418 research outputs found

    Using microelectrode models for real time cell-culture monitoring

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    This paper proposes a cell-microelectrode model for cell biometry applications, based on the area overlap as main parameter. The model can be applied to cell size identification, cell count, and their extension to cell growth and dosimetry protocols. Experiments performed with comercial electrodes are presented, illustrating a procedure to obtain cell number in both growth and dosimetry processes. Results obtained for the AA8 cell line are promising.Junta de Andalucía P0-TIC-538

    Determinación de curvas de disparidad de fijación con la ayuda de un disparómetro anaglífico

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    La diferència en l'alineació dels eixos visuals a la disparitat de fixació a la majoria de situacions es produeix com un efecte fisiològic no produeix simptomatologia del pacient. No obstant això, hi ha certes situacions en què la disparitat de fixació produeix simptomatologia al pacient, resultant de l'estrès dels sistemes de vora i acomodatiu amb l'objectiu de mantenir la visió binocular. Per la importància clínica es procedirà a la fabricació de un anàglif disparòmetre en format digital, per presentar-lo a una distància d'observació de 40 cm i analitzar la disparitat de fixació a una mostra de 30 pacients a través de les corbes de la disparitat de Fixació de la vergències forçades. Les limitacions físiques de l'aplicació de la prova a la pastilla són analitzats (resolució estímul, influència de l'Aberració cromàtica, problemàtica dels colors RGB de píxel i les característiques espectrals, cromàtiques i fotomètriques dels colors utilitzats) La Disparómetro té una resolució de 1,15 minuts d'arc fins a 33.35 min d'Arc. Les mesures de la disparitat de fixació indiquen que el 63% presenten Exodisparitat, disparitat 30% i 7% Ortodisparitat de fixació. Pel que fa a la tipologia de les corbes, 93% són de tipus I, 3.33% són de tipus II i 3.33% són tipus III. S'analitza la robustesa del sistema Vergències pel pendent de les corbes de disparitat fixació. Dos mètodes (punt d'inflexió i mètode Goss) i la relació entre elles (R = 0.931) es tenen en compte. 25% de la Mostra de pacients presenten una mal robustesa del sistema visual i són més propensos a presentar simptomatologia davant un canvi de Vergències

    Efficient integral equation formulation for inductive waveguide components with posts touching the waveguide walls

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    In this paper a surface integral equation technique is employed for the analysis of inductive waveguide problems containing metallic or dielectric objects of arbitrary shape, focusing on the case where these objects are connected to the waveguide walls. Using the extinction theorem, the main problem is split into two problems. In the first one the parallel plate waveguide Green’s functions are used. Because of the choice of these functions, the side of the object touching the waveguide wall is not considered for discretization in a method of moments analysis. The second problem is applied inside the dielectric object, and uses the free space Green’s functions. It is shown that an additional spatial image is needed to impose the proper boundary conditions for the fields on the side touching the waveguide wall in the original problem. Results show the importance of including this additional image in the formulation for the correct behavior of the fields. With the proposed technique, the paper explores some alternatives for designing specific filter responses using dielectric posts inside cavity filters. Comparisons with a commercial finite elements tool demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed integral equation formulation.This work has been developed with support from the Spanish National Project (CICYT) with Ref TEC2004-04313-C02-02/TCM, and the Regional Seneca Project with Ref 02972/PI/05

    A new neural network technique for the design of multilayered microwave shielded bandpass filters

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    In this work, we propose a novel technique based on neural networks, for the design of microwave filters in shielded printed technology. The technique uses radial basis function neural networks to represent the non linear relations between the quality factors and coupling coefficients, with the geometrical dimensions of the resonators. The radial basis function neural networks are employed for the first time in the design task of shielded printed filters, and permit a fast and precise operation with only a limited set of training data. Thanks to a new cascade configuration, a set of two neural networks provide the dimensions of the complete filter in a fast and accurate way. To improve the calculation of the geometrical dimensions, the neural networks can take as inputs both electrical parameters and physical dimensions computed by other neural networks. The neural network technique is combined with gradient based optimization methods to further improve the response of the filters. Results are presented to demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed technique for the design of practical microwave printed coupled line and hairpin filters

    A Microelectrode-Cell Sensor Model for Real Time Monitoring

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    In this paper the application of a cellmicroelectrode model to cell biometry experiments is proposed, using the cell-electrode area overlap as main parameter. The model can be applied to cell size identification, cell count, and their extension to cell growth and dosimetry protocols. Experimental results using AA8 cell line are presented, obtaining promising results.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España y FEDER (Unión Europea) P0-TIC-5386Departamento de Biología Celular, Facultad de Biología, Universidad de Sevilla

    Effect of Sphaerosporella brunnea mycorrhizas on mycorrhization of Quercus ilex × Tuber melanosporum

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    It is generally accepted that Sphaerosporella brunnea is a significant ectomycorrhizal contaminant in nurseries producing plants mycorrhized with various species of Tuber, and subsequently in truffières after outplanting. At the University of Alcalá, Spain, 397 small plants of Quercus ilex which were mycorrhized with Tuber melanosporum were inadvertently contaminated with S. brunnea, and this contamination was then monitored for 2 years. Sixty percent of the plants were contaminated and had S. brunnea ascomata on the surface of the container on one or several occasions. However, a Spearman test provided no evidence that S. brunnea mycorrhizas affected T. melanosporum mycorrhization whereas other contaminating ectomycorrhizal fungi significantly did. Therefore, it appears that S. brunnea is not detrimental to plants which are well mycorrhized with T. melanosporum

    Physical Model of the Cardiopulmonary System and its Interactions using the Object-oriented Multi-Domain Environment SIMSCAPE.

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    Nowadays, cardiovascular diseases together with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases represent the main causes of natural death. On a physiological level, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are closely related as the heart and lungs are responsible for providing nutrients to the body and removing waste substances. The use of mathematical models has contributed to a greater extent to gain an insight into the internal process that take place at cardiovascular and pulmonary level. In this paper electro-hydraulic and mechanic-electrical analogies have been employed to model the cardiovascular and respiratory systems using the SIMSCAPE physical modelling environment. Results have been obtained showing an adequate performance both under physiologic and pathophysiologic situations. The objective is to provide the clinician with a benchmark to get valuable information concerning the performance of the cardiorespiratory system and its tight interrelations.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Who Decides and Who Invests? The Role of the Public, Private and Third Sectors in Rural Development according to Geographical Contexts: The LEADER Approach in Andalusia, 2007–2015

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    This study was carried out as part of the research project entitled "Successes and failures in the practice of neo-endogenous rural development in the European Union (1991-2014)" funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness within its Excellence Programme, CSO2017-89657-P. Additionally, this research is part of the project "El vaciamiento del campo andaluz. Practicas y propuestas para ocuparlo", funded by the Andalusian Regional Government, concretely the Centre of Andalusian Studies, PRY112/19. Finally, the publication of this work has been funded by the European Union project "Education, Agriculture and Resources for Territories and Heritage", 598839-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP (2018-2022).In general, the LEADER programme has had a positive impact, although it has also negative aspects. In this paper, we analyse the role of the three main stakeholders (public sector, private sector and third sector) within the LEADER local action groups (LAGs) in the decision-making process and final execution of the projects, to discover whether there is any relation between those taking the decisions and those carrying out the projects, according to the degree of rurality of the different areas. Our primary source was the files for all the successfully implemented LEADER projects in Andalusia between 2007 and 2015. Relevant findings are: although the public sector plays a leading role in the LAGs and in the decision-making process, most of the projects, as measured by total investment, are carried out by the private sector; the degree of rurality is an important factor, in that private sector investors tend to invest in peri-urban spaces, while public bodies, and especially local councils, invest in remote rural areas. The LAGs play a strategic role, in terms of making up for the almost negligible input from the third sector.Spanish Government CSO2017-89657-PAndalusian Regional Government PRY112/19European Commission 598839-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-J

    Cell-culture real time monitoring based on bio-impedance measurements

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    This paper proposes the application of a cell-microelectrode model in cell biometry experiments, using the cell-electrode area overlap as its main parameter. The model can be applied to cell size identification and cell count, and further extended to study cell growth and dosimetry protocols. Experiments have been conducted in AA8 cell line, obtaining promising results.Junta de Andalucía P0-TIC-538

    Análisis de Aniones en Aguas Mediante Cromatografía Iónica

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    Nota de aplicación SCAI-18-001-EM