32 research outputs found

    Growing Up With Terrorism: The Age at Which a Terrorist Attack Was Suffered and Emotional Disorders in Adulthood

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    Abundant scientific literature shows that exposure to traumatic situations during childhood or adolescence has long-term psychopathological consequences, for example, in the form of a higher prevalence of emotional disorders in adulthood. However, an evolutionary perspective suggests that there may be differential vulnerabilities depending on the age at which the trauma was suffered. As there are no studies on the psychopathological impact in adulthood of attacks suffered during childhood or adolescence, the objective of this study was to analyze the influence of the age at which a terrorist attack was suffered in the presence of emotional disorders many years after the attack. A sample of 566 direct and indirect victims of terrorist attacks in Spain was recruited, of whom 50 people were between the age of 3 and 9 when they suffered the attack, 46 were between 10 and 17 years old, and 470 were adults. All of them underwent a structured diagnostic interview (SCID-I-VC) an average of 21 years after the attacks. No significant differences were found between the three age groups at which the attack occurred in terms of the current prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder, major depressive disorder, or anxiety disorders. The results of several multiple binary logistic regression analyses also indicated that, after controlling for the effect of sex, current age, the type of victims, and the time since the attack, the age at which the attack was suffered was not related to the current prevalence of those emotional disorders. The results are discussed concerning the differences between various types of trauma and in the context of the theories that propose that traumatic experiences are processed differently at different ages and can lead to differences in the likelihood of developing different emotional disorders

    Una revisión sistemática sobre la prevalencia del duelo complicado en víctimas adultas del terrorismo

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    El objetivo principal de este estudio fue revisar de manera sistemática la literatura científica sobre la prevalencia de duelo complicado en las víctimas adultas de atentados terroristas. Una búsqueda en PsycINFO, MEDLINE, PTSDpubs y ProQuest Psychology Database identificó cinco estudios en los que, en conjunto, se habían evaluado 1.404 familiares o allegados de fallecidos en atentados terroristas. Los resultados obtenidos permiten estimar que la tasa de prevalencia del duelo complicado en las víctimas de atentados terroristas es del 42% varios años después del atentado y que este trastorno presenta una alta comorbilidad con el trastorno de estrés postraumático y el trastorno depresivo mayor en las víctimas del terrorismo. Estos resultados se discuten en el contexto de la investigación sobre la prevalencia del duelo complicado en distintos tipos de población y sobre las consecuencias psicopatológicas generales del terrorismo y de sus implicaciones para la práctica profesional en los ámbitos clínicos, legales y forenses

    Rich oleocanthal and oleacein extra virgin olive oil and inflammatory and antioxidant status in people with obesity and prediabetes. The APRIL study: A randomised, controlled crossover study

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    Background: Oleocanthal and oleacein are olive oil phenolic compounds with well known anti inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. The main evidence, however, is provided by experimental studies. Few human studies have examined the health benefits of olive oils rich in these biophenols. Our aim was to assess the health properties of rich oleocanthal and oleacein extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), compared to those of common olive oil (OO), in people with prediabetes and obesity. Methods: Randomised, double-blind, crossover trial done in people aged 40e65 years with obesity (BMI 30e40 kg/m2 ) and prediabetes (HbA1c 5.7e6.4%). The intervention consisted in substituting for 1 month the oil used for food, both raw and cooked, by EVOO or OO. No changes in diet or physical activity were recommended. The primary outcome was the inflammatory status. Secondary outcomes were the oxidative status, body weight, glucose handling and lipid profile. An ANCOVA model adjusted for age, sex and treatment administration sequence was used for the statistical analysis. Results: A total of 91 patients were enrolled (33 men and 58 women) and finished the trial. A decrease in interferon-g was observed after EVOO treatment, reaching inter-treatment differences (P ¼ 0.041). Total antioxidant status increased and lipid and organic peroxides decreased after EVOO treatment, the changes reaching significance compared to OO treatment (P < 0.05). Decreases in weight, BMI and blood glucose (p < 0.05) were found after treatment with EVOO and not with OO. Conclusions: Treatment with EVOO rich in oleocanthal and oleacein differentially improved oxidative and inflammatory status in people with obesity and prediabetes.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBU

    Desarrollo de una versión breve de la PTSD Checklist (PCL) basada en la definición de trastorno de estrés postraumático de la CIE-11

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    Introducción y objetivos: El objetivo principal del presente estudio fue desarrollar, a partir de la Lista de Verificación del Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático (PCL), una medida de autoinforme de la sintomatología de estrés postraumático basada en los criterios sintomáticos de la CIE-11 para el trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT). Material y métodos: Se seleccionaron siete ítems de la PCL para formar la PCL-CIE-11 y se analizaron sus propiedades psicométricas en una muestra de 634 víctimas del terrorismo a las que se aplicó la versión específica de la PCL (PCL-S) junto con una entrevista diagnóstica estructurada y medidas de depresión y ansiedad. Resultados: La PCL-CIE-11 muestra una estructura unifactorial con buenos índices de ajuste que se replica en dos submuestras de víctimas creadas aleatoriamente a partir de la muestra global, y presenta índices excelentes o muy buenos de consistencia interna (α > .85) y de validez diagnóstica para identificar el TEPT (AUC > .90 y kappa ≥ .75). La escala también discrimina significativamente y con tamaños del efecto grandes (d = 0.88 – 2.32) entre víctimas con TEPT, víctimas con trastornos depresivos o de ansiedad y víctimas sin trastornos, presenta correlaciones significativas y grandes con medidas de depresión y ansiedad, dos constructos con los que el TEPT guarda una estrecha relación, y muestra una correlación muy elevada, de .95, con la PCL-S completa. Conclusiones: La PCL-CIE-11 es una versión breve de la PCL-S que presenta buenas propiedades psicométricas y puede ser útil para evaluar la presencia y gravedad de la sintomatología del TEPT tanto desde la perspectiva del DSM como de la CIE-11

    Depressive Dysfunctional Attitudes and Post-Traumatic Stress in Victims of Terrorist Attacks

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    Background: The DSM-5's new conception of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) includes, as a diagnostic criterion, the presence of persistent and exaggerated negative beliefs, thoughts, or expectations about oneself, others, the world, and one's guilt. These symptoms increase the symptomatic similarity with major depressive disorder (MDD) and with the negative cognitive triad of Beck's cognitive theory of depression and allow us to assume that the dysfunctional attitudes that this theory proposes as a vulnerability factor for MDD could also refer to PTSD. Objective: This study aims to examine the relationship between depressive dysfunctional attitudes and the symptoms and diagnosis of PTSD. Methods: A sample of 378 adult victims of terrorism completed measures of depressive dysfunctional attitudes (DAS-A), DSM-IV post-traumatic stress symptoms (PCL-S), depressive symptoms (BDI-II), and DSM-IV diagnosis of emotional disorders (SCID-I CV). Results: A significant relationship was found between depressive dysfunctional attitudes and PTSD symptomatology, even after controlling for the effect of depression, sex, age, education level, anxiety, and previous depressive episodes. It was also found that victims with PTSD, with or without MDD, had more depressive dysfunctional attitudes than those without emotional disorders and more achievement-perfectionism attitudes than victims with emotional disorders other than PTSD or MDD. Conclusions: The results suggest that depressive dysfunctional attitudes could be a vulnerability factor for PTSD. The results also suggest the need to refine Beck's cognitive theory proposals about dysfunctional attitudes common and specific to each emotional disorder and identify potential therapeutic targets of cognitive therapies for these disorders

    La Lista de Verificación del Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático (PCL) en víctimas del terrorismo: análisis comparativo de las propiedades psicométricas de su aplicación telefónica frente a presencial

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    Introducción y objetivos. En muchas situaciones tales como las de confinamiento provocadas por la pandemia de la COVID 19, es imposible aplicar los instrumentos psicológicos presencialmente, como originalmente se concibieron. Sin embargo, el modo de aplicación puede afectar a las propiedades psicométricas de las medidas de un instrumento. La Lista de Verificación del Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático (del inglés PTSD Checklist; en adelante PCL) es uno de los instrumentos más utilizados para evaluar presencialmente la sintomatología del trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT). Este es el primer estudio que analiza y compara la estructura factorial, consistencia interna y validez diagnóstica, nomológica y de grupos contrastados de las medidas de la PCL aplicada presencial y telefónicamente. Material y métodos. Se administró la PCL en ambos formatos a una muestra de 634 personas víctimas del terrorismo junto con una entrevista diagnóstica estructurada y medidas de depresión y ansiedad. Resultados. Las puntuaciones de ambas formas de aplicación de la PCL presentan una misma estructura unifactorial, índices excelentes de consistencia interna (alfa > .90) e índices muy buenos de validez diagnóstica para identificar el TEPT (AUC > .90); ambas discriminan significativamente y con tamaños del efecto grandes (d = 0.88–2.84) entre víctimas con TEPT, con trastornos depresivos o de ansiedad y sin trastornos, y ambas presentan correlaciones significativas y grandes con medidas de otros constructos con los que el TEPT guarda una estrecha relación: depresión y ansiedad. Conclusiones. Los resultados sugieren que la PCL se puede aplicar telefónicamente con las mismas garantías psicométricas que presencialmente

    Long-Term Posttraumatic Growth in Victims of Terrorism in Spain

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    Background: Scientific literature on posttraumatic growth (PTG) after terrorist attacks has primarily focused on persons who had not been directly exposed to terrorist attacks or persons who had been directly exposed to them, but who were assessed few months or years after the attacks. Methods: We examined long-term PTG in 210 adults directly exposed to terrorist attacks in Spain a mean of 29.6 years after the attacks (range: 2–47 years). The participants had been injured by a terrorist attack (38.6%) or were first-degree relatives of people who had been killed or injured by a terrorist attack (41.4% and 20%, respectively). They completed diagnostic measures of emotional disorders and measures of PTSD and depression symptomatology, optimism, and PTG. Results: Multiple regression analyses revealed gender differences (women reported higher levels of PTG than did men) and a positive linear relationship between PTG and cumulative trauma after the terrorist attack. Some PTG dimensions were significantly associated with PTSD symptomatology, these associations being linear, not curvilinear. However, PTG was not associated with depression symptomatology, diagnosis of emotional disorders, age, elapsed time since the attack, or optimism. In comparison with survivors assessed 18 years after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, Spanish victims of terrorism showed higher levels of appreciation of life, but lower levels of relating to others and spiritual change. Conclusion: The findings underscore the influence of gender on PTG and provide support to the hypothesis that some emotional distress may be a necessary condition of PTG. Future studies on PTG after terrorist attacks should take into consideration the characteristics of the terrorist attack itself and the contexts of violence and threat in which it occurred. The political, social, and cultural characteristics of the community affected by it and the profile and characteristics of other traumatic events suffered after the attack should also be taken into account in further research

    Desarrollo de la Escala de Actitudes Disfuncionales Traumáticas (EADT) para víctimas de terrorismo

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    Introducción y objetivos. El trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT) es el trastorno psicológico más frecuente en las víctimas del terrorismo. Los modelos cognitivos del TEPT postulan que las actitudes disfuncionales desempeñan un papel fundamental en su etiología, mantenimiento y tratamiento. El objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar un instrumento de autoinforme para evaluar las actitudes disfuncionales traumáticas específicas de las víctimas del terrorismo: la Escala de Actitudes Disfuncionales Traumáticas (EADT). Materiales y método. Los ítems de la EADT fueron extraídos de 480 horas grabadas de terapia cognitivo-conductual centrada en el trauma aplicada a 59 víctimas del terrorismo con TEPT y tras un análisis del contenido e inteligibilidad de los ítems por un grupo de psicólogos. Una versión preliminar de 84 ítems se aplicó a una muestra de 253 víctimas del terrorismo junto con medidas de TEPT, depresión y actitudes disfuncionales depresivas. Resultados. Una serie de análisis factoriales y de fiabilidad sobre la versión preliminar permitió llegar a una versión definitiva compuesta por 34 ítems y tres factores correlacionados: mundo peligroso, visión negativa de la sociedad y del ser humano, y cronificación del malestar. Los análisis psicométricos de la versión definitiva revelaron buenos datos empíricos para la estructura interna de la EADT, la consistencia interna de sus puntuaciones, la diferenciación de grupos contrastados y las relaciones con constructos conceptualmente relacionados. Conclusiones. La EADT es un instrumento sencillo cuyas medidas presentan buenas propiedades psicométricas y pueden ser útiles para evaluar, tanto en contextos de investigación como aplicados, las actitudes disfuncionales que pueden presentar las víctimas del terrorismo

    ANGPTL-4 is Associated with Obesity and Lipid Profile in Children and Adolescents

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    Angiopoietin-like protein 4 (ANGPTL-4) regulates lipidic metabolism and affects energy homeostasis. However, its function in children with obesity remains unknown. We investigated plasma ANGPTL-4 levels in children and its relationship with body mass index (BMI) and different lipidic parameters such as free fatty acids (FFA). Plasma ANGPTL-4 levels were analyzed in two different cohorts. In the first cohort (n = 150, age 3–17 years), which included children with normal weight or obesity, we performed a cross-sectional study. In the second cohort, which included only children with obesity (n = 20, age 5–18 years) followed up for two years after an intervention for weight loss, in which we performed a longitudinal study measuring ANGPTL-4 before and after BMI-loss. In the cross-sectional study, circulating ANGPTL-4 levels were lower in children with obesity than in those with normal weight. Moreover, ANGPTL-4 presented a negative correlation with BMI, waist circumference, weight, insulin, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance index (HOMA index), triglycerides, and leptin, and a positive correlation with FFA and vitamin-D. In the longitudinal study, the percent change in plasma ANGPTL-4 was correlated with the percent change in FFA, total-cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. This study reveals a significant association of ANGPTL-4 with pediatric obesity and plasma lipid profileThis research was funded by INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III cofounded by FEDER, grants number PI18/00998, PI15/01272, PI11/02042, PI16/01301, and PI16/00871, and FUNDACIÓN MUTUA MADRILEÑAS

    Virología en acción: aprender-practicando sobre diagnóstico virológico

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    Virología en acción es una iniciativa financiada por los Proyectos de Innova-Docencia UCM 2021-22 (nº 175) que ha desarrollado una herramienta interactiva online para mejorar la docencia de la Virología. El objetivo es aprender a “saber hacer” más que a memorizar contenidos en virología, completando la formación teórica y práctica que reciben los estudiantes en esta materia, en especial en la interpretación de casos prácticos y de resultados del diagnóstico virológico