributed between November 2019 and October 2020. After data validation by means of R2 statistical analysis, the root mean square error (RMSE), mean bias error (MBE) and standard deviation (SD) were determined to obtain the coefficients of correlation. Panel data analysis is presented as a novel element with respect to the methods usually used. Results reveal that the SC algorithms prove more effective and reliable in determining the LST of the city studied here.ERDF (European Rural Development Fund)Ministry of Science and Innovation (State Research Agency) EQC2018-004702-

    Impacts of the COVID-19 confinement on air quality, the Land Surface Temperature and the urban heat island in eight cities of Andalusia (Spain)

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    The COVID-19 outbreak and ensuing global lockdown situation have generated a very negative impact on the world economy, but they have also lent us a unique opportunity to research and better grasp the impacts of human activity on environmental pollution and urban climates. Such studies will be of vital importance for decision-making on measures needed to mitigate the effects of climate change in urban areas, in order to turn them into resilient environments. This study looks at eight cities in the region of Andalusia (southern Spain) to comprehensively assess their environmental quality with parameters (Pm-10, So(2), No-2, Co and O-3) obtained from meteorological stations. The aim was to determine how these parameters affect the Land Surface Temperature (LST) and the Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI), on the basis of Sentinel 3 satellite thermal images. Knowing to what extent improved air quality can reduce the LST and SUHI of cities will be essential in the context of future environmental studies on which to base sustainable decisions. The geographic situation of cities in the Mediterranean Sea basin, highly vulnerable to climate change, and the high pollution rates and high daily temperature variations of these urban areas make them particularly attractive for analyses of this sort. During the confinement period, average reductions of some environmental pollutants were achieved: So(2) (-33.5%), Pm-10 (-38.3%), No-2 (-44.0%) and Co (-26.5%). However, the environmental variable O-3 underwent an average growth of 5.9%. The LST showed an average reduction of -4.6 degrees C (-19.3%), while the SUHI decreased by 1.02 degrees C (-59.8%). These values exhibit high spatio-temporal variations be-tween day and night, and between inland and coastal cities

    The Evolution of the Kinematics of Nebular Shells in Planetary Nebulae in the Milky Way Bulge

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    We study the line widths in the [\ion{O}{3}]λ\lambda5007 and Hα\alpha lines for two groups of planetary nebulae in the Milky Way bulge based upon spectroscopy obtained at the Observatorio Astron\'omico Nacional in the Sierra San Pedro M\'artir (OAN-SPM) using the Manchester Echelle Spectrograph. The first sample includes objects early in their evolution, having high Hβ\beta luminosities, but [\ion{O}{3}]λ5007/Hβ<3\lambda 5007/\mathrm H\beta < 3. The second sample comprises objects late in their evolution, with \ion{He}{2} λ4686/Hβ>0.5\lambda 4686/\mathrm H\beta > 0.5. These planetary nebulae represent evolutionary phases preceeding and following those of the objects studied by Richer et al. (2008). Our sample of planetary nebulae with weak [\ion{O}{3}]λ\lambda5007 has a line width distribution similar to that of the expansion velocities of the envelopes of AGB stars, and shifted to systematically lower values as compared to the less evolved objects studied by Richer et al. (2008). The sample with strong \ion{He}{2} λ4686\lambda 4686 has a line width distribution indistinguishable from that of the more evolved objects from Richer et al. (2008), but a distribution in angular size that is systematically larger and so they are clearly more evolved. These data and those of Richer et al. (2008) form a homogeneous sample from a single Galactic population of planetary nebulae, from the earliest evolutionary stages until the cessation of nuclear burning in the central star. They confirm the long-standing predictions of hydrodynamical models of planetary nebulae, where the kinematics of the nebular shell are driven by the evolution of the central star.Comment: accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    En busca de la unidad en la vida del hombre y el quehacer científico.

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    Todos tenemos la experiencia de que la vida que vivimos es nuestra vida. Un camino único e irrepetible en el que nos encontramos de repente, sin saber muy bien cómo y sin haberlo pedido, viéndonos obligados a tener que recorrerlo nosotros mismos. Un quehacer que se inserta en un espacio y un tiempo determinados, que se realiza en primera persona del presente y en gerundio: Yo vivo viviendo. Y es que el hombre, que es consciente de ser dueño de su propio destino, sabe que el desarrollo de su existencia depende en gran medida de su proceder, de las acciones y opciones que va tomando y con las que va escribiendo su propia historia. Es por ello que decimos que el hombre es un ser biográfico, preso de obrar en el presente, volcado con su mirada esperanzada hacia el futuro y discípulo del pasado que aparece por el retrovisor.pre-print2005 K

    A new IRT-based standard setting method: application to eCat-Listening

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    Criterion-referenced interpretations of tests are highly necessary, which usually involves the diffi cult task of establishing cut scores. Contrasting with other Item Response Theory (IRT)-based standard setting methods, a non-judgmental approach is proposed in this study, in which Item Characteristic Curve (ICC) transformations lead to the final cut scores. Method: eCat-Listening, a computerized adaptive test for the evaluation of English Listening, was administered to 1,576 participants, and the proposed standard setting method was applied to classify them into the performance standards of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Results: The results showed a classifi cation closely related to relevant external measures of the English language domain, according to the CEFR. Conclusions: It is concluded that the proposed method is a practical and valid standard setting alternative for IRT-based tests interpretationsUn nuevo método de standard setting basado en la TRI: aplicación a eCat-Listening. Antecedentes: las interpretaciones de los tests referidas a criterio son muy necesarias, lo cual normalmente implica la difícil tarea de establecer puntos de corte. En contraste con otros métodos de standard setting basados en la Teoría de la Respuesta al Ítem (TRI), en este estudio se propone una aproximación no basada en juicios, en que transformaciones de las Curvas Características de los Ítems (CCIs) dan lugar a los puntos de corte finales. Método: se administró eCat-Listening, un test adaptativo informatizado de evaluación de la comprensión oral del inglés, a 1.576 participantes y se aplicó el método de standard setting propuesto para clasificarles en los estándares de ejecución del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas (MCER). Resultados: los resultados mostraron una clasificación estrechamente relacionada con variables externas relevantes sobre dominio del inglés, de acuerdo con el MCER. Conclusiones: se concluye que el método de standard setting propuesto es una alternativa práctica y válida para las interpretaciones de tests basados en TRIThis research was partly supported by two grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (projects PSI2008-01685 and PSI2009-10341

    Programación didáctica tecnología : 4º ESO

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    Máster Universitario en Formación del Profesorado de ESO, Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas. Especialidad en Tecnología (M090